Coors Field Is Just What The Giants Bats Needed l 95.7 The Game Live Stream - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)


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night business was booming for you listen we got YouTube and twitch and Twitter uh shout out to all of them good morning to them brought to you by first NorCal Credit Union upgrades your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today it’s and shout out to the infinity mobile text line SPO good morning to you love me Carter in the building of course SP in for chassi this week week’s been flying by here watching the Colorado Rockies oh that’s who we all thought the A’s would be this year they’re not even close I I don’t know what the direction is of the Colorado Rockies I don’t know what their plan is and I would give GI credit they’re they’re beating him up and they’ve been beating him up in Coors Field of their farhod Z but doy man I I I just look I’m happy the Giants W A1 two in a row hey you can salvage another game on his road trip win four and 10 games you make it you dress it up and look good and go four and six but the Rockies I could not just I kept scratching my head thinking what is their plan what are they doing well we were talking about the soul of a city and a sports City yesterday and certain teams that could represent that there’s no soul in the Colorado Rockies they have been lifeless damn near my entire life it’s it’s been a nice ballpark but I have never outside of that one World Series R they had what was that 07 whatever that was they lost to the red yeah and they had like a two week off Hiatus or whatever cuz they just kept sweeping everyone outside of that they have just been a nothing burger for me like and there’s a couple teams like that around certain leagues for the most part um you know you can go like to Washington Wizards have been one of those for my entire life basically just franchises that just don’t do anything for anyone yeah they might get thrown a bone you know they had the allstar game there a couple years ago they had the Home Run Derby that was fun but they’re just one of those teams where I just look I just I forget about them you you forget about them but they’re so bad this year that you cannot it’s like a car wreck you just got to look at it and for the Giants you’re just happy you got the series in and you know what that’s fine by me not complaining I’m not this was a ultimate slump Buster we said it going into it if you did if you lost to the Colorado Rockies this series then it’s a problem but back onto the horse here and uh see if you could carry this momentum into some tougher match ups look the Rogers Brothers pitched well yesterday Rogers brothers that is that’s something to scoff at if you pitch well at cores that that does something for Jordan Hicks does a little you know 58s gave up to seven hits and the two walks it’s a big ballpark you got through five though and you get the win Jordan Hicks now approves a 3-1 on the season Rockies are just terrible they give up to six spot at the top of the second inning um and it was good to see Robos by the way Robos got called up due to Soler going to the I due to a shoulder straight so Robos was DH last night he goes one for four with two strikeouts batted seventh y was batting Six and Y went two for four you got Chapman he got a couple knocks yesterday two for five Michael Cordo starting it off with a bank so the Giants do get a win but I was just thinking man the Rockies like they do in soccer in the Premier League you don’t win enough games and you stink you get relegated you don’t get to play in the big boy League now what would that mean for the Rockies I don’t know but that’s a AAA organization right now they are a AAA organization Chris Bryant big money man they signed a couple years ago he done nothing he’s been hurt for the most part hurt great move by the Giants not getting him and going after him actually I’ll I’ll give Farhan some credit there he saw the riding on the wall when it came to him maybe a guy like Gosman in the past would have been nice to keep it even Kevin gosman’s actually kind of struggling this year with Toronto but to your point they just have nothing to be hopeful about I mean at least back in the day you remember they had tul low he was always hurt though um who was my other guy Gonzalez righton Carlos Gonzalez they had Todd hton there forever now he’s a hall of fame or he should be a Hall of Fame I don’t know if he got inducted or not I think he got inducted heu inducted I feel I feel like he just got inducted in the last class Todd he’ll be uh he’ll be giving a speech super yep yes he did so so shout out Todd hton but again outside of that like that is the only Colorado Rocky worth noting remember they had Jamie Moyer there when he was like 50 years old um so like they’re just one of those teens where I just don’t associate anything say what you will about the A’s you could associate you know the dumpster fire of the Coliseum the ownership and stuff like that they’ve been competitive they’ve had teams where you’re like okay and they have players that have actually produced maybe not for their team but other teams whether it’s Matt Olson whether it’s Josh Donaldson in the past stuff like that Colorado I just and I look at that Sports Town Denver and obviously they have the Nuggets right now and the Nuggets don’t resonate at all there they just don’t it’s just not a basketball place even though they won the championship you could just go to their television ratings they’re just not television ratings aren’t aren’t great but you know what they sell it out they do no they don’t people the games it’s a Broncos it’s Broncos is exactly Colorado buffalos Avalanche Avalanche you’re right the Buffalo I mean prime time yeah prime time so so the Rockies they’re like fifth on the totem pole like college is ahead of you but people like people like that ballpark they do like well pretty like aesthetically when I’m watching it on television it looks nice it’s downtown on Blake Street you know you renovated it you got the mile high the purple line up there you got the bar scene up there right field I hear it’s a great ballpark it’s a great road trip it’s a great place to be and that’s their baby no doubt but the Broncos are as well and the Nugget so look man I I they’re getting no traction I don’t know if they can ever gain Traction in that ballpark in that altitude they got to figure something out they tried to draft kids from the Denver area that hasn’t worked out they’ve tried to draft they tried to humidor they tried all these things I just don’t know what the direction is with the Colorado Rockies I don’t know the plan I I I just you look at them it’s like wow that’s sad they’re kind of like and now we’re seeing them playing better as of late but the Mariners for the last 20 plus years prior to like Julio Rodriguez and all these guys coming up they were just irrelevant yeah they had Ichiro but it’s like oh great Ichiro yay and that was it was it cool there’s Ichiro there and then he left and he went to the Yankees and Marlins what have you so they’re just one of those teams in the National League specifically when you have all those iconic brands te have Pirates they’re BR they they got theark they got jerse just pops Colorado I actually kind of like the jerseys I always like the purple and black the hats specifically I always kind of rocked those the pin stripes I always thought were a cool look not bad but it just they they come through still as like an expansion team but they’ve been around for 30 plus years for as long as I’ve been alive at they’ve been around since 93 93 was their first season when they couldn’t beat the Atlanta Braves one time season the RS win 104 the Giants win 103 to the playoffs the classic race Rockies the Rockies could beat him once they were the last they were played the Braves for the last series of the season in Atlanta and Atlanta swept the four gameer of course the Giants lose on the last day of the season to the Dodgers 12 to1 Solomon Torres will’ll never forget the name for what happened that day at Dodgers Stadium Mike piao Yard twice and yeah the Giants won3 games and the next year the wild card was implemented so the Rockies they they’ve been they’ve been but I real quick SP I got I got to get to this U by the way I do see some of your texts Real Madrid did win they did they’re like the Yankees are something a soccer they’re losing the whole time to Bayern 87th minute boom score couple minutes under boom score like and the end outs you’re saying this is just what Real Madrid does they have that Championship mindset they they do they come back in rally it’s like the the Houston Astros as of late you could never count them out you know it was the warriors with Steph like you just you can’t count certain teams out until they’re down for the count and they’re one of them and poor Harry Kane my guy forly Tottenham now he’s with Bayern obviously the English national team they’re not going to win League it’s just he can’t get a he can’t get a trophy my guy he can’t get a trophy man can’t get one trophy all right he gets roasted online too much for me Harry he’s a nice guy by the way so this we have a situation in our home uhoh I’m scared no it yeah I’m scared and I’m going to be late for some shows what cuz we G too much what are you doing no no no no no so we have this fitted sheet it’s a mattress it’s called a pod pod 4 ultra and you know the Sleeping Beauty thing it’s a mattress you fit it over your back you fit this sheet over a over your mattress and so but it is you get a new mattress it’s like a new mattress it’s like a little layer okay got it and you plug it up into this pot and you got water in it and it like it controls the temperature on each side of the bed so Eda could control the temperature on her side of the bed I can control the temperature on my side of the bed interesting so it’s like a water layer on top the you already have right exactly it’s very very strange look it up folks pod 4 ultra pod four Ultra U it’s a pod right look it up do you have a king or queen size bed uh king- size king size great yeah never going back never you’re talking to it’s well it is the king you’re right King squ King King squar so Ed it got this St job she gets health and wellness benefits and this is part of her benefit so she orders this mat I’m like wow okay whatever I’ve never heard of it never heard of it so don’t even ask me the price of because you know health and wellness benefits anyway it the way it wakes you up cuz I got my I got my uh my alarm clock obviously on my cell phone but the mattress starts vibrating when it’s time for you to wake up it has your time set you get you download the app and you control everything through the app the temperature uh what time you want to set the alarm what time you want to go to bed I mean this thing is next level and so today I went back to sleep like it was nothing it starts vibrating feels like a massage I mean this match I’ve slept so great this week I I I don’t how can I go back I can I go back to this I’m telling you Jeremiah this thing is unbelievable and deadly cuz I can see myself dead I can just see myself sleeping through my alarm and just crashing I’ve slept so good this sweek spot it’s not even funny no that’s great cuz I’m literally sleeping on like a CH children side twin bed with Benny cuz he’s waking up a bunch cuz it’s been hot in his room doesn’t have great air insulation so I’ve been in there he’s been waking up so I’m having a a three or four Kinks right in my shoulder blade but I’m glad you’re sleeping well and then sleeping through the night it’s great it’s f i don’t be to I don’t be to brag but this thing is I’m looking at the Pod four Ultra you said you have right now cuz there’s the Pod three there’s the Pod four there’s pod racing and then there’s pod four Ultra so you got the sleeping reading and custom positioning snoring detection snoring mitigation and it’s all for the lovely price of and this is how you know it’s bougie oh my God it’s in Euros it’s not even in American dollars it’s in the Euros it’s $100 or sorry1 off 4500 well I would love to have that as what’s that American dollars now all that well I don’t I think the exchange rate’s pretty close I want to say right now or maybe we’re doing a little well yeah let me see no we got you’re going to Europe this summer you got know things yeah yeah I’m not going to Europe this sum we had of money Warriors Warriors going to make the playf we get them we didn’t get the bonus checks but no Hanna got these through her health and wellness benefits at her job and and this pod four and matal right is it just me or his mattress talk better than J’s talk right now probably cuz this match I’m telling you it is aame changer maybe hey I’m telling you Giants would put you to sleep this thing will put you to sleep into a deeper sleep and it it checks out the rib sleep your deep sleep your percentages your heartbeats this thing is unreal I’m telling you I would pay buly for this thing well it’s smart to invest in in the company that Anna works for investing and stuff like that because you want to be at your best and part of being at your best in your job getting a good night’s sleep good night SLE it’s really that simple so I’m kudos to the company that’s awesome hey dude where you at BR this is this is dangerous like I’m looking at Edna she sets hers in warm my leg goes over to her side I’m like wow there there’s this constant thing between the males and the females we are constantly hot yeah I am just I need a AC on it could be in the middle of winter and I’m blasting the AC oh it’s so cold no I’m not putting the heater on right now I’m the one driving I need to be cold all right it’s really that simple of course it never work fonte so no it doesn’t work it doesn’t work at all no but this mat this thing is dangerous I’m I’m I’m officially concerned may be some couch days for me in the no I’m dude the couch could be dangerous too depending on if how nice your couch is I don’t onou my couch is whatever it’s a sexual s you need oh okay well you know we knew baby CH is coming and you know be hble in this one yeah we’ll keep it cool with the couch uh but this this P four Dudes Fon I’m telling you right now pod four Ultra I I mean like I look forward to going to bed now not the iPod 4 ultra no or the iPad did you see do you see the new iPad commercial getting just absolutely destroyed on social right now like the new it’s like a thin iPad it’s like the thinnest version we’ve ever had and they had a it’s like a commercial right so they have all these different things that they basically are insinuating is going to be inside the iPad so they got a piano they got lighting they got all these beautiful instruments they got art pieces picassos they got everything and they have this giant hydraulic press pushing it all down and destroying everything and then what pops out at the end is this little iPad but people are crushing it because they’re basically insinuating they’re destroying actual like art pieces and musical pieces and trying to put it in this little freaking machine in your hand it’s just a bad look from Apple maybe I’m not explaining it well Sam’s looking at me like I’m not look it up right now IP trying to think what’s getting crushed more that ad or or all that stuff being crushed onto the iPad well both that’s the thing you’re destroying actual and putting it into this screen that we’re all looking at constantly I don’t get why they need to go thinner and thinner with iPads I just don’t get the whole iPad the graduation of just keep the iPads the same just keep it same thinner is lighter easier to carry around EAS thick is in we all know that all right thick is in thick is in thick is in go we like them thicker the sticker charm is on oh charm was on too oh yeah no wonder no wonder you’re Hoy uh charm comes on here you guys go go Gaga man guys you ever seen boo before no listen I have two children mon I am well aware thank you 888 957 9570 shout out to our friends kid TR if you’re going to call it hey my dad has uh n kids as well not all with say women uh if you’re going to call it to the roast you better bring it because if you don’t you will be flush flush Me by flowing water play be train Dave FL is going to turn great Thursday Mark Medina at 9:20 to talk about the landscape of the LA cuz we’ve been doing this we went down to Orlando the other day we got from Bren Kravitz we heard about Klay Thompson how they’re feeling about Klay Thompson we’ve got a phoenix with Eddie Johnson about what’s going on with Kevin Durant now we will go to La and talk to Mark Medina about what the heck is going to happen with the Clippers and the Lakers Mark’s tapped in with both and I can’t wait to catch up with our buddy Mark Medina used to be a staple here at 9570 G I used to work with him on the weekends he’d be uh like a special filling sometimes on the Warriors this week on Sat aturday whether it be with JD then or with steiny it’ be a good time time what so I’m looking at YouTube right now what did Shaq say what quote was it the quote about n yic didn’t he say cuz Nia yic what a sturd MVP a sturd MVP in the last four years and it’s welld deserved you could have voted for Five Guys you could have he should have won four straight keeping it a buck like he could he should have won it last year I know the whole people crying for Jo mbri Perkins and then we saw what happens in the playoffs and who the true MVP was last year so so joic wins it four years truly iconic um and you know SGA could have woned Brunson could have woned I mean we’re looking Brunson right now absolutely Luka could have W it uh there’s a lot of worthy candidates Jason Tatum nobody talks about him with an MVP I was thinking about that this morning I was like about he’s the Celtics had like the best record in basketball all year long and he’s the best player and he doesn’t even scof and no one brings him up it’s it’s weird to me it’s weird he’s not playing very well in the playoffs by the way fitsh Fifth fitsh Fifth at MVP so nias becomes he joins a club where he wins his third MVP Kar Jabar Bill Russell Michael Jordan Will Chamberlain LeBron James Magic Johnson Larry Bird and Moses Malone it’s decent company it’s RI air it’s a hell of a club to be in uh but Shaq got a little insecure he’s talking to yic going back and forth about the MVP and look what Shaq said while talking to jokic love let me know when you get it I see the one figure up so they interview these guys on TNT as well so they bring them in hey congratulations so and so they had the off day yesterday um so they’re playing tonight in Minnesota and uh here tomorrow in Minnesota tomorrow oh I said tonight my bad Friday oh God that’s a lot of days off a lot of days off you get uh Dallas at OKC tonight that helps Denver I think so mind get some rest all right here’s here’s the interaction between Shaq and yic I felt Shay Alexander deserved it I’ve been number two a lot when I play my ass off number two so the fact that he has to start all over next year and try to win it again I think it was I I know this going to be hurtful for him hopefully he uses this to motivate him to win a championship but I thought and again no disrespect to the Joker best big man in the league by far you could have went this way but I I thought Shay Giles Alexander one of only you know a few players that had 30 points 50 times stat stuffer great season his team is number one nobody expect him to be number one I thought Shay Gil just Alexander was going to win it by far but congratulations to joker I’m happy for him that was strange and then Joker comes on and maybe we can get this on the other side got break he he Shaq talks to joic about it and tells joic that you know what I thought Shay should have W the whole thing was just odd to me it was just odd very odd that’s what’s coming up in the game brought you by Liberty Mutual [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah he [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Joker is a president of the big man Alliance you are the president of the big man Alliance uh you know I love you the best player in the league I want to congratulate you but I want you to hear from me first I thought the SGA should have been the MVP that’s no disrespect to you but congratul and what do you guys have to do to get back on track versus Minnesota thank you sh we don’t judge people here you know so that’s fine it’s your opinion I’m joking hey all good I love you I love your brothers one thing we always G to do is keep it real with each other congratulations I love you no for real I think there is a lot of people that a lot of players that deserve it you know it’s probably details in kind of small small things uh but yes we we have a we have a t we have a tough stretch we lost two games in at home against Minnesota tomorrow we we going to to to to to Minnesota to to try to get back serious to Denver now joker as the president of the big man with Bonte and shasi the president of the big man Alliance hey you know at least Shaq had to call to tell him personally that he thought SGA should have won the MVP and kudos to Jas for taking a high road and saying you know what I respect it yeah five guys could have won the MVP I don’t know how I won it but I did and it’s all good yoke Yin played that off well yes Shaq looked a little immature with that and I I watched Inside the NBA at night they were talking about it and Shaq was like no the best player should get the MVP award and Jared Jackson Jr they asked him what what is the definition of MVP Shaq asked Jerry Jackson Jr he goes well to me it’s it’s kind of a team award best defender DPL is on the best team you know MVP best player on the best team you know all these Awards you’re winning matters winning needs to matter well in basketball definitely definitely but I remember when Westbrook got the MVP is and OKC was a six seed it was and like Westbrook deserved the MVP but it was one of those hey we feel sorry for you because Kevin Durant left Oklahoma City let’s give you the CP the award and I’m just thinking to myself damn and Shaq is still scored from not winning multiple MVP Steve nashal one um I don’t know I there Shaq looked a little small in that situation well and that’s funny cuz he’s like 7 feet bajillion fet tall so it’s like he stooped out to a level he did to is he equating MVPs and winning them to like who’s the better player overall cuz it feels like a guy who’s threatened by what joic has been doing the last four to five years now winning a title last year we’ll see if he can crawl out from an 02 hole this year but it sounds like a guy who’s threatened about his place in the NBA hierarchy with big men I don’t think anyone’s saying Nicole yic is better than Shaquille right no one is saying that they’re different players but but Shaq going up I I did think it was even like that’s fine if you want to tell that to him but I just don’t feel like there was a place to do that hey yic hey congratulations you won that I actually thought this guy should have won your thoughts yeah what what what do you want me to say you put the guy in a horrible position Sam well hold on really quick this is the first time Shaq’s done this I forget who it was but I think like a couple years ago uh during a postgame interview I I’m spacing on the day in Bonte you might remember Donovan Mitchell was it Donovan Mitchell yeah like he he’s jumped on hey Donovan I don’t have a question for you I just don’t think your game’s that great I just want you to know that and it might have been Donovan he was just like okay thank you like he played it off really cool too yeah it’s just stange it’s like this is like a pattern now for Shaq and my question is to to your point pedon it’s like why like Shaq you have nothing to prove you’re one of the best big men in NBA history you are like literally like if you’re designing one of the perfect NBA centers he’s a top 10 player in the history yeah you don’t need to be punching down like this I get it he’s showed his sensitive side a lot man um you know and look a lot of people ignore him they do ignore him when it comes to like they go to will they go to Bill Bill Russell they go to Kareem ABD Jabar they go to Duncan you don’t hear a lot about Shaq because they just say oh he was just big but let me tell you spon Shaq was big and athletic in his first six seven years in the league was as dominant of a stretch as I’ve ever seen people thought he have been on the Dream Team not Christian ler he should have he should have been on the Dream Team instead of Christian leer he was that dominant not Christian leer Duke University he had the fresh face you know everybody loved Christian ler he was really good do his credit he was very good in college yes but Shaq was that guy but I don’t know why Shaq gets so sensitive about so many these things just was odd but credit to Jin the way I looked at his with o is Jin took the high Ro and said you know what I respect your opinion it’s all good and he said you know what and he credited SGA goes dude if he wins it he would have you think y you think yic would have cared no that’s the difference between Nicole yic and Shaquille O’Neal he does not give a rep the guy won the title last year and wanted to go home immediately after people don’t like people yeah he parties trust me he’s Serbian come on dude they like to party um but they’re just built different like these guys the expectations the mindset between a guy like Shaquille O’Neal Nicole yic they’re just different and I just think it bothers Shaq to see all this success from a guy like jic when he really couldn’t care like we all want to be that guy that doesn’t care right we want to be that cool guy oh look at him he doesn’t give a rip about anything it’s one thing to say that but deep down we’re all insecure about something every single one of us and no doubt and look the way he went at it with Dwight Howard all those years javil M and everything like that checked in later on and uh I’m glad Matthew put this on the YouTube chat because it did Jo my memory he was a little adamant about Shay getting just 15 first place votes now at the voting breakdown here spon let me break this down uh the voting breakdown for the MVP award up wrong thread uh cuz he was mad cuz SGA didn’t get a lot of first place votes so here it is jic 79 first place votes SGA 15 Luca doin four yis Ceta kopo one second place votes SGA got 40 jic got 18 Luca received 36 second place votes Brunson got three second place votes third place votes SGA 40 Luca 50 yit two and then you look here somebody uh D sabotus what somebody gave d sabotus a fourth place vote oh that was our guy Kyle Draper had to be Kevin Durant got a fifth place vote from somebody Anthony Edwards got a couple he got three fifth place votes a third place vote and a fourth place vote uh and Jason Tatum I think if anybody should be complaining it should be Jason Tatum how does Jason Tatum finish sixth in MVP voting on the best team they were the best team all year and that’s the narrative Jason get more L I think he is caught in a very unfortunate situation right now where everyone’s waiting for him to win a title yeah they’re all saying ah you need to prove it to me you were you guys were the ne the hot thing a couple years ago now we’re waiting to see can you guys finally get over that hump which is unfair because as we all know and Ramona shelburn who joined will dibs yesterday she’s the one that coined this obviously senior writer for uh ESPN does a tremendous job it’s a narrative award it’s always gonna be she said it and she’s a voter it’s a narrative award you know was weird because which is crazy because in basketball it’s different than than football and in baseball because baseball you don’t have to be on the best team in baseball M what for so many years yeah I don’t like that well I do because I think he’s the best player and it’s not his fault but there’s also it’s an individual sport but I’m more nine players it’s different I reward but I reward winning I reward winning and Tatum did a lot of winning SGA did a lot of winning honest in the Bucks they disappointed in the second half you know Jaylen Brunson they did a lot of winning in New York city deserves anyone have been upset if Jaylen Brunson won MVP this year I would did you see his performance yesterday after having that foot injury in that first half and then coming back but I got OG adobi with a hamst streak injury the New York Knicks is running tibs is run of these guys I’m tell the Celtics are going to cruise to the to the finals I think the Knicks have a shot but they’re not well they’re just going to get too hurt Monon yeah I know these guys into the ground but I would have been mad if joic which he did with it SGA Luca Brun entertain him W the MVP award those five guys I would have been cool with that it was a very deep class this year usually there’s guy that’s just Far and Away the best last couple years has been joic and embiid it’s been kind of back and forth um but you just look at the stats and I thought Ernie Johnson who was obviously the host for uh Inside the NBA there on TNT did a great job checking sha there he’s like if you just look at all the stats Shay gilders Alexander he’s the he’s the stat King and then he’s like what are you talking about go to jokic’s Stats so I’m look at him right now right he averaged 26 12 and nine this year wow 26 points 12 rebounds and nine assists and Shay to his credit he averaged 30 points five boards and six assists like that’s they’re just you’re it’s drawing hairs here it’s like I don’t know what you want from joic there Shaq like I did you want him to say oh yeah you know sh he was better you know he should have won he’s not going to do that he’s just he he he’s been unbelievable he played 79 games uh this season he joined WIIL Chamberlin as the U players in NBA history to finish in the top five in points rebounds assists in multiple Seasons elen Baylor is also the other player to do so once I mean he’s the second player to record 2,000 points 900 rebounds 600 assists in a season joining Oscar Robertson the Big O he had 25 triple doubles second only this bonus this is a this is like four or five years now in a row where we’re having the top one and two in the conversation not be Americans I mean yeah true we got we got the Canadian sh gild Alexander come on come on USA Baby give Tatum some love give bruss some love all right more coming up here we’ll talk more MVP we talk about the game last night between the Nicks and the Pacers Rick Carlile going off on the officials Rick Carlile we got flip coming up at 8:30 talk a little baseball again we got Mark Medina to give us to lay a land down in LA with the Clippers and the Lakers what is going on down there in terms of the basketball teams we’ll get that from Mark MC a lot going on here on the Roose and by the way I got something on the other side for you guys watching the game of Madison Square Gard kind of made me wonder h i wonder SP Kanye I wonder not like Kanye just wonder I don’t want to do anything we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about that although he tried to jump into the uh hit him up uh r b for what stay away from everything what’s coming up the game brought to you by Freemont B full service Bing no compromises talk about the Nicks and Pacers and more of the shack situation with NI yic on the roast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] play Thompson and you are listening to the morning roast on 957 the game it better not be roasting me if I’m giving them all these intros what up clay you know your boy Bon Hill the Klay Thompson apologist part of Klay Thompson fan club would never roast you clay come on the way you played this season post Allstar break shooting 41 three 46 from the floor 19 points a game same o clay to me same o clay to me baby he like that huh he love to me hey what he said love me gos so that interview I asked I was like hey it looks like the same old clay to me and he’s like talking and he goes you know bante this and that lman text me right away goes I could feel you smiling through the television when he said that that must I think was sorry I think that was the fastest I ever texted Sterling in that moment grab that interview I need that same o clay to me same o clay to me same o clay to me uh by the way you brought in Tony in Oakland she text she tweeted me yesterday uhoh Bon been missing our interaction and in the chronicle today pie in parenthesis best quarterback ever best quarterback soon best ever quarterback soon is getting buff I told you singular energy M andf I don’t know what that means not the Bay Area I don’t know what the rest of that says all the brothers I know totally agree with me SS ACC she just said all the brothers I know totally agree with me so uh I like the Tweet you can find Tony re we’re not hard on Brock no we’re not we’re not hard on I don’t like Brock P getting buff that’s not a good sign for me no buff guys don’t do well in the big games you got to have you got to be slim you got to be a little thick right we saw the dad B for Patrick Mahomes we’ve all seen Tom Brady’s combine that’s the body you need I don’t need any buff guys out there BR was pretty cut at the end starta avoc he was he was trim that was the avocado toast and the botox all right you you know uh Tony I’m looking at of strawberries I’m looking at her replies on Twitter lack of strawberries I need some strawberries right now uh lack of strawber uh Tony reply to a shy tweet on Easter he him and his family on Easter Happy Easter from and Tony’s reply to the Tweet man alcarez and C have the xfactor secret in their boxes next to while Carlos is a shorter older dude who could mirror The Zone the electromagnetism the flow to him and a young Italian helped CER in the same way find a flow master and beat them that was her reply to shasi to shasi and his tweet said it was four pictures of shasy and the family Happy Easter from the shis he doesn’t like the tennis as much as B and I do Tony yes that’s not his thing that’s not in his Zone it’s not his own no it’s it’s an outside pitch in it’s not his own like horse racing which is okay you know had yeah we had to trupon shasi wasn’t into it was Shas I would have fully leaned into it so like tell me about the horses are they male are they female like give me a give me a 101 how does one tame these horses exact dude I wor you know what I uh I got to play that I got to play that race for Shas when he gets back two minutes to change I me I I trust me I wanted to play that race we I to play every single day let’s just play this to start the show well the race when the race happened you know our thread was blown up he was part of what was blown up the thread so he he was definitely into the race didn’t reply oh did he I don’t think he replied by the way Phil Mike hit me up and was like Hey man hey blood that could take you Derby that was sick so I know somebody appreciates clean cut mik clean cut FB mik this segment Z the other day with the wuang sweater I’m seeing Tyler Miller I’m seeing film on TV Tyler Miller got a how hell like doing like features on like roas what are these guys doing you want to get on TV you call to the is what happens ground for you to elevate your career how the hell did Tyler Miller and I watched him on craw for with a girl Aaron how the hell did he get invited to Studio he’s been on craw 4 every week every week Tyler Miller like seriously what does he do that he’s getting these spots like he’s got the important it don’t matter what he tweets he Tre Lance takes like Tyler and I have a lot more in common with our nerd stuff than I think I realized before we were both in anime Star Wars he’s a big nerd Star Wars stands man yeah one of the great Snapchat stories of all time just last week oh my no instag an Instagram Story one of the best all time I mean I think I have recorded on the phone cuz I I sent it to a bunch of people I was like this is what’s happening in San Francisco this morning um I can’t we can’t really discuss it too much people were having fun and uh it was in full view on Monday morning I can’t believe Hey Monday morning you know what and you’re getting after it like that hey I’m not mad that’s why it’s the best day of the week that’s why it’s the best day of the week you start Monday like that talking about setting a tone Bon that was the ultimate tone set oh gosh hey look Ty Tyler he gets all he gets his hair done and stuff look how him he gets up there with the Blazer he’s got the fresh braids going on all the gym selfies fil all mic on KTV you man brothers are winner right now let’s go let’s go I got a joke for you bon oh big p you can’t forget about big p for South City big what is big p is big p Mexican is he white I think he might be Mexican but he’s got the voice man he does has a great radio voice he has I don’t think he cusses maybe he has to be on a serious exent or something yeah yeah he he cusses too much for this program the second sponsor by go to say l Serv to Bay Area for three generations when you succeed we succeed visit go we’re going to play what we’re going to do er uh ER sha back and forth but watching the guard spon and I was just during the break I was like man Walter White was in the building and I don’t even know his real name I just know that M think of him as d uh Hal the dad from Malcolm in the Middle for oh that yeah yeah yeah that’s a good call yeah he was how he was him so I always think of as the comedian he was also um who was my guy uh Tim Watley in Seinfeld he the dentist yep he was the dentist he was a denst and he converted to Judaism just for the jokes yep so you know you looking at the Garden you see all those SBS Spike [ __ ] Lee yeah had Chris Rock yeah bid Stiller you got fat Joel sitting next to Nick [ __ ] even though he’s not fat anymore you know you get Walt Fraser I keep seeing Stefan Marbury there too I said Vin Stiller yep Vin Stiller uh marbury’s been under the hoop John Starks has been there melo’s been there it’s been a who’s who so just just start thinking and rers could chime in on this 888 957 9570 if you want to have some fun with this who is the person if you go to a game and you had the choice to sit next to somebody who would that person be like CU I think about Denzel Washington how cool would it be to sit next to Denzel Washington watching the basketball you got to make sure that they’re a hoop head too because cuz we’re we’re deep diving all of us that are working here we’re deep diving to sports I mean otherwise we wouldn’t be working here but like I can’t be sitting next to someone that’s just trying to shoot the you know what shoot the breeze like for a little bit in between that’s fine but you got to be locked into the game as well because I always think of that picture of Justin Bieber when he was dating Selena Gomez and they’re watching like LeBron Dwayne Wade they’re at cour side and my guys just slouched just just checked out immediately and there’s Selena all like CH she’s all into it that’s the energy I need a Selena Gomez type next to me not a beast I think Selena Gomez is deep no not bad bunny bny blco or something oh excuse me Benny blco the guy with the curls he was in you watch to show Dave on FX hi I’m Dave oh you’re right the wrong BB yeah yeah yeah Benny Blanco I think he’s da Selena Gomez if I’m not mistaken yeah yeah thumbs up look at me in the pop culture look I’m telling you TMZ baby TMZ Little Wade always wears a headphones over his head I don’t know if be fun to watch a game with little Wayne when Prince came to Oracle Arena rest in peace Prince remember Joe L said well I couldn’t really say a word to him he was just in his old world well cuz he’s he was locked in he used to play back in high school and obviously the famous skit of uh Chappelle Show obviously the pancakes and whatnot with Prince and Charlie Murphy rest in peace to both of them rest in peace to both of them uh UC Steve said I would like he would like to sit next to [ __ ] Le because all the players will come over to talk so you can hear what they’re talking about that’s a good point Spike would be interesting he gets into the game we know that I was thinking yeah