The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


SHANNON, Skip Steamboat Agent, "1' 1 -G'serat Brokers, 24 Peydres street, New Orleans. fetter COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -v. Nok97f TchoupitouU street -t la NtwOtUill-. kiSTM. chachcct STONE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ll8 3a No.

Bank PUce, New Orleans. WILLIAM RIDDLE. i Late of Louisville, Kentucky,) rsm9sJnion Merchant. In' New Oblbams. ANDREWS, 77 portrait and Miniature Fainter, 7 sr.

charkxs so. 8, (upstairs.) fl tf HENRY KEANE St CO, Ce-snmiueie-n merchants, 133 Magazine street. New Orle fBtt '7 W. D. ttORDAN CO.

-1XCUANUE UUOUICU8, VicmiPKC, (Miss.) priil8itf r7 LOMG dc 8.1IITU. i -VJ no. XIV Tenouprtoaiss street. isbTCS Merle, llylle Oc.V; -Ojacrsl CsaMte mud ffrnrrdtnf iSerckmntt, No. 30 Common street.

mar 31 jmuiA Miu.t J. E. PkuaRob McMAHON, TKOXTER tc PEAKSAiX, i'ommiuisn Merchant, No. 75 Canip street, (up ctsirs.) ,23 5teiW New JOHN J.

GOODWIN, Commuiio and Forwarding Merchant, 91 Magazine street. u20 lmdiiw WILLIAM POIND tXTER, ATTHfltirEY AT I A ft. W5 riLL practice in the District Courts for the Par- uses or voocoMia, maaison, ana uarroiu aq- AW-Natc Postoffice. ap 23 lmdawtf B. F.

'1TTOMIT AT LAW, BOVSTON, TEXAS. NewOrla. MI7 Jamea Love, Uahreston. dkwtf aOw ICUTO JAS. L.

WHEAT. EGERTON Sc CO ixc ange onoasns, S7 cami mtiT, ntw oelbams. Bills of Exchsnra, Gold, Silver, Stocks, Un-csmat Money and Promissory Notes nefociated. nsrS E. IK EMts, Sknew, rsgaai, llats, Caps, iT.

36 Grazier ttreeL, 33 6cs NewOklum. T. a. J. HADLKT.

Law Tfatice. 8COTT HADLEY, ATTORNEYS A.T IArrt Houston, Texas uur. DoasT. williah a. bcscrbv 6c Deeeher.

WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND TOR WAKDLNU MERCHANTS, )bs1Q( 25 Iftm Lew met. If OrUmm. COMMISSION FORWARDING. THE udersigned will transact a renorsj Commia gioa and Forwardinr bnsiness from this data T. OGILVIE SULLY.

44 Poydras st. B. VV, COHEN, tiuKGEOft Dentist, CUr BLEEDER AND XEE CHER, HAS removed to No.5,Carondelet street, between CaaaJ and Comsaon streets. 3tf OFFICE AND RESIDENCE OF 1. 8.VOWOEN at the corner of Larayette Square, on SL bar lea street, three doors ibers Poydra.

tf WHITMAN AlcNAIR, Acctiomccrs, JTs. 29 St. Ckmrlta street, (corner of Common.) SALES of Goods in store every Monday, Wednes toy and Friday. 1m J. P.

II 1 LE Dealer in Grecerirs. Wines St Ktiejnnrs, Aiot Sperm Oil toad Candle 34 6n 18 Poydras street, New Orleans. AND MINIATURE PAINTING BY TUOaiAS J. JACKSOft. 1 R.

J. having returned to the city, and removed to rooms No. 8. St. Charles, near Canal street.

a saw prepared to wait uvon all who may be pleased to can. JZTA fine may be seen at his -XJTHERN BANK NOTE ENGRAVING BAXK NOTES, Bonds, Stock Certificates, Certificates of Deposite, Checks, Bills of Exchange, an til other important papers engraved and printed via care and promptitude, CLARK Sc. CO. Office corner oft. Charles and Com iron street, apposite the Verandsb and Exchange Hotels.

n23 M0NU1I EN TA MARBLE CUTTING, BT A 8.. WHITE, Girod, Circus and At John street. Engraving and other orna-natal work done mantel piece and grate setting si kinds of marble mending and re-polishing in the ssttestnaaner and on reasonable terms; nli 3m TYLER JACKS, No. 39 Camp street. DEALERS in Watches, Rkh Jewelery, Silver and Fancy Goods.

re-set; Jewelery mauuactured to order; Csses noanted at short notice. VTslcbes, Clocks and Music Boxes carefully sad warrsuted. is tf FELIX HUSTON St S. 8. PRENTISS, Attemeys) and Cennellarn at Law, fR.

HUSTON has removed to New Orieans-Mr. PRENTISS will remain for the present at "eksbarg addition to the Courts in'New Orleans and atteuded by Mr Prentiss, they will "tats business ia Concordia, Madison and Carroll rtes, ad in the Supreme Court atAIexandria. sl3 tr-- THOS. 11. SHIELDS, ENGRAVER ON WOOD.