I was thinking of the Lakers cuz you obviously you have there but you have also all the West Coast Elites always at the Lakers games right so you have all the New York Elites over in New York City watching the Knicks ju suppos that with the Lakers Jack Nicholson would be one the amount of movies that guy’s been in yeah Jack Nicholson would be a really good one Leonardo DiCaprio would be interesting he’s locked he loves his Lakers that’s one for me any want to sit next to Kim Kardashian I was going to get to that uh Meg the stallion Kim K I watch a basketball game with Megan the stallion yeah I watch a hoop game Megan the stallion you sure yeah absolutely okay I I do that with she’s got a concert coming up by the way does she chase Center yeah and a wants to go you get me tickets June 23rd I think I pull my Shas You’re Gonna Get me tickets do do a roast trip to a Chase Center for Megan the stallion y y’all you would know what to do live yeah it’s live you would know what to do a Sunday night concert though so we’d all have to call out the next day is it a Sunday night concer I’ll do the pregame show from there damn early Ed Sunday night yeah me stallion joining us the next morning on the roast they have to do make an executive decision well you’ll be asleep still because of the the bed yeah sleep pod Ultra Ultra pod four or whatever it’s called whatever the hell the sink is called not py I never heard this hey psk needs to get on that by the way yes it’s like a f cheese penot with the mat dude it literally vibrates when I wake up I’m looking at it right now looks like futuristic this looks like it should be in Dune whatever it’s like curved it’s yeah I was sleeping so good I got to sleep I got the match this man I feel like a million bucks feel like I’m getting eight hours a day now this is what it feels like to get eight hours of sleep so who’s who’s the person celebrity does who who’s the person for you Bonte you want to be you said Denzel I said Denzel Washington that’s one that’s my first choice I would love to sit next to Denzel is that going to be at a Warriors game for you yeah it could be any game game yeah he could behind the plate 50 yard line seats in the football game box seats whatever you want courts side of the NBA game uh sitting next to Snoop 510 City Mobile Tex be fascinating that would be great Adam Sandler from the 707 he loves his hoop and he’s a funny guy he does love his hoop 510 Spike Le bro the mayor of the garden uh got to be decaprio from the 209 he enjoys Sports and knows where a party is at with the females after party with if you play your cards right rolling with DiCaprio out of aren you know where the party is yeah if you’re over 25 though and you can’t be there unfortunately that’s yeah that’s just how it goes with Leo what Leo oh boy you ever heard that no once the females get to 25 or over he’s done with them he’s NE never dated a woman over the age of 25 are you serious correct in his life ever and he’s what 45 late 40s now oh he’s he’s Leo C we can move on from that but I’m just saying Mike Tyson I’m seeing Mike Tyson I don’t know about Mike yeah I don’t know that intimidates me 405 was to sit next to ice spice okay well Taylor Swift did thirsting there yep Super Bowl there Twi T Swift okay I’m hey she was at the box of the T SK sit next to Taylor Swift you’re going to be on TV a lot when they Pan the camera over her so make sure you’re dressed up nice would you want to sit next to Floyd Mayweather I don’t know if I would no absolutely not no yeah I’m kind of good off big weather well a guy that would be interesting because he Floyd likes to bet his money a guy that would be very interesting but I don’t know if I have the money to hang out with him because he’ probably make Bets with me as Michael Jordan sitting next to him at any sort of sporting event because you know Michael’s got cash on whatever game is going on and he’d be super into it he may be able to pick his brain and stuff like like that that’s a guy one of the greatest if not the greatest of all time picking his brain and if that Michael Jordan isn’t available you can always sit next to Michael B Jordan who apparently is also a warrior fan based on this website that I’m looking at he’s a warrior fan now well he’s always at Laker games too oh yeah it might just be he was at a Warrior game and someone took a picture of him and said you see look he’s a warrior fan but I just I Googled famous Warrior fans and he was on the page yeah I just I scrolled up to him as soon as speedon said Michael Jordan so it it felt like the real question is though Bonte are you sit next to Drake or Kendrick Lamar if he had to pick between well somebody just text in 650 don’t forget extending mobble Tex B don’t forget about the real world scenarios like if you just sat next to Drake you would have to worry about getting shot not in the basketball game I sit next to I’d probably sit next to Drake at a basketball game I think Kendrick’s a better rapper and I I’ve enjoyed Kendrick Lamar’s hit him up over against Drake I think he’s roasted him show opinion I think Kendrick is officially he got number one streaming in Toronto Canada yeah he’s dominating in Canada that’s his homeown that’s T Drake likes to talk trash at basketball games he gets into it in basketball games I would rather sit next to Drake in a basketball game to Kendrick Kendrick I think would just be chilling be watching good time it be it be a fun experience okay fair have a good time with him fair enough Fort row 40 he 40 oh can’t go wrong with that well you just can’t play at Sacramento he can’t be there unfortunately no he he would not go back to Sacramento either forget Sacramento that’s why the Warriors lost they needed that energy they needed that fony water energy they did that was tough that would be good that would be good 888 957 9570 um who would you sit next to it a guy I was just watching the guard yesterday I like wow look at all these CBS who I wonder what people who are they looking forward to sitting next to it’ be interesting John daily I’m getting from 86 did you see the first pitch he threw out in St Louis the other day a strike you like strolled right up to the mountain casually strolls to the mountain for like wearing like a t-shirt shorts and flipflops very John Daly like Steps up to the Mount just immediately turns fires a strike right in and then just walks off literally is on the mountain for maybe two seconds it was one of the most impressive nonchalant first pitches you’ll ever see grip it and rip it straight up and for baseball that’s that’s his phrase grip it and rip it man grip it and rip it go now everyone’s doing that like for John Daly back in the day and for those you don’t know who John Daly is uh he’s multiple majors in golf obviously you’ve probably seen him he’s always at the Hooters at the Masters and stuff like that the guy likes to party that is his Persona he’s the hillbilly golfer if you will but that guy used to just all always just crush it 350 plus yards and now every single golfer it doesn’t matter if they’re 5′ 11 and wiry like me all these guys are crushing at 350 plus yards but he used to be the OG guy so it does not surprise me that he walked up there in flip-flops with his gut hanging out 100 m hour down still got the crazy beard too of course love sub was ripping him too oh oh little oh John no he’s legit yeah uh I he’s got the Hooter sponsorship too by the way zuchi B what up zuchi B said I’m sitting with J’s Dad we T up where is J where is J tar that’s his name right tarant tarant with the glasses where is J he’s always got something to cup always he’s got something in the cup you know he’s going to have a good time you may even get in a fight with Shannon sharp you never know by the way it’s called Eight sleep the app eight sleep and is telling me eight sleep it’s awesome you’ll love it she loves it cuz big dog City ask like the number yeah like the number that’s suppos to get eight hours eight hours eight sleep and all right Phil we’ll do the Lego by the way shout out to Candace Big Dog’s wife my sister from another mister it’s her birthday happy birthday Candace happy birthday hope hopefully your birthday is little bit to Big Dog spend some money man don’t be so Frugal today hey I need I need to meet big dog City like this guy feels like synonymous with my Raiders fandom soul I don’t know if you want to beet pig to city is it like meeting your Heroes you don’t want to yeah I mean we can’t get him in studio I don’t want him in studio he wouldn’t stop talking he’d see these recron and you think you big dog if you’re listening call in 88895 7957 I want to hear your takes from Brock Bowers to uh Michael Mayer to Antonio Pierce I want to hear it all the Raider hour bonian big dog well they’re trying to uh he likes every Drive I told I was like big dog you like every great he goes yeah I do when you told me he talked himself into day areas Hayward Bay I knew he was a real one yeah that’s just that’s only fans can do that sort of thing that’s tough man fil Mike serious mental gymnastics Phil Mike chiming in he’s sitting with Marsha lyz at Patrick Mah’s dad well I don’t know if you want to Patrick Mah’s dad has been not Jackson not Jackson mahes pops not Rashi rice either tough yeah this this this this sleep mattress is is something you can’t stop stop thinking about it dude it’s like the best thing of my life not my Madden franchise I drafted his quarterback Zack Smith I moved up in draft this guy is already a 95 in years Zack Smith yeah that’s his name generated number eight white guy and he’s got a rock arm it’s my first it’s the white first White quarterback I’ve had since I’ve owned CA Browns and he is by far in away the best uh your listening to 957 game kg mzf1 San Francisco and odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app don’t forget that you can also watch us every single day on our YouTube twitch and Twitter streams powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrades your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today before we play it back and forth that we tease before the break real quick Last Chance lman who you sit next to in a game Carter who you sit next to in a game if you had a choice yeah I was thinking about that a lot last night well yeah no her obviously she’s up there but uh the name I came to is will frell I feel like sitting next to him during a basketball game especially if you’re court side like there’s going to be some Shenanigans there and you know will farell he he has a direct link to my Funny Bone so I feel like I’d be laughing a lot during that game we may not be as locked in but I feel like we’re having a good time I like that Carter who you sitting next to Carter who you sitting next to is it Beyonce you sitting next to Jay-Z who you sitting next to B Stiller Seinfeld get your mic out Carter get your a man it looked like such a great take car sorry some someone mess the board sorry it was must have been a terrible take it’s all right dubbed it it happen it’s all good all right think it’s I think it’s Snoop Dogg it’s got to be Snoop Dog you want to do some Snoop dogging huh definitely so you basally want to sit next to Snoop go to a game and not really watch the game you’ll be it’ll be a nice little Cloud over you you watch the game I don’t know if you’ll be processing it what is it like Bon now that we’re talking about this because you get a up close and personal view of this when you have Chris Mullen next to you so being able to watch a game of one of the greatest players in the history of the sport a guy that played with Michael Jordan on the Dream Team what is it like watching a game in a Warriors game specifically with a guy like Chris Mullen um it it’s it’s kind of unexplainable you know what I’m saying you’re sitting there in the gay house absolutely incredible and and is it’s like man can I talk basketball with him and you was just having a basketball conversation I’m like I having a basketball conversation with a guy who lived on the court and all the stories about going to Harlem and playing hoops and then watching the game and seeing little things I pick up the so much quicker Now by watching it just not only just from mlly but fesus as well the dri when he joins the wealth the knowledge about just little things that you see and then you see it play out they see things before we all see it they see things in qu their heads like okay yeah this seems not winning because of this and this and that watch this this is going to be a trend and you’re like wow so I pick up on so much little thing so many little things and the details and it’s one of those pitch me moments right I’m not going to lie sitting there with Chris mullet guy’s poster was wall Dream Team you know what I mean yeah like it’s Chris Mullen and I’m sitting there watching Hoops with him and we’re going back and forth we’re agreeing on things we’re laughing and joking about s plays I’m like wow I’m fortunate and not only that I thought you were going to ask because when we do go inside the chase Center all the people who flocked the bullet oh Leon from above the rib you know who played the security guard he watch above the rib uh walks up Willy what’s up man I need to take a picture with you Jal white Steve Urkel bully what’s up like the respect he gets wow from everybody the stars of stars you know whether it’s A-Rod whether it’s kumbo D in the building whether it’s LL cooj he’s respected worldwide and you’re like damn I get to meet all these people by just sitting next to him and you’re like hey what’s up what’s going on you know and so it’s he’s so approachable too I am very for and he’s approachable and he’s such a down toe human being we we text every day meet him and we got a text St going on look you don’t take it for granted and I am fortunate I’ve been blessed I’ve been luck to be put in that position so I don’t take it for granted so it’s it’s one of those like damn I am watching hoops and mlly it’s me and mlly we’re watching the Warriors game man I think about him too if he played in today’s NBA he would be getting paid Get Buckets oh my God buckets his shooting oh my gosh we’re talking about clay like he would be like that kind of a player right defensively that wasn’t his strong suit but offensively my goodness like I just think about certain guys in certain eras and may maybe they just missed their window not saying he was a Hall of Famer his obviously but what could have been if he played in today’s NBA without all the hand checking and all the stuff that he had to deal with you know what he’s from New York he was he wasn’t scared about the physical level play he was he’s tough guy it’s too late to play the back and forth but we got a break all right we’ll play it on the other side sorry s yeah just if you want to chime in and it a I’ve seen a lot of good stuff on the xinity mobile text line 405 John Stewart ah 5 OB with ob uh 415 da Chappelle For Me 92 William 925 sit me next to Beyonce God good luck getting through Jay-Z hey babe I know you’re listening right now I would rather sit next to Jay-Z than Beyonce just saying Kim K Beyonce uh me half the people they don’t know what to do when they sitting next to them half the people actually no 90% of you don’t know what you’re doing if you’re sitting next to them you’re you’re going to your voice is going to crack you’re going to look at your feet and you’re going to look at your phone you’ll be too intimidated D she sit next to me the stallion yeah come on love you honey if you’re listening yeah me too she doesn’t care me too got two kids in a bunch of problems we’re coming up front you by the Adam County Probation Department [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Music] ask all right we’re having some fun on a Thursday morning the week is flying by here Shas will be back on Monday speedon and for shasi uh doing a hell of a job spone spone spone just got a reminder uh in my Instagram messages from the misses I from 1 in the morning last night I don’t know why she was up probably the baby don’t forget to get me this for Mother’s Day oh God it’s just h i speak mother Mother’s Day on Sunday oh my all you Sons husbands you know what uh anyone that’s been a mother figure to you I think I blew something here uh gosh oh man I was supposed to get this cake made oh no and I forgot uh and now you’re trying to do it right now when we’re on there uh shut out Whole Food’s always a good backup no I don’t maybe maybe may have to but Ashley what’s up Ashley uh from Batch’s Baker Bak house Bates Bak house 298 4th Avenue Ashley you know what we talked about I need to get this rolling here sorry Ashley maybe I’ll stop by there today and then just maybe I’ll just give him a call uh anyway Mother’s Day is Sunday damn I forgot oh my gosh think a lot of people did just slaps you in the face all these holidays birthdays it’s too much it is too much out there to the calendar Gods why why do you have to space things out like this if Father’s Day is in June we won’t get anything we would even get a piece of mind and I say you know it’s Valentine’s Day all over and Christmas and birthdays and more birthdays and I want to do this for my birthday oh Mother’s Day no Valentine just never stops every day is a day it never stops it’s so funny whenever Father’s Day approaches and it’s obviously like the busiest the busiest golfing day of the year probably so everyone wants to go golfing right so you go golfing it’s like all right so how long you going to be honey you’ve been with me for a decade plus golf is anywhere from 4 to 6 to 7 hours that’s how long it’s going to be I’m out with the boys don’t talk to me don’t text me don’t do anything you know oh okay well I was like yes is this my day or is it not that’s just what I want to know or is it your day yeah no the funny part is so last year Anna goes hey baby CH and I we’re gonna meet the in-law we’re GNA go with my parents and Kyo for a weekend give you the week into to yourself I must have got a call every 90 minutes man like they say what are you doing what’s going on I’m doing the same thing I was doing 90 minutes ago I’m trying to get high and play Madden while you guys are gone the hell you want me to do it’s just you’ve learned this now as a father and as a partner it’s you never have any alone time anymore it’s just it’s impossible you get an hour maybe at tops and then that’s it maybe and then you got a poopy diaper in your face so there you go it’s great or you just got to poopy in the potty exactly baby chz was pooping like crazy yesterday boy out McDonald’s for me Dro some Bobs anyway uh down download the free Odyssey app and listen 957 game Wherever You Go download out yet directly from the QR code on our twitch and YouTube streams uh catch every Warriors game live on the app along with all music and news bay area needs catch amazing interviews you miss two like with Ron to Shel Joy Willard The Debs yesterday we’ll get into that in just a second Rona shur because the clay stuff will not go away uh we’ll play a couple of those cods but the back and forth that we were teasing for so damn long loveon if you could pull it up was it the back and forth between Erie and Shaq here it is on niol wi to the MVP and Shaq was not pleased about the voting process cuz again I I felt I was robbed two or three times right and I played my ass off stat stuffer won championships those years but again no disrespect to the Joker but I I me personally I would have gave it to sh you keep throwing stat stuff out there does no cuz that’s my criteria for joic not stuff the stat sheet yeah but not like no but not like sh when really Shay is one of the few players play that had 30 points in 50 games well look at but when you’re talking about stuff in the stat sheet look at look at all the triple doubles for Nico yic and look at his ranks in scoring rebounding and assists I don’t think stat stuffing is a is an argument okay but even doing all that OKC was the number one only by one game no they had no they had identical records it was a it was a division record tiebreaker that was the separating Factor all this is is subjective yeah it is and you’re and you’re you can make a for any of those I love Ernie Johnson checking him on that like cuz if you’re using the stats argument which was Shaq was doing then Nicole yic he wins that I know that Shay had more points he averaged 30 five and six but Joker averaged 26 12 and N sick of the triple doubles man come on man sick of the triple doubles so shq almost averaged a triple double this year he’s an assist to shy away from that sh did get robbed of a couple MVP the fact that he only has one even the year Kobe won it and I do think Kobe deserved an MVP at some point during the course of his career but the year he won it I thought Chris Paul was having the best regular season with the Pelicans now Kobe gets his credit but the pels he had the Pelicans SL hits they’re a two seed that year they lost to the Spurs in seven in the second round of the playoffs and I thought Chris Paul was even so it’s always getting the narrative The Narrative stuff and like James Harden complain and he was whing about the MVP finally got it start taking shots at Curry taking shots at yanis he run up what skill like it was like come what he say he’s just tall is that what it was right tall like just hate just a hate when you go back to uh when jonis won it too Harden averaged like 36 that year Giannis averaged like 30 they take into account the whole picture way more than just the points right it’s another side of the Court got to play some defense got to block some shots got to stand in front of somebody got to be an impact player well-rounded player so I you know Shaq came off as small I didn’t like that and and you know Shaq Shaq is a funny guy I Lov Shaq but when he gets into these modes where he just gets a little insecure about some things it’s not a good look well it’s just not a great product I think and obviously we’re talking about it so they they got their wishes and stuff like that and Shaq was upset but he’s airing his personal problems and throwing them at the doorstep of Nicole yic where this guy’s down 02 right now he just want he doesn’t really care about this he has to do this like do you think wants to go on Inside the NBA Bonte Nico yic no he’d rather be left alone like all of us would like to be we just talking about he would like to be left alone with his horses in Serbia if they could somehow fly him to games from Serbia to Denver every single day he would do that he’s not about the MVPs or anything Shaq clearly is and that’s fine if that’s if that’s really what you care about but I think that separates some players in my opinion from others when we look at the longevity we look at all that the stats and stuff like that how are you as a basketball player but how are you as a person when there is you know tough times that you get into because I look at Shaq when he had to go through at some adversity with Kobe and all that in those years he did not handle it well no he didn’t he didn’t that’s and that’s going to be a lasting image for me him and his time in Los Angeles when they should have won four five six Championship could have won eight championships they could have dominated that decade they could have won eight of 10 that’s how dominant they were as a Duo there uh KOB and sha by the way we’re wrapping this up you know anybody watching mad Square G and nicks Pacers we’ll get into it in just a second but watching all watching that game and watching everything that’s going on what’s a celebrity you sit next to you know you got I got 415 John Stewart right xinity mobile text line 65l says what IG model was Guru and shasy picking that’s funny 209 Riri John Oliver Uncle Jean Uncle Jee chiming in on the 50 m t John Oliver quick story about John Oliver I don’t know five sit next to John Oliver but true story when I used to work at cops Comedy Club well John Oliver was on the rise he was ascending he was on shows he was on what with John Stewart right Daily Show right Daily Show what time John Oliver is first set on a Friday night he’s about to go back to his hotel room we chopped it up in the Green Room a little bit then he’s waiting he didn’t even ask for a c he just walked back to his hotel we’re talking Met’s baseball for about 10 minutes outside the street K Comedy Club big Liverpool fan John big Liverpool fan too he was a huge Mets fan as well and I was like wow this is really cool John Oliver then he just took off this is like in 2010 like few years later he just took off and now he’s St he’s had Last Week Tonight which is obviously on HBO 11 Seasons yeah that’s about right good dude really good dude he was great that whole weekend you know who I’m not sitting next to and I don’t know if you guys heard the chance last night at Madison Square Garden I’m not I’m not sitting next to Reggie Miller Miller just getting out it’s been 30 years 29 right 29 we just did this 29 years since that Infamous day in New York City in which the Indiana Pacers came back nine points for Reggie in those final 10 SEC 20 seconds whatever it was how about this from Josh Hart right my boys think they Josh har coming over they still hate Reggie but Reggie loves it loves it Reggie was on TNT uh Inside the NBA before the game and he’s sitting there talking to Erie Shaq and Kitt he goes I love this Arena I love they still hate me but I love the when a lot of New Yorkers come up to me whether it’s in the airport or just walking around the city the first thing that comes out of their their mouth Shaq is I hate you I really do detest you but I respect your game and I respect how you approached it so I feel it’s a badge of honor it’s it’s weird cuz Sports hate is endearing in a certain way to me when it crosses a line and it gets personal and stuff like that that’s when it’s too far but like good old Sports ha like that sort of stuff cuz I’m sure half those people said it with a smile on their face right like ah God I cannot stand you like if I ever saw Patrick Mahomes Bonte and I’m sure a lot of ners fans do say Pat you kill my team every single time I cannot stand you on the field but you say it with like a smile on your face I would kind of like to be the villain if I was ever like in that role and I don’t think everyone’s built for that Reggie clearly is certain players are like I don’t think Dylan Brooks is really built for that it he loves it he loves it he’s try to be that but he’s not draymond’s embraced it Draymond has embraced it but I don’t know if he likes it Bon he I don’t know if he likes that listen though cuz he’s trying to be Bud buddy Draymond had a great line when a got into it with Grant Williams and he said Grant Williams you need to pick a lane are you going to be the president of Players Association or whatever he is Vice President whatever he is or you want to be a bad guy cuz let me tell you on this side of the tracks It Ain’t Easy homie you sure you want to be on this side well he’s he’s finding out how hard it is because he’s trying to do the media thing while also having that villain Persona and it’s kind of blurs some lines there a little bit because a lot of people tune him out for his on the court Antics at times and I think we might be seeing that lately but to your point would you rather be the hero or the villain I think that’s kind of it’s an interesting question is 888 957 9570 would you want to be a villain or a hero because I I view Stephen Curry as a hero like he but I view LeBron James as a villain why do we do that because I don’t think LeBron off the court he’s not a bad person I think from since he’s been 16 17 years old this guy has had a microscope on him Bon he and what’s the worst thing he did the decision raising money for the Boys and Girls Club of America come on well Shaq and Shaq I’m just thinking about Shaq too in his insecurity started to bring it back no no no you’re good but but just the i p thing he just he just feels less and less relevant but no I would I would much rather be a villain too how cool would that be to walk into a gym 19,000 fans screaming at you screaming at you that’s what you that’s what sports is so like when you get in there they’re boo you’re like give to me like walking into Philadelphia they were booing me I had the time of my life in Philadelphia I can’t stand those damn fans but walking in get booed like that no cheer I felt at home yes I felt great same thing in Dallas and I went there to bu myself into the star in Jerry’s world and Cowboy fans said no I’ll take those ugly colors off and I’m doing this come on get loud Get Loud Let’s Go y there’s something about there something about that and even when you’re a fan because you turn into a villain right if you go into a hostile environment something like I always love it and it’s unfortunate cuz this kind of be like the last year in iteration of it like you know the baybridge series whenever we have the A’s versus the Giants and going for being an A’s fan going to Oracle park or being a Giants fan going to the Coliseum and just ribbing each other the whole time playful stuff like that now it gets too ugly we don’t need to go into what’s going on you know when the Niners and Raiders got too physical and stuff like that when we couldn’t have preseason games like that sort of stuff is just a childish and clown Behavior that’s that’s that’s goonish kind of stuff I’m talking about the fun and playful stuff I’d be the villain and maybe because I have five older brothers and I just love to troll them when I was a little kid and that’s me we all have a little troll in us at times but I go back to uh Memphis Bonte remember it was Draymond going nuts and stuff they were getting blown out round full WWE yeah he went full Hulk Hogan with full Hulk Hogan listen uh it when in a Rog game so I don’t know if you’ve ever watched your team on the road yes Lakers yes I’ve seen Lakers they win that game yes how good did it feel it felt good but I’m respectful on the road I am respect I am because I was also with a I was with a little kid that is different yes if I was my homies might have been different watching your team on the road and watching your team way on the road in another environment and when you take that environment over there’s nothing like it there’s no and I look I love home games for the 409ers but there’s nothing like going on the road when they go on the road and they win a game with all those Niner feds and you’re talking that talking and bleacher saying yeah try to stop that and you walk out of there with the way the deo’s dancing and K’s doing his little first down thing and ERS going sideline to sideline just smacking dudes or official Warriors like going to Boston in the playoffs and winning the finals game on the park a floor and watching Steph Curry after the first quarter of game four looking to the crowd and flex on him and yell there’s something special about winning gay Road game the being a villain on the road it’s shutting up 19 20,000 or if it’s in football shutting up 80,000 spon there’s no feeling like it there’s a phrase Bon and I think it goes hand inand with that silence is definite you just there’s just that certain feel you get when you silence a crowd whether it’s a buzzer beater whether it’s a walk-off touchdown whether it’s a a home run in the top of the ninth to take the lead there’s just something about it that hits different and it almost feels better than your own home court going nuts because you’re silencing everyone that was talking so much smack like I love it in baseball when some guy hits a jack right throws the bat down turns around to whoever was talking smack and then trots around the bases as slow as possible too it’s nothing like it uh our boy zuchi man 50 speaking of villains watching Major League Baseball too yesterday Parkman was a great love Parkland too uh somebody’s late to the conversation here 415 says I’m late but it’s Selena Gomez Warrior Spurs game she gets hyped and interacts I’m intrigued about her NBA knowledge and gets into it she’s nice to look at so are you going to watch her or you got to watch the game it’s eye candy it’s like the girl who was the uh who was the escort at the Warriors game not too long ago I don’t know what you’re talking about oh you know what I’m talking about the guys in the photo as P I think pods is hitting the buzzer beater at the end of the when uh Steph hit the shot and Steph was doing his little golf swing and you got the picture step doing the golf swing and then the guy is in the background tearing turning around and looking at at the woman yeah yeah he’s looking at the woman not even looking at the play great meme by the way and her price went up her price went up that night talk about disrespectful by the way there’s nothing more disrespectful than practicing a golf swing when you’re a basketball player on midc court it’s so disrespectful he’s like I’d rather for a 10 seed right i’ just rather 913 that’s why we wore silver a black and arrow head every Raiders Chiefs game when living in Kansas City G did do a victory La around Arrowhead remember when they beat the Chiefs and they took the te- bus and drove around AR I was just talking about cuz they beat him in Kansas City on Christmas all my talking that talking about the greatest Christmas gift a Raiders fan could receive Brittney momes holding Taylor Swift and unfortunately that was the last loss they ever had because they just ran the table after that and won the Super Bowl but in that moment on Christmas day it was tremendous Kathleen Taylor Kathleen Taylor was the uh San Francisco base escort oh I was walking to the bathroom to D time at Gate House somebody on YouTube shout out to going to search that on shout out to Brandon shout out to Brandon she charges $900 for one hour experiences now the price went up to 1,500 after that night I saw her I was going to the bathroom getting ready for the post game show I saw I was like she’s got to be cold cuz like was just out I was like it was like 50° at night I was like she got to be cold this old white guy to your mind well that’s a fair I walk around some these like some of these Giants Friday night games I go to you know like you especially the night ones you’re walk around it’s chilly out there I’m all bundled up some of these women walk around in like tank tops and whatnot and yeah that’s my same thought too it’s just like how are you not freezing right now like come on let’s be practical from the 415 on the expin mobex line when clay hit that long three over Westbrook in game six you could feel OKC fans fear through the screen there’s just nothing like that even when you’re watching it on TV too and they pan to the crowd like I’m one of those people that rewatches beaters in opposing uh Arenas and I keep searching all around the ARA different angles and stuff just to see fans reactions Bonte I zoom in and just look at the little like 12year olds just heads drop or the the older dads and stuff like that and reading their lips and just how people digest it in that way is how do you feel if you lose on a buzzer beater Bonte what’s your reaction what is your as a fan what is your reaction defl you’re more of like that are you yelling are you pissed just well I’ve had those situations on the postgame show where you think that okay who we who are we going to interview who’s going to be the postgame interview it a like yic for example when he CS off that 25 to four run that ridic I’ve seen nuggets hit a couple gamewinners against the Warriors well before the allstar break the championship season I think who was it Monty Morris hit the shot was it Gary Harris I think it was Monty Morris sad B Steph was laid off the screen um and I and you’re just like damn it changes your entire mov food now if I’m at home you lose by a buzzer beater I got to take a walk I’ve got to take a walk you’re somehow more for me anyways I’m somehow more angry when I am at home than in the arena maybe because I’m surrounded by a lot more strangers and stuff like that and I want to make a fool out of myself or maybe because I’m just getting I’m on the high of the game and I’m my mood is already up as it is but when I am at home to your point I turn it off or if I’m seeing it slip away anyways any I can’t I can’t handle it I don’t need mentals I don’t need to get upset see get upet I do I do watch the postc show though and I watch you kind of see what’s going on here what’s happening I can’t and I’m just like there’s days where it hurts me Bonte I can’t even turn it on I I watch the losses more than I watch the wins wow you’re glutton for punishment I am I’ve watched the losses no I no you guys talk about this a lot and I want to get into it how do you guys watch the Super Bowl losses that many times oh my gosh like you are sick individuals having to watch that constantly watch Cabo I know you were you guys stop texting me you guys made a special thread to start texting and you guys left me out to text thread that was that was shady business well we have a separate text thread right now cuz shas’s out this week CU we don’t want to bother him yeah you’re on your downtime we don’t want you know your phone blowing up when you’re on vacation on vacation watch the Super Bowl 54 can you believe that yeah I mean that that’s you doing that to you but we didn’t want to add on to that so we started getting those texts from you oh my god Super Bowl 54 superow 54 we’re both like he needs to relax if we respond he’s not going to be able to relax as much us being your teammates are trying to set you up but you know all right thank you very much you’re just well-rounded that way thank you very much so how come you like watching those things though do you just it’s just I don’t know you think something’s going to change when you watch this like maybe if I change this part time complete the you know why you know why I think it’s I I it’s guilty I’m guilty when you get into these debates with people about why they lost the Super Bowl I need to make sure that all my eyes are dotted okay and all my te’s are cross well so so you’re prepping you’re show basically PR like like we talk about the Super Bowl in Atlanta right talk about Atlanta 28 to3 my boys I remember watching The Spence Crawford fight and people were still ad ofit that Kyle shahad blew that Super Bowl and I will argue with you until the day I die that he was not the reason the atletic Falcons lost the Super Bowl actually that’s a lazy reason to bestow on to Kyle Shanah head he was the offensive coordinator D Quinn was the head coach you’re up 28 to3 against bich and Brady how about to play some damn Def and two when you watch the game long cuz everybody say well you should have been running the ball well you’re in field goal rage what are you L me gets hurt gives up a sack okay fine you get the yardage back but what of your L gets called for a holding call stops the clock stops the clock [ __ ] ahead was not the reason so I watched that game over and over just to make sure that I know every single Drive of what happened they had an onside kick they had first attend at the third two yard line this thing you know T Co sprays his ankle they get called for another holding de M Ry gets caugh gets hit for a sack and all of a sudden you’re out a field goal range you would have got up 31 to9 you got up 31 to9 game over game over so that’s why I watch you got to have tremendous patience for that too because you already know what happens there is something about just watching it live and it’s very difficult for me to record something having already seen like the final score and stuff like that and going back and watching the whole game now you have to at times especially during like the regular season for football because there are certain plays and things that you might have missed while watching it cuz you got kids and stuff around you try to be solo Doo and doing it but there’s a bunch of stuff happening but you have to have patience going back and rewatching games like that M you have to it’s embracing the pain you have to embrace the pain to get through it the more you duck it the more painful it gets speaking of embracing the pain is that what Warriors fans are going to have to do coming up in this next season what paid what are you’re already numb you’re already numb what paid paid F pain you might have to move on from Klay Thompson well Ramona shur joining Willard to dibs yesterday she said it could benefit clay to play elsewhere a lot of people around the league have have said I think he would benefit from a change of scenery right like a lot of people when you talk and think and watch Klay Thompson I also though I think that he really is a fighter and I think he’s really proud of the Legacy he has with the Warriors and so I think deep down he’s a Kobe guy Kobe stayed you know Kobe stayed with the Lakers like he yeah he still ate first and those teams were really bad at the end but he stayed and so I think if they approach him with respect with an admiration for what he’s done with the organization if they approach him like ownership level let’s go to lunch you know make him feel really good about you know we appreciate everything you’ve done and your sacrifice we understand you you’d be taking less here like it’s got to be on F that’s for about shelir Bry Kravitz 963 in our Orlando the game also does their pre and postgame show clay and Orlando how they feel down to ntown here’s Brandon Kravitz on Klay Thomson in in like a best case scenario he’s the perfect fit for the magic he is the championship pedigree by all accounts from what I understand on the East Coast good locker room guy I mean he’s played second fiddle or third fiddle his entire career which is what you don’t want to bring in somebody that’s going to user poo banero and his rise towards an all-nba star Klay Thomson would not get in the way of that he’s still a knockdown three-point shooter he’s better than anybody else that’s on the Magic roster in terms of three-point shooting even in a slightly diminished state so the answer is yes so that’s yesterday when Brady krais joined us from marlando down a 963 the game Klay Topson would it benefit him to have a change of scenery I don’t know the answer to that it’s all what Klay wants to do he’s comfortable here he knows the settings he’s got everything everything and you can end it if he does care about that with the big three but what does the money look like does he want the years from what I’ve heard there has been no talks between Klay Thompson and gold State Warriors as of yet the only deal that was offered was a one before the season which was 2 years of 48 million and they can negotiate right now they can negotiate but what I’ve heard is that there has been no negotiations they’ve kind of just all take a step back so does that mean anything to Clay will that bother clay Thompson you know we’re not inviting Catherine to the negotiations Brandon no that’s not going to help oh it might uh does well for himself Klay Thompson and you heard it from Rona shelburn there he grew up a Laker fan he idolized Kobe Bryan who was his favorite player and yes Kobe stayed a Laker his entire career and that means something when we look back on the greats of the greats and then staying in one place but how did those last six years in it did not it wasn’t great it wasn’t good last five he missed the playoffs missed the playoffs he had the Achilles injury obviously that was the last year they even made the playoffs clay missed Kobe brgh missed the playoffs his last five years of his NBA career yep no playoffs with Kobe Bry in it for five straight years obviously the Warriors are going to a bunch of finals they were going to the playoffs you got the thunder in there you LeBron Le and the Cavs so like the league was okay but we we kind of forget like it was not a great ending Dirk nitzky after he won that title in 2011 it was not a great ending there and Tim Duncan Manu job uh Tony Parker going to Tony Parker was on the Charlotte Hornets like like like that happened now would that look the same if Klay Thompson chose the Orlando Magic I’m not sure but I don’t view Klay Thompson any less as as a player or his legacy in the sport if he chose to go to another team no would you no absolutely not and you’re you’re you’re war no I would love in a war uniform but I get the business rare that a player does stay with an organization now you’re going to try to fit three guys exactly you know Steph Curry if he moved on and he was wearing another uniform it would look weird but I’ve seen this before I’ve seen H aajan wear a different uniform seen Michael Jordan wear a different uniform see Scotty Pippen wear a different uniform Charles Barkley wore a different uniform Carl Malone wore a different uniformed out sha I mean what from Baro to LA to Miami to Phoenix to Cleveland and then Boston I mean Kevin Garnett worked for you so it it it happens it happens but something yes you know just not on me cuz you brought this up on our show call yesterday and I was laughing about it yesterday’s show we’re a Warriors Flagship station here at 957 again kry Warrior gabes been doing this since 201617 and I didn’t think it would come up so soon but we actually had five people call in yesterday and give us the opinion that the Warriors should trade Stephen Curry now think about number five and these aren’t like crazy like Casey Marin these are some regulars calling in being like you know what in basketball fans yes and we got five calls yesterday which I thought would be impossible impossible we don’t even talk about these things we don’t even want our minds to go there but we had five callers yesterday which blew me away saying that hey we should trade Stephen Curry I’m just like wow Warrior fans some Warrior fans are just broke but I just can’t like we’ve gotten to that point with the go to State Warriors where people are ready to have that opinion and ready to say you know what let’s just rip the bad a off and let’s just rebuild now it’s gotten to the point and he’s of the age where it’s no longer a crazy thing wow like that’s kind of the reality of this LeBron James is 39 it’s not crazy if you trade him now he’s a free agent be a sign and trade something like that but it’s not crazy for the Lakers to consider that it’s not crazy for the Phoenix Suns to consider trading Kevin Durant this is just age in reality yeah you’re looking at the rest of the West and the rest of the league and the guys are all just young just we were just talking about the MVPs how many of those guys are 30 and younger yeah yic he’s 28 29 mid mid 20s Luca mid 20 like Jason t him I mean I feel like Jason has been 19 his whole life because we keep bringing back oh he’s just so young he still is so young like that’s just the reality here you have these older players and if you’re not even making it to the second round let alone the first round then it’s not crazy to think about hey maybe we do take the OKC approach now I don’t think people are ready for that because it might sound all well in Dandy I think we blow it up I think we get all this you know these assets stuff like that just look how long it took for the Oklahoma City Thunder to reach where they are now right it took a long Joe lob and this Market I don’t know if they had the patience yeah it’s easier said than done you sit there and say let’s rebuild let’s rebuild let’s rebuild you get through the first half of the season of a rebuild and thingss are not going well well we saw it in 201920 when Klay was out for the season and Steph got Hur in game number four against the Phoenix Suns people checked out so damn fast it wasn’t even funny I mean for crying out loud to Warriors they gave us a free they gave us a box here 957k remember that I do they gave us a luxury Suite they did I mean they try to get anybody to come to the game this is the first year Chase come see Eric Pascal if he can make the all rookie they actually won that game too they beat Orlando they beat Orlando that game so Eric Pascal I’ll give steiny credit that he knew immediately in that whole season he’s like yeah this guy’s not cut out for the NBA going forward but on this team he made the all rookie who called us yesterday who called us yesterday made the five heartbeat heartbeat reference about Eric Pascal it’s a great question some called I was too busy look at the movie somebody called us and made a Five Heartbeats reference to Eric Pascal as he’s the the heartbeat who got drugged up it was drunk it was out the crews begging and try to sing maybe he should go to the next he’s a Nova guy well that’s what he was saying that he’s the one Nova guy who’s left out yeah unbelievable I was speaking of uh being left out guy who’s never left out of a Warriors conversation D Paulo Alo it’s BPA hey Brian good morning BPA hey good morning I mean I think it’s crazy that anyone would encourage the Warriors to trade step um I can’t I don’t think I is there any historical context to an organization that where the narrative is for a top 10 player ever and still a top 10 player in my opinion in the league rather than like hey let’s get this guy some help of any kind which he had none last year I mean you even have a third option let’s trade him the best player in the history of the franchise who’s made us a multi-billion dollar valuation and one of the most valuable franchises in professional sports like the Lakers if LeBron wants them to go all in they’re going all in the only way they trade LeBron is if LeBron demands he’s out so it’s like why don’t gosh forbid just give the guy some help and see what he does give them a little help what’s the help look like Brian prioritizing what’s the help look like though what’s the help look like because I feel like the options are kind of limited and what the Warriors can do this off season I think that there’s roughly going to be right now 10 teams that are over the second apron that are even teams that are still playing that don’t are not going to have the money to pay the freight on that including the timber wolves there are going to be options there are going to be players available like look in good GMS get things done look at what Bradley look at what Stevens did at the Celtics last off season what did they give up to get holiday and porzingis almost nothing yeah you forget what they brought it can be it really it can be done Milwaukee gave up almost nothing to get not that I don’t want Lillard by the way but like it can be done but like you you gota you know be light years Joey yeah well we’re we’re going to see you’re cutting out thank you good call um what what and that’s why we’re going to talk to Mark m i 20 the reason why we’re talking to Mark Medina cuz we want to know what the hell is going on with the Lakers and the Clippers and who could be had who’s going to be out who’s going to be in what could be had from one of those two teams and is there any player that interests you from those two teams like War your face are you really interested in Paul George are you I’m I’m not I’m not really I I would take Paul George but if that’s my first choice no I don’t want Paul George how much is he gonna Comm in I’m I would think he wants Max money still he wants Max money which is the problem with the Clippers he wants Max money the Clippers like hold up no that’s the problem kind of right now around the league like all these guys you can’t have multiple Max guys and have the depth like that’s just the the rout on the table here brought to you by Atco like and I know what Brian’s trying to say he’s like yeah all these other teams you know they’re not going to be able to pay well I don’t know if the Warriors are going to be able to pay all this money either like that’s just like the second apron thing really hampers you going forward and if you’re trying to look down the road still like the the Warriors are in a very tricky spot because how long how much longer do you have with this coure 2 years I know so like you don’t want to hurt yourself after that and do you want to get older that’s the thing I look at Paul George he’s 34 years old could be 35 I I’m I’m good I’m good i’ rather have a bred eam who is not the perfect player is flawed but he’s younger or Kyle kma yeah Kyle you know Kyle kma warming up to that but you have to get younger and more athletic aren’t we watching the playoffs aren we watching Anthony Edwards aren’t we watching LCA donic and Kyrie and Shay aren’t you watching the New York Nicks and Bruns and and dezo and Josh Hart aren’t you watching folks halberton in Indiana I don’t want Paul George I don’t I I’ve come to that conclusion I have to get younger somehow some way and what Young asset could be available for the go to State Warriors we shall see but real quick before we get to the injury report a little funny here by Ed Edwards oh Sam Amic our boy from the athletic love Sam was asking Ed Edwards about you know Kevin Durant looking at some of these veterans funny little back and forth between Ed Edwards and Sam Amic hey you talked in that Phoenix series a lot about the way you saw Kevin and how that motivated you and at your age it’s got to be fun to see all these OG’s right in front of you is there anything like that in this series like what’s your n these guys 3 four years older than me man yeah I mean Jamal been around for a minute is that a guy that that you’ve been tracking at all hell no like I said he what is he 27 I’m going to turn 23 dog yeah KD 36 35 yeah come on man there’s no disrespect to Jamal I don’t know what you’re trying to start but he no not at all I love Anthony Edwards He’s just so funny he gets it his game translates to the television product he’s got a great smile like he’s the face going forward that’s what you want if you’re the NBA that’s the guy and Jamal Murray by the way dismissing questions after he answered one question about the heating pad saying he’s not going to talk about it anymore get get out of here you’re so sof you could have hurt Carl Anthony towns hurt his other miniscus and you got you got fine $100,000 you should have been suspended you’re lucky for that and good luck tomorrow in Minnesota because if you lose that game you’re done yeah you’re done but $100,000 is a steep F uh very steep it’s as steep as you could get um by the way Baldi just posted a picture on Instagram uh Mike Patza on the beach back the 90s oh yeah yeah baldi’s looking good uh listen I don’t think he should have got suspended because he doesn’t have any priors the heating pad if somebody got hurt yeah he would have been popped nobody got hurt thankfully thankfully how many heating pads have to be thrown before the injury report starts I don’t [Music] know ow ow ow hey there’s Joe Hawks Hey Joe what’s going on he’s always got a take too he’s always got takes for us well he’s a Joe he’s not average he’s just Joe he’s not an average Joe that’s not an average Joe you’re right about that too many Jo in this building damn Joe Hawk let just start calling you Hawks Hawk Hawk Hawk get back here Hawk Hawk Haw I know pretty for MVP this year yeah thumbs up there it is thumbs up two buff Giants they’re owning the injury report this week ho salir officially placed on the iil yesterday retroactive to this past Sunday May 5th due to a shoulder strain he’s been out of the lineup the last few days prior to moving to the iil and Helio Ramos heliot Ramos is now up for the Giants hopefully he doesn’t go back down but there’s no time table for when salair is expected to return to mean time again they turn to Robos to fill the void at the DH spot uh the inur report brought you by boxer gser Northern California’s Premier workers compensation law firm helping in your workers get their lives back for over 40 years what’s coming up on the game brought to you by free Bank F making no compromises get to the Knicks and Pacers also Kay Thompson we know about the allseason with to goto St Warriors yesterday we asked people their number one priority for the go to State Warriors after the number one priority what would the number two priority be we got a lot going on here on the roast Mark medina9 20day fling 830 number two yeah all that coming up brought to you by freeb Bank full service Bank you no compromises [Music] n [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby that’s how we’re filling another Thursday let’s go folks good morning to everybody out there getting out the graveyard shift even Ron in Hayward the truck driver we ever heard from him cuz the Lakers bowed out in the first round the dod well the Dodgers are actually they’re really good don’t start on them good morning the graveyard shift workers everybody out there in traffic hopefully you’re driving safely be courteous to the other drivers all the cops all the firefighters all the students cracking them damn books teachers counselors everybody getting ready for prom season going to celix mids warehouse and get your tucks hey go do it go look dapper go do the damn thing it’s your time it is your time especially YouTube twitch brought to you by first NorCal Credit Union let me not forget about Twitter SLX upgrade your savings inited open a first NorCal first class money market today we’re having a lot of fun this week spot here for shasy Shas will be back on Monday we got D D’s back on the board we got Sam Ling here he’s got his you shirt on let’s go baby it’s a Thursday we had a great game yesterday with the playoffs the Giants have B two in a row sports sports sports oh and we’re getting little leaks about the NFL schedule oh you excited the 49ers opening up on Sunday night football against the Dallas Cowboys that may be week one Sunday Night Football reportedly or rumor has it that Jerry Jones is really pressing for that game to be Jerry Jones says he wants to get that game and he wants to show the world that this is a different Dallas Cowboys team anything but Giants Cowboys on Sunday night which I cannot if Daniel Jones is on my TV on Sunday night week one I’m going to throw it out the building I don’t need to see any of that I don’t care about Malik neighbors who does not want to be there by the way does not want to be with Brian Dall who’s going to get fired Daniel Jones who’s going to get axed H well I guess the other one I saw I don’t know if this is true or not I guess is Niners bills on Christmas Day yeah I saw that the rum I know so it was on the the Twitter account NFL schedule leaks I don’t know how legitimate that is so I’m going to just kind of hope that that’s not going to happen but I’m so disappointed because the Warriors will probably be playing on Christmas day MH therefore I will probably have to work and it’s Christmas stay in Buffalo I wanted to go to Buffalo this year I wanted to go to that one too very disappointed no we may still have to make that happen however the Niners may be playing in London oh who’s ready to go get their passport stamped you GNA go watch some Premier League action too or what oh be oh yeah oh fideli come on oh fideli roast trip don’t do that to me spidi don’t do it to me get some fishing chips manb hey man London there’s a pub on every corner come on I don’t care about the pubs I I you know me I’m not a big I’m not a big drinker that’s with all sing get the food there though they got great food there actually it’s not known for its food really yeah no I think great food is literally the opposite of what they have over there they got great Indian food there so if you’re like Indian food Tika Masala That’s The Unofficial dish outside of fish and chips Tika Masala in London I didn’t know that you’ve been to London yes I have oh wow I did a eurp when I graduated high school my I went to uh London England we went to uh Paris France we went to a cc went to Florence went to Rome it was awesome buch of 18-year-old guys yeah dude dud London the roasted London I I go by my damn shelf roasted in London roasted in London I like that has a theme to it the British roast the British roast I like that Sunday roll there no for their from London and then let me tell you back in London we’re watching the 49ers play the Chicago B yeah F tips what was that I don’t know what that was that was like Vin skull you were trying to do like a VIN scol impersonation turn into BR better than your think Monon it’s Monon in London all right that’s that’s terrible yes I like your from oh my God I like my tea cck te and crumpets I believe it is got to work on that British accent hey well You’ meet the other King right two kings Collide who King Charles and uh King Bon i k my black ass out of there so fast you know I’m not well Megan marle already yeah she’s over there so all right that that was terrible um hey by the way real quick before we get back to actual Sports we were all just chopping it up in the uh little uh kitchen we got the community kitchen so for those of you that don’t know we share our building with other stations our sister stations we call them here at Odyssey we got live 1053 down there we got Q102 chewy doing his thing we got uh Sarah and Vinnie 973 we got KCBS with the great Steven lenford so we all you know they have stuff playing from multiple stations out in the lobby and you can listen to it you can listen to Sarah and Vinnie you can listen to the KCBS updates I have not once heard 957 the games Airwaves out in that kitchen you imagine what’s wrong with us you imagine you don’t want to hear steiny and goo your boy at 5:00 a.m. listen imagine the that old baby hitting those speakers at 8:00 I don’t think people want that no they need to wake up the hell is going on in there what is going on in there by the way myc Ludy Uncle Ludy is right my accent just they’re terrible I get it I lead into it though my accents are all time bad sounds like your Trump impression whiches it’s it’s just big water you’re American Puerto Rica has water big water lots of water yeah yeah you’re americ you’re not supposed to have ACC that’s what the whole Revolution was about you don’t have to talk that way it’s just it’s just it’s just awful it is awful I get it I’m not I I can’t know everything I can’t know everything I can’t do just well-rounded we have a drop but he’s also humble too well yeah I’m humble I know I know what I don’t know Kendrick Lon and I know that my accents are terrible which is why I shouldn’t do them but I do them anyway way don’t panic oh quick shout out I know sh shout outs is tomorrow it is put Marv from bizzy’s cheese Stakes hit the text line yesterday mobile text line my stomach started growling and all of a sudden this text came in it’s like yo it’s Marvin EAS as cheese steaks I’m going to be a spark social man I’ve been trying to drop off some cheese steaks in a roast for a long time I’m met spark show will come through your boy had a meeting with the boss man yesterday which is why I had to button up shirt long meeting meeting you know I was in the principal’s office and I was starving and I was starving like Marvin and I went down to go see him at Izzy’s cheese steaks and let me tell you Marvin thank you so much and yes I paid I paid CU I’m a man of course I’m a man of the people yes I’m not looking for free you’re contributing to the local economy exactly Let Me Tell You Marvin whipped that cheese steak up in 3.5 seconds with the french fries oh and I threw the I threw the Champions League on my cell phone Real Madrid and Bayern Munich and I killed that cheese steak you know what I didn’t even have dinner yesterday I ate some fruit cuz that cheese steak was hitting so hard so Marvin I love you I love you I love you I love okay he loves you that chees shake was great sorry I forgot to say no you’re great this is great no what do you like on your cheese steak by the way is it just traditional for you some people like the hot peppers on there jalapenos got okay what is that ta uh classic meat onions Peppers peppers I don’t think it have mushrooms in it you get the cheese on there text what is in the classic I don’t know I just devoured it no I think that was it could had it could have had anything you should be doing the cheese uh State commercials unlike Alex Dickerson a couple years ago and Steven pascotti remember when Alex Dickerson was crying about the cheese takes cuz they were just so good yeah that was good I’m fonte crying about the cheese it’s just so it reminds me of my childhood you’re too much things you rememb Fon I remember weird stuff this is why I’m doing this job you to bre that up things are useless I remember things that are just useless Sports knowledge and and pop culture and that’s why I’m talking to all you lovely people here at 8:11 a.m. uh May 9th 2024 the year of Our Lord Enrique uh says that Bon finished it off with strawberry ice cream no I didn’t but baby chz and I did go to the arties yesterday and they got the little baby strollers for her is she always loves her little hog andas small strawberry hog andos only the best and the finest for baby CH now baby chz is she’s learning how to lie as a three-year-old oh they know they’re Master manipulators oh she manipulated me yes so she didn’t have a so we had this little star chart of which she brushes her teeth morning at night thear the yeah so she goes papa papa I didn’t get my star for this morning I said well did you brush your teeth yeah I brushed my teeth I said you sure yes so she put a star on there I was like okay fine I’ll ask Mama later she got her ice cream now Mama comes home at night says why is there a star here you didn’t brush your teeth I go wait you didn’t brush your teeth and she goes I told you if you didn’t brush your teeth you’re getting no ice cream today and she lied to me and she got her ice cream and she she’s manipulating Papa won’t be the first time and it won’t be the last time Bonte they will lie to you the first time she lied to me and I felt heartbroken well that you know of she tricked me she duped me in a getting ice cream so now today she loves his slime right you know kids love slime and stuff like that I hate slime cleaning it up cleaning it up is so annoying I try to avoid it the Slime that she’s had for over a month went bad and so was stuck all over our head so it took us like 10 minutes to wash our hands and stuff like that this why I hate it I said so we’ll go get some new slime tomorrow but she didn’t want to brush her teeth last night so I said you know what no slime for you today and mama said well we’re going to see about that how soft are you papa she’s going to test me it’s going to test me see like the the all season with the Warriors is driving me crazy but later on today she’s going to test me Papa I want to get slime I want to get slime I want to get slime and it’s going to be long day for baby chz we’ll get back into this Warriors conversation in just a second I promise 888 957 9570 what should the Warriors do this summer should they even enter priority number two what’s priority number two priority number one yesterday Klay Thompson Klay Thompson was mostly everybody’s priority number one in my household in the relationship between jade and I the MS she’s the one that caves in constantly she’s the one that has to go and you know go to Target oh oh we’re not going to get him a toy we’re not this target CHP we’re not getting him something he’s going to see something that he wants we’re not getting it I stand firm by that but Jade she was an only child she didn’t have a bunch of siblings she got everything she wanted so how what does she feel Benny oh look at this Pokémon on mom I’ve been really good today I was like no we’re not doing it we’re not doing it it’s in the checkout line it’s $20 later we’re done it’s just I what can I do Bonte what am I supposed to do there I just let it go I don’t want the kid to be spoiled but he’s already spoiled was it too late what I don’t Here’s My Philosophy if you’re not going to spoil them somebody else will it may not go your way but that’s the grandparents that’s what they’re supposed to do get it I get it but I’m sorry I try to get chess cuz I know how my childhood was and I try to give her everything I I can’t help but spoil her my default is to spoil her I can’t help it you want I’m going to make sure she’s got everything she needs this kid’s ego is out of control it’s rivaling his father’s it’s not good it needs to be checked is what needs to happen speaking of eagles being checked oh man um the Pacer’s ego needs to be checked Rick car car are you serious Rick Carlo yesterday went off on a rant after the game and I get it they’ve been getting jobed they’ve been getting jobed and he said in game number one it kind of reminded me of when the rocket said that the Warriors that the referees Miss 81 calls in the Rockets Warriors game well Rick Carell said the referees missed 29 calls in game number one but he didn’t send the Clips in well he will send the Clips in for game two and you know what he AR get jumped a little bit about a square card are you insinuating there’s a bias happening right now no but you are but Reggie Miller said it before the game and I do believe it you’re playing 805 at the Garden the celebrities are on top of you the fans are on top of you it’s medic Square Garden it’s loud it’s deafening is it like the Laker effect with crypto there’s just something there whenever we talked about it last year right you have LeBron you have the Stars it’s the Staples Center on you have the lights dimmed like is it the same thing we’re saying there’s there’s a little extra incentive for the refs maybe to swallow the whistle in these locations okay yes all right is we know that’s also play basketball you know you’re playing 8 off5 when you play the LA Lakers that’s that’s a fact I mean it didn’t help him against the Denver Nuggets but I understand what you’re saying overall I mean I don’t know are they actually having a clear bias I’m not sure about that are they swallowing their whistle in times in it needs to be blown potentially but that’s playoff basketball right like that’s they’re just they’re allowing for more physicality now the Kickball one the other day was atrocious oh atrocious the moving screen on Miles Turner in real time it’s hard like Miles Turner that that was such a flop by by the letter of the law he flopped because he knew he would get the reaction but there wasn’t a legal screen there I know by the letter of the law I’m not saying I’m not saying this stuff is fixed I’m not saying but it does like IND like Halbert got pushed in the back a couple times yesterday it was just a play on I was like what what 508 Mark Rick Carlile chronicled he pinpointed it 508 third quarter H bird dribbl the ball he got pushed twice by Josh Hart what’s on defense and what’s on offense it’s like [ __ ] what are we doing here I don’t want my head coach though Bonte going out and complaining like that because it comes off his somebody has to do it somebody has to protect the team then let someone else let like a bench player do it or something like that see he’s going to take the F this is leadership right here by r car pressure off his players and say look you guys I know what’s going on here we have to play better but I’m here to protect you and he got ejected in the game late late in the game he got ejected now I would say to Rick Carlile you need to play TJ Mado more in the fourth quarter know what you’re doing your rotations need to be tightened up you know what I’m saying you got to play him right now nimart is getting cooked n Smith at times getting cooked you got to play TJ Mado to slow down jayen Brunson that’s our Rick Carla I don’t think that’s leadership I think leadership is what your leader on the court said Tyrese halberton after the game quote they outplayed us let’s not pretend like the refs are the reason we lost we just got to be better that’s leadership to me right there stop talking about the refs control what you can control dominate the controllables as Robert S like to say you don’t like coaches going up there kind of to do it but when you come out with a number that means that’s in your Dome and you’re letting it create space in there and you need to try to get better on the court you need to get better on like there Phil Jackson was the master at this the Zen master I’ll give you that I’ll give you that you can’t be nam in plays but I do respect the fact that Rick car’s protecting his team in that situation because they are getting jobed at sometime at some points I mean now when you give up a run like they did yesterday where the Knicks I I swear I went to the laundry spot put the wash put the clothes in the dryer me and baby chess Nicks were down 10 it to half so I was like all right I’m run laundry we get back Nicks are up five like how they’re just down 10 you gotta play better if you’re Indiana but I do respect the coach for protecting this team now naming plays and saying that there’s 29 clips and we didn’t send it in now we’re going to send it in the league needs to do better I respect the fact that he is protecting his team however the Nicks are hustling they’re getting to the 50-50 balls they’re hitting bigger shots they’re playing defense I saw Indiana in the first quarter for example chion defense non-existent made baskets the Knicks are getting layups New York Knicks under timido come now it’s been non-existent all year I mean Rick Carlile is not known for his defensive prowess he’s an offensive guy now the ball movement when it’s on offense at times it’s great at times it kind of reminds you of the Warriors in their ball movement but they don’t have Warriors players right now and I just think their depth is getting tested right now I think the Knicks are just better defensively I think they’re more gritty now it shifts to Indiana and we’ll see on brunt’s foot like that is a big question mark haming o noi in the hamstring the hamstring he may be out that that’s huge that’s massive that’s the second best Brunson being hurt is obviously the biggest biggest issue with the uh Knicks right now but if you don’t have OG and adobi and you get past the Pacers and you don’t to have OG and the noi against Boston because yeah Boston we all believe they’re beating Cleveland I don’t see any well I think Boston’s going to roll five game series at the most um that could be a problem for the Knicks because I do think they have a puncher chance against the Boston Celtics but you talk about Deb being tested right now the Giants depth is being tested the sancisco Giants head is we got fby coming on at 8:30 and their depth without horir they already don’t have a lot of power all right mat Chapman trying to find his Bat we’ll see what happens there the pitching depth Blake snail that’s already been tested cam deval’s pitch a left to right he’s a pitching in non saave situations giving up runs left or right they non saave situations their depth will be tested this lineup will be tested especially today against Colorado as they go for the sweep and then over the next six when you got the Reds and the Dodgers spel it’s a big six game Home St this is a defining point of the giant season thus far you think so I as of right now you think this DET turbance the way they go the rest of way this could potentially be that if they can sweep today get back to three games under 500 maybe take care of business win a series against the Reds before setting it up against the Dodgers that would be massive do you have the Rockies so it’s a niname home stand coming up not a six game home you got Dodgers back well that’s that’s just it if you can get close to 500 against cuz the Dodgers are the Dodgers like if they get swept against them I’m not it’s you’re going up against the best team potentially in all of baseball it’s tough we all know that but if you can just handle your business today and then against the Reds and then you got the Rockies after LA and just stay around 500 I think you can get through this tough part of the season and potentially build things going forward hopefully snow comes back strong hopefully you get whether it’s cob whether it’s Robbie Ray down the road but even the pitching I’m not worried about it’s just the h you got to get the bats going if this is what it took just being in Colorado to get the bats going that great that’s awesome but you got to translate it at home because at home they’ve just been putrid and at home you’re not going to get the benefit of the elevation you’re not going to get the benefit of the ballpark or anything like that it’s going to be the opposite in fact now hopefully the the hot weather stays because that would be great if you’re at Oracle yes let that ball fly carry that stuff over and it’s been windy it’s been really windy this morning uh Around The Bay be careful on those roadways and along those bridges but I think this is a defining point of the Season thus far and I can’t wait to talk about it with Dave Fleming coming up Dave Fleming coming up here soon cester caught up with farad Zid the other day she you know has some interesting quotes where he’s like you know these guys just got to play better I’m not going to do anything right now but basically farad said look the slow start is hugely disappointed at farad Z I don’t necessarily see any immediate moves on the horizon but I think we’re getting to the point where the sample sizes start being more meaningful so he’s got to St out Blake s we can dive into that because not a Heat starting ratch up for farad Zid or we happy that the giant spit money sure but they spent money the previous year spitting money has not been an issue for the Giants it’s how they spit their money the players attract I’m not going to give you Kudos yay you spent money oh but you fans you want they’ve been spend it money that’s great spend it wisely like that’s part of the job too you can spend the money all you want you have to spend it wisely otherwise you’re just going to be like we were talking about the Lakers when they were giving money to Timothy mozgov and stuff like that like great you signed a guy that shouldn’t have been signed for that much money I get it there’s a Giant’s tax to be paid somewhat but I’m not going to give you credit for that just because you signed the big name they have to contribute no they they’ve been spending money spending money has not been an issue for the Giants it’s who you’re spending your money on and who you’re a able to land here by the way some quick News NBC closing in on an NBA package at 2.5 billion per year unless TNT increases offer to 2.8 billion so it’s a lot going on in terms of the NBA where they may call home and whether or not that’s the end of Inside the NBA for hany man what’s going on with him let’s get to Fleming we’ll talk about the Giants how they could try to erase away this rough road trip play in Colorado we get the flip on the other side here on Mor Rose and it is brought to you by the adom County Probation Department [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow hello hello hello we here yeah you’re there oh we’re here okay I can’t hear myself got no ST in your headphones your thing was turned down that’s thing was turned down I got a little worried there sorry Carter good be coming back did you hear Brandon psky says hi good morning to you Brandon py he us the Pod four Ultra sponsor somebody brought up uh they spit the Super Chat on it I forget who the name is but shout out to the contributor there say could pods be Josh Hart can he be Josh Hart he does Rebound he does hustle a rebound that’s not a bad comp for pods Josh Hart playing really well for the New York Micks play 48 minutes it’s a night for the Knicks tips is running these dudes to the crowd I was just looking at something here we could pull this but Julian Edelman says the tension he’s on with this uh podcast games with names games with names but Julian Edelman says attention in the room with Bill bich and Robert crab present at Tom Brady’s roast you could cut the tension could cut effing glass that’s how ten yeah cuz blood so was on it yesterday that’s Julian’s pod yeah yeah yeah so bledo was on talking with him yeah he was like the tinit is that room though could cut through a [ __ ] uh cut through a glass oh dump that dump that I was watching coach and I tried to get coach a heads up Dump Dump Dump DP dump DP oh boy oh boy uh that’s going to get clipped I see craft walk in I’m like yo coach oh like some locker room oh 5050 of course he didn’t freaking see it it craft came in I was just like oh bleep that could be some fireworks I just walked away so yeah it was an awkward situation love it get off the damn phone let’s go uh we got Dave fliy coming up here in just a second make sure you’re subscribed to the garlic fries and baseball guys