A LL orders in the above line of business "axe' f.ti"ld with neatness and despatch, glglftS. No. 8 Camp street. VV July 14 tf George Hanitfa, BcZGEON DENTIST, (from Philadelphia,) Corner of Cmrondelet Hrvimotreet. y.

asreaEMccs in stew oeleams. V. Dr. WiMtim Rev J. TwicheBV 5r "Mnberg Ritchie, Jacob Willcox, Esq.

Dr. E. J.Coxe, Cuthbert BuUitt.TUq. -John P. Nuibet, Esq.

Coxa St, Macpherson. Auea Ulai Hen Clarke St tf- LA FOREST dc SQUIRES, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 19.. Old Lve, tm "New VW.Borart sV Co. 'Hon-II.

Johnson, Ascension, Vj G.S. Guion, Lafourche, 5 Taylor, Assumption. If. ALaforest, Tbibadoux. B.

Winchester, Esq. Jamea, Uin subseriber havin hired the above named is prepared to execute any order OR BRASS CASTINGS. COPPER AND BLACKSMlTHSWpllK, on terms. "tperienced mechanic is engaged as superin-J. and all who patronise "us may depend upn Workt faithfully done, and, in the most expeui- "Wers left at No.

.17 New Levee, wifl be pronfpUy dto. ZilrjW JOHN '8. WALTON. Agent. An7 Person wistiag.tojri'sit the Foundry, on res- 'comfarUtla and expviitiout inx I 1 NEW notices: hrg "to" d.y Uken Mr.

nMtinuT Jr' Co-PrtnerliiP, will eonunua the Commission and Forwarding business ander the firm pf Hall, Bein A. Clapp. Jx J. HALL A. B.

BEIN. ItTR. FREDERICK PIERPOLNT WALTER will, JT 'd after this date, be associated with the undersigned, in the transaction of a reneral Commission business in this city, under the name and firm of Charles Doane Co. 01 CHARLES DOANE. NOTICE.

ALL persons having- claims against the firms of X. LONG SMITH, previous to the 23d 'of April last and LONG ALDUICH 8JIITH, or the estate of STEPHEN ALDR1CU, will pleaae preMiut the same for settlement without delay. lAiSQ A. SMITH, may 25 219 Tchoupltoulaa street. DUDLEY 8.

JENNINGS, of Jacksos, and B.W. GODFREY, of New Orleans, having form, ed a annexion for' the practice of Law, will atteud to an business in- the Courts of Mississippi which may be leA with me at No. 38 Royal street. VirfT. B.

W.GODFREY. Alfred Hennen, Esq Messrs. New mar 27 ly CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have formed a Co-partnership from the 20th May last, for the purpose of transacting a General Grocery aud Commission Buins, in this city, under the style and firm of HAWTHORN 6l BARRY. ROBERT H.

HAWTHORN, 02 Hawtroxn Sc. Barky, wholesale and retail Grocers and Commission Merchant. No. 24 New Levee street, are prepared to execute ordors for Groceries and Provisions, and will keep constantly on hand a tar re and reneral assortment of Steamboat. lUr mil Family Groceries, which they will dispose of low for casn.

or gooa city paper. STEAMBOAT AND FAMILY OIL STORE. rHE undersigned have fom.ed a co-partnersbpi JL under the firm of CLAPP 4c HEKRICK, aud have Uken Store No. 74 -Canal street, nearly opposite 8t. Charles street, where they will always keep an assortment of the best Sperm Oil and Candles fer the supply of steamboats and families.

They have made arrangements for teceiving their supply from the best mauudctories in the country, and are prepared to warrant all theoil they sell to be perfectly pure and to burn without crusting the wick. W. F. II. CLAPP, marl4 1y E.

W. HERR1CK WASHINGTON JACKSON Commit rien mnd Fordtearding JUerckantt, No. 90 Common street. New Orleans. JACKSON.

TODD CO, Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Philadelphia. TODD, JACKSON Si. Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Liverpool. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton or other produce which may be sent to us for sale, or to be forwarded to either our Philadelphia or Liverpool house.

WASHINGTON JACKSON CO. sl9 1yd F. N. B1SSELL Sc. Plaquemine, La.

Smcetswre to Oattxioji Bissr.LL. ARE prepared to receive and forward with care and despatch any quantity of merchandize and produce destiued for Opelousas, Attaknpas or Bayou Grosse Tete. Stages and Baggage Waggons for the aoeommodation of passengers and bag rage. Stage Office at the PLANTER'S HOTEL, which is kept by N. Bisselt, where passengers will do well to register their name in order to secure seats in the stages runuing to the Indian villa re.

F. N. B1SSELL," A. T. LEFTWICIf, Jit tf J.

B. BISSELL. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 22 Natchez between Magmiine mnd Tehoupitoutos ete. CfK)KS, Chamber-Msids, Washers and I rollers, Houso-Keepers, Wet Nurses, Childrens' Maids, Seamstresses, Waiters, Sec, wui hn-1 good situ at ions oy apply at tne above onice.

Jr N. B. Private famines, boarding bouses, ho tels, steamboats and others, furnished with respectable servants, by calling or-schdiiig tbuir orders to the above establishment. o2 3m Intel licence General Agency Office, No. 94 St.