podcast Sam Lin Joe shasy bring you the best damn GI talk into Bay Area period every week all SE a long win or lose also hear exclusive interviews with players like Kyle Harrison subscribe today on iTunes and Spotify or wherever you like to listen to your podcast all right and now we have Dave fiming I’m excited to talk to Dave are you he’s been him and Hunter Pence have just such a great chemistry I just want to ask him what how much of a joy it is to work with a guy like that who just brings such infectious he came to the studio I want to say a couple years ago Bon first of all did not realize how large he was in person cuz when you see him on TV he’s tall I was kind of a wiry guy he’s like all muscle man well there you go fli there you go fli somebody saying nice things about you here the Morty Ross how about that fli as you say good morning let’s go ahead get flip off on the uh let’s get a call on let’s get him on let’s go slip it a little bit here it’s all right oh there it is now we got your on have you on I’m if you guys want to just keep saying nice things about me while I sit on hold I’m good with that cool sh would never we were saying glowing things about Mike Florio a couple weeks ago so I wanted to make sure Dave Hood the GL heard the glowing reviews that I had for him on these broadcasts I appreciate it you know it’s funny you bring that up about Hunter because I think I’ve told you guys this story before but I’ll repeat it since youve talked about how you know big of a duty is when when the Giants won the World Series in 2010 and then the manager gets to go manage the All-Star team in 2011 Boi goes to to do the 2011 All-Star Game and he comes back and we’re sitting in his office the first day of the second half and kind of the natural question he always ask okay how was it and who impressed you you know because I think one of the cool things about the All-Star game is players get to size each other up in a way and coaches and managers do it too and I’ll never forget bochi said the guy I couldn’t believe was Hunter Pence he was he was so much bigger than I thought he was and I want that guy and and the Giants what was it uh about exactly a year later made the trade to bring Hunter Pence to San Francisco wow wow jav Lopez not bad either I read it to him at the Bayer Sports Hall of Fame Monday night when Brian Sabian got his do real quick before we get into the team and winning two games in Colorado I don’t know what Colorado’s plan is organization it feels like they have no Direction especially after G Chris B all that big money but saves finally gets his D with the Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame I think people slip up and forget how well he did with the CHS he came in right away couple years into it he trades Fen favorite Matt Williams he gets in Jeff kit and bring in Daryl helmon and all those guys Jose Vis CYO the Run Sabian had is one of the more I think it’s one of the more underrated runs for an executive in this market flip it’s it’s almost impossible to have success every single year when you do that job for a long time the competition level is just so high and I you know fans get frustrated teams don’t have good years you have a down Year guys get hurt you make a mistake in the draft it’s easy to just sort of say oh my God this guy sucks or uh he doesn’t know what he’s doing it’s just like I just I always try to emphasize how hard it is to win at the highest level in Pro Sports and Brian Saab and orchestr two different eras now they were sandwiched on both sides by struggles and I you know I think some fans remember the struggles and but two different long stints of winning at the highest level playoffs pennet going to the World Series winning the World Series with two totally different groups of players uh I mean I I think someday Brian Sabian who had a big part of the Yankees Dynasty too uh when he was their scouting director I think someday Brian Sabian should be in the Hall of Fame and I’m glad he’s happy and doing what he wants to do with the Yankees again and uh congratulations to him Dr to Dave Fleming here voice of your San Francisco Giants for NBC Sports Bay Area our 957 the game Giants Insider and Dave obviously there’s been some struggles with this offense on the field right now they’ve kind of woken up the bats a little bit but how much is that you know their approach getting there and how much is that it’s Kors field um I I think the approach has been good K field has not played like a wild hitter Park these last two days this is not this is not normal Co field like last night it was a little more the ball was carrying pretty well last night but it’s been cold and windy and it is not this is not summertime Coors Field so I think most of it is the Giants have had a good couple days now the Rockies pitching isn’t great so taking advantage of a team that is struggling in a lot of different ways but they deserve some credit for for two days a better offensive performance they got to get it figured out they they have to I mean the offense just has not it has not been good enough and it’s not one guy it’s not two guys it’s a lot of players who really have underperformed and they have to be better because this team still has the potential to be a very good team the pitching staff I know the pitching numbers don’t look great right the pitching staff can be elite like they are putting together now so I it’s taken a month but I think now everybody kind of has a sense of roles and you have a couple guys healthier in a more comfortable role the starting pitching’s been overall excellent uh Giants have a chance to win a lot of games with their pitching they just need something from the offense and if they get if they can score four runs a game that is not a high bar if they can score four runs a game this is going to be a playoff team yeah they got to get better though with the lineup as you mentioned here fem and one guy who’s going to get it reset is Jorge CER went on the iel with the shoulder strain we know about the numbers him not hitting with Runners on base he’s got off to a slow start match CH has got off to a slow start what what are you seeing here what the approaches at the play I know spon just asked you here but we’re going to see the Reds coming up and they have a really good starting roasa right now the Dodgers of course who are winning every game right they got the stone kid who’s throwing seven Innings yesterday against to Marlins what is it how how simple of a fix is it for this lineup cuz you do have some guys who have career numbers that are not great right Matt chap is not a career hitter when it comes to batting average his career numbers what is he a 240 hitter career-wise but it just looks bad he’s laate on the fast ball he’s starting to swing early what is the fix for this lineup because I’m I’m with you with this pitching staff they can win a lot of games they’re going to stand a lot of games with this P sa but you got to get some good at bats here I I I don’t know what’s going on with this lineup Flyn yeah yeah they need to I mean they got to get it figured out this is Big Boy time you know this is there’s no you can’t mess around anymore you’ve frittered away a month and um they haven’t buried themselves but they’ve cost themselves a lot of games and uh so they’re in more of a hole than they should be based on the starting pitching they’ve gotten the defense they’ve gotten um so they got to get it figured out soon I my guess is and this is just purely a guess now I’m around these guys every day so I do I I feel like it’s an educated guess but if you look at the chase rate for Chapman it’s it’s much higher than his career number if you look at the chase rate for Michael conforto it’s higher than his career number Jorge Solair same thing you have some veteran guys right now who whether it’s because they want a contract because it’s a an important year for their careers or because they’re in a place where they know there’s big expectation and they’re a big part of those expectations and they’re I mean these guys are they they do care this is a team that really deeply cares about being good whatever the reason you have some guys who are trying to do a little too much right now like they are they are going outside of their normal hitting comfort zone and they’re chasing and so whether it’s chasing early in the count or chasing late in the count they’re just not swinging at the same pitches that they usually do and I think if they do that if all they do is that just clean that up the normal career results are going to come for those hitters so I’m I I truly am of the belief that this is a group that is just pressing and trying too hard and whatever it is whether it’s one week of good baseball whether it’s three days of good baseball whether it’s a little winning streak you know they haven’t had one today they have a chance for their first three- game win streak of the Year crazy crazy crazy uh whatever it is to alleviate some of that pressure I think you’re going to see the more normal production from those guys and I there have been some good signs like I know Chapman’s not piling up hits but the last few days to me less Chase better hitters counts he’s hit the ball a little harder can forto definitely last night taking more pitches out of the strike zone swinging at the ones in the strike zone tyros clean that up a little bit too uh we’ll see Solair comes back I think there’s some decent signs there talking about pressure a guy that’s not feeling any pressure and it’s kind of surprising considering he’s a rookie is Kyle Harrison going to Fenway and doing what he did there in that place and we it’s like a pinball machine out there you’re getting hit left and right but he calms the waters there at Fenway and then going seven scoreless Dave out in Coors Field that’s nothing to scoff at for the young rookie no he’s been really impressive I I I I just think you know if you’re looking for positives he’s right near the top of the list uh Kyle has taken a big leap in his development he told told me he told all of us at the start of the year his number one goal was to pitch deeper into games be more efficient throw fewer pitches so he can go deeper be easier on his defense not be a guy who’s ball one strike one ball two three and two you know every single hitter like there were times last year it felt that way and man has he lived up to that he’s done exactly that um I his Poise his lack of fear of the moment you know Fenway Park can be intimidating if you’ve never been there Coors Field a lot of pitchers walk into Coors Field I don’t care what the record of the Rockies is a lot of pitchers walk into this place and are are defeated before they throw a pitch they just have it in their mind that it’s going to be a bad place to pitch and they try to to be too fine and they dig themselves into a hole right away and that was obviously not the case for Kyle um yeah Giants fan should be excited about this young man yeah we some other time we could have a bigger debate because it is interesting like he’s doing it Jordan Hicks is definitely doing it uh you know he’s backed off a little bit of the full boore 100% allout stuff at all times and he’s really pitching as opposed to just trying to blow every pitch by everybody and I bet you some of the analytics people around the game don’t like that I mean I think a lot of people right now think the avenue to success in today’s big leagues is to just get as many swings and misses as you possibly can chase velocity Chase strikeouts that’s how you succeed and the Giants are kind of attacking away from that in a way Y and it’s a really interesting Phenomenon with with a lot of guys on this staff and I would say personally the results so far have been very encouraging yeah 3.20 ER for Kyle Harrison 3 And1 on the season have a defined rookie season he’s in an early conversation for rookly of the year but we have a long way to go and Keaton wi the guy we’ll see on the mount today kind of pitches to that to that process as you just mentioned Flyn where he’s laying off the fast ball he’s just pitching just throwing and just pitching and getting grounders here I’m really impressed with Keat win but the other rookie I thought spon was going to bring up is Jung hul Le uh this kid I look I don’t know where it’s going to go I don’t know what I don’t know about the power but he is a joy to watch every single night last night you see it again the way he plays center field how about finnway park in that getaway dayve fim where he loses a ball in the Sun couple batters later comes up with a big time play you see the passion you see the emotion he’s really going to be a fan favor here as a year plays out Jung H Le that is I I think he is too and I think he’s gonna have a great Giants career it’s interesting the Giants the last couple days have tried to kind of pump him up a little bit because we’ve noticed the last week couple weeks this is a guy he’s used to he he’s used to walking up to the plate in the kbo and seeing a 350 batting average I mean you know the best player by far in that league and it this it’s hard that what he’s trying to do is really hard and the process has been excellent he’s if you go pull up his stat cast page and the colors are all shades of red like all the indicators are he’s having good at bats hitting the ball the way you want to hit it and he just has not had as much to show for that as he will over a longer period of time stick with what he’s doing is going to work but we’ve all noticed he’s been a little down the last couple weeks I mean I think it’s wearing on him to look up there and see 250 240 301 on base average all the all the just raw numbers and I’m encouraged that the last couple days I think he’s kind of to me the body language looks better again like you just have to keep yourself in good spirits it’s so hard to do at this level but he’s going to be really good I I I just I love watching this guy play and I think the Giants got a really excellent player who once he comes into his own here and whether that’s another couple months or the full year or whatever I think he’s going to take off and you know we’ve been having a conversation about what connects the city with the players connects the team with the city or whatnot and I think that’s been the issue with the Giants over the last few years is that we haven’t been able to connect with the player because we don’t know if he’s going to be here for long we do know Jun jul Le is signed long term with the Giants and I think that’s what helps the connection cuz we as fan we as fans know okay in Centerfield batting lead off is going to be Jung hul Lee for a long time far on we don’t know who’s hitting where we don’t know who’s playing are we platooning today and I think that matters F the connection and that’s what’s been missing with the Giants here the connection with the city having some players we know is going to be here for a long time yeah and and a lot of that is just purely like the Giants it’s not like the Giants want want to have a team of of mix and match Parts like you know a lot of that has just been circ*mstance like at some point you have to have some anchor players some star players and obviously they made an effort to come up with some of those this off season and Jung L Le is is probably number one among those and he will be that you have pitchers who are definitely that I mean Logan Webb is that Kyle Harrison is turning into that um and and there are others but you’re right uh the the best formula for a combo of winning baseball plus engagement with everybody who’s coming to your Park and who cares about your team is exactly that and Jung hul Lee like the Hat flying off the helmet flying diving in the Outfield crashing into walls running around the bases uh he’s he’s just so fun to watch He’s goingon to be that guy so Dave we just saw the Philadelphia Phillies best team in the National League they are as advertised they are legit we’re going to see the Dodgers here coming up how big of the Gap right now is it overall when you compare a team like the Giants to those top dogs in the National League it’s less big than it appeared in Philly uh which is always the case in this fort I mean this PT is just weird you can’t evaluate this sport the same way you evaluate football and basketball at the pro level you can’t because players teams run hot and cold in baseball way more than they do on in in those other sports and there’s just so much variance in how you’re playing at certain times of the year so I I agree with you the Phillies are really good they’re really talented but give me a series later in the year when the Giants can take that team on where Logan Webb doesn’t have a 102 fever and is sick Keaton win was shaking with almost like seizures he had such a high fever when he was trying to pitch in the rain when Patrick Bailey is healthy when J is healthy when Michael conforto is swinging the bat good uh if they can just go toet to toe the Phillies are healthy and flying high right now everything’s clicking for that team the Giants are a team that can I mean they struck out 17 Phillies in that uh that game on Sunday which you know did they come up short yeah they came up short but they showed off they’ve got the weapons to go after that Philadelphia lineup and I they’re closer to those teams than it has looked that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to play a lot better I mean two things can be true the Gap isn’t that big but they are not happy with the way they’ve played and they shouldn’t be happy real quick Dave I gotta pivot off baseball for a second because I’m getting a text from my my big boss man Matt neagan make sure you ask Fleming about the flight from Philadelphia to Colorado a lot of people saying it was one of the worst flights in scariest flights they’ve ever been on what the hell happened Dave your boy Joe richel thought it was over for yeah well go down you know as a big leager I guess I don’t know I I it was that whole that whole line of storms you know you were hearing about all the tornadoes in Oklahoma I mean we were trying to fly that day from Philly to Denver so we went way the pilot took us way down south and then to turn back North again to come into Colorado and when we hit that line of storms around like you know sort of the bottom of Oklahoma or Texas first of all you could see it coming because out the window the lightning strikes I mean I’m I’m not kidding what I’m saying there was a lightning strike like every half second it was just it was like flash flash flash flash flash all as far as you could see there it was it was incredible the the size of that storm that we were trying to go around but we couldn’t go all the way around it so we had to go through it a little bit and there at first there were a few bumps and then uh for about a good I would say good five minutes it was the bumpiest I think I’ve ever been on an airplane I mean it was massive drops and bumps and back up and turning sideways and drinks are flying through the plane and people were shrieking like I mean there were like screams from people on some of these bumps poor I mean I was sitting next to Darren Chan our our radio producer and engineer and Darren but like I think there still are fingerprint marks in the armrest but he was gripping so hard don’t tell me Darren did that he’s a Washington Eagle we went to the same high school oh so he was shrieking Al loud us huh wash High man he was he he he wanted to go right back to high school get me off this plane oh that’s Hil the pilots did a great job and you know from there it was still really windy and bumpy but it was about five minutes where uh you know every team has players who are not good flyers and we have a few of them and it was a little ugly for a few minutes we survived totally no it sounds like Oceanic flight 815 from the show Lost when they get lost on that island oh man crazy fenon your movie knowledge and television show it’s very very impressive Flyn we’ll see you when you get out to the yard I heard you yesterday in the broadcast he said boy this has been such a long trip I forgot we were in Boston and like oh I remember cuz I’m trying not to remember the Philadelphia trip it was good stuff good Banner between you two uh there on the broadcast we’ll see you when you get back home and look it doesn’t get easy nine games and you got the first six get the Cincinnati Reds and the LA Dodgers or the Reds they got the big boys pitching of that series but hopefully you get a win today with ke win on the mound he’s been pitching well you guys can in the road trip on a good not fim thanks for always thanks as always man we’ll talk to you next Thursday talk to you next week we’ll have to we might have to adjust our because I’m at the PGA Championship next week so we might have to we might have to do a little tweaking as to when we’re going to uh catch up next week so I’ll be home for the weekend and then it’s off for for a week of for me just know at the PJ you don’t have to worry about buying Shas anything okay he’s got plenty of money he brags about his houses and everything you’re good fli don’t use the credit card on Joe shashki how is plural how is he flexes he flexes he doesn’t like what are we do it but he does it himself so uh you gotta you gotta I’m sure you will get the invite to russer River one day flip I’m sure you will I’m I’m sending him a bill for all this other stuff I got thanks D we’ll see you next week from the PGA Dave F A7 G PJ Championship next week at Louisville Kentucky yeah Valhalla the golf course last champion there six years ago Brooks kka may he do it again this year this time with Liv golf though let’s see W Brooks Kea he’s been struggle a little bit huh a little bit little bit he’s won a bunch though too he’s been out a lot of the Florida Panthers games he’s a Florida guy they Florida win big win yesterday yesterday even up the season Big Brawl and the Florida Panthers coach was like Hey I Love It the Boston Bruins coaches again it’s a rivalry and the Florida panther has been giving it to the Bruins they came back from 3-1 last year the series one and seven they’ve scored six goals against the uh Bruins three times the last six OPP poist to do that or the last six times the bruids have done it gave up six goals in a playoff game three of them been to Florida Panthers man Florida’s got their number hey don’t tell us we’re not locked into playoff hockey all right just because the Sharks got into the number one overall pick the station was talking about it don’t come in here flexing your hockey knowledge on us hey hey hey this is what we do we’re well rounded and we got some big games today I think playing something on your computer over there yeah my value’s up um no my computer Valu was up here as I was clicking on an article I didn’t know you had over there the Oilers the Oilers last night was up 20 on the Vancouver Canucks they were up 41 41 there you go he sounds like somebody has some money on this uh listen and I saw some tweets from my boys up in Canada said a the oers just got their number and the conu come back with three monster goals in the third period to win 54 NHL playoffs are on fire how about Champions League it’s in Fuego right now we got Dortmund V Real Madrid from Wembley Stadium in a couple weeks for the championship Real Madrid how do they always do this Pon they’re inevitable man I’m a novice soccer fan I get it I just started following soccer really in 2016 they’re the way I follow they’re just one of those clubs that the way we think of teams like the Lakers teams like uh uh if you want to go the Celtics the winning you want to go the Warriors last decade they’re just one of those teams that have uh just they constantly produce and they constantly get great players because they are the greatest Club in all and I’m sorry Barcelona fans in all of espia um they do the th Spain they their little accent it’s I do feel like Bayern got jobed we talk about referees they CAU them off sides when they scored to equalizer an extra time they said they were offside and I was like uh that doesn’t look like they’re offside well they went to V didn’t they they got to go to the little that’s how Real Madrid took the lead is they with thear you call it VAR I kind of like that I think it’s V but I kind I call it VAR I just call it VAR I mean it was I mean it was you want to talk about coaches ripping officials Bayern Munich’s coach is done he’s out that’s Thomas tle I believe formerly of Chelsea who won the Champions League a couple years ago during the pandemic when Christian pulisic the American put Chelsea over the top against then Real Madrid in the semi-finals again you’re trying to flex in our knowledge here in the Champions League come at me bro come Hershey’s own Christian pulisic come on I know dibs is listening Real Madrid coming through in a clutch coming through in a clutch like I mean it’s Sports is great right now so you got you got soccer you got the Champions League I hate I hate Dortmund I want Dortmund to lose really yeah I watch like them they just like nobody’s be PSG I wanted PSG to go to Champ CU you visited them you saw them you kind spent a lot of money I get it yeah I get it I get it they also don’t really have a player that you can really like like cling on to like the Killian mbappe or Jude Bellingham for Real Madrid or anything like that so I get it no melli I’m talking about the one with uh Bayern they scored goal they called it all sides and then they went the V and double check and they said yeah we’re going to keep the call call stands there so they also have sick uniforms I always Real Madrid so clean you always think of some of the greats of all there Cristiano Ronaldo obviously Ronaldo of old the Brazilian Ronaldo R9 uh just some great history there uh who was it freaking uh David Beckham play Real Madrid real betr how about that Stadium oh yeah you love the St you you and shasy are suckers for all the amenities in certain stadiums cuz I haven’t visited a lot of them like you guys have outside outside of it like you guys glow about about a legion about it’s going to be pretty cool when the World Cup comes here in the Copa America and our stadiums get to get shown off to the world but I do think they come up just a little small in comparison to some of these like wemble and stuff like that so my boy Easley shout out Easley he’s a mailman now believe just still a Mel man easy see him out there working around down with the Washington High School my dad who you met Bob former former postmaster of mon and seaside I love that I love that a lot of respect Jud bellab Revenge game against Dortmund bellam yeah that is true they were talking about that on the broadcast dortmund’s had a lot of good young players leave them they’re kind of like the farmer team for the rest of the big Club so it is nice to see them in the finals earling Holland obviously with Man City he was from Dortmund gioa the American he went on to Nottingham Forest and then Christian ptic obviously when he’s with Jurgen who is now in Liverpool I love I love this stuff we can talk soccer I’m sure Nan’s loving this uh soccer conversation but it’s time for the legal we could pivot yeah no we could pivot but I do want to get into this article with far we got Nick and Berkeley on the line and then we got Mark Medina coming up at 920 to figure out what the hell is going on with the LA basketball teams and how it pertains to go to State Warriors speaking of new stadium the Clippers they’re going to have one who’s going to be playing there got a lot of toilets there Steve Balmer to a dope got to go to into it tell me about the toilets because there’s like a thousand of them apparently I’m not and I’m not going to use one of them do not use public bathrooms to you know maybe to do a number one but not number two uh let’s say to 957 game kgm no Ser you can’t do that in the public bathroom just talking about he doesn’t to I’m not lifting the toilet seat up I know how dirty you guys are around here I see the way you guys dress to what you guys smell you use the foot is what you use yeah use the smell you guys oh spoky in here I smell good that’s DOL and gabana light light blue for you oh really you wear to doab I got the Bouie I got a little it’s nothing wrong with me booie man you got to embrace it you’re listen to 957 game kg mg F H1 San Francisco in Odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app don’t forget you can also watch us every day on our YouTube twitch and Twitter streams Power by first Nor Cal Credit Union upgrades your savings divided open a first door count first class money market today uh let’s get to Nick and Berkeley and then I want to Pivot to this article from Susan ceser on some quotes from fariy and we’ll put a book we’ll end the Giants conversation there but a lot going on with the Giants right now is they are underachieving in the eyes of many Nick and Burkley what’s happening man good morning hey good morning y’all hey man I just want to say man I really love the way Melvin is coaching this team man having a great manager you know season a season veteran manager man who been there done that I mean I really love the squeeze I can’t remember last time I seen the squeeze you know like Billy Martin maybe but uh man the Giants are balling right now scrim lost his mind it’s great to see man we’re battling early you know what I mean so long we can keep going like that man it’s on and Kraken and and that flight to Colorado when when you come from the West Coast man they drop down like a helicopter man when they hit that mountain I mean it’s like 37 degree launch in Reverse dude you man you got strap in your seat buy you’ll fly out of your seat man it’s crazy but hey man my my my my Aly High softball team we playing cian today for the league title man do it let’s go albery hey I’ll pull it for you Nick and Berkeley I love cian I’m pull it for you let’s go get and I want to know I’m gonna figure out the results on Twitter or what not we’ll bring it up tomorrow let’s go get that softball title let’s go win that league title ni baby you’re all about winning Nick let’s go do something that sh L failed to do the Super Bowl we got to win the league Nick come on oh man got gotta get that Banner hanging in the gym baby I need it I need it we need it Super Bowl Super Bowl versus high school no I didn’t know why John Lynch if you’re out there listening head I apologize not disrespecting any of our high schoolers out there all going to prom all doing this stuff congratulations I apologize Lynch head I didn’t mean to take a shot at you like that I didn’t know where to go I didn’t know where to go hey you want Excellence Bon from your team you strive for that I want Excellence Rob hi let’s go n berley go get that League title go Piat the big dogs thisan uh I already read the legal so this article Su slester she caught up with far h z the team’s top baseball executive and the giant paron me bless you that out of nowhere uh they finally get a couple wins here so now they’re what five games under 500 great awesome right in NL 17 to 21 four games under 500 now eight and a half back Short change them I’m not gonna Short change them this article was printed out the other day they were 15 to 21 at the time they’ won two straight in Colorado so Farhad said this the start overall has been hugely disappointing because we obviously invested a lot in the team we’ve had a lot of changes that we expected to show up in our record in onfield performance even in Spring trading we saw a lot of positives that we expected to carry into the season and it hasn’t happened we haven’t hit our stride when you’re to San Francisco Giants and you go on a road trip and you lose six out of seven games there’s going to be frustration and disappointment as there should be it’s fair to say we put a lot of chips in this year we spent a lot of money we saw guys that led to forfeiting draft picks and international pool money all with the expectations that we will be really good and competitive this year so I don’t think there’s more at stake and the expectations are even higher for us than they have been in the last few years when they’ve been justifiably high as well that’s far Hanid not that that most of the players and staff have been with teams that have had rough muffl stretches before come out of it and poor results can start to snowball in all areas San Francisco’s defense should be Top Knots forist as it was in the first few weeks but as the offense went South some issues arose a field for decorated defensive players such as third baseman mat Chapman and shortstop Nick Amed so they did spend over $350 million plus for players in the off season and farad ated all we can ask for is consistent effort and preparation which I see on a day-to-day basis I can’t criticize the effort or Preparation from our players I think they really it’s why you’re hearing a lot of frustration from them I think we just have to grind out this stretch the interesting quote there for me in all this and I’ll read it again it caught me quote I do think there’s more at stake and the expectations are even higher for us than they have been in the last few years do Giants fans feel like that are you feeling like there should be what’s that stake for the Giants this year that’s what I where coming okay you have to get to the playoffs or what like that’s what I’m kind of getting now at like when you say there’s something at stake what’s at stake is it your job I think it’s his job I think it’s his job that’s okay I think his job I think there’s a lot of people around the Giants organization who are not high on farod ID they’re waiting for us philosophy to kind of take shape here and one playoff birth in six years when just spending this type of money I think farhad’s job job and it won’t be it won’t be publicized I don’t think that’s not the Giant’s way but I do think his job is on the line if they under achieve I think he will be as good as God if they do not make the playoffs and they underachieve with all the money they spent this off season and all the resources they put into this baseball team and with the fans coming in and out the attendance numbers being down a bit I think his job is UN alive spot so those are the the expectations are high it’s just I guess because you never really hear from the owners that much of the Giants I just I don’t know whether to believe that or not because they’ve been disappointing for years now and now they just have a new man maner so you hire a new manager and you thought that would maybe reset his time there but you bring in Bob Melvin and then you don’t make the playoffs and then he’s gone and then do you clean house again do you keep Melvin it’s just I just don’t know the direction of the team right now I guess so yes making the playoffs would be great I just right now I’m having a hard time vising again it’s one month in we’ll see there but I just when I heard that there’s more at stake this season I just it just Rings a little Hollow to me Bonte because there just hasn’t been a lot at stake because there’s been no repercussions with anything I mean Gabe kapler was the Fall Guy but we all saw that like it wasn’t we knew that wasn’t Gabe’s fault the product on the field now I mean there was some situations there for um if we’re talking about you know bringing the wrong pitcher bring that there were some flubs here and there but on the whole I just thought Gabe kapler was just kind of the guy that just had to take the fall for everything within the last couple Seasons past 2021 you know there’s some other quotes here because I’m with you here but there’s some other quotes that that caught my eye farad said I don’t necessarily see any immediate moves on the horizon but I think we’re getting to a point of the Year where the sample sizes start being more meaningful and you have to have at least start thinking along those lines and then it becomes AA Slater it turns into AA Slater right and a Slater batting 118 and obviously oh he kills left-handed pitching blah blah blah blah blah and it’s just like wait a minute here it’s 34 years old how I mean Al just Slater is he really keeping Matos and RAM down so farad said this I think his timing at the pl is quite where we expected or he expected to be and I don’t know how much of that is the inconsistent playing time he’s taking some swings where I’ve just been genuinely surprised that he swung and Miss because he looks really on time and those are pitches he usually hits and in general he’s doing a really good job of staying in his strength Zone he’s in a plateau rule role where he’s been really successful the last couple years when guys have a track record like he does I think it’s important that they feel supported by the organization when they’re in a tough stress they don’t feel like they’re looking over the show ER I mean it’s a really hard game to play if you feel like every bad stretch put your job in Jeopardy he’s a really big part of our success and part of what makes our team tough to play against tough to strategize against so it’s important for us to get him going so it sounds like Farhan is going to have a lot of patience with Austin Slater and I don’t think that gets fans happy well I don’t think get that I don’t think that gets fans excited when you say Austin Slater you’re going to be patient with him and we believe he has a track record it is a big part of success I don’t think Austin Slater is part of the success of this 2024 SLE Giants well I’m sorry what I didn’t really like is he lumped in everyone All in One Big Blob and he’s like well the entire team isn’t heading well it’s like all right well then there’s got to be something wrong within the coaching right because it can’t be every single player that’s that’s slumping right now right well then he goes on to say I’m very happy with our hitting coaches so like are we’re just just going to let it right out like I it’s just it is what it is kind of a thing I there just needs to be some sort of jolt in here and maybe things are changing again they’ve won two in a row now they won the series against Colorado let’s see if they can go for the sweep carry that momentum back at home against the Reds huge Series against them and then the Dodgers are division rival before getting the Rockies again so I’m looking at this if you can sweep Colorado get back into the groove of things maybe touch or sniff around 500 stay above water against the Dodgers and then try to sweep Colorado again or just at least win the series cuz you’re getting greedy here a little bit just win some Series start stacking those together and then good things can come so I mean it I don’t know I I don’t I don’t think they a the Slater thing though like he’s part of the success of this team what success is he a part of there’s nothing he’s player Slater is just so low on the totem pole for me like why are we even bringing that guy up kind of a thing like why like what like what is it that’s we’re gonna give Austin Slater P we’re gonna be patient with Austin Slater and keep monos AR Ramos and Luciano down for guys like a Slater what are we doing here they’ve been too patient that’s why I’m actually kind of happy we’re going to bewi into basketball here and talking to Mark Medina uh NBA Insider for Fox Sports Radio because they there’s no patience with the Clippers the Lakers the Warriors teams like that it doesn’t exist the 49ers it doesn’t exist no that’s far Hanid we’ll close a book on after for today for Han zidi I I just he doesn’t Infuse confidence in me as a fan no he doesn’t that was a whole lot of nothingness for me what I just Sabian just got honored in the Bay Sports Hall of Fame great Point by Dave by the way Fleming who just on he said he should be in the hall F he should be I mean he he had a great run with the Juds great run and then you got Bob Myers and then you got John Lynch and you see the way the guys work the room and the way they get deals done and Farhan I hear that and it inspires nothing to me it says oh boy we’re gonna have to ride this out with this current crop of uh players here and Austin Slater we’re going to be patient with Austin Slater least Y is hitting something and play some defense Slater is only the only option he is is oh let’s get