Charles rtrect, -Itext door to tie St. CkarUw Theatre. STRANGERS coming to this city will find it to their advantage to call at this office. Male and females of good character can find employment- Young men wanting situations, suck as clerks or warehousem*n, can find employment. Families can be provided with house servant.

The person conducting this office bss a general knowledge of New Orleans, and will make it his study to forward the interests of the resident as wll as the stranger. Mechanics can find employment, as also Luborera. Slaves, both as mechanics and house servants. Merchants, hotel keepers, by calling as above, can, on the shortest notice, be burnished with the persons they require. Disputed accounts adjusted.

Rents and accounts collected. Unourrent Money changed. Money loaned. Persona wishiug information from any State in the Uniou.can be furnished with the same by return of' post. Terms tf Philadelphia.

Saddlery, (Sifn of Vie Golden Horse Head,) No. 3 Magazine sL, nesr ConaL JAMES MAG EE Sc. CO. have altered style of their firm to that of MAG EE, KNEASS fc CO. and have opened at their store, No.

6 Magazine street, where they do respectfully invite the attention of persons wishing any articles ia their liue to their present large and very fine assortment of Saddlery, fresh from their manufactory in Philadelphia; made expressly for this market, and which. they are determined to sell at the very lowest rates for cash or' good eity acceptances. Tbey will be constantly ffweivinc- ner everv vessel from Philadelphia fresh additions to their present -stock, which comprises every article in the line- N. B. Carey Ploughs (Jsbez King's make) Nos.

1, 2, 3 and wooden or iron mould boards; Cul- i ni mim i neei idu juuu xu.wwsf Ci VVlMh. if. ennstantlv on nana ana lor hi MAG EE. KNEASS Sc. CO.

37 CAMP. STREET. Craeltery. China and Glntswnrr. TA AimiFI.

MOORE hasinst rcaeived large and coraplefe assortment of White and Fancy Dining Ware, Tea and Coffee setts. Toilet setts, Common Kitchen Ware, Cut and Plain Glassware, to which ne caus tne at-of families, betel and Knariins-house keener, steam 'hnat mntraetors. aud others. His at the manufactories in Eng land and France, expressly for this market is of the latest and most tasteful patterns and shapesor superior materials, nod wrthal purchased with cash, which enables him to sell cheaper thau most houses inhe trade. Those wishing to buy, will do well to call and examine for themselves -irr Country Merchanu supplied with every do- i.s-1.

n.nt fail to nleasc. n6-tm common vrocacrr cerHia UIL.I,'UNIAra.nUI.SCAS. i li im rnLm rxiinwinr named 'rentlemea are the offi- cenTof the Hibernian Society for the present year: residt--TH0MAS BARRETT. CANNON. Tmaiirar EDWiRD W.

SE WELL, cor. Fr- tanea and Clio streets. ,,1 Daniel Phillipa, Tchoupitoulai near Race atrcety -John WwOen Crapa and Love W.WaUb, 146 Rampart street- To whom applicatioa for relief-must be made. yS- v- Dr. Farrell, 42 Canal street.

-i Dr. Beatty, 26 Camp street. COOMSELLOBS. James Porter. John McCready.

v7 3m 17. HAWTTHORN, Sec'ry- COAL rvRDERS for Cannel or Fituburr Coal.IcRat .9 our Yard, eorner of Commerce and Julis StsV or at the store of B. BROWER St CO 17 Camp at. aV-1 Will receive the most prompt vv 7 TljOMPSOX VC0. -ix ORLEANS, SUNDAY SCHOOLS.

ngliah and Clansiea Schoal, (Basem*nt of the Ckurek, Lafayette' equare.) fp BULLA D.G. Masov, Associate A Teacher and Instructor of Vocal Music-; O. C. Bulla a Teacher Primary Department: M. Ropx.

Professor of French. an if IS FOUR MONTHS OK A TUITION. PALOS, Ttutker of Language, begs to inti-mate to-his former pupils and the gentleineu of New Orleans, that in addition to his daily classes for Uia teaching of FRENCH AND SPANISH, he has epcund the Evening CUeee at bis office, No. 155 Bienville street, between Dauphin and Burgundy Ji 8. P.

assures all those who will honor him with their patronage, to impart to them in the course of four uioutua, a practical knowledge of either French or Spauish, that will enable them to read and speak upou auy subjret. I i7 For terms, see advertisem*nt In the Bulletin. J. S. P.

cau. produce numerous refereuces as to bis capacity, Ac French Eveuing Classes will be instructed by the Oral Syetem, as well as grumatically by oral tuition. Geulleuicn who wish to join any of the classes are requested to call an inscribe their names. joiico may be left at the book storo of Messrs. Aleivean Sc Casey, corner of Camp and Common aud at the book store of Messrs.

Norman, Steel Co, FOR BOARDING AND DAY SCHOLAR. comer Bienville and Rampart street, New Orleans 'I'nia esiaotunuieat, lounaea leJi, by Madame A LEIUIS, was ceded bv her iu June. 1840. to Monsieur and Madame A.DESRAYAUX. (Miss K.