him against a left-hander what and we’re keeping him on the roster I need players who can hit for both sides of the plate not these platooners and Specialty players well only hit the right side only hit the left like come on man what are we doing anyway uh let’s get to Mark Medina our big friend Mark Medina gotta go bye-bye talk to Mark Medina down in La that’s coming up brought to you by the alamia County Probation Department [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] hey what it do it’s your boy P you’re listening to the morning roast with Bon and shasy on 957 the game what’s up bud what’ you just say to me well I got a buddy of mine my guy uh Matt he’s listening for the first time he’s he’s seen us on uh YouTube twitch Twitter following us everywhere look brought to you by first nor critic not that Matt but he said you look like the kid now is it Meo or Meo I didn’t listen to the showus AO lightskin guy he’s not doing the podcast with car Anthony but he’s got the beard he’s got the chains he’s light-skinned guy yeah not all lightskinned people look alike no but I’m kind of looking at him now you’re more spelt than he is yeah I think so Slimmer Slimmer in the face there you go but the beard the complexion the f I I wish I had his money well yes that would be great what had his money well I’m looking at the picture right now I don’t know we can do a side by side F now they’re F they did not have a great have a good ending and barl was talking about it on a mellow podcast and dies I think it’s dies the black one the dark skin one I should say and then uh Merl the lightskinn cat and then uh they love the New York Sports CU I’ve seen them a bunch too and stuff like that basically was like cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap that’s too bad that is too bad once their show moved from Vice City Vice sports to uh Showtime it was not the same not the same it was not the same and sometimes that yeah that happens with certain networks they want to push a certain audience they get yeah these were gentrified there it’s uh it’s unfortunate I hate when Duos like that break up we were just talking earlier about sha and Kobe breaking up stuff like that when you have such sweet music together when you’re working so well why does it well ego get involved that’s personalities it is what it is Mark Medina e you know that Mark Medina no I used to Mark Medina knows who I am I used to run the board during Warriors this week Mark Medina walks around I hope like a superstar cuz he knows he’s a superstar he’s wearing million dollar suits well thousand suits I should say he’s got the button up he’s got the LA lifestyle and now he’s still an NBA Insider for FOX Sports radio spectrum Sports Fox Sports what this guy’s got about 15 jobs and he’s tapped in on everything in La my main man he getting married soon the Superstar love them allall mark on the morning roast it’s been too long Mark bante uh I love talking with you but I got to disagree with almost everything here I I don’t walk around like a superstar that’s you no no no no Mark you are the Superstar no Mark he’s the self-proclaimed I’m not call claim that to him already I’ve already submitted my ballot that he should be running the city no no see see Mark is out there working with Jim Hill in La the legend Jim Hill every single time I see a clip from Mark Jim Hill what Jim Hill has been down in the LA Sports for over 60 years it feels like Mark Medina is the real star and he’s going to lay to L uh lay down the law on the LA Sports Teams here in com of basketball look we’re doing our offseason tour Mark and what I think of LA Sports I think of you CU you’re tapped in you know the Lakers you know the Clippers and you know everything about the go to State Warriors and it feels like this offseason is going to be a bit chaotic in terms of movers in shakers teams trying to get under the second apron the first apron so the first order of business I want to get your thoughts on Klay TOs before we get to La what do you think Klay Thompson is going to suit up at if he had a dollar to bet and you had to bet on Klay playing somewhere would it be the Warriors or would you take the field yeah if I had a bet on it uh which thankfully I don’t but if it’s a dollar I’m willing to think that Clay Thompson’s still with the warriors uh at a you know much steeper discount than that max deal that he got you know technically he can go to other teams like Orlando I think that they’re a real uh Contender here um but I think the thing that’s going to hold it back is one you know the Warriors unless they make dramatic moves or they’re suddenly under the second apron they can’t do a sign and trade with CB I think the other thing is that both parties will feel like even with all the imperfections and question marks let’s figure this out together and hope that some relative discount will at least make some difference in rounding Out The Supporting Cast that’s not going to solve everything but I think that that’s ultimately what’s going to happen but look as you all know with free agency anything can happen so I guess you never rule anything out about cland Orlando or anywhere else to that point do you with the other team you know you mentioned Orlando is there another team out there mark that we’re not talking about that could be a potential Suitor for Klay Thompson that’s really the only one only because I’m thinking of teams that have quote unquote cap space right and again we’re not expecting clay to command Max salary as he did in his last contract but he’s still a player that means a lot has a lot of value and I think for a young upand cominging team like Orlando that sniffed the playoffs challenge the Cavs to seven games his value comes from the championship Equity the the veteran you know locker room experience as well as the ability that he still can make some shots and you know he can still have that competitive motor motor not the same clay as you all know pre 2019 injuries but he still has that value but I think where the Warriors have more Equity is not just the relation ship but knowing that Klay Thompson has a value as an individual player but he also has value with how he fits into the EOS system with staff and Dre um but again as we saw this past year that only goes so much you know 10th Place uh in the standings and losing the playing tournament is not going to be satisfying but the Warriors have so many things that they need to address but just hard to pull off because of the second Aon stuff no it’s a great point we’re to Mark Medina here NBA Insider for FOX Sports radio and Mark a team that clay has been mentioned and linked to in the past because of his father playing there and and I wanted to ask you this specifically because you’re tapped in down there in the LA Market the Lakers could they potentially be a team that clay looks at and be like you know what I grew up a Laker fan my dad was a Laker Kobe was my favorite player is that a potential team that they could be looking at if the if D’Angelo Russell decides he wants to decline his player option yeah I think that theoretically could be uh an option and it also helps that the uh the the Lakers have some first round picks at their disposal starting the NBA draft but again they would have to sign clay outright and so they do have some cap space to work with but not a lot you know maybe that is okay because Clay is not going to be commanding the kind of salary but uh the the Lakers will certainly welcome it they’ve wanted to have uh you know a better Supporting Cast around LeBron James and Anthony Davis but I think if they had a prioritize it’s about finding a ball handling point guard um so yeah he he would certainly be in the mix I know Michael Thompson would be obviously uh beating that drum very loudly but again I would be surprised there’s always been all these windows for clay to come back to LA and he’s only come back to LA when it’s a road game for the Warriors yeah it would be fascinating to see Mark what happens with the LA Lakers and the Clippers for that matter so let’s start with the Lakers since we’re talking about them we’ll get to the Clippers in just a second CU they’re just as intriguing Mark and you know it from being down there in that market they’re opening up a new stadium next year to into a dome and Englewood is going to be dynamic but we don’t know who’s going to play there but who’s going to coach the LA Lakers dervin ham fire last week you know LeBron James with the player option ad you mention the Lakers needing a point guard here what what are you hearing down there because is that a job I know it’s the Lakers and it’s the brand and we talk about some of the best jobs in all the sports Lakers Yankees you know whatever but how attractive is that Laker job right now Mark well the Lakers are always going to be an attractive job because it’s the Lakers but I think to your point the Lakers attractiveness is much different when it’s a championship caliber roster versus a roster that has a lot of question marks and they’re in this weird stage they’re not a rebuilding team they’re still having Championship expectations because that’s what you have when you have LeBron James Anthony Davis and you know especially coming off a season where they played as reasonably well as you can expect and they’re mostly available um so I think with that with this coaching search it’s a little complex because if they had their DRS they would be hiring tyoo yesterday but the Clippers aren’t going to allow him to go anywhere lawence Frank earlier this week made it clear that they want to keep tyo for a long time and Steve Balmer has the pocketbook to make that happen and also uh Steve Balmer has the relationship with tyo to make that happen um so I think that you canect him out now what where did the Lakers go from here the sense that I’m getting is that they’re leaning toward more uh you know proven experienced head coaches simply because of the fact that you know when they tried Darvin ham that didn’t work and usually when you uh fire a coach you’re looking for qualities that are the opposite of that candidate but there’s always question marks whether you go for that uh proven head coach or upand cominging assistant that has a proven track record like Kenny ainson with golden state or JJ reck like every uh bucket here has its pros and cons and so I think with the Lakers they don’t have necessarily a wrong answer on which lane they have to choose but if whatever Lane they do choose they have to fully commit with safeguarding against the wrist and making sure that they have the right uh coaching staff around him to protect that candidate’s blind spots as well as putting together as much of a good Supporting Cast but um uh not similar to The Warriors because it’s different Dynamic but as far as Solutions go it’s a lot more complex because the Lakers are limited on what kind of moves they can make uh with making it a better team are you of the opinion uh Mark and you’re really tapped in down there that LeBron James he’s definitely come back to the Lakers oh he’s definitely coming back I mean I know you all saw the soundbite where he declined to say if this was his last game with the Lakers but remember the sound bite last year when he was saying that he might retire you know after the Lakers L the game four immediately like within an hour of that people around LeBron James are telling me look I think he’s coming back there’s no way he’s retiring like this he’s just fried and all that so I think that’s the feeling he’s trying to exert whatever leverage he may still have but I think we have to keep in mind that since the Russell Westbrook trade the Lakers really haven’t listened to what LeBron James has wanted from a building so that you know just because he’s you know trying to exert his leverage doesn’t mean the Lakers feel threatened by it uh so yeah I think he’s coming back Really the question mark moving forward is does he exercise that player option for the final year or does he try to negotiate uh a longer term deal and I think the Lakers are open to both because LeBron is still playing at a high level and let’s let’s be frank about it he’s good for business and the Lakers are about that yeah no doubt about that Mark Medina here on morning R 95 Sil the game R Fran from the Bay Area News Group and now he’s an NBA Insider for FOX Sports radio spectrum Sports and Fox Sports One art right down the hallway they won’t be playing down the hallway no more next season that’s the LA Clippers you mention Steve bber company and they’re going to keep tyou but what about the players on the floor we were kind of taking the back Mark when it gave Kawai the big fat extension what was it three years $153 million we’re like wow he can’t see on the court that’s Bon Hill money right there yeah I wish it was Bon Hill money hey trust me if that was Bon Hill money and I would not be talking right now Mark my ass would be in bed sleep but trust me so big time money for Kawai he’s got he’s got the big money and he obviously couldn’t play in the playoffs with the knee inflammation he was struggling Paul George sounds like he’s going to become an unrestricted free agent is Paul George as good as God from the LA Clippers Mark um it very well could be um but I think that it’s telling what Lawrence Frank was saying on one hand he’s saying that they want to bring back Cly Paul George and James Harden but you know they’re they both could be free agents James Harden definitely Paul George could opt out but then he’s also saying we’re not naive to think we’re okay with just running it back that’s not how we try to build a team so here’s what I think is going to happen they’re going to follow the same plan that they did with uh Lob City where um I wouldn’t be surprised that they do technically retain Paul George and James Harden but don’t be surprised that’s for the intention down the line that they ultimately trade them maybe leading to the trade deadline next uh you know next year so um anything can happen with Paul George or Harden but if I had to guess I think because of the fact that there’s not going to be viable Alternatives and Steve Balmer wants there to be as much of a product to sell lead into into it dome it’s not about uh what the final roster looks like it’s about having assets that can serve as a bridge toward opening into a new Arena as well serve as a bridge for the next deals to be made so um I think that’s what’s going to happen and we’ll have to wait and see if that comes true here so with the Golden State Warriors what is the one thing so or I should say the one move that they should be focused on more than others this off season is it Klay Thompson making sure he stays in a Golden State Warriors uniform is it figuring out a trade partner with Andrew Wiggins do you keep Wiggins Chris Paul do you try to bring him back what is the number one uh thing I guess I would say with lack of a better word that the Warriors should focus on this summer mark yeah I think uh it’s really seeing what kind of trade you can Cobble together with putting together Andrew Wiggins and Chris Paul in a deal um I think that they’re better off keeping clay as long as the numbers reasonable because we just know even with his up and down season he still can be a value as long as that they’re not leaning on him as big with as big of a role as it was during the championship season obviously we saw that play out with him coming off the bench but I think the bigger thing is they got to make deals um to round out the rest of the roster and because of what we were mentioning about the second apron limitations I it’s very it would be very surprising to me that the that the Warriors can pull off any kind of sign and trade with Clay so if they’re going to make a deal they got to cobble up their other assets together and see what they can get I don’t know what that’s going to look like but that’s the priority all right some quick hitters for you mark before we let you go we know you got to get out and be the superstar that you are in Beverly Hills so real quick Russell Westbrook will he be a Clipper yes or no next season I don’t think he will be he he he won’t get a big contract but I think that that ship has sailed oh wow he’s not happy with that bench roll I thought it was all I thought it was uh I never thought he was he he says on the IG story that it’s otherwise he’s always a great teammate oh yeah well there you go IG tells us all tells us the truth at all times Mark following his IG five years uh all right jic your thoughts on jic winning his third MVP in the last four years should it been sga’s award or Luca dz’s are you you have a problem with the MVP no I think Nicole yic certainly deserved it yeah Shay and Luca are the real deal but uh yic has play at dominant level I never like the time of the MVP awards because it’s during the playoffs but this is a regular season award so just because the nuggets are down 20 to Minnesota has nothing to do with it speaking of Minnesota do you believe they’ll be the next champion of the NBA I think it’s I’m I’m I’m having a hard time feeling like one of these teams that are left in the playoffs could beat Minnesota four times in seven games that’s where I’m at with Minnesota I think they’re that good what about you Mark I believe it I thought they was going to be the Nuggets but now that they’re up 20 they’re in commanding position they’re going to win this series I think that they’ll actually win the championship a month ago I gave a leap year prediction for the next leap year I said that Anthony Edwards would get a championship with Minnesota I didn’t think it would happen this season but nostras Mark Medina that’s why you’re a superstar and that’s why we have you on the morning Rose checks in the mail Mark we love you always good catching up with you thanks for that man lot eight this NBA off season it could doesn’t it remind you a little bit of 2019 with all the movers and shakers there was so much happening Kevin Durant his last season with the Warriors everybody talked about him going back to New York well he does he goes to the Brooklyn Nets Paul George gets traded kawhai leaves Toronto it feels like this offseason is setting up to be that chaotic like it was in 2019 can’t wait I think it’ll be that chaotic but not to Dow uh any bad news to the Warriors fans but I don’t see the Kevin Durant reunion happening they just don’t have enough assets for Matt is is lying in Phoenix yeah I don’t I don’t see that happening either I never saw that happening it was a pipe dream yeah for a week Mark we were talking about LeBron Kevin Durant and who Lori marinan everyone right you can put that team together on 2K the photo shops are out of control uh it is Li season Mark always good catching up with you br I’m proud of you man keep doing your thing now LA right back at you and you got my vote if you ever run it for anything you go yeah I’m not a politician I’m not I don’t want to lose my hair mark That’s too stressful thanks Mark hey thanks guys anytime Mark Med here on the morning a lot of things happening Westbrook a with the Clippers Paul George was going to happen the California teams man Sacramento the Clippers the Lakers and the Warriors could be a lot of things happening to State of California when it comes to basketball a lot of question marks for these Cali teams but I never question mark you like that you like how I did that that was come on Bon come on that’s a five that was so bad it was you can use that next time you have a mark on your show that was so bad to Mark Spears or The Undefeated or whatever that was so bad it was good that was so good got a lot of question marks never question mark man that was was war y we is time day were y he if people don’t know is the guy who I went to college with and I don’t know how he graduated college considering he never did any homework and he cheated off my test my project so you know I’m guilty my Association or Y he but he says spot’s too good man oh spot’s too good thank you and I’m like worldwide he man you never said that about me he’s worldwide he knows man some call me the Pitbull of the station Mr worldwide I don’t wear the white pants though too tight I’m not a white pants guy white pants Pon oh I don’t have white pants I’m scared of white pants no you can’t do I wore white pants one time in Middle School I was like yeah never white jeans oh no white je you can’t rock the Jor I can’t rock the Jorge I can’t do the white no you know maybe allwhite party I’m reallying to go to SCH allwhite party the one the guy who owns his Sixers what’s his name Fanatics uh he throws the allh party with all the celebrities oh I know exactly Michael Reuben that all white party looks wild that was when uh Tom Brady and Kim K were rumored to be hanging out and then it was actually revealed it was Odell Beckham and Kim K and now they I guess have split it’s very disappointing when did obj come into this conversation with Kim dude it’s been you you haven’t been around Lan it’s been a thing yeah I don’t pay attention fast there’s just too many boyfriends in Kim’s life I she’s collecting the Infinity Stones like Thanos go that’s right oh no she was at I kind of felt bad for her at the roast I said kind of oh they booed her she got booed for saying real she literally got up there and got booed I was man she got booed she didn’t care she l it it’s always a fun game must be fun to have that much money getting booed and just like you L that so much I wasn’t there to react the day after cuz I was dealing with some personal stuff off air watch watch I watched the entire I watched the game the after it and then I tuned in at 6: a.m. because I couldn’t sleep just to watch you and FP talk about it and FP having your back the great FP santangelo yeah he’s uh he’s a Colorado freeing his butt off blankets I saw that in the broadcast it was so funny F drop a little well at least R say he went out as a big leaker was just like man hey hey flood sneaky Stanford bully all right sneaky sneaky sneak sneaky Stanford bully all right we got we got some fun sound here Chris Sims uh But first you got you got what Mark said about the value clay brings to the magic and the Warriors um I guess you know obviously the value Klay Tasha brings is that he’s a shooter and he’s going to space the floor and he’s a home grow talent and business is going to be boobing when you got those number 11 jerseys what if clay does move on and I’m not like I saw some people on Twitter yesterday like oh man 957 all you guys trying to do is move get ready clay no no no no no no no no let just talking about the situation the situation with Klay Thompson I want to see Klay retired go to St Warrior that’s my guy that’s my guy I want to see Draymond retiring M how cool would it be to have the big three retires all dobes that’s what sports is about I I’m trying to think of another situation where that happened I know male state of Celtic correct his old career bird Parish wasn’t aish moved on he was with the bulls like her so I mean it does it doesn’t usually happen uh that way I’m trying to think of some other ones I mean Kareem was a buck uh James Worthy I think State he state of Lakers time magic obviously his career cut short because of uh HIV but man that would be special The Big Three staying that way that cuz it didn’t happen with Manu Tim and and and uh Tony Parker it just didn’t Kawai left like it just doesn’t happen in sports anymore man and you’re not going to expect that to happen with football like do I expect Brock pie to stay a Niner forever it’s early it’s Brock P he’s not on the same level as those guys but no like do I expect Brandon auk or de no it just it doesn’t happen in the bay like just think Jerry Rice Raider uh to Eagle Joe Montana Chief y right like Buster POS is a rarity and it felt like he left early cuz he was still on the top of his game it’s those are facts Pon I can’t I can’t dispute that it it happened so we’ll see what happens with Klay Thompson I want to I want to Pivot off that sound though I want to play that I want to get this Chris SBS these are our boy Mike Florio pro football talk tight with Kyle Shanahan played with him at Texas when he was the quarterback and mat tattoos matching tattoos yes so and Chris SS obviously son of Phil Sims who moved on from uh CBS he was with our boy a fared NBC Chris Sims wow he talked about the Ricky peaw pick and the dynamic the power structure with the 49ers I want to get your thoughts on this here’s Chris Sims with my boy ath Reed discussing the 49ers power structure when it comes to the draft and free agency this is much respect for John Lynch right big part of the organization now this is thing where I I’ve tell people this sometimes and I still think they’re shocked about this or they don’t understand this right Kyle Shanahan’s picking the players Kyle Shanahan is the GM of the 49ers he has Absolute Total power right so it’s not the way to take away anything from you know a John Lynch or just like a Brett V of Kansas City Andy Reid gets final power call right there’s a few of those in the NFL right so it it ain’t Peters or Lynch it’s it’s it’s Shanahan then it’s Lynch and then it was Peter when he was there interesting so Chris SS is tight with Kyle Shanahan he’s very tight but we don’t know they’ve been wrong about a lot of things well he did say Max Jones was the guy too you know the fact that he said you think that John Lynch made the call on drafting Ricky peaw at 31 when nobody in the freaking world make sure I get that right freaking world because it doesn’t say freaking thought he was worthy of that pick I mean we’ve all thought Shanahan has the final say on these picks he gets the players that he wants now what’s Lynch’s role do they do the collaborative effort or you know group project here where we all decided we all hey let’s pick straws or raise our is John Moore into the defensive ey because that’s the side he played with is Kyle Moore the offensive there’s always a give and take I mean but it’s symbiotic so they’re both going to get credit they’re both going to get blame when these things fail but part of the thing is you know and and kind of you can like in this with the Warriors and stuff like that I know it’s a little different I know Steve cerr is probably not as involved as you know Bob Myers or Mike mikee dun was there but Joe lob and his sons were having some say in there whose pick was James wisman right stuff like that was a conversation for a long time um so yeah it’s always going to be and it’s funny when this happens because I feel like when they fail when the picks fail I do feel like we do pivot to the head coach and saying that was Kyle’s guy Bon when they hit Sean Lynch oh my gosh oh my gosh we do that a lot here it feels like well Shanahan was hired first and he got to choose the GM that he wanted that’s true and they wanted J L so it doesn’t surprise me and I’m with the 925 that does that happen by the way sometimes the the the owner wants to hire both at the same time same time y so 925 exity bubble Tex slide and I’m with him here Chris Sims has been consistently wrong about the 49ers he has he has which is why we don’t really take things that Chris Sims says seriously now if it’s is if it’s Uncle Phil Phil Sims we take it we love Uncle Phil but when it comes to Chris and the 49ers he has been consistently wrong about them and his takes like I’m not going to lie so like does this even at this point in their 10 years they’re about to enter year number eight does it even matter does anybody care who is making a fi making a final say on draft picks do you even care that it’s Lynch or shedan CU I don’t anymore I don’t care they’ve gone to two Super Bowls so conventional wisdom and they’ve been very close and they were leading in the fourth quarter those Super Bowls conventional wisdom would tell you you know what they’re doing a pretty good job uh drafting players now they’ve missed a bunch they’ve hit a bunch it is what it is at this point um and they have only resigned one of their first round picks to an extension that being Nick Bose obviously they’re hoping to do that this off season with Brandon auk obviously a first round pick out of Arizona State a couple of seasons ago so man I I really don’t think it matters that much in in today’s age like bich was bich a great drafter no no I mean but yeah you could say he has I mean look at all those players he he had but a lot of those were holdovers from he like to attack the free agency stuff like that he did groom some of those DBS when he Coast parcel as an assistant algro was a de coordinator when they went to the Super Bowl L the pack the amount of credit we’re giving the 49ers for finding Brock pie we got to give the same thing to finding Tom Brady I guess cuz he was the guy in charge when they made the draft pick right but to your point Bonte overall I don’t think it matters if the head coach is making that decision if they have the track record that they’ve shown to getting you to the Super Bowl then what’s the problem here yeah to me to me I don’t people do 88 957 9570 that’s fine but I don’t I I I just I personally don’t even care anymore cuz we’re in year eight and they’ve whoever is making the decisions whether it’s Lynch or Shanahan Whoever has a final say like to me I don’t care because they put together one of the best rosters in the NFL and whoever gets the credit for it whatever but Lynch is still here Shanahan’s still here Adam Peters has moved on Rand carthon’s moved on how many credit how much credit you going to get they all have their priorities right they all have their scouting expertise and they like this guy maybe one guy likes this guy more than the other one and it’s like you know what let’s roll with it but at the same time at this point in their tenure I personally don’t give a damn no more who’s making the final say all we care about is are they going to win the Super Bowl yes or no and it doesn’t matter who plays quarterback I said this all off season last year when they signed Sam darnold I said man I don’t care if Sam darnold Bron Allen Trey Lance or Brock fy’s playing quarterback I don’t really care I just want to win at the end of the day I just want to win I’m not a player stand I’m A Team stand you know what I’m saying it’s funny cuz if and this is if this is hypothetical but that’s what we do on Sports Talk Radio we talk we talk hypotheticals if Brock pie didn’t hit if they didn’t have that and Trey Lance was a bust then there would be a conversation because then you are talking about Kyle Shanahan trading all that draft capital and then drafting Tre Lance who you know what he was your handpicked guy for this offense and it didn’t work out and it would have failed but you know what you you hit on Brock P yep so and you know what he gets credit for that and quietly they had Jimmy garoppolo’s a backup plan and they were starting to roll with Jimmy Garoppolo there before he got hurt against Miami yeah so Chris mcaffry they made that move I mean and we don’t know what happened to Trey if he didn’t get hurt who knows but listen this this organization with ly and shed ahead under Lyn and shed ahead they found jefra Warner they found to George KD they made the Shrew move to trade for Trent Williams right you sign Kyle yek from the Baltimore Ravens he’s been one of the best fullbacks if not the best fullback over the last five six years he’s a peridial pro bowler right you find all these running backs you know you make these running backs work you find lineman you know when everybody’s banging the table for first round picks on lineman they go the other way and they find lineman they average 29 Points a game on offense they found iuk they found dball you know what I’m saying you look at Dr Greenlaw was coming back fifth round pick huanga late round pick so whoever is making a final decision who cares at this point why is it still a talking point it feels like this should have been a talking it was a talking point like three years ago two years ago but now I bet you if you pulled all these Niner fans walking down the street hey do you care who’s making the final decision lit your [ __ ] ahead like Carter you’re a Niner fan do you care anymore who’s making the final decision no I mean I I think it’s their picks have been decent I they’ve got one of the best rosters in the league yes so I don’t think anybody really cares anymore about that maybe Chris hi still cares about it well maybe you just bring it up but and and we we’re reacting to it cuz it’s 49ers news and you know what it’s maybe it’s not news at all maybe it’s something we’ve been talking about ad nauseum as you’ve pointed out here for a while I’m just thinking about this team right now and where they are at coming off a Super Bowl loss another one to the Kansas City Chiefs in overtime and you got Brock pie in this contract looming I do believe now more than ever though you need to be hitting on some of these picks like Ricky peol better work out because you’re going to start paying a guy an exorbitant amount of money we think now I know you and shasi are a little pump the braks on this because this is a this is a massive season for Brock pie we’re not we’re not just sliding in that he’s going to be the highest paid quarterback in the NFL after this season when the owner comes out and says that he’s going to reset the quarterback Mark we all go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Let Let the Season play off first one full season under his belt let’s get that second full season as starting quarterback under his belt before we start talking about Patrick Mahomes type of cash Joe burrow Justin Herbert now he was an MVP candidate last year I get that but I do truly believe if they pay Brock Ponte like we think we’re going to pay him that’s going to be the toughest task and test for John Lynch and Kyle Shanahan when it comes to rebuilding retooling and reshaping this roster around him because you got to get that Financial Tetris going on let’s see how it works the NFL season could play out completely different I pretty that’s why I that’s that’s the expectations too with Brock pie are the expectations for him this season is it going to be mat is it going to be to match what he did last season he had one of the best seasons for 49ers quarterback in history the franchise set the bar High most passing yards in a season the touchdown passes the lack of interceptions does he have to beat those those expectations cuz resetting the quarterback Market it’s we’re talking Joe burrow we’re talking Mahomes we’re talking Josh Allen that’s big boy money we’ll see about it’s a lot and then I’m looking at those teams right now too when you don’t win it all and you’re paying the quarterback that much money it it starts to get very tough the hard feelings are going to be met you’re looking at the Bangles right now T Higgins think he’s happy right now with his situation but you got Jamar Chase and you got Joe uh Justin Herbert and the Chargers don’t get it twisted the light is going to be shining on Justin Herbert now there are no excuses I don’t want to hear that there’s no Mike Williams or Keenan Allen or stuff like that you got your guy and your head coach that you wanted forever Jim Harbaugh well all right here hold on one second so let’s see with Justin Herbert with all the legit expectations now this season I know he got the lad makoni out of Georgia that was their second round pick he’s been highly sought after um Harbaugh will turn that program around all he does is Win he I mean I know the first season you there going to be a playoff team are you lock the playoffs I’m not going to lock it in yet okay not yet but it’s all on Justin Herbert how good are you how good are you your task would elevating players around you last year was the year if you’re going to win the AFC West and you weren’t the Chiefs that was the year and they left it wide open the lead I’m so sick of the Kansas City Chiefs too because they were it was on a silver for the league to knock them off their high horse but I don’t want you want to go there I I lived it okay I lived it I lived it to the point where I say this again at the Niners in the NFC championship game and I see Kansas City on the other side the AFC Championship game and the AFC Championship game is later than n Championship Game this year I don’t know if I want to win and go play to K City chief super I don’t want what I I don’t want to go through those two weeks to be the man you got to beat the man that’s what I’m saying is that man unbeatable you’re saying we’re risking going 0 and3 against ches to the Super Bowl 0 and3 I don’t want those problems you’re entering like John Elway Broncos territory early on in his I think we should be entering Fast Five territory now like that all right I got a Fast Five good morning to my lovely wife Jade speedon she’s listening right now on the uh just the radio hello J she says uh Jay would like to do a pop culture hour with the roast uh F no she’s negotiating with herself I didn’t respond so she said 30 minutes and she said fine 15 minutes just tell Matt nagan and I could do a pop culture segment on the roast I don’t know about that Jade I’m not mad at that I we could do some pop culture pop culture she’s all about it what about pop she’s a Kardashian fan no she used to watch the show she’s not like a stand for that big Swifty though loves Swift also like respects Beyonce she’s not part of but she respects everything and she is very tapped in with the TMZ’s of the world and stuff like that loco loco Moko Bon sery to equivalent of s Shas guard the Chiefs you damn right I am I’m scared of Patrick Mahomes okay he’s left scars he’s left scars hasn’t he I am mentally damaged when it comes to play to Kansas City Chiefs you think I’m having to meltdown now gosh they got to come to Levi Stadium next year got to see the Chiefs think I would have got I’m selling the tickets for that game I don’t want to go to that game Xavier worthy going to have two not going to that I’m selling my tickets for that game I’m watching that game on the couch not doing it uh 209 St bubble Tex line if we don’t have Brock and Tracy bus Kurt Cousins is our starting quarterback and that’ll be my final thought than the heavens Kirt cousin is not quarterback in the 49ers much rather have Brock pry on my football team quarterbacking what if what if there’s a scenario next year don’t they got P he’s playing well they got KK on bench something happens with Brock you know maybe he’s out for the year why would and you trade for KK cousins and it all it all works out and Kirk takes you to the Super Bowl wins the Super Bowl you don’t have to pay Brock you got Kirk and it’s all a happy ending and KY Shanahan had his guy that is what I am rooting for next year Kurt Cousins winning it all 49ers evil love Kirk Cousins if he won you a Super Bowl you’re evil yes Chris Jones is steal with the Chiefs sorry love I got I’m saying same thing as you man I will not go back to a 49ers Chiefs game just not happening absolutely not and I got uh both the home teams tonight NBA oh lock it in lock it in Carter lock of the day Carter you know what he told me I hope his mom’s not listening uh oh cuz I don’t know if a mom’s his mom knows he gambles you may want to dump this Carter but uh Carter goes yeah I made about 30 bets yesterday oh my God sounds like me sounds like a slow day from Carter I love that just bet on you don’t celebrate the wins you just looking for the next bat that’s what we do in the gambling world I like that Carter my type of guy been hanging out with SH Otani all right now I know we my final thought here I know we love talking Giants baseball on this show but I got to get a little A’s final thought in here because I have to highlight the crimes that Brent Rooker has been doing to baseballs over his last seven games he is 12 for his last 26 that’s a 461 average four home runs 11 RB over his last seven games dude just hitting tanks out there wow Brent Rooker I I got him my fantasy team he was my Mr Irrelevant the the last my last pick of of my fantasy draft CU cuz I wanted the home runs but he is he is doing some numbers for me so shout out to Brent Rooker better than any two hitters in the Giants line langier catcher for the a set an Oakland record and