Nelson.) 1 he higher branches of instruction in French, are under the especial directiou of Mr. A.DESRAYAUX, formerly Professor in Paris, while the general direction and superintendence devolve on Aladame DES- KA1AUX. Madame Df.srayaux Geography, History, Music. Monsieur A. Desuataux French lnruare.

His tory of France, Universal History, Literature, Arith metic, Ueueral notions of Geometry aud Algebra, Philosophy and Astronomy. Great care bestowed on the cultivation of Music. both vocal aud instrumentaL well-known reputation of the school in this respect, merits the at- dren should excel in that agreeable accomplishment. Public examinations in music, takes place ou the evening of the first Saturday in each month, and to wards tlio end or May, a reneral examination, fol lowed by a distribution of prizes. n33m F.

F. LAFONTS FRENCH AND ENGLISH ACADEMY. No. 70 Julia street Fatbourr St. JIary." 'p HE Twentieth Scholastic yesi of this Institution whose object is the moral and scientific educa tion of You ug Ladies aud Gentlemen, will reetm-mence on Monday, November 1st.

EmineiitTcacb- ers. are attached to the establishment, and the two sexes ill be entirely separated. eruis or day scholars, $4 to $5 per month, for English, fuel for the winter $1. Extra charge for French, $3. Private Lecsons in French or English, do.

do. $10. Payment is rcuuired monthly and iu advauce from Evening scholars. I o3 3m CIRCUS STREET INFlRMARi, BETWEEN FOYDBAS AMD PEBDIDO STREETS. THIS Institution is now completed, and will be ready tor the reception of patients on the 15th lustaat.

The' building is elegant and commodious. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated, and so arranged as to afford to the iu valid all the convenience of a private dwelling. The locality is oue of the best iu the efty it is healthy and retired, and within a few minutes walk of the St. Charles HoleL Terms of admission From ftl Id $5 per' day. Slaves, I per Ay'.

The above charges include all expenses, except surgiesl operations, i Suitable apartments have been specially appropria ted for cases of midwifery, where white and colored persons can be accommodated. For the quiet ana security oi patients no eamta oj insanity or of tontagion disease will be admitted. The institution will always be provided witn ex perienced aud attentive nurses, male and female. Gratuitous advice win be given tuny to tne poor, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock, P. M.

For admission apply to Dr. G. W. CAMPBELI No. 221 Camp street, or to Dr.

MONRO MACK1E, who resides at tne luarmary. Jia iy MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIl. arc JARVIS ANDREWS, Dat'ccisTS. No. 20 Common St.

and 7 Csnal St. Row. OFFER to the city and country trade, their very larre and well assorted stock of MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, deev on the most resjfonablo term. 1 be articles nave been se lected with the greatest care, in Europe and the Northern cities, by one of their bouse. The ageucy of several extensive manufactories of White Lend and Glass has been secured, which will enable them to offers t'nese articles at northern prices ol4 3 mos is LL those who are sick and weary of a loathsome ajl disease, nnd spend their money, foolishly in try- lug to cure it witn copuva, cubeos, anu a-i aucn stuffs, can obtaiu bulm at Dr.

UNDER WELL'S Office, 96 Custooilionsn rtrcot, hich will heal all their sulTorings, and set their minus at rest. ir. u. is no bird or passage, to he fouuu at every corner, or on every wharf, post, but can be found always at home, from 7 o'ciock, a. uuih cioca, ji-wbere he win guarantee to cure all old aud obstinate cases, as well as new.

Come and try it. Terms mod era te. I v2Q The Antiphlogistic Surcicnl DrcssiBR. ULCERS, tumors, rheumatism, gout, cancer, nervous pains, inrl.munations, swellings, See. These and all other external diHeases effectually cured by the Antipblogintic Surgical Dressing.

It is oue of the greatest discoveries of modern times, that all external diseaocs depend on a aingre principle, which is inflammation. This state of in-flruninution, appearing under different forms, gives rise to the endless variety of outward disorders. It is evident, therefore; that' all these diseases should treated on a corresponding priuciple; or, in other words, that whatever subdues inflammation is the best remedy in every external complaint. The discovery of this principle, with the application to correspond wkh it, has been made within a few years, and is exteudiur among all the faculty of Europe. The new dressiug removes the pain a short time after it is applied, generally in an hour or two, after which the affected parts recover themselves with a gradual process.

Diseases of twenty years staudirig may be cured by it, as well as those occurring yesterday. It tias the same success, no matter what the disease may be, whether a sore or nicer, a tumor, gout, nervous pains, rhearaatim, burns, scalds, wounds, erysipelas, caucer, or any other cutaneous affection. At once to explain this matter, end to give a proof of it, I will insert the certificate of a geutleman in the City Hotel, who had two very different complaints. To Db. Leech.

Sir It gives me pleasure to acknowledge that the dressing which you applied to an nicer on ray leg, and also to my shoulder aud band, which were severely attacked by inflammatory rheumatism, was completely successful in each instance- The uker 1 had almost deemed incurable, and the rheumatism, from which I had often suffered before, was never so speedily or so completely subdued. It is my conviction that you have introduced a great discovery into this country. Very respectfully, your o'1" 1rJba" D. R.HOPJxws. This certificate is only one of great many that have been liauded to tne, which I need not insert- I will only recommend in the etronr manner nil those who are suffering from-any kino of disease oat the external narts of the bidy to call on -t Db.