that’s there’s been a lot of guys in Oakland that’s Mark Maguire Ricky Henderson amongst others eight RB yesterday in a double header the most ever in Oakland history for a double header breaking Reggie Jackson’s record of seven rbi’s in one day hey how about those Ace how about those wow Jose and how about this show it’s over tomorrow Friday we’ll do better shout out to YouTube and twitch and Twitter thank you for participating in the show a lot of fun day we’re all over the place we’ll be all over the place tomorrow NBA enjoy the double head everybody let’s see if the GI get to sweep but in the meantime as I was Fast Five brought to you by Infinity at home or on and go you get the fastest internet to all of your devices Guru alongside Evan Giddings as steiny decided to take a couple days off hey it’s going to be a fun show any from T to two have a good day everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y w [Music] [Applause] [Music] simply going to a strip club is not unprofessional all right what is going on Bay Area Evan gettings in for Matt stey Daryl the guru Johnson I feels like a change goo I know that you’re literally change because it’s payday for you but change around the bay areas well we’re getting into no doubt about it and I’ll tell you what Evan you don’t know this confessions early shout out Usher Raymond you know when I’m out and I hear you and sty and I love my guy he’s having a good time yes he is all right nothing’s going on with him so he’s good I get a little jelly that he’s rocking with you and now I got you for three days let’s get it baby well that’s what I’m talking about we got we got to get our time me and steiny got to rock a little bit he’s out golfing in Pastor land God’s country Eastern Washington the Rolling Hills up in the Palo I was taking a look at it yesterday it looks beautiful up there it’s going be like 85 degrees it’s beautiful out here in the bay man we got a 80° day in the city and I don’t know what to do with myself well you got a DAT to you got action tonight yeah baby try to get back up off the canvas thanks look at my guy it’s a transition period for us all that that’s that that’s I think where we want to start today right shout out to everybody on the YouTube chat powered by First northcal Credit Union Xfinity mobile text line 888 957 9570 is the number evident for steiny with Guru and this is kind of the question I think I want to start with today G because it feels like no not just in my life but we’re in a transition period with our Bay Area sports teams I’m talking all five of them not just the Warriors the Giants the ners but also you can throw the A’s the sharks in there and it just appears go to me and the question I ask to to Bay Area fans is are we in the midst of a transition in Bay Area sports cuz it feels like it one to me I love the question and you know life is about change and there can be positive and good change right there could be bad change but uh for me I’ll put the right on the table early uh Evan shout out uh Atco the Warriors of the biggest one to me when you talk about transition and what scares me about my answer cuz I’m trying to put my finger on it and we’ve talked about this is I don’t know what they’re transitioning to but I know the players are the same you know the the big dogs and that’s Steve cerr that’s uh Joe Lake up that’s Steph Curry and we’ll talk about where I feel like he’s taking some shade uh I don’t want to call it personal shade Evan I just feel like oh well you know you need another guy better than him in here and we’ll get to that because I think there’s a lot left in the ketchup bottle but the ketchup bottle is the basketball bottle right so you don’t need another uh bottle there’s there’s a lot left but I am worried about is this the norm and when I say is this them not making the playoffs because if this is the norm F then what you just said they’re transitioning off of their Dynasty run and that’s what has me not melancholy but your boy’s a bit sport nervous about what’s to come and that’s why think Joe Lake up we we’ve we’ve talked about it in naiam what’s he going to do is he going to do this and nobody’s wrong with their opinion but Evan he’s the one that controls it’s Joey Lighty years and he’ll let us know if he’s going big game hunting well I I got something left in the optimism bottle that I do want to get into with the Warriors later on of course we’re also going to have Sam amck of the athletic right now he’s covering the Denver Minnesota series which appears to be the best series left remaining in the playoffs we’ll have him at 12:00 we’re going to talk to him about the we’re also going to talk to him about he had kind of a funny interaction with the the new Superstar to be which is Anthony Edwards that baby’s been born so we’re going to get into that at 12:00 but you mentioned the Warriors and I think just to kind of go down the list again why I believe that we’re in a transition as barious sports fans is number one because of the Warriors to me good their choice is between young uncertainty and old certainty knowing what you have in the big three and not knowing what you have in where the league appears to be going which is getting younger getting more athletic and leaning into the 20-y olds as opposed to the 30-y old so that’s the Warriors the ners to me I mean this stat just hit me like a ton of bricks the fact that since 2010 they have the third most playoff wins in the NFL and they’re the only team with five or more to not have a Super Bowl so that trans their their transition right now to meig goo is between whether they’re a team that’s getting over the hump or a team that’s going to be forgotten and lost amidst dynasties between the Patriots and the Chiefs and then the Giants I mean they’ve been in a transition for a few years now talking about their front office with their manager they just got up out of here bringing in Bob Melvin and even of course the Oakland Athletics transitioning to Sacramento and the San Jose Sharks which you brought up yesterday transitioning from whatever they’ve been which the playoffs for 5 years now to the number one overall pick so we got a lot to get into I think yeah and I’ll tell you what about the uh your take on the 49ers dude Sports is about competition Sports uh is about Legacy I don’t have to tell you that Evan you’re doing your young broadcast career you see it there’s natural pressures and some some step up and meet that some don’t and you move on and you try to do it as long as your career allows you to do it but you got me thinking about the 49ers Evan I saw John Taylor bloop at the uh Bay Area Sports Hall of Fame ceremony and he was kind enough to talk to Bonte and I for about a good hour and I’m looking at him like he was part of the regime of the 49ers that when they went Evan they won it you know when they went they won undefeated in in in Super Bowls so I bring that up only to say I don’t have to tell Kyle Shanahan uh anything he doesn’t know but Evan they have had a great run for the last five years you just talked about it two visits to the Super Bowl now you got a Young quarterback out of nowhere Rudy and Brock pie who could have actually had a Super Bowl the year before last but his arm got wrecked in the championship game against the Eagles my thing is on the guru computer the window does not stay open forever and if you allow me just to say with the same cast of characters the kind of guys that we’ve gotten used to with the Fred Warners and the boses for this run Evan I cannot wait to see how they’re going to respond to their second Super Bowl loss in 5 years and we know the NFL not for long Evan I want to see how they meet that because again you don’t just oh we’re the 49ers or any team and say health is going to be on our side we’re going to get to another Super Bowl at some point some things you got to hit the pause button and because sometimes that pause button is out of your control in regard to injury but I cannot wait to see how they and where they go this year because tomorrow is not promised it’s not it’s it’s a very important season 49ers well no and I feel like the last five years have been in that same place and and I just wonder with with people looking at the sports franchises now the Warriors the Giants and the 49ers specifically we can leave the A’s and the Sharks out of it for now because I think that the main three those are the three teams to me in transitions does that make you feel compell you know impassioned does it make you feel scared does it make you feel like we’re in a place of Unknowing could it because it feels like also goo just kind of watching the NBA playoffs and last night it was a great game between Indiana and New York it also feels like the league itself the NBA is in a period of transition I think that’s what has kind of captured me the most in the last couple of weeks is just thinking about where we’re going to go where we’re going to be because everything especially in the Bay has been so concrete it’s been understood that the Warriors have been Kings of this league and that they’re going to be in and around every single conversation up until potentially next season now if Lo if lob takes a big swing if he brings in someone that is star studded starw worthy I’m hoping they’ll be back in every single news outlet but I wonder goo if that’s the way the Warriors are looking at the league and that’s the way you guys talked about it yesterday this idea of either leaning into young or old and to meigu I think it’s complicated because there’s a needle that needs to be threaded and I think that the Warriors are in a position to where with their decisions between clay and kaminga and Ramona shelburn was on with W dibs yesterday speaking about both they have choices to make with those two guys and I just I just believe that the direction the franchise goes will be tied to those two players yeah great call and you know what Evan for the Warriors and I’ve used it when you first asked me and when it came to me uh fear is is is the number one uh feeling or emotion I have right now for the Golden State Warriors because Evan if they don’t win another chip I know this decade this this Steph Curry era The Big Three era how many teams really get to to fall in love with the big three and have them win the chip four times like the Warriors have I don’t know if they have the guys after the main characters the new Steph the new Dre the new clay and the new clay if he decides to go somewhere else that will be the immediate feeling that we have of wow this thing’s over how do you build it back up and Evan I hope you know when steiny asked me that yesterday would I trade the chip or get a chip a year after or ride it out with the big three I always go Sopranos or or SC or just the the mob movies the loyalty and I got to tell you until we find out we have a new Steph Curry or somebody you can hand the Baton to your boy nervous I am scared I don’t think Steph is done here for the next 3 to four years but but it is odd and I do fear watching Steph Curry not play meaningful basketball in the months of May and June which have become I just we’ve all been accustomed to that so that’s fear for me I’m being real I think clay once he leaves then now we’re taking the it’s like okay here we go get ready it’s not a divorce but a symbolic of maybe the end is here much sooner than anybody thought there’s always fear of the unknown but I do think I I got a couple things that will make you feel better and we’ll get into it at about 10:30 because well it’s important I think it’s where everyone is is kind of stuck between right now but but sticking with your comment from yesterday on Curry I I understand that everyone wants to be Bill Walsh right everyone wants to find the player before the player everyone wants to have the plan in place before you actually need it I don’t know if the Warriors have that though it’s to me it’s easier to trade Montana when you got Young waiting in the wi there is no young right now for the Golden State Warriors that I can see there’s only a couple of players in pieces that I think could create something special but you don’t know anything definitively I think Bill Walsh and the ners knew definitively they had the second coming and to be fair he cashed in with a Super Bowl right now the Warriors and and I I think again just the Bay Area everyone’s looking for that next thing it’s the reason why we spent an hour talking about cbr’s kid Macklin it’s because he might be the next big thing the Bay Area has not had one of those since Steph Curry and the big three delivered four championships and right now people are wondering what’s going to happen and for me I’m excited to watch because I think this is the best time in sports to be a fan where every single storyline is going to be different sports delivers when it’s just completely unexpected and the Warriors right now to me got choices to make but in a way that gives them freedom to do so I love that and you know when you say choices I go to Willard and dibs yesterday in the conversation we had you know they did a damn good job on their show just talking about you know the power of a guy like Steph Curry or Lebron James at their age and I kind of disagree with Willard because I believe there is a platform or venue or an Avenue for those dudes to be sought out after but Evan I guess when I talk about the youngsters I I I would I would be fronting or telling you a ball face lie if I didn’t tell you I thought kaminga might be a star like that’s theiling not Superstar and hopefully I’m wrong and he blows past that but as far as Moody as far as paj jimsky and and tjd those guys are going to have good careers and they’re going to be pieces but excuse me I’ve been spoiled with not just Steph in his prime clay and Dre each of them brought something different a different ingredient so I guess what what I’m asking you is it okay for me or any Warrior fan to say Joe lob if you asked me or called me or doed up my digits I’m giving you a license to Kick the Can down the road to bring in a seasoned guy that’s already established just so we could prolong ripping the Band-Aid off so that guy that comes in that’s established can make Steph’s job and even draymond’s easier because the day is going to come where it’s going to be a straightup real rebuild and you got to tear it down and start from scratch I just don’t think they got the necessary guys in place now to hand the Baton to but that’s what you’re trying to avoid right the idea of a rebuild the idea of tearing it down to the seams and building from the bottom up there’s a few teams right now that are left in the playoffs that I don’t think have done that there’s been teams that have been competitive repeatedly and have done it for a long time there also the OKC model which is stockpile a bunch of picks trade for young a Coming Star hope he blossoms into what was now the runner-up MVP we can get into that as well but I think the Warriors the ners the Giants are in a transition period And I just wonder if that makes people feel nervous or excited because to me I would feel excited about it I’m excited about what’s to come I’m excited about the next chapter and I think a big reason why people are fearful of the unknown is because what was known especially with the Warriors was nothing but winning that’s all it was you there was no reason to feel doubt to feel like Curry clay Dre KD all the rest however you want to slice it up there was no reason to feel like that team couldn’t get back to the Mountaintop and now there’s finally doubt creeping in about it so to your point there are a lot of people that want to prolong that that want to kick the can down the road are you Pro Kevin Durant like would you would you be okay with that would you understand that like if they went out in Lake tried to get a guy like that to bring him in to Kick the Can down the road I would understand it but that to me would signal that you’re setting yourself up for a full rebuild because everything could align this offseason like let’s say you want to you trade for KD while you’re packaging off you know kaming all the rest of your young guys picks y yada you got two years left to KD you got two years left to Steph I think you bring clay back on a two-year deal at that point draymond’s got two in a player option’s got two years that to me is the natural inflection point that you would set up to then completely tear it down to the seams I just don’t believe that the Warriors are a franchise that wants to go through a full rebuild they may be can you really to do can you do a soft rebuild and be successful EV I’m asking retool that I mean that that’s the word I think now how you do that is the difficult part but that’s the goal to me the goal is to not set this thing up to write it out to the end and then be left with nothing their goal is to figure out how to transition which is the theme of today how to transition into whatever the next iteration War’s basketball is going to be yeah and you know what the again I’m thinking I’m starting from the bottom like Drake shout out Drake we can get into him too yeah if you do do that Evan I’m sorry at minimum you have to make the playoffs these can’t be the last year’s of the big three or the big two and Steph averaging 26 points a game and and you telling me this is normal like Warrior fans hey the playoffs is started not the play in and the Warriors aren’t a part of it I’m not ready for that I and I don’t think Joe Lake up is either the revenue and the gate that he’s missing out on and we know he’s made a bunch of buku money but Evan if you’re going to do this um soft reset or transition but you still got to be competitive and that’s why this year is so shocking and alarming with the games played and the non- injuries of the big three and with draymond’s a different thing but I mean they were they held up and we’re not watching Steph play on the biggest stage and I can’t do it another year no but the word you mentioned was playoffs not championship and I think that’s 100% understandable because the goal next season should be to make the playoffs I don’t know if people felt like the goal before this season was to win the title I was I had my hand up even that was a reach but go ahead but you also said before this season you didn’t see them winning a championship as Curr constru I got that receipt in the back pocket we were uh where were we at we were on there well you guys were out somewhere yeah I got the shirt but take my review I was watching on YouTube yeah that’s what sty got the stey yeah what was that for he said traed he said he said something about how Chris Paul would be on the team Draymond would that that that take I got to reminder what he gets back yeah he’ll be back on Tuesday yeah you got us the next three days Evan and goo 957 the game 10 to2 88 957 9570 is the number let’s start this thing El kick us off at pleas Hill the hill yeah it’s hot over there what’s up Roland Roland you’re on 957 the game how are you good good hey as far as uh you know the transitions uh for these Pro I think you can also say that on the Collegiate level uh in the Bay Area they’re also in transition whether it’s Stanford Cal Santa State St Mary’s so I just wanted to throw that in the mix so uh thank you I appreciate that R well you’re right they’re literally transitioning conferences right now there you God I don’t even want to talk about it man yeah don’t like it at all whatsoever this is from the Xfinity mobile text line it’s a fair question for the 415 you ready for pods to JK and tjd and I’m going to throw moody in there combination for the next decade I’m not looking at that for as being the core of the next decade but I look at it being pieces right and that’s okay right there’s no no shade in that there isn’t I’m looking around the NBA goo last night for examp so what what what stood out to you from the Knicks in the Indiana game for example the Indiana Pacers led by Rick carile will not trap and get the ball out of Jaylen brunson’s hand I know it’s hard but damn they’re not even trying Jaylen Brunson you are phenomenal but I’m like what are the Sixers doing Nick nurse and Van Gundy was on the call like what are you why are you waiting so long but the Knicks are Scrappy and then they’re right on the table early brought to you by EO did the Warriors miss out on Dante D vinchenzo well they couldn’t bring I’m just asking they couldn’t they didn’t have a mid-level that that’s one of the reasons why you got to get out of the tax is because you got to be able to have that available to you to maybe keep a player like Dante d man well I think was top three and three-point makes this season reset the Knicks record and take and make a big shot not scared at all and a d up it’ll play 45 minutes yeah it will but that stood out go ahead Evan well what stood out to me was the fact that there’s not a starter on either of those teams above the age of 30 Now That’s Heavy can you do with that though if if you’re the Warriors and I keep hearing steiny and others say are you watching how fast Minnesota’s playing you got to work on what’s in your home you can’t look across the street and down the street Evan we know what it’s going to take but you got to master what we do we can’t worry about oh they’re going up and down and you’re right it’s going to take some of that but you can’t take ter if you’re not going to do a total rebuild or tear down Evan you’re not going to be Minnesota no matter what you do this off season you got to focus on the Motion beautiful offense that you run and of course you got to run Evan but you can’t I keep hearing too much you could you see how fast Minnesota and everybody else is well you can run and Gun and still lose Evan I just that you you can’t I guess what I’m saying is you don’t go into a a boardroom and say how do we become the Timberwolves cuz let me tell you you’re not not right now and you won’t be next year and you probably won’t be for a couple of years that team was built specifically to beat the Denver Nuggets damn and now it might be the Western Conference trying to figure out how to beat the Minnesota timber this will be wow I don’t think that series is over yet but what we’re seeing right now goo is is a transition from old to Young from aging stars and buing stars and there there’s more par in the NBA than ever before but I think and I’ll talk about it on the other side I think that’s a reason to feel optimistic if you’re the Warriors the fact that there is so much par because it does mean yes there’s a lot of teams that are really good and what there was five or six 50 win teams in the west yeah it also means you might not be as far away as you think and the fact that Steph Curry believes that there’s tweaks I understand why he’s saying it but the more I think about it the more I watch I’m coming around to it I I am coming around to it so I love it we’ll get into that on the other side also we’re going to talk about that with Sam AMC at 12:00 National NBA writer for the athletic and is covering that series by the way I reminder you can catch all four hours of steiny Guru on the free Odyssey app you can download the Odyssey app directly from our QR code on both YouTube and twitch brought to you by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today we’re talking about transitions does it make you feel nervous does it make you feel excited the Warriors are in a period of transition to what we don’t know but I’m excited about it I also think the Giants the ners the A’s the sharks apparently C Stanford the Bay Area is in a period of transition ladies and gentlemen I want to hear from you on the other side 888 957 9570 is the number that segment was brought to you by the Alama County Probation Department [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] the guru shiny Guru shiny show let’s go not quite not quite a Freestyle Friday they say the lyrics are I’d get fir 24 hours gangster gangster that’s what we’re talking look at Whitley in her Yankee hat looking fresh uh Evan gets in for Matt stey he’ll be back next week on Tuesday darl the goober Johnson rocking with you as always we’re talking about transitions because it feels like Bay Area and their sports teams are in the midst of one right now and how does it make you feel does it make you feel nervous does it make you feel excited we’re talking I think mainly about the Warriors goo because they’re they seem to be in the middle more so than any other franchise just between of course the highs of the highs and what people are trying to avoid which is the lows of the lows but I mean right now goo it’s it’s a place that I find fascinating I find exciting personally but I could understand how M might make someone feel nervous yeah and and that’s why I said I’m fearful because as much as I love and you tell me what you think Jonathan kaminga I don’t know if he’s worthy to tr to transition off of Step to him yeah now I could be totally wrong but if we were sitting with Anthony Edwards or some young G like wimy I be like oh man the transition’s going to be smooth so with all that Evan I ask you right now through the Evan Giddings computer or metrics is the dynasty over for the Warriors they won in 22 follow that up lost conference semis to the Lakers games didn’t get swept I don’t need to tell you and then no playoffs are we done or is there still next year we need to see for me to to give you a you know 100% full-fledged answer I mean winning a championship is the odds are stacked against you just in terms of Father Time fighting you swinging from both sides I hate father time I mean the lack I think right now of of certainty from young players is also something you’re pushing against you got the rock in a hard place which is are you too young and experience or are you too old and over the hill and I think we’ve seen from around the league that the younger players they’re on the rise and I think that creates more parody in League than ever and I just wonder for the Warriors to me that if you’re going to look at the dynasty as being over I think it’s been over I mean it it it ended last season when I just hear Austin from San Jose voice go would you say that yeah yeah so I I think when we look back in history and the fact it’s been 10 12 years of you know the buildup the Championships and then the fall off towards the end it’s miraculous and it’s something that we’ll probably never see again but that doesn’t mean good that I don’t feel optimistic about the Warriors chance to compete you got good new back in the playoffs absolutely absolutely I want to hear why people feel nervous or excited at 888 957 9570 Evan INF for steiny with Guru here’s the reason go I don’t know if you if you noticed that the trends of the last I don’t know let’s say five years in the NBA trends there’s been five different Champs the last five seasons from 2019 the Raptors bubble Championship with the Lakers the Bucks in 2021 oh man the nuggets and of course uh the Warriors The Warriors right thank you got got that that hasn’t happened since the 1970s there have been no fiveyear period since 1979 or 75 to 79 in which there’s been five separate individual chance wow that says to me that the league more so than ever is open for a team that can get hot it’s not a dynastic group right now the lay of the land and look Minnesota could be coming they might have something they got the defending champs on the ropes right now who I said we’re a modern day Dynasty thinking they were going to walk through this and that’s part of where we’re at I think is we’re always looking for the next Dynasty the next big thing I think it’s one of the reasons why and we’ll talk to Sam Amic about it at 12 people are putting Anthony Edwards already in the Michael Jordan category how people in New York are talking about Brunson as their Jordan everyone’s looking for the next big thing the next thing that they can grasp on to and feel comfortable with knowing that there’s an extended run of success on the way I don’t think we can look at the Warriors like that anymore and I think that’s unhealthy to look at the Warriors like that we need to take each indivi individual season for what it is last year they were better than they were the year before this year can they be a little bit better can they get to the postseason can they try and make some noise and figure out where to go from there I don’t want to look at this team goo like an expectation of all of a sudden catapulting themselves from a non playoff team back into a finals team if that happens that would be incredible but to me d That’s unrealistic wow Evan and you got so many emotions aroused in in my stomach and in my mind of well if you’re if you’re talking to me like that and you make a lot of Stellar points in in in life and in sports you have icons Joe Montana the Jerry rces guys and gals worthy of what do you want us to do for you and Evan I guess if you are correct and signs are like Seasons gone by and this last season of The Warriors not making a uh the playoffs is a sign of things to come then Evan I don’t ever want to you know close my eyes or plug my ears of talk about well it sounds like the Warriors can’t really start over until 30 is not here and to me 30 is still playing at a high level C he still wants to win so I guess how do you accomplish everything you laid out yeah until the fan base we’re done winning chips not that it can happen we’re done winning chips but the one part of that equation to me that what I believe to my core is that forget the fans that’s not going to be good enough for Stephen Curry so that’s why I’m thinking they’re going to go big game hunting and and try to speed expedite the the downtime or or the year or two like steiny talks about and guys grow and go through their puberty I’m thinking no throw everything at n now and maybe you take another run at it but the run to me is not going to be anywhere worth the hole that youd potentially dig yourself and I actually I do disagree a little bit from the 510 and the infinity mobile text line Steph is living in fantasy land I don’t think he is living in fantasy land I think Steph Curry is as competitive as anyone we’ve ever seen believe it I think he’s a killer but I also think he’s watching the playoffs and he’ll be playing with a couple of these guys in Paris in a couple months I know you don’t like that but I also think he’s looking around and not saying how do we get over on these teams but how do we get in the mix the I I I think the days of the Warriors being the favorites are done the the days of them winning titles might not be over and that might be foolish to think but I don’t I think you have to at least give them the benefit of the doubt from that standpoint that they might be able to conjure something is it likely no it might the title come after Steph Curry potentially more likely than not but goo it’s not to me it’s not about getting to number one it’s about being one of the five one of the six we didn’t think about the Dallas Mavericks as a contender until Midway through this season the Indiana Pacers are in the second round after making a big trade to the deadline acquiring SE yakum are they going to beat the Knicks potentially not but they’re one of the final 18 teams that’s to me how we have to look at the Warriors and why I think that the league the weight set up with the amount of parity and equality that there is I think the Warriors have reason to believe that they’re not as far away from being in that mix not mad at all and so 8 8 957 9570 is the number I do want to bring in some callers here big smooth hand out on Oakland big smooth what’s going on you’re on with Evan and goo on 957 the game how are you hey peace and blessings man I got four quick points I got to get out of me man nowhere else I can’t talk about this anywhere else people look at me like I’m crazy go ahead baby look they got Ant-Man we got wise man and it’s set us back all right man look looking at diven chinzo it makes me say gp2 you got to give us more baby you got to give us more you you got to give us more we were expecting uh uh uh more so let’s just be honest about that Draymond you really messed us up man in terms of really not knowing what we have 20 games man we we could have evaluated better even if we would have made the playoffs we could have made an early exit we just didn’t know cuz draymond’s knuckleheaded robbed us of really evaluating this team cuz the second half when Draymond came back we were a different team but how much better I don’t really know because Draymond didn’t give us the luxury find it out and then one one more point is that looking at what’s out there you know you got three big just just stifling Denver we may have to adjust not may we will have to adjust from a small ball to more of a medium ball because we’re not the team that can suit the lights out like we used to be we used to hang our hats on yeah we can shoot the lights out of any kind of game we haven’t really been doing that in a couple of years Steph goes nuclear every now and then clay will have one or two or three games but we need to go get some Shooters we need to get a little bit of size I don’t know why we can’t get Robert Williams it’s there no reason why we can’t get Malcolm uh the dude who looks like can’t R there’s no reason I it come July we all remember that great July when Durant and the hton four five or whatever we can’t come with small we got to come big in July that’s all I’m saying y’all be blessed yeah but Evan there’s a lot of restraints I hear I feel his pain the D venzo we kind of had fun with it um but I was going to say this just a second ago to to bounce off his call you’re a part of the show you hear me every day and I’m sitting up here lot 20 hours a week lobbying for Change and and if kinga’s name was John uh Alon I would still want his future to be on somebody else’s watch cuz I’d rather go get the the established veteran all that I’m saying to you and it’s what I said to steiny and I meeted Evan if what you just said poetically about the Warriors is true I feel like Draymond suspension robbed us the whole fan base and the Warriors essentially to really find out how far they are off and where I’m going is I told stany hey they might have lost to OKC but I would feel better knowing how far we were really off as opposed to well some could say just put on the film of the playing game now the playing game was fluky and the reason I’m going to say today on this Thursday was fluky Evan is draymond’s not suspended you’re in the top six you’re going to get a seven game series so for all the people in the back that are saying run it back maybe we would have a better idea of what we’re running it back with and that is the one caveat that if the Warriors resign clay and they kind of just shock the world and don’t do anything Heaven your boy’s not coming in here saying oh the Warriors don’t have a chance I could see them a top top six seed because we’ve seen things bits and pieces and I would love to see yeah they’re going to be not favored if they tangle with Minnesota first but I would love to see the finale of in a series where this team really is at and what they could achieve yeah I think that’s the most disappointing part about not making the playoffs is you don’t get the literal gauge you can try and jump through hoops to say well they lost to sack who lost to New Orleans who got swept by OKC but you never really know until you know so that’s the disappointing part to me about the playoffs is not seeing how far the Warriors are literally away from a particular team five games six games or they could have got swept who knows but unfortunately that’s that’s where we are and that’s why I think the the transition that they’re trying to figure fure out which direction to go in or whether to prolong or whether to kickart immediately is is a fascinating discussion because I’m looking also at the league goo and I mentioned the fact that Indiana New York don’t have starters over 30 that’s something that the Warriors will have no matter what because of number 30 but the Warriors also have to figure out okay how patient can we be because one thing that I think is a discussion around this summer is you’re in this position because not I won’t say necessarily because of the title but because they made decisions based on their previous success based off their previous system and we’ve heard Steve Kerr and the caller was talking about it as well we got to get bigger we got to get more athletic I think the the choice they’re going to have to make is whether they try and adopt a a Minnesota type style which is a lot of size a lot of interior length disruption or do we want to lean into more so or do we have the capability to lean into more so of what for example OKC does which is spread the floor put five Shooters out there put four Shooters out there particular lineups how do you acquire those pieces I think whichever way they decide to go they’re going to have to make multiple moves and that to me is the big change I don’t think a big change is coming in regards to a superstar and established veteran but I think change is coming in regards to the starting lineup being shaken up this roster looking wholesale different taller that’s IDE taller but then again they were a pretty good defensive group with Trace at the five and Draymond at the four so the Warriors don’t have a ton of flexibility I think right now at least until they decide whether they’re coming off of clay what to do with Chris Paul’s contract but I think that the question I have for them is are you setting yourself up for this year or are you trying to set yourself up for what is left of Steph Curry because you’ve said right now you said show if he’s got four more years well then maybe this year isn’t extremely important because you don’t want to dig yourself a deeper ditch and then end up in the same place you were where you don’t have a pick you don’t have uh the ability to get below the second apron and you got three or four Albatross contracts I I I just don’t want to see the Warriors continue to dig themselves a deeper hole wow Evan and all I can go back to is and you were here when the great Joe lob and Raymond Ritter were out there and we got to chop it up with him before the show and I think of Mike Tyson everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth and the war plan was let’s bring in the adult in the room Jordan P You’re Gone we’re bringing in Chris Paul and those men and Joe Lup specifically looked Us in the eyes and I could feel it oozing off of him Evan and I’m not saying he was wrong but he was proven wrong he thought he had a team that could compete at least make the playoffs and you don’t bringing Chris Paul to your team unless you think you know the benefit is going to be when it’s go time and to think about that thought process to find out you didn’t even make the playoffs the reason I bring up the Mike Tyson line of the plan the Warriors got hit in the mouth so now when you talk about a a front lineup I think a looney Evan he’s got the size but he doesn’t have the dynamic athleticism but he was good enough to help you get three of the four I love tjd you talk about Draymond but his thing is not athleticism it’s helping you get the offense going so Evan everything that you speak of if they decide they want to do a Joan Rivers makeover for a face lift my gosh where are you going to get those wings that I’m seeing not just in the west Minnesota’s got like 8,000 of them yeah Denver’s got 8 thou where do you go find those guys they got to figure out a place I don’t know if it’s if it’s overseas I don’t know if it’s plucking a player off the bottom of a roster you think that you can reshape and remold they’re going to have to get creative they’re going to have to get creative more so than any other point since the beginning I would say of of how this thing started and they put themselves in the position to be dynastic because they were creative so they’re going to have to get back to basics from that standpoint 888 957 9570 is the number Evan gets in for Matt Ste that’s with Daryl the G Johnson let’s get out to Oakland talk to Raider Drew wants to discuss the Warriors vers the West what’s up Drew how we doing my man what’s up EV what’s up Drew talk