MJNTYRE, Agent, No. J2Gj Canal st, between paupbia and Bourbon JUlL Jlfow Wateh nnd Jeivclry Store, r-. fX "The subscriber respectfully informs but SVV "friends and the public that he baa opened JT 33. a Watch and Jewelry Establiuhment.atNo, EiilJ34 J8U Charles st, opposite, the St-Charlea ExcbsBge Hotel, where lie will keep consUntly on Gold aud Silver Lever; Anchor -and Lepine Chains; Fob Chains; Sesls and rii.mnnil. Rnbv and Kmprald Rinrs and Pins Gold and Si! ver Spectacles, Pencils and Thhn- Mes buyer cpoous, roras, juutter jvoito, at tne lowest pnca.

7, Particular attention paid to the- repairing of Clock and Jewelry warranted. Jar i. samuio, KRACsii MORNING, DECEMBER 5. TO RENT, TO The second floor of the tore 24 Chartres street, over D. Felt St Co, to.

rent at a low price, if anDlied for soon. d3 Iw -JOHN HUNT at CO 24 Chartres st, TO LET, The Lofts of Store No. 44 Chartres street. Enquire of WIGHT St TROWBRIDGE, ou the premises. dl Cl TO RENT, A furnished room fronting' the street.

Ap ply at 15 Customhouse st. nS(5 TO RENT, The store and fixtures. No. 31 Canal street. Also, a room suitable for an Office, over the store of the subscribers.

ST. JOHN, FABRE Sc. n26 2w corner of Camp and Cauul streets. TO KENT, A larre front Office to rent, over No. 40 Camp street.

Enquire on tho n23 TO RENT, Two dwelling houses, situated at the con tinuation of Camp street, opposite the Female 'Orphan Asylum. Also, store No. 84 Julia between Tchoupitouloa and Magazine streets. Also, for sale, a Cab, (for one or time horses,) and 2 good family Horses, suitable fur all kinds of work, and will stand wherever they may be placed. Apply to- L.

LEMOYNE, 21 tf No. 5, op. Female Orphan Assylum. TO RENT, A larre- and commodious two storr brick dwelling-house, situated in Carondelet street, 'between- Havia and Girod Annlv at No. 161, Canal street.

n8 tf TO RENT. Several offices in the Merchanu Exchanre building. Apply to A n3 tf W. T. RAYNAL, Sec'ry.

TO RENT, A two story brick dwellinc house, with kitch en, dec-, situated in St. Joseph street, between 'Camp and Marazine streets. Also, one ia St. Charles street, between St. Joseph street and Tivoli Circle.

Apply to J.N.LEA, n2 fjunegltf No. 44 Canal street. TO RENT, The three story fire' proof store. No. 10 Rank Place, in the rear of 63 Gravier street.

'Possession riven immediately. For terms. apply to BOGERT St HAWTHORN, nlOtf 63 Gravier st. Jetton Estate and Negroes for sale. fB.

That valuable Estate in Adams county, yo Mississippi, situated halfway between and Fort Adams, routing If toll milea on the Mississippi river, and contaiuiag about 1050 acres, 300 of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation. Ou the premises are a superior cotton gin and mill, out houses, negro quarters, Stc aud 35 Negroes, all acclimated; 4 yoke oxen, waggons, mules, horses, 50 head hogs (among which are some pure Beikshire aud Irish Graers), farming utensils, dec. There it a well-frequcated wood-yard on the premises, at which as much wood can be sold as the force can cut. Apply to BUR KE, WATT St New Orleans, or WATT, BURKE St CO, Natchez. SZTTbe National Intelligencer, Washington, D.

and the Louisville Journsl, will please insert the above thirty times daily, and send bills to this office for collection. n28 30t ijurui Thbi ft.Htrinvoii rfyK Bridi Is 8tim IMPORTED SADDLERY. subscriber ia now opening 1 voices or cngbsB Saddles, Bridles, Martins-ales, Bits and 8tirmps of new and choice pat terns, received direct from the most celebrated manu facturers of London to which be would particularly invite the attention of purchasers. Aniougst them are a few Racing Bridles and Martingales of superior quality. He has also on hand, and will constantly receive fresh supplies of all articles in his line, of domestic manufacture, consisting is port of Asaericsui.

Columbia, Spanish and Ladies' Saddles coach, gig and dray Harness; patent leather and plain Collars; Horse Clothing and Blankets; Whips; Travelling Truuks and Valises Carpet Bags worsted and cotton Girths and Surcingles; Saddle-bags, Ac; all of which will be offered at reasonable prices. JAMES P. BOYD, u27 tf 57 Camp street. Eclipse Stable. Situated at the end of Union street fronting on Phillippa and Circus streets, -(between Perdido and Gravier slreets.) TO THE PUBLIC.

THE subscriber is now able to offer accommodations equal, if not superior, to any other of the kind in the South. The stable has 81 feet front by 200 feet ia length, with two aisles 20 feet in width, running the whole length, with a 13 feetstory, which makes it one of the most roomy, airy and convenient STABLES ever built in this country. He has now and will always hare on hand from- 10 to 12 of tbe best new Buggy Waggons, and as many superior Horses to suit tbem also. Carriages, Cabs, Ac. Ac, for public convenience.