to us baby I understand I understand G’s position like you got to be able to get up and down with these teams of getting up and down playing with this Pace got all of this length but my thing is the Warriors problem was never offensively outside of that Sacramento game my thing is in the future how are you going to be able to guard the length because late late in gamees third and fourth quarter if you got defense if your offense is struggling a little bit but you got defense you’re always in the game especially if you got step but how they going to guard these teams in the future wow I mean I look I I think defensively the Warriors solidified themselves towards the end of the season that that’s a reason why for example some people don’t want to move Andrew Wiggins I I’m one of them we keep thinking about real quick offense but Wiggins might be what your best defender your best tell me I’m wrong Evan okay if he’s not one he’s two you know what I mean it ain’t just offense with Wiggins and but defensively if you’re telling me you oh bagga Nichols is coming back in some nil lators be careful because whoever comes back or if it’s multiple they better be able to defend because you were weaken without 22 on defense that’s we got to give them that some nights you were wow other nights you were better off I mean I remember doing pre doing pre-imposed for a game in San Antonio I think it was the fourth game of the series they played against him Andrew Wiggins was so bad in the first half Moses mood he started the second half those was those were some nights for Andrew Wiggins there’s other nights in which he was fantastic I remember in Philadelphia he had a 20 plus point game he was playing two-way wigs was Garden Maxi you know there are there are times which he’s been fantastic I just think that the idea of what a player should be should not be what we expect them to be so the idea of Wiggins is yeah you got a two-way perimeter Defender point of attack guy all the rest but how often do you get that from him and to me there’s too many inconsistent pieces on this roster there’s too many players that are up and down at this point that I’d rather relieve myself of some of those older guys the the older inconsistent players defensive players does he is he one of the guys you’re talking about yes I I think he allows you to get creative at that position I think he allows you to see what you have in the Moody and kingas I think he allows you to figure out if you can upgrade at that position if you can get some more shooting at the three maybe that allows JK to play more of the four I think the Warriors one of the reasons why we were so frustrated with them this entire season is because there were so many players two through 12 that sometimes were the two sometimes were the eight sometimes with a six sometimes with a 12 that’s not good man and that that that to me breeds a team that is going to be a roller coaster ride and to their credit they managed to roller coast their way into 46 wins but as we found out that wasn’t good enough wow uh I’ll tell you what if if they Jetson Andrew Wiggins and you know I’m just making names up here Paul George or somebody of that caliber is not coming back and you’re going to trust Moody and kaminga I mean good luck with that Evan and that that’s that that’s my fear and obviously that wouldn’t happen because you’re not going to give Andrew Wiggins away from free but that’s my biggest fear for the Warriors you started this show we did this program with the word transition and right now if we’re going to transition off the big three or Steph Curry I don’t know and I’m going Mark Willard here the the the answer is not in the building that’s how I’m looking at the Warriors and that’s why if you run it back then Wiggins is a part of it and I’m here with my popcorn but other than that if you if if you make moves Evan I think you got to go get an established big boy to kind of give Steph Curry and Company the best chance to compete in the west no doubt 888 957 9570 is the number let’s squeeze in Mark and San Francisco wants to talk about the Warriors keeping a particular player and not the other what’s up Mark you’re on 957 the game how are you oh good thank you hello Guru hey hey um I think that uh yeah they need to keep waking I mean after championship season it was evident to mostly everybody that guy was legitimate number two on a championship team and what happened the next year is they didn’t engage Wigan Kurt learned that this year late in the season you got to engage him he’s like the kid in the classroom that’s staring at the wall if you don’t engage him he doesn’t participate if you engage him he’s like a genius you you have to engage him Klay Thompson I love him but you see in the playoffs transitional defense is what’s killing people Minnesota is fast we got a few guys on our team like old men that can’t catch a bus and and unfortunately one of them is Clay they got to go I’m sorry it’s that time I understand loyalty understand love but hey everyone’s got an expiration date that’s the way I feel about it though appreciate it Mark well I’d like to think I’m pretty young D I almost missed the 12 this morning so the 12 yeah the number 12 down full so you know even young guys can miss the bus is that a rough bus cuz I was chopping it up with Bob sergeant and Bonte I think it was the 17 they used day and they said boy so yeah so yours is depending on time of day well yeah depends on the time of day there’s only a few owls in the city and those ones can get a little spicy if you’re going out on the west sidey taking the number one up and down California that that can get a little dicey sometimes but the 12 in the morning is pretty easy people are cool grabing some coffee leave dog alone yeah please please get off me uh I don’t know I just bring my book on the bus keep to myself that’s how it goes but what are the Warriors oh boy going to do that’s what we’re going to figure out this summer and I think it also speaks to a larger transition that baraya sports teams and fans quite honestly are going through whether it’s the Warriors the 49ers the Giants the A’s the Sharks apparently college teams we’ve heard from how does it make you feel about this transitionary period that we’re in as a Bay Area 88 957 9570 is the number Evan gettings in for Matt Steins with DAR theer Johnson will get to Mark the other Mark in San Francisco on the other side has something interesting I think that we can dig into also what does the parody in the NBA say to you does it make you feel better about where the Warriors are at does it make you feel like they’re further away because to me I I think it makes me feel excited it makes me feel like there could be magic that is captured in a particular bottle because we’ve seen so many teams recently do it different ways and how are the Warriors going to do it that’s what we’re going to figure out on the other side as we move on that’s segment was brought to you by Express Employment Professionals we’re back after this 957 the game [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] n talking Farhan made some moves I think it’s too early to say if the stew is you don’t like it you could kind of taste it but you still got time to put more Pepper or more seasoning in it but I think they’re going to be okay but I’m sorry man coming off the Super Bowl loss and I believe you should have won it again and you got contract gate going on with Brandon IU and you know we’ve been down that road with Debo no green law who got hurt in front of the world world in the Super Bowl and Evan I’m not I’m not doing anything or making things up that nobody else has thought about but the right on the table is hey Kyle you’re a damn good coach and play caller but when you’re going to close the deal bud like that’s what this season is taking on for me and then the bigger rat on the table lovan uh brought to you by Atco is how is Brock py going to perform in a year that you’re probably going to make him your future franch your franchise quarterback but what if he regresses then how many M are we taking off like all that’s coming into play you got a first year defensive coordinator cuz your Jetson your other guy I’m going to build for this well you weren’t they ran you it was kind of foul but you’re gone they got a new coordinator without arguably one of their best players who got hurt in the ball I cannot wait I I don’t know what to expect E I really don’t season is for sure the most promising of the three I mean trying to figure out if they can finally get over the hump it feels like we’ve been stuck in that for what 5 years basically 11 wins ain’t going to get it to me well they got 13 postseason wins I think since 2010 they don’t have a Super Bowl though so that’s what they’re trying to figure out and then the transition for the 49ers to me is between a team that’s going to cement itself as a champion yeah or the team that’s going to be forgotten because the ners have a long list of champ CH shs and is this just going to be another Dead period until whenever the next successful run comes and we see if we can get it done then is it is Kyle Shanahan going to be known as someone that came close but didn’t get it or is he going to be a guy that is revered because that is I think he’s respected no no doubt but among barri of fans I don’t know if he’s revered so the transition to me is between a team that is a champion and the team that just gets lost in NFL history Evan I love that and you know I I I tell steiny this I think about it Andy Reid is a God now and I thre shade at him because what he didn’t accomplish in Philly had the opportunity one Super Bowl Evan but a million NFC Championship appearances to get back but what have you I still knew he was a good coach but whatever I was feeling that day I came in and was like you know he’s not that guy he’s not of bellich quality and I just I do Wonder Evan how long this window is going to stay open for the ners and again they control a lot of that but I’m sitting here with my popcorn like Evan I watched the Super Bowl and a majority of the game I thought the Niners were the better team and for whatever reason me not blaming Kyle you’re you’re you’re the Captain Kirk the William Shatner you didn’t get it done and then I go back and say hum arcenio Hall things that make you say hum E I say your offense didn’t look prolific against Green Bay and it damn sure didn’t look prolific against Detroit and it did not prolific in the most important game of all I have questions as to why enter 2024 the draft Ricky peaw a wide receiver not a DB uh not a o lineman because a lot of people say that’s why they lost that game against the Chiefs the Super Bowl but Evan I’m sitting here like well maybe I’m right maybe he says he needs more Dynamic play at the white out position and another guy to make it prolific when it counts most well unlike the Warriors the ners are actually in need of of tweaks I mean there’s no wholesale changes that I think you could argue the Niners need to make I mean you know you’d like to upgrade certain positions you’d like to get players to play better in particular spots but good I mean they were right there they lost an overtime with the Super Bowl overtime overtime they got closer than they did in 2019 they could have won it cuz they got an extra period of football they could have won it and that’s I I just I wonder how much of a toll that takes on a team that’s deep now 2020 was derailed due to injury so it’s a little bit different but as we’re seeing with a team for example like the Denver Nuggets or shoot even the Golden State Warriors a couple years ago as we in football unless you have the guy unless you got a Patrick Mahomes it is very very difficult to get back to where you were exhibit a the Philadelphia Eagles I think that they were good I think that they were tired by the end of last season I think they were mentally exhausted and I think they knew that they just didn’t have it and their season went in the polar opposite direction of where it started wow I wonder if the ners because they’re still bringing back most of their team I think they’re going to resign iuk and extend him this off season they’re going to have their dudes I mean everyone is pretty much going to be back for that team outside of a couple characters that they let walk for monetary purposes how do the ners I think this season to me is about how much mental fortitude the San Francisco 49ers have because if they don’t have it if they’re not a mentally strong team then we’re going to see something that we did not expect which is them fade and potentially not even be back to where we expect them to be because in my opinion goo it’s NFC title game or bust yeah I love that and I appreciate that and I’m from that cloth and I don’t think that is too far-fetched I don’t think that’s unfair and you know I keep calling this roster the happy hour roster because they’re loaded they are and they should have a chip F and I’m going to sit here and say if let’s just say the mental fortitude that you talk about with Philly takes its toll then and I know I can hear Steiny’s voice right now Kyle’s not going anywhere I’m not advocating for him to go anywhere but in the court of public opinion with the fans that means something to me because I’m a fan you’re a fan Evan too so it does mean something and I’m reading the YouTube chat now in the text line a lot of people blame Kyle if you want to say you know the fster muscle muscle got tight here and there on decisions what have you but no doubt but Evan they they Kyle can ill afford to have his team go left at the mo go south at the most in important time and Philadelphia There’s no way anybody could tell me I wasn’t on the scene the Howard eskins that there wasn’t going anything going on with a with brown and and and uh Hertz at quck like that Dy there something was going on in the locker room bottom line I don’t think that’s happening here but Evan there is pressure I what if I said more pressure on Kyle’s neck than ever to to get to that game that you talk about because if we rewind TAA and go to the Green Bay game you were the number one seed at home on a Saturday rainy night and you were this close to losing and my thing would have been what would the we be talking about now Evan now had you win one real quick had you wouldn’t won the Super Bowl I couldn’t even I’d be a fool to bring that up but you didn’t then Detroit came and you were down like talk to me e who do you think more pressure is on Kyle Shanahan the head coach or Kyle Shanahan the general manager I think Kyle Shanahan the head coach the only reason I asked that is because there’s a piece of sound from Chris Sims earlier today we get that di up appreciate you and He was discussing the fact that Kyle Shanahan is the Zar and it’s something we kind of already knew let me know when we got it we do here’s what Chris Sims had to say about Kyle Shanahan this is much respect for John Lynch right big part of the AR every year that you get close to the mountain top but you don’t see the promised land and you know what Evan and the more I hear and that was Sims and I appreciate that sound the more I hear Kyle talk I kind of want to give him a bro hug or a Dap like he’s doing it it’s like pigy Latin he’s he’s accepting the pressure like he’s okay knowing that people are saying his team has had great success and he’s not running from that and that’s why the quote a couple weeks back about the you know we don’t want to take two steps back now for three years forward later like guys like me Evan and all I’m in all I can bring to the table is my opinion I can appreciate that because I feel like you know what moris day you know what time it is and the great John Taylor the last time I bring up I was at the beay sports Hol Fame induction Monday with Bon and the great John Taylor said this to us and I’mma say it to you because I’ve said it to steiny and I’ve never fronted and came in here like I’m roner warski or I know more ball than anybody else but damn it Evan I know that George KD is is better than the production or the way he’s being utilized and he basically was a zero throughout the playoff and for me to come in here and share with steiny my my question is I don’t have the play call I’m just wondering why and you know what I’ve been told Evan oh he’s in there to help the o line well if the o line is that much of a problem and it’s taking away my tight end and and his ability physically to be a mismatch and on a good day we see it that’s a problem but you know what I did I just shut up kastani was like goo that’s how they decide to do it the great John Taylor said said volunteered they need to get 855 involved more in the offense and I do Wonder with this pearsol addition does Kyle know maybe you know what he’s not an offensive lineman we need to utilize just as a threat 85 downfield I wonder because you’ve been this close my I mean this close Evan if we see that and I’m excited for that I mean I don’t think KD was the problem in the super Super Bowl or the playoffs but you’re right he wasn’t featured too often on offense and and it might sound sound unfair you know for a second-year player to kind of put it at at his doorstep but I think if you’re looking at Kyle Shanahan you also have to look at his quarterback I mean you you have to look at the guy that’s the orchestrator of Kyle Shanahan’s system or is you know playing the notes that Kyle Shanahan is giving him and he’s a young guy and he’s going to get better hopefully and he’s going to be back in the same position that he was last year hopefully with a chance to win it all but Brock P’s got to be better next season than he was this season I’m not I don’t mean statistically I mean 49ers fans watched the games he was damn good throughout the majority of the regular season had a couple bumps here and there that’s going to happen in money time you have to be better I mean that that’s what every player or every team demands of their quarterback nowadays Josh Allen was has not been good enough for the Buffalo Bills to get over the top Dak Prescott last year Well Dak Prescott won Jackson was not good enough in the AFC Championship Game to beat Patrick Mahomes Brock pie You could argue got outplayed in the Green Bay game but he was good enough on the final drive that’s big Evan in the second half he was incredible against Detroit that kind of non 60-minute effort in my opinion is not good enough to win at all so I think there has to be some of that put at Brock py Dort step as well that that that’s phenomenal and I’ll just ask you this cuz I I think I can remember your answer but not vividly cuz we’ve been in the off season how do you think Brock played in the Super Bowl and before you answer Evan the reason I I bring that up is I think it was his best game of the playoffs like he didn’t shoot you out of that game and I know oh I mean old Lian coming unblocked I’m sorry I ain’t going to be able to get it to Jesus if he’s open but all in all I looked at Brock like you weren’t the reason they lost that game no but it wasn’t the reason they won I mean he he he did not do enough to to get them to win that that’s just how I look at it and so I think also in regards to Transitions goo you know they are in a they are in a position where the forers I think have chosen Brock to be their guy I don’t think that there’s something he’s going to do next year I don’t expect him to fall off a cliff so I think he’s going to continue to be their man I think they’re going to pay him I think the decisions around this off season are geared towards how we keep Brock and at what number we can keep him for so they’re transitioning into an era of cemented quarterback play Oh My Gosh and I I feel good about it but it also means that he’s got to continue to get better how much is that deal going to come do if he balls out Evan well because you’re getting married they’re going to marry him I think it was two weeks ago Mike tanal ESPN said he doesn’t think he’s getting 50 million oh where Jed York says we expect him to reset the quarterback Market I don’t know if Brock P’s got that in them but that might be the going rate it’s the same reason why Brandon iuk might make close to $30 million per year on the wide receiver markets because it’s the going rate and that’s a lot of money it’s the same thing we’re talking about the NBA you how much is a player worth Draymond Green’s not worth 25 is he Klay Thompson might not be worth $25 million hate to break it to you but there’s someone in Boston who makes 60 million a year so Klay Thompson might be half the player that Jaylen Brown is man there’s a lot of money that is being handed around to these athletes nowadays and in the Bay Area it feels like we’re trying to search for one that you feel comfortable giving big bucks to because there’s a lot of people that don’t feel comfortable good with giving Brock pie $45 million they they don’t think that he’s worth it no and I understand that that’s not like that’s why I feel like this is the biggest as as crazy as this sounds two years under the helm for Brock uh one and a half you know when he took over for Jimmy in year one Evan this is the biggest and most expensive audition I can believe ever like man and I honestly believe had he won this had they won the Super Bowl the blank check would already have been signed just think about that he’s won a Super Bowl whatever number you want we’re going with young man now I wonder if Kyle and I keep bringing steiny up because he keeps thinking goo Kyle’s so finicky I’m paraphrasing you never know how he’s thinking about said quarterback so what if we see the ners go 10 and seven Evan and he looks just normal that’s not 40 million I believe the Niners are going to give him and you know 24 22 touchdowns to 12 picks I’m just and that’s okay for some but you know what I mean like there’s so much at stake So when you say trans transition about the ners I’m looking at it through a championship prism but there’s also another layer of franchise quarterback could play yeah but goo at the same time in his one his first two seasons he’s been at two NFC championship games he’s been to one Super Bowl not many people can say that throughout their career nevertheless in the first two seasons as starter as a rookie in his second year so if if you’re telling me they go 10 and seven next year yeah we’ll probably be disappointed because that means they’re they’re losing more games that we think they should but if they get in the postseason they win a playoff game Brock will have won a playoff game in his first three years as starter which is rare I know that people don’t want to hear anything except for well you got to win a Super Bowl well we did it with Jimmy his win loss record he always had that it is and people hated on him so much they’re like oh that’s there that’s different you know I think that’s because of how it looked we know how it was bumpy it was bumpy okay he had help no the prettiest thing about Jimmy Garoppolo was his face so I mean that’s really what it comes down to Brock pie is a superior passer he’s a superior quarterback and he also has the system to help get him to that next level I think which is why Brandon I coming back is the first thing that I thought of this offseason the first thing I think that’s going to happen um you know in regards to the ners I don’t know making a move I don’t think they’re going to trade anybody I think they’re bringing it back they’re running it back you um I don’t want to say surprised but are you is it curious to you at all or just part for the course or this just normal no iuk uh All Quiet on the set with Brandon auk and his contract status well I would rather have it be all quiet as opposed to him he got loud making a fuss or stinking it up and going full AJ Brown yeah I would I would much rather hear that and I also think iuk is a smart guy his agent trying to figure out where he fits because there’s a bunch of wide receivers that have gotten paid or will get paid this summer and he’s trying to get his he’s trying to get his dough he’s trying to get his bread so R so he should and I I just keep going to Michael silver CU we both he’s tapped in and EV during the draft process silver piece had me thinking good God one of these guys might get traded and it didn’t happen and I think the Niners are better for that well M get traded is different than expected to be traded or asking for a trade or wanting out or making it known that you don’t want to be a part of this team because I think most of these players regardless of whether they play for the ners or not they I think most of them do want to win and then you figure out that you can also get paid and win and then you want both I mean it’s the same thing that I think Klay Thompson is kind of going through right now it’s how much can you be paid but also where are you going to be able to win because I think he does want number five I think Steph wants number five and how is Klay Thompson going to figure out what’s best for him wow I think the difference is Brandon IU what’s best for a is also what’s best for the 49ers in my opinion I think keeping him on the team is what is best for the 49ers totally and him getting paid is what’s best for him clay there’s more of a question of is what’s best for him is what’s best for the Warriors No Doubt and the more I continue to think about it at 888 957 9570 is the number Evan infer steiny with Daryl the guru Johnson 957 the game do people out there believe that what is best for Klay Thompson is what’s best for the Golden State Warriors we’re talking transitions today it’s a transitionary period in Bay Area sports with all three major teams hell with every team in the bay it feels like we’re in this Middle Ground which way do they go which era is next Who’s Next Up who’s the next big thing who’s the next big team does it remain the 49ers who’ve been stuck at the top but haven’t gotten to the mountain top is it the Golden State Warriors who have been to the mountain top and are now on the decline on the back end of whatever you believe is left left of this dynasty or you the San Francisco Giant who are just stuck right now in the middle of everything and are literally up in the MS cuz they’re in Colorado so 8957 9570 is the number uh let’s sneak a calling goo before the break here marks in San Francisco’s been hanging out patiently Mark how you doing what’s going on I’m doing well you know I think the team you got to watch are the San Jose Sharks Mike reer has rebuilt that that whole organization and he’s got the best young talent coming in I’m really excited about where he’s going and the job done he’s he’s got a lot of good young prospects and I think the sharks of the team you’re going to have to watch going forward they’re going to be really good yeah we talked about it we talked about it yesterday Evan a new era Sharks hockey scar I think if they’re exciting people will want to watch him and I’m excited now if I ask you Evan and I’m not putting you on the spot who’s their best player now do they got another young dude cuz he had been Young play yeah do we know do or is that still up in flux and they need to get the well I’m not going to lie go I have not watched a Sharks game since they lost what was it 10 nothing or 12 nothing their second or third game of the season lot of goals but but that’s that’s that’s part of it is the fact that they got the number one overall pick it appears that they’re going to get a generational Talent yeah that means that there’s interest back in this team people are looking for the next generational Talent around the rest of the teams Brock py could be that guy but the Warriors aren’t because they got that and they’re not done it’s not expired with Steph they just need some help I think Jonathan is a really good player do I look at him like a generational Talent absolutely not could he Blossom next season into something that I believe is a major piece moving forward potentially and that’s why I don’t necessarily want to give up on him you know kind of getting in getting back to what we’ve learned throughout this summer and particularly from the NBA Playoffs goo I think that that is where I want to go next and I want to know what people that are watching these games are taking away in regards to the Warriors in regards to where the NBA is going and where the Warriors fit and where your fandom fits as a team as a as a fan that is trying to I don’t know transition from one era to the next 8 8957 9570 is the number by the way you can listen to all four hours of steining Guru on the free Odyssey app you can download the Odyssey app directly from our QR code on both YouTube and twitch powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today Evan gettings in for M time met with Daryl the gber Johnson we’re back after this 957 the game there is a part of me that will never never die [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game all right Evan gettings in for Matt stee*ts Daryl the guru Johnson with you as always we got a piece of news from the NBA goo H one of the best podcasters in the league not named Draymond Green actually I’d take that back he’s not one of the best well get to it and then I’m going to tell you why I’m mad at Netflix but go ahead okay Patrick Beverly has officially been suspended by the league for four games which will of course be taken off his Ledger next season for throwing a ball at a fan well actually a ball twice how about how he treated the young lady none of that was in it huh I mean his actions after the game to me were less my I mean he he he was a flat out dag he yes he was but the fact that he threw ball at a fan twice twice that I think goes longer with the league than anything else you cannot in a away he would have been better off punching his own teammate shout out Draymond like on the court and they only gave him the Brett Favre wow four I thought more than that I thought it was too but then again I mean Jamal Murray didn’t get suspended from uh his series after throwing a heat pack on the court so that was weak throwing things from the bench is all right and what and yic somebody could have tore uh cat somebody could have tore their ACL or got really hurt Evan the ref even trying to take off and run down court that was he he didn’t get us and steiny said and I don’t like it oh goo it’s what you got in your file prior well yes but now that does go in his file so the next time he he acts out it’s it’s funny too like watching the Denver Nuggets they are getting ran well they are but in a way home it kind of makes sense because they haven’t really been tested like think they were and the test gods were on their side against the Lakers they were able to overcome being ho hum or thinking where the Big Man on Campus and when it’s go time Evan we’ll close it out I think that was a bad Omen like they just were were they really playing good ball against the Lakers I just know the Lakers are a pretty good team year last year this year and then now it’s catching up to you where you got these Young Bucks where they ain’t doing the LeBron will’ll walk it up and LeBron if you’re listening you’re phenomenal my point is this is a whole new dog you messing with wolves and they’re howling and they’re running you out the gym well I think it’s because they’re not as battle tested as a lot of Defending Champions are you look at what happened to them last year and they had their full set of guys I think they pretty much ran through the playoffs I could argue their toughest test was in the first round against Minnesota last year wow man and they always had a built-in excuse for example the year before when the Warriors beat them in the first round they could look at their roster and say well Jamal was hurt npj was hurt theyve always quote unquote injuries away from doing what they did last year this is the first time I think they’ve finally been punched in the mouth by somebody and they’re wondering are they actually good enough yeah I’m hearing yic is tired I haven’t seen it but he’s dealing with trees bl by n but Nas Reed is tall he can block a shot then you got gobear when he ain’t being daddy and you got uh who what’s the cat like I look at jic I know he’s like God damn it the Lakers didn’t have they had Davis but other than that I can navigate he’s just like I think it’s mental fatigue too and then Murray is like all right I get past McDaniels there’s ant like Minnesota are dogs man and I don’t think it’s over but Evan tomorrow night if they they’re on the road and maybe that’s a good thing Tupac us against the world but the dynasty that I thought was could be going to miniapolis like I got to slow my rooll they got to do it first I don’t like what I see in Boston I know they’re playing Cleveland you I don’t like it e well but before we get to Boston in the East I I do think that the conversation between aunt and Jamal is something we can get into at 12:00 with Sam amck senior writer at the athletic because he himself actually asked Anthony Edwards this question which kind of blew up yesterday hey you talked in that Phoenix series a lot about the way you saw Kevin and how that motivated you and at your age it’s got to be fun to see all these ogs right in front of you is there anything like that in this series like what’s your nah these guys 3 4 years older than me man yeah I mean Jamal been around for a minute is that a guy that that you’ve been tracking at all hell no like I said he what is he 27 I’m going to turn 23 dog yeah KD 36 35 yeah come on man there’s no disrespect to Jamal I don’t know what you’re trying to start but yeah he’s no not at all so we can ask and when he was trying to start at 12 it is his world he said he’s Kendrick Lamar like the culture is H like he said I don’t know what you trying to start he got his point across about why he said hell no basically saying Murray ain’t on them level or mine and he kind of did it in a way to where it wasn’t arrogant it was just and the he did it so well to the whole I don’t know what you’re trying to start saying my point is Evan this dude is this dude is prime he’s got it all right now man and he may have a ring in a couple in about a month it’s his world and we’re living in it right now because they got the defending champs on the ropes on the road and I think the only other team that I can recall I’m sure someone’s done it I think Milwaukee lost in Phoenix down they were down 20 but the rockets in the mid 90s had that I forget if it was 94 or 95 but they were down to so I think Charles Barkley and the Phoenix Suns they lost the first two Smith always talks about it at home so you know that’s something where maybe Denver could come back in the series but you’re right like Edwards and the Minnesota Timberwolves look like that next team and it’s because of ant I think more so than anything else they’re built fantastic they’re big they’re long they’re athletic but Anthony Edwards is the driving force of everything and that’s why people are talking about him like he’s Jordan no doubt and I’ll say this I’m going to is it Smitty or midi where did Aaron Gordon go Archbishop midi okay midy yeah there you go so he’s been damn near or mismatch for everybody they’ve played thus far and now he’s just one of like four of Minnesota’s trees so it negates Denver and hey I Jamal Murray’s a beast the two game winners but I’mma put it right on the table brought to you by Atco I don’t think the calf issue is hampering them but I don’t think that’s what’s but they are deing up in Minnesota and I’m sure he’s not you know 100% F but and to his credit he hasn’t said this what’s slowing me down it’s Minnesota’s team defense yeah well they’ve been the number one defense all season and also goes to show how much that can free up what you do offensively like I think that the Timberwolves have their offensive rating the playoffs been like 120 it’s been they’ve been the number one offense and defense pretty much so that’s why they Haven that’s why they haven’t lost a game yet they swep Phoenix they’re up 20 on Denver and are you looking at a like this sco where instantly you flip from the Warriors got a match up with Denver to the Warriors got a match up with Minnesota I know there’s a lot of playoffs left to go and in the Eastern side Boston looks like they got some to say we’ll see New York’s up two nothing on Indiana we’ll see what happens on that side but in the west they don’t scare me yeah I guess who do you measure the Warriors against at this point that’s a great question and Evan if we were at a bar I’d tell the bartender give me a double give me a double and the reason I say double is yeah it’s still Denver cuz Denver’s antidote Denver’s DNA you guys they have owned you but now what scares me as a warrior fan uh Evan I appre appreciate the question is now there’s another there’s another level now you got we got Minnesota problems so those are two teams and OKC I don’t know physically do they scare me athletically they do but the physical thing is not what Denver and Minnesota possess they are just once that before the ball’s tipped we got major problems you know so now that Minnesota’s come out of nowhere it’s not that they knocked off Denver because Evan we still have Denver issues now we got Minnesota issues too well and that’s why looking at the Warriors this season I didn’t feel like they were athletic enough or big enough so can you get both I’m not sure wow man can you try and lean into one of the other I don’t know this is from the great Rich Mitch on on YouTube Don $2 to say can’t stand kaminga daily dose of anti- JK I would not at this point I would not move Jonathan kaminga and it’s not because I think he’s going to be a future MVP but because of what we’ve discussed in regards to the transition that the Warriors are going through which is I don’t want to necessarily prolong this expectation and this Reliance on players that as we’ve seen throughout the league can no longer carry you to even potentially a Conference Finals nevertheless a finals so the Warriors right now I think have some good young pieces in place are they going to be starting players are they going to be rotation players their roles will be determined but the Warriors I think looking around the rest of the league to bring it back to again the five Champs they’re different the last five years that also says to me that you might be a team that could catch the league by storm that you could come out of nowhere the way that some of these teams have did I expect the New York Knicks to be a two- in in the conference semi-finals this year no well theast different but you’re right I still 50 win team though the Dallas Mavericks acquired a couple of big pieces at the deadline the Warriors might position themselves to be one of those teams that could get better at the deadline next year I think the reason why they didn’t make moves was because there wasn’t a move out there that I thought was going to get them back into the top six of the top four they were trying to make an internal run with what they had Joe lob tried to deliver LeBron if you take that at face value Evan you think that would have help I do and I would I would say I would never say no to LeBron as opposed to what they went with I would have went and and that’s the thing I think people keep missing Evan whatever moov like you say and I and I appreciate you because you’re telling the truth about Jonathan kaminga is do you think and I’m asking you do you think it’s easy for you to say that or anybody else say you know what I’m not moving kaminga maybe because we don’t have a name or we don’t know what would come back do you think if you know and you still might sniff at what was coming back and say I’m still out but do you think it’s easier right now today for people to kind of say I’m not moving kaminga when you don’t know what would be coming back to kind of entice or make that decision a little more difficult I mean it’s it’s not even about kaminga so much as I feel like I do know what’s coming back because the players that you would be trading for are established veterans older older I mean the the the KD thing to me would make the most sense just because contractually you align everyone and then you figure out what to do but overall goo I just don’t