Charges to suit the times. Drovers will find it to their advantage to patronize this establishment, as the proprietor does not intend keeping for sale, or undertaking any large horse speculations on his own account; consequently be will be able to aid his patrons iu making sale of their stock. Superior break waggons will be furnished for the especial ue of drovers, and he will alwaya take their bills in horses, if desired, at the market price. Hr Trotting amateurs, and owners of race-horses, will also find complete accommodations for- their horses in box. stsbles, which will be as.

private as they could have tbem in their own stables. b-24 3m WM. G. HACN. STOP THE MURDERER! FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD, THE Above reward will be pan! for.

1SUAM HAL14 who, on the night of the th murdered John F. at Auburn, Hinds county. He was pursued to Utica, when trace was Description of the said Lham Hall: Slim built, thin visage, 11 are i'lcliued to tbe Roman, sharp chin, cheek bones rather sandy hair, with grey eyes. Height small man, five feet five, stout built and well proportioned but he can, by tbe smallness of his height and compact proportions, be as readily recognized as by bit peculiar enunciation, quick, abort and. rough always ready to.driuk, gamble, Ac Age about 88 years.

The under, signed win give the above reward for the sai Isham Hall, if be be taken. JAMES HALL. nJ6Ht CL B. HALL. Tbe Picayune will please give this ten insertions and forward the account to this office.

Yicksburg Sentinel. Te Holders, And all interested in the Construction of Banquettes -v; and Faring. THE subscriber respectfully announces that be has removed his Office and place of business from Banks' Arcade to 163 JULIA STREET, (between St. Charles -and Carondelet streets,) where be will always be found in readiness and amply prepared wah the very best materials and skillful workmen to execute, on the-shortest notice aqd in the most approved manner, all orders ia his line of business. Property holders, having banquettes aud other pavements to construct, will find it to their best interest to call apon "Ibe subscriber for the performance of their work, as he is fully prepared to.

execute all orders in his line, upon a credit of from six months to three years. Bl3 tf SAMUEL L. -FLORIDA YELLOW PINELUMBER. i THE subscriber, in with bis Steam Mills Black-water Bay, near Pensacola, Fa, baa estabusbed Ls sober Yard in this city, at the Basin of the New CanaL Julia street side, where be will keep constantly on hand tbe best Florida Yellow Pine Lumber of all descriptions, particularly dressed Josgued and. grooved flooring boards and ceiling, worked In s.

superior style, which, he wil sell on reasonable terms. Having, the most extensive mills in this section of the country be is prepared to fill large orders on short notice. For particulars apply to T. TWICHELL, 74 Poydraa street, st tbe yard -on the. Basin, or to T.

B. Jerrison, or the subscriber at Pensacola, Fa. June2fi 6m JOHN EFFOM 8ALTS, ALUM AND WHITING. fZ BBLS. Epsom Salts, (Baltimore 0' OU bbls.

Alum, -f do; 1 '1 vlOO -Whiting For sale by- r. JAR VIS ANDREWS, pl8 itr. S3 Ceismoa ttreeL 1841. DRY GOODS, TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. A LARGE assortment of CLOTHING, just re-.

ceived per ships Hampden and Huntsvilln, for sale at L. CJHTTENDEN'S, b30 lm Carpet Store, 23 Chartres sU Also One case CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, which i will be sold low to suit purchasers. CLOTHING. ONE case superior Custom-made Garments, from the well known establishment of Samuel Frost. Neux YorkJ A lew Fashionable SPORTING COATS, latest style.

Gentlemen in want of Clothing are requested to call and examine them at L. CHITTENDEN'S b30 lm Carpet Store, 23 Chartres st. D. P. A No.

5 Chabtbes street, has the honor of informing the ladies, that he has received per ship Tag-lioni and Louis XIV. from Havre, tba re mainder of his Winter stock, consisting of CHOICE FRENCH FANCY DRY GOODS and MILLINERY ARTICLES, carefully selected from the best houses in Paris. As economy is the order of the day, every article will be offered at the smallest possible advance on tbe cost of importation. nlltf lint and Cap Establishment. 7 be subscribers have received per recent arrivals an entirely fresh stock of goods in eir line, consisting of Beaver, Russia and Hats, got up iu the best manner.

Also, a prime lot of Reading Wool HaU and Nutria and Hair Seal Caps. These goods are superior to those usually imported 'into this market, aad wholesale purchasers are invited to examine tbem. J. B. MENNY St CO, n23 3m corner Magazine and Common sts.

PARIS HATS (at 55 Chabtbes Street.) jaaae 10 oratr ana atreet importation. ADJUST riet, SOW Just received and now opeuing a va 01 patterns 01 tne very latest style worn in Pab is. which for beaut v-v( va avaa wsuu tr k. mnj SS a IS indJl AAslV tare, surpass any thing 0 llie kind ever imported into this country consisting of light elastic Beaver, Brash, Caasimcre, highly lustred Moleskin, and the much admired DOrsay; together whli a complete i siF ifssiern iwl rta w. 1 m.W.A and large assortment of Americas Hats and Caps, from tne best manufactories in tne Iortu.

All tastes suited and 'prices satisfactory. 'H. W. FIEtfD, 3 6t 55 Chartres, near Bienville st. To Bargains ANTEL and Hanging Lamps and Chandeliers i A rich Plated Ware, aud other Fancy House Fur-risbing Goods, selling orr, with the view to the immediate discontinuance of this branch of tbe subscribers' business.

And ia order- to extend their business in staple goods, they have made most important reductions in the prices of China, Glass and Earthen wars, Utensils, and House Furnishing articles generally. BROWER St n30 6m 17Camp sU NEW CARPET. STORE JTO. 23 CHABTBES STREET. fllllE auliscriber requests the attention of the pub-A.

lie, to his large and well selected stock of Carpeting, direct from tbe manufactories, now opened and ready for inspection; and for sale at low prices. Superior new pattern Ingrain Carpeting 3 ply Brussells WUton, Stair, 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 fig. Rocking. BrusselU, Wilton and Patent Hearth Rugs Superior new paitern Brussells, Wilton Door Rugs; Oil Floor Cloths of all wraths and best quality Bindings, Ac ol9 6in CHITTENDEN St Co. N.

B. Tbe second floor of the above Store would be let td a good occupant for a low rent. PETER MclNTYRE'S CAST IRON FRAMED SPINNING MACHINES. THOSE persons who bsve been desirous to see a specimen of Peter Mclntyres Cast Irom Framed Spinning Machines, decidedly superior to any that have been introduced, can be gratified by calling at the House of BRYAN, AUSTIN St 56 Common st. Where a constant supply will be kept for sale.

11B1TANNIA Sz. JAPAnTnEDWARH always os A3 baud and for salo to suit country merchanu by mar 25 tf LONG St SMITH. Crorkery, Glass St China, at wholesale. ffHE subscribers will sell by tbe package or re-JL peck Earthenware, China and Glass, at lower prices than are offered by any other bouse in New Orleans, and invite dealers to examine their extensive stock, and judge if they will not act in accordance with tbe inducements tbey offer B. BROWER St CO, Importers, n30 6m- 17 Camp st.

HARDWARE ATVD JKOIV. THE subscribers offer to Country Merchants and Planters, a well assorted and extensive a supply of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, as ia to be found iu this market, at lowest prices and best terms; consisting in part of Table and Spring Cutlery, American and English Locks, Bolts. Butts, Strap1 Hinges, Latches, Slidiug Door Far niture, Gou ges, caws, tiammers, Axes, -itstcnes, Planes, Screws, Anvils, Vices, Ox and Log Chains, Hollow Ware, Patent Balances, Andirons, Shovels and Tours. Fenders. Ac.

Carpenters can be supplied with all Binds owisrd- ware for nous building, as tow ana as rooa as at anr other establishment in the couutry. American Iron by the ton at factory priees, of which they have full supply of all sizes. Cut Nails direct from the manufacturer, at uteir prices, with charges. They also keep on baud, con stantly, mill stones ana unoa ewaes, 01 an iuoi. RICHARDSON, WUUU, ly 47 Camp street.

WATCHES AND JEWELRY." rftHE subscribers, importers of Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Good, have received by'late arri vals a large supply of new goods, consisting of WATCHES Of H. I. Tobias, Kluadeu ana otiiers of the best makers, in gold and silver eases, anchor escapement, and finelepines; do. in hunting cases, warranted to keep correct time. Guard and, fob chains, neck chains, keys.

Ac-. FINE JEWELRY- In diamonds and other precious stones neck ornaments sets or topaz, ruby and Other stones bracelets broaches gold pencils gold and silver spectacles; thimble; miniature cases; lockets, Ae. Ac SILVER WARE, in sets; cups; table-epoons and forks desert and tea do soup and gravy spoons Indies, Ac Ac warranted of the best silver." FANCY GOODS Ladies', aawentlemen's dressing cases; work boxes; Rodgera penknives razors; superior metallic strops, Ac XT Diamond and other stones re-set, and all kinds of manufacturing and repairiag done in-the best manner. HYDE St GOODRICH, dl 15 Chartres street. SNUFF, Ac BALES Scotch Snuff; 15 cases do do; I eases Rappee Snuff; 10 eases Maccaboy do I bbL do dot For sale JAR VIS nlSUtf A SO Common LME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HAIR, RICES 400 casks ThomastoB atone lime, 200 bbls.

calcined plaster of Paris, 300 Jjbls. Roman and hydraulic cemeat, 100 casks and bbls. plastering hair, 100,000 Enelish, Baltimore and Peasacola llreliricka, 400 bbls. white aasd, and 20,000 LatksA-Fov sale by -BRIDGE, KEARNY St CO, June 8 lyis 1 Gravier sU; NEGROES FOR SALE. fTIIlE subscriber will sell low for cash two Black smiths one man Cook, and a number of valu able field sands.

Apply to 1- J. C. HOLLAND, n56 .74 Esplanade st. i. NEGROES FOR SALE 1 A NEGRO Woman, twenty years of age.

who is an excellent wasber and ironer, ehamber-snaia and plain seamstress. Also her brother. years of -age a likely fellow who is to00? rider and waiter. tlj iD The above servants lave been bora and raised tn one of the most genteel families "iLhv tiieTr mor and aSiu fi lWMBER 268. i- I Sikgdxar Case oExtortios An astoo-ished Iopsier, juBt breaking loose his work on board a flatboat that arrived jesterdaj, strolled, with eyea and inouih wide opeointO' the' St.

Charles bar-room daring lunch $me After starins; about for some time ia alter amaze-: merit, the fumes of the oyster soup gradually, drew him up jo the where he nally edged himself in among the crowd. He hadn)t stood long before he found a liberal dish oysters and soup smoking under his nose, and forthwith', with a stare at the gentleman who handed over the dish, he commenced stowing away the loxaries under his veeu -He was re-raurkably expeditious in the operatum, andV pon "concluding, stared harder than ever at the young gentleman behind the bar. What will you have, sir saict the polite' clerk in waiting. The Hoosier gave another stare, and sileittly handed over the "ilow many more, sir asked the clrk', with a smile. -V 'V "Reckon I can go a dozen lV, replied Uia.

Hoosier, in a queer sort, of 'a staring strangely at those around As the clerk saw that bis new customer was aSbrding amusem*nt tor Others, he" ordered an- othef- loadV.d plate of oysters down before tbe puzzled strangetT'jwDb despatched them by shovels fullj- never raising his eves until The drop of oop had and then fixing another profound stare upon the gentle man behind the bar. t-- Well, 1 reckon I'll sirsaid the eier, sticking his hapd in his pocket, No charge for oysterv sir," said the clerk. The Hoosier stared then said, abruptly, Give us'a horn of whiskey T. The whiskey, came, and after drinking it he laid down a 4 A bit fora drfek," fcaid ther clerk. Hoosier gave one more stare, and IaJd.

-down another picayune, declaring that Ibe'oy-. ten were a regular net ia, for he could; et whiskey on the Levee for, half price I -v 1 ukmg a stare around bun, be. walked; off, leaving the by-standers in a roar of laughter! The Boston Morning Post gives the Tol-: lowing as among th Remarkables of the Mo- dern Drama-: It ia1 remarkable that mothers are always buried on "the tops of ina'ccesible and that, when it occurs to their afflicted da ugh-: ters to go afad pray at their they 'gene rally choose a particularly inclement "night as best adapted for that purpose'. It is too, if sny murder took place, exactly on the exactly twenty-years before, because, in that case, it is something agreeable to reflect upon and allude to. It is remarkable that people never L'e down but to dream, and that they always dream quite -to the purpose, and immediately on having doner dreaming, they wake up and act upon h.

It is remarkable that young men never know definitely whose sons they are, and generally1. torn out to bslong to the wrong father, and find tliat they -have been falling in love with their sisters, and all that sort ef. thing. --'v It is remarkable that, whenever people Are in -in a partipuUr hurry to be ofi tbey; make a point of singing a song to put. themselves Jnv; and as an effectual mode of concealing their presence from their enemies, who are al- ways close.

at hand wjtb. knives. ir. i It is remarkable that things always go. wrong until the last scene, and then there such horry and bustle" to get tbem.

right again, that no one, would ever believe it could be done in the time only tbey know it must be, and make up their minds to believe it. Kkw Way of.Patijtg' Old people in Mississippi, like many people in-other parts of the world, dislike to pay their' (we don't allude to the Bond some because they can't others because they won't. Qne Mr. Dolittle', of Mississippi owed bis neighbor Long, in the way of bn tines, tie sum of fifteen hundred, dollars. Long was a'," Shxewd, csatious man, who disliked: a but disliked more to lose bis money.

He bsard jpne day that Dolittle. had received a large ijim! of money, and called upon v-' r' I hear, friend Delittle," said he, that you have received a large amount of money to-day. You must remember that that hale sam of fit- -teen hundred dollars has been doe me a long time. Could not'you obCge me by pay ing it now v'c Mr. Dolittle looked at Mr.

Long in a rery hard way. "This is the -second said hey? yonv: have bored me abont (bis matter. Three years jigo I gavf yon the assurance of a. gentlemsB that I. would pay the debt when 1 got ready.

-Not satisfied with that, yon and dtc sne. Now give you notice, if yon ever, presume to me for tba money again, I'll pull your nose. Youc better way 5s leave my ofSee ia about half a or I'll kick yonont' Long looked, into the face ef his. neighbor, thertv fare; calm resolutionr His discretion, thereforeyobtained a victory over bis Talorv' VV v-" Ver bum -tat sap, Mr, DoliKleyT1 -T worJ to the wise is sutScient Allow iae to you speak exceedingly uPn. subject introduced.

Itr.veL Mr: Dolittle i totetny-elfoutof here, TiAirtib?" aDd away went Long, not.byany:! tisW thBtis of paying debt, was the most acceptable. it reisna over you HTwho eaiioot nnderstand st-a glance, will not nnderstand at much explanation. -Ale who sleeps without supper gets up with- out Need developes tbe The best triends are tnoac iSM re tshortest. 'X 1 SUetice i often an awwer, I..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.