feel like the league is telling you right now with what we’re seeing in these playoffs that getting older is the way to go and I know the Warriors don’t have a ton of stockpiled talent like OKC in Minnesota in their early 20s but they have to at least position themselves to move in that direction I think so what are and I’m asking you guys what are we calling the four youngsters on this team and I and that includes tjd kaminga pods and Moody I thought we’re excited about that or can we be excited about their youth and what they grow to be but you’re telling me hey goo that’s different than OKC or other teams youngsters that might be better well those players have already been empowered I mean and I I think it’s wild that Minnesota is a team that’s taken the leap from a first round exits and now people are talking about him like they’re going to run the NBA but and again we can talk to Sam Amic about that National writer for the athletic in about 15 minutes here on 957 the game Evan gettings in for Matt sty with Gerald the guru Johnson The Warriors are in a period of transition we’ve discussed the Niners being in somewhat of a transition period the Giants are obviously amidst right in the thick of kind of an irrelevant transition I I think the Warriors are the most interesting goo and at least I’m I’m excited about what’s going to happen next season because I do think that the empow of younger players is on its way and getting to see what they can become I would rather put my eggs in that basket than the known which is a team that could be a playoff team might not be a playoff team I think that the young players can catch or can make up enough of the slack of whatever leaves this off season whether it’s Clay or you know Wiggins I don’t know Chris Paul whoever I think that they can make up enough slack to at least keep you at where you are and you might even be a little bit better I don’t know I’m not looking at it like steiny where he’s saying they’re just going to continually take steps back you know this year they were 46 next year they could be 44 43 wins I’d prefer to look at this with a glass half full which is to say if the Warriors get younger I think the league is telling you that that will be rewarded wow I like now it feels like when you say that we’re playing the birth certificate game you could get younger and still not better and the Warriors more just and this year from a win total was was exhibit a you won more games but at the bottom line it wasn’t enough everybody else did too you were 10 seed so Evan you know what I need the fact that the Warriors aren’t in the playoffs I need Clarity and that’s why I’m kind of lightweight it it’s a good exhausted but we’re going to find out here in a few months what Joe lob’s going to do if he’s going to do what what what you and a lot of fans want them to do kind of lean on the youth and protect assets the young assets that you currently have or if he’s going to pick up the phone and be that guy they called jeie bus at one point last season I think that’s or the steiny model and I’m not saying which one is right I’m telling you which one I prefer and that’s punting on the future of what I think Jonathan kaminga could be so I could go get a Bonafide number two best player on this team and and and and pair him with Steph Curry and know even if that’s not good enough in the playoffs Evan we did everything under the sun that we thought and our Superstar Steph Curry thought would be the way to go and get as closest to the throne so we’re going to find out that answer cuz right now we get mixed signals and I’m bringing up the kawakami podcast it’s getting it’s older but you know he told them hey if we flame out there’s going to be you know some changes and I wonder you know how he’s feeling now because he’s been relatively quiet but I guess the proof and the Pu hav and I’m excited to see by their moves which direction they’re going to go this is from the 408 and the xinity mobile text line the Warriors have to look at the Timberwolves now the t- wolves have size athleticism maturity a combination of Youth and vets a good bench and just overall a great recipe for Success yeah I agree I mean I think they’re kind of where the warriors were when they were trying to figure out how good they could become and for example in 2014 a lot of the Warriors stars were in their 20s but a lot of their vets were older and the timber wols right now are led by one man and that’s Anthony Edwards but everyone else around him you know they got young athletic Wings they got some veteran bigs I know CAD is not 30 yet but he’s been in the league for a long time Conley is obviously in his late 30s so they do have a lot of the recipe that you see in dynastic teams in championship teams I should say yeah no doubt and uh again I know I’m being overzealous here Evan because there’s a Long Way to Go including that Minnesota series but Evan if you tell me right now just looking at the landscape of the playoffs I don’t think anybody right now today and well ask Sam I will I don’t think it’s too farfetched to say looking at the uh Minnesota’s position that if I said they’re going to win it all somebody would scoff at it no I mean I’m still waiting to see just because I also am curious how much of the the heart of a champion Denver has for example you know if they get back in this series do they lose tomorrow night and essentially positions easy out yeah I mean and that’ be a shocker for me it would be it’s been a shocker or if that series goes longer and takes a pound of Flesh from whichever side comes out does that mean that OKC who’s got an easier potential match up on their side of the bracket does that give them an easier inline to the finals because the other side or vice versa maybe Dallas gets back into this series quickly and that’s going to be tonight so I think there’s a lot still to learn from the NBA Playoffs but what we’ve seen so far and again I’m just looking at the age of the starting players of the best players on these teams yeah I can’t do you guys got me Oklahoma City the New York Knicks and the Indiana Pacers all do not have a single starter above the age of 30 and so I think moving in that direction more so leaning in on older guys yes talent I think is the wrong direction I think it just sets you back further but you feel like a prerequisite is you got to have some youth in that star you don’t want to get multiple 30 year olds in your start lineup I think that’s what the league is always told us but the but the LeBron and the stephs have kind of or even the KDs to some extent they’ve kind of recalibrated our thinking of how long players can remain in Championship form I think Steph Curry can still be a part of a championship team but do I think he’s going to be you know as important as he was even in 2022 I’m I’m just not so sure anymore 8 957 9570 go no I was just like what whoever they bring Evan Steph your closer and it’s all dependent on who they bring and what type of caliber player but you know for people to think somebody’s going to show up here and be the closer that’s not how I Envision this this new player if a blockbuster deal is done like Curry’s going to be your closer and the thing is and the incentive to make the move is to get somebody that could make his workload on a daily basis lighter you know but I’m going to Ste closeth or could be like when they got Durant the first time closed by committee cuz you know we got options but I’m not saying you’re saying this cuz you’re not but a lot of people I feel like think what Curry has you the spectacular part and the closer and Killer part of him has kind of went gone away I don’t think it’s gone away but you got to get to the Finish Line in order to to get there and then I I just they didn’t get in the race this time well I don’t necessarily want to rely on the four other pieces around him to get him to the finish line and if you do maybe that’s a reflection of of where you’re at as a franchise so again 888 957 9570 is the number uh Xfinity mobile text line 510 the only move is to get KD they’re trying to figure no one on the Warriors outside of Curry is even the top 30 in the league if you get KD you’ll have two players potentially in the top 10 and you know they work together so that that’s someone that wants to lean in on on getting older to get a more established star and at least to get someone you can help give a running mate to Steph Curry but before we get to Sam AMC at noon National writer of the athletic let’s talk to Allan San Francisco what’s going on Al you’re on with Evan and Guru on 957 the game how are you hey how you doing guys thank for putting me on hey uh you know the Warriors off season you know they need some bigs for sure they need uh somebody in the middle to protect the paint uh JD Davis is coming around he needs a you know he needs another year or so to develop into a you know a strong uh perim uh paint protector rim protector uh you got uh Rudy haimura coming off of the Lakers maybe and Reed all these guys are coming off that can be using the power for and Moody Man Moody should be you know given a chance to start a lot of those other players on OKC and the tber Wolves it took them a couple years but now they’re dominant players so I think Moody and kaminga should have a chance to come up strong and then just get some other beings backing them up uh you know and that’s all I have to say and uh Happy Mother’s day back at you yeah thanks Al well yeah I mean so getting bigger appears to be the way a lot of people want to go it’s just where do you go I keep acting like people where’s the basketball Walmart Oh off High Street let’s go in and get oh I need a big I need another big 6869 3 and D it doesn’t work that way and that’s why what you said earlier hit me and stany and I kicked it around EV it it’s no no secret this is the most difficult task of the Joe Lup team 10 year to me yeah it’s because there’s no easy choice there’s no doubt about it you’re going to have to get creative and that creative move might fail but I think you have to be willing to be patient at this point which is what no one wants to hear and I want to real quick here put something in the cap yeah I know a lot of people are saying Clay’s going to Orlando but the Lakers are a sleeper team for me Evan I just really believe they’re going to jets in D and get rid of him so I don’t want Klay to leave but if he were to dip Evan I really believe if the Lakers were a player I could see LeBron they don’t have that right now they that DLo was supposed to be that but just put that in the cap lman that uh your boy said if he were to dip the Lakers could be a player for his services and be play in front of dad we can run that by Sam am on the other side National NBA riter the athletic he’s covering Denver Minnesota right now he asked Anthony Edwards the the the question about Jamal Murray that’s been going viral so we’re going to catch up with him on the other side what’s coming up on the game is presented by Fremont Bank service banking no compromises Evan gettings in for Matt stey or Dill the guru Johnson we’re back after this that segment was sponsored by the Alam County Probation Department [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] this is Moses Moody and you listening to steiny and Guru 957 the game EV gets in for Matt Ste Mets with darl the guru Johnson getting it locked and loaded here talking about transitions the Golden State Warriors are going through one this summer trying to figure out do they lean into the old do they go into the unknown that is the young it feels like in the NBA Playoffs that’s being rewarded Minnesota OKC a lot of young and up and cominging teams go around the league I can’t wait I am excited but I do want to tell you one thing e and you’re younger than me but I still can whoop you I just want the Warriors to perfect the way that the Warriors play and that they play that beautiful motion I I’m not saying don’t go up down that’s dumb what I’m saying is they don’t have to mimic or be like everything that you’re watching in the playoffs right now e does that make any sense well let’s talk to Sam Amic about that senior NBA Rider from the athletic kind enough to join us Sam I I saw you recovering Minnesota Denver we just played your cut and your interaction with Anthony Edwards a couple of minutes ago before the break it looks like you’re having I don’t know your hands full with with two teams that appear to be the cream of the crop in the Western Conference how are you I’m good appreciate you having me um yeah I did I jumped on the first two games of the series admittedly I I snuck home so I’m not there for three and four and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it was partly because I you know we tend to track very competitive series and and right now this one looks fairly one-sided but uh but yeah and a pretty impressive couple games for Minnesota well obviously the defending champs got their backs up against the wall but it’s something we were kind of tossing around earlier Sam is this idea of if you’re Golden State and you’re trying to figure out you know kind of how you measure up in the Western Conference do you feel like they are looking at this series as the series to gauge where they should go where they’re at or do you think that it’s going to be determined by the rest of the playoffs because it it’s it appears to me that Minnesota and Denver are the two teams that everyone you know is kind of really hot on they are the cream of the crop right now you know it’s funny I I I agree with that in a vacuum but I I would probably quickly add in you know we are just overlooking Oklahoma City like crazy um you know they’ve won five in a row um you know the Timberwolves have won six in a row of course but you know OKC and the dominance with which they took care of Dallas in game one I think has got to be uh you know something you pay attention to and if you’re the Warriors you just you know it’s all of it right like all four of these remaining teams are you know are problems for a team like the Warriors and the irony is that Denver all of a sudden might be fourth on that list of the remaining four in the West and you know the theme among I would say three of the four teams taking the nuggets out at the moment is that the physicality the versatility on the defensive end the size the length um you know that’s what is getting it done in these playoffs and and that’s something that the Warriors certainly don’t have enough of these days yeah Sam good to talk to you man I I fought the good yes sir I fought the good fight all year long but I was telling Evan and the listeners that play in game that was a alarming to me I I still watch it at at times like oh my God that was the first sign to where I said oh boy I was wrong but I’m telling Evan Steph Curry is not your is not the problem in the sense that I believe he needs more help so if the team went the direction of maybe getting him a Bonafide number two guy would that make sense to you or are you thinking okay Steph might be on the decline to the point to where you got to get somebody better than him help it make sense for me Sam no I don’t think we’re to that latter scenario Guru at all it’s funny I actually just got off the film with a colleague of mine you guys probably know the name Dan W covers the Lakers for the LA Times and we were chatting about LeBron and the idea you know and I’m not talking out of school here but that LeBron is great as he is that on the defensive side of the ball you know you got to remember that he’s 39 years old and so Steph is a few years behind LeBron and he is still Elite still incredible but you are going to have to you know accept some realities that come with having a guy who is doing you know unprecedented things at this late stage but still not you know as good as he was before especially the defensive side so to me you can still build around step um but you got to be careful you know going star chasing for another number two and having that be your only focal point because I think these playoffs are showing the value of depth they’re showing the Val I mean look at the the the Timberwolves for examp example it’s not a real complicated analysis of what they’re doing to Denver the nuggets two best players are joic and Murray and they have the the wolves have guys like Rudy Gober Nas Reed um uh Carl Anthony towns and Kyle Anderson all 610 and above who they can throw at Joker and they’re slowing him down with Murray you’re throwing Jaden McDaniels nikil Alexander Walker and a bunch of wings that have so much length at Jamal and you’re just absolutely you know kind of just vetoing everything the Nuggets do and so the point would be that the depth matters a lot it’s you know look at the Lakers have themselves a one-two punch they’ve got a number two the likes of which that the you know the Warriors would dream of uh you know an Anthony Davis or whoever you want to give it to if LeBron’s the number two but you know they’re home just like Golden State so I don’t know that chasing the star is the way to go Sam amck with us here on 957 the game and he is a senior NBA writer for the athletic Sam you mentioned the depth and how that has sort of stood out along with the youth and athleticism and versatility of not just Minnesota and Denver but also OKC in regards to Golden State does that mean that star chasing for you is off the table because even though the Warriors crop of young players kaminga psky Trace Jackson Davis can even throw moody in there might be able to fetch you something do you think that that I don’t know if it’s a core four but a young four is not worth giving up on at this point even if it means another year of waiting and seeing as Steph Curry ages it’s tough because you know it’s almost Evan like you you know we got to be able to talk about who that player you’re getting back is so I I just think the list should be relatively short now one guy who you know I kind of feel like could be on the bubble so to speak um like let’s say and this is hypothetic but he’s in the news these days you know that there was a scenario where they could get Paul George um you know like Paul’s still an elite Allstar level player and I think he’s got you know a fair amount of gas left in the tank like you you would certainly have to look at something like that an even greater example that is not going to happen that’s been talked about forever is is obviously Giannis you know Joe lob is is widely known to have kind of dreams of pairing Giannis and Steph um you know I don’t see that happening but that you know I’d be giving up the farm to get Giannis you know to be clear so it’s just a matter of of who it is and you know I’ll bring up the Lakers example again you know there’s a lot of chatter about them going after Trey young this summer right and like to me Trey represents the type of star that is going to send you down the wrong road I just I don’t think that he would Elevate the group to the degree that would justify losing you know for them it’s guys like Austin Reeves right um and and some of their young guys uh that’s just that’s what you have to look at is making sure it’s worth it if you’re going to give up those young players Sam I’m I I got so many questions I want to ask him man and I want it’s Jaylen Brunson but I want to stop in Boston real quick one whose team is it and there’s just something about watching them play and I know porzingis wasn’t out there where I’m worried for him Sam does that can does that make any sense I’m worried about Boston I can’t put my finger on it but some nights I’m like Jaylen Brown is better than Tatum and then some nights I’m like T is better than brown whose team is it and what are you seeing from them I mean they’re still getting the job done you know they’ve been fairly dominant um you know that’s the the kind of the the embarrassment of riches they have on the roster just hides a lot of the issues that you’re highlighting Guru you know because it is a little bit unorthodox or or rare to have a team that good where you’re still wondering on some nights who the best guy is but the flip side of that is you know you’ve got a guy like Drew holiday who might be a fourth option wow who’s still an incredible player um you know even the Horford thing you know it’s funny I’m sitting here I’m writing I had an interview with Mike Conley that I’m GNA put out tomorrow and I was trying to figure out who the oldest starter was left in the playoffs and it’s Al Horford in his fill in Duty for porzingis but even at 37 years old you know Horford’s still getting it done you know they just have an incredible roster uh I don’t see the Cavs certainly beating them and you know I’m I’m going to grab my popcorn for a likely Nicks Celtic series but if I had to handicap it I think they they get through the next two Sam emck with us here on 957 the game senior NBA writer for the athletic to to to kind of stay there in a league wide conversation we’re discussing this earlier Sam about how so there’s been five different champions the last five years in the NBA it’s the first time it’s happened since 75 to 79 and it speaks to the amount of parody that’s in the association right now do you feel like that’s something that is good for the game or do you feel like there might be less attention on the league just because people are accustomed to either one two or three teams consistently being the spotlight you know I don’t it’s a question that gets asked a lot I don’t know the numbers like the back of my hand from a rating standpoint you know you do consistently hear in in the cynical media circles that the league you know has a way of kind of glossing over their in numbers and and kind of you know hiding the fact that the numbers are down from past years but you know they continue to give a thumbs up for the most part on the audience but you know as you guys know as well as anyone because we all kind of lived it together like following the Warriors Dynasty and watching The Warriors and the Cavs go at it in the finals for so many years in a row you know that that was appointment viewing and the kind of stuff that you knew was going to be there every June and and it felt like a silap Opera that you just had to tune in for that’s very different than you know right now it looks like Denver is not capable of Defending so we’re probably headed towards another champion in another Market you know but the good side of that obviously is that during the times of dynasties the criticism is that 80 or 90% of the league is irrelevant you know that there’s all these fan bases that don’t really get up in the morning truly thinking they have a shot and that’s different now I mean Oklahoma City just went from rebuilding to I mean they could win the whole thing and and that was in pretty short order coming from a small market so you know I think that’s the part that the league likes Sam I don’t want to sound soft but I told Evan last night I got a problem with the MVP result and the reason being is I don’t want to sound like participation trophy guy but I thought it was about you know growing the league in regard to showing off our young stars and joic is incredible 26 12 and N but he wasn’t the number one seed his team that went to uh SGA who was averaging 3 six and six and yic just won it twice and I guess Sam I was just thinking this might be a uh say it again I said three times Guru yeah no right so I’m saying did we really need to see it three times as opposed to giving it to SGA one time when his team was the first seed and he averaged 30 points Sam I hear you I do I really do I mean I voted for for Joker uh full disclosure and and uh I’m going lose points with you cuz I actually had Lucas second um my thing with SCA and it’s it’s there’s a theme happening it makes voting kind of hard I’ll be honest I mean first of all they tied you know like the the Thunder had a tiebreaker so as far as like winning the West I get it but like you’re literally talking about the same exact record um between Denver and OKC and my thing with SCA is that and Tatum faces the same problem is that there are so many good um you know the word that gets thrown around is is heliocentric players like guys like that that are the absolute you know epicenter of their team’s offense and Joker’s playmaking is I mean if you’re just putting a value on it and quantifying things it’s literally you know roughly 2x what sgaa is bringing to the table and his scoring is you know is about 8% below and that’s where it gets hard because you know he I mean fbaa had a great year he’s in incredible but that team like the Celtics is deep is complicated is nuanced like and you can win on nights if you don’t have one of those guys you just can um and and you take Joker off the nuggets and they might not make the playoffs I mean that’s just a fact I think so but you know we’ll see I mean the conversation is going to shift around Joker again because it’s one another one of those MVP years where the guy raising the trophy is about to you know get sent home in the playoffs which was always a tough look so you know I hear what you’re saying and the young kids are coming man SG and and Edwards and these guys I mean they’re going to be the faces of the league pretty soon oh Sam one more for you talking about a lot of young players with the Warriors have a 34y old to make a choice about and Klay Thompson what does your gut tell you happens there do you feel like he comes back do you think he walks do you think it’s mutually beneficial what do you think happens this summer with Klay Thompson uh you know I’m curious I don’t have a great feel for it right now other than where we left it at the end of the season which is you know we know how much clay loves being a part of the bay I’ll even say that you know before the Warriors you I think I wrote about it a few months ago he’s had issues with ownership at times this season not necessarily feeling respected all the way through this process and those types of things have to get ironed out relationship wise and and I think they can um so the question becomes you know does he have it in him to try something new you know mainly like in Orlando situation and there’s other guys involved Paul George Malik Monk you know like there’s there’s only so many teams with a bunch of cap room but the magic have a bunch the magic have interest you know so what does he think and feel about his life if you’re going to you know take that boat that you have in the bay and and and maybe now you can only use it on you know Disney World lakes and and lagoons out there by the magic I think I’m 34 years old like quality of life matters and I think Clay is obviously got a lot to think about well we appreciate your Insight than a lot thank you so much Sam for joining us enjoy the rest of the play we look forward to it thanks guys be good National NBA reporter or writer Sam amck joining us here on 957 the game I think a lot there goo yeah I mean he’s great and I can’t wait for the piece to come out tomorrow and the oldest player left that’s amazing Tito yeah is uh I follow his wife um is pretty good Anna Horford but Evan I guess I’m irritated a little more about the MVP we talk about that how how come CU I’m actually I didn’t text you this in the yesterday but I’m I’m with Sam I would have had Lucas second but I guess it’s if we’re going to do who’s who what team would flame out with that their without their best player then yage is going to win it every year I thought the number one seed I know he was right he came down to the end but the fact that this would have been instead of a guy winning it for his third time this would have been a young man’s first time averaging 30 points in his team the number one seed I just felt like that would have been better for the league and I love joic than you know giving it to a guy for his third time when his team wasn’t even the number one seed but if you’re going to hit me with kind of ignore the 82 the regular season and if you take Evan off of 957 the game then they’re not a playoff team I think all the time sash Rob Kobe and Jordan could have got it every year if we’re going to do that then well Jordan did get it quite a few few times but I’ll even leave seating out of it and not just about record I think Anthony or pardon me sh sh gilis Alexander if you look at his numbers he’s had pretty much the same season as he did last year he just played more games I mean he averaged slightly more points last year think he shot it a little bit better from best player he is of a young team but the difference between OKC last year and this year to me was the rest of the team got better he also got Chad holgren who he didn’t have last year I think and SGA came in fifth last year in MVP so he’s still an elite one of the best players in the association I just don’t think he’s the best wow and and that’s 30 points a game six rebounds six assists I just thought you know if we go the old traditional method I thought that was be you know being the bet the face of a young team and you get the number one seed and you go from fifth I just I guess Evan I guess where I’m at is I would have did it on a curve like I don’t want to give it to a guy even if you let’s just say it was Kareem I for a guy to get it the third time and a and a young man averaged 36 and six and this team be you know what we’re going to give him his first one cuz at this point w they get ever win it then but the thing is too if you take any of the top three players off their teams I don’t know if they’re playoff you put you take Luca off the off the Mavericks I don’t know if they make the playoffs if you take joic off Denver know maybe they have enough of a cushion to make the play in but I don’t think they make the play what about SGA off OKC I could make the argument that but he came in second you know like he so he’s the second best player in the league I don’t think that’s a slight but you do yeah I do I again I can’t the way you just worded it there’s praising being the second best player in the league I think I guess Evan I thought his portfolio in regard to who had the better overall season when you include so I thought team success even though he wanted by a a hair that this team got the number one seed I thought this was a time to reward a young man that basically and I know you’re saying gooey didn’t come out of nowhere he was fifth last year I just thought it was Overkill with giving it to yage for his third even if Yi’s name was Tom Thum then giving it to a guy that got his team to the number one seed and and kind of brought home we’re on our way and we arrived how how about cap it off with the MVP season even if it could have went to three other guys well in a weird way to me it the fact that we’re talking about this or the people are discussing who got snubbed and the joic didn’t deserve it affirms jokic’s Place among great because what do we talk about all the time with great players we we nitpick how great they are I mean we talk about you know was was Curry the MVP in 15 over Harden should he have been 15 in 2021 when he came in third um all of those things to me contribute to the conversation about the group that joic is in the thing that I would be concerned about with with joic is is he yanis Sant DMO and I was talking to a member of the media yesterday about this very conversation and I think it speaks to the Warriors and a larger point about the league that there is there is this inflection point that we’re beginning to see of which direction this thing is going to go AMC brought up the fact that we’re probably if Denver gets bounced going to have a straight year with a different Champion that means that it might mean to some that it’s more competitive than it’s ever been it also tells migu that it’s open season that it’s not as as dominant it’s not as one-sided as we’ve made it out to be the league award just something else you win it three out of four years you’re the best player in the league I’m crying well no I I don’t think you’re crying I think I think you like SGA more than joic which is fine I think he’s a fantastic player and if you could make the case that joic isn’t the MVP it would be the fact that he has not played very well in the first two games against a team that could eliminate him from the playoffs meanwhile SGA went out there and Absolut Land Based to Dallas in game one yeah and that’s game one I hear you I mean I just I just think we make a little too much about regular season awards um especially when a player in the Bay Area is not even in the convers at least in the NBA 30 in the league is 30 and I again I can hear SN go you care about points but that team had to like they they did what you all always want the they took the necessary next steps and they were the number one seat I know it’s kind of flukish Denver loss but damn Evan I guess I just rather than you get something for the third time break me off one if you know I’m kind of worthy the thing you know what I mean like did we need yeah there you go I’m slipping them all day no the the thing that’s what I think’s irking me you want to know what really irks me about about SGA is the fact that he does postgame interviews on the court with his entire team like whack did you go there what’s more reflection of his teammates than him like can you let can you give him some space think about the what are we doing like Chad holgren quit lurking over him like he’s a massive Shadow whack Evan I saw it yeah I this is whack they got both jail both Jaylen Williams is in there Arkansas and Santa Clara uh is it wall L dorts around just kind of like are they going to talk is is is the siland reporter going to ask him a question are they just there for moral support what what are they doing there all right I we don’t got enough time Evan I got a story and I think maybe it hits home cuz it scares me but you know I had a niece to graduated high school and they had a party at her house okay and uh we were supervising and I saw all the guys in like a m pit and I go in my area you go ask the young ladies to dance what are you guys and but they were having a good time the go dance that’s what the and they were just all together like dude yeah what what happened to the 70s Evan go over there and ask her to dance and they were just all like oh my and the girls were looking to me EV like the young ladies beautiful just like I would love to dance but and that’s what that reminds me of like dude one guy was the star he does the interview and you guys can celebrate in the line what are we doing that’s what it reminded me of well I don’t get why as we well we do have to hit a break here I don’t get why you would do an interview as a team on the court but then the post game press conference there’s only one of you at one time that that I just don’t understand if you’re going to be a unit be a unit and and Duds hanging on this it’s just whack thank you for bringing that up I can’t tell you I cannot tell you well we got a transition off of that we also got to transition back into what we’re speaking about which is how the bay area right now is in this place of of a middle ground and how do we get to one side of the other do you want to see them go one way or the other does the fact that the Warriors specifically are in a transition make you feel nervous does it make you feel excited about what’s to come does it make you feel like you might not watch this team next year I’m going to be locked in because I cannot wait to see where this thing goes and the rest of the summer takes us as a fan group 888 957 9570 is the number Evan gettings in for Matt Ste that’s darl the gurer Johnson we’re back after this 957 the game prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 3 million active members they’re the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy Sports unlike any other app with prize picks it’s just you against the numbers no sh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game there are some things that should not be put in group chats oh boy you talking to me and my homies feet pictures keep them out I don’t want to see anything that has to do with the bottom of your foot I don’t care how weird or gross it looks and you think that it’s something I might want to watch keep it out and now you’re going to get 20 more of them I know I can’t even tell you what I see just stop it like fit in looks like a boomerang Evan I’m irritated it real quick here we had the Niner talk about a couple couple segments ago and I called Kyle out in regard to the pressures on him and I thought the Super Bowl was P’s best game out of the playoffs My Boy tone you’re out there giving passes no accountability I I said the pressure is on the ners and on Brock py to have a good year to get the to get the bag what like what did I just hate that people hear things that I didn’t say what is giving a team or an athlete a pass I what what is that uh basically said oh the Niners had uh had bad luck or they shouldn’t have won the Super Bowl it was taken from them they got beat they did but I feel like they yeah but I feel like they blew it for the two time for the second time in five years oh my God same way at the end I mean it’s like saying I mean I guess you know giving the Warriors the pass would be saying this season was you know successful because you found out a couple things about the young guys no like this this season was a failure well what about if Draymond did get suspended that’s what I would give to you to say how does that process an e computer of it wasn’t as that bad if part of it though that’s part of why the season failed because Draymond Green missing 20 to 25 games was a part of them not making the playoffs at all damn so we don’t even get to see how far the Warriors are away from the OKC’s the Minnesota that’s what I said to you that’s what I I keep tell like I just wanted to see it where you knew we were going to the CH it was chess not just one game and you lost a sack but let’s say they were New Orleans all right they get to the first round or Hell Phoenix First inventory you really know what it’s what what like you really know Evan would that have made you feel better about wanting to make wh CH no doubt about find interesting though I’m for that feeling but the fact that they didn’t make the playoffs it sounds like you want to lean in more as opposed to if they had gotten in and gotten swept then you would want to break this thing up I see how you get there counterintuitive no doubt but it’s on me because Evan you’re right they didn’t win that game to earn a trip to the playoffs but I can make an argument the reason they were in that game is because draymond’s absences but I do believe they’re better than what we saw the last time they took the floor against Sacramento but that’s neither here nor there it’s what sty said too I wanted to see the youngsters get that experience I wanted to see if jonath Jonathan kaminga could meet the moment and that didn’t happen and nean I don’t think if they just run it back I’m shocking you here not to contradict myself I I still think we might be surprised at how that would that Series against whatever team it would be obviously not Minnesota Denver how that would go and Joe Lake up and Company Dunley ve would know exactly what they feel they have as opposed to if you want to meet me at the at uh a restaurant and have a chicken Caesar salad and tell me you know I think the Warriors would have have action I could kind of understand that I me you could have action but how much and I I think that’s what we’re trying to figure out is what the transition needs to be I think as a whole the Bay Area is in a place where a lot of their sports teams are amidst Transitions and they got to figure out not necessarily which way to go you know black or white up or down but if they want to remain fixed on what’s gotten them to this point which is leaning more towards the past then into the present or the future and that’s why you know I’ve thought about this a lot goo and in regards to Klay Thompson I love clay yeah and everything he’s given to the Bay Area I don’t know if it could repaid in terms of money but it just feels like there’s a natural inflection point here this summer to me that mutually it might be better for both if Klay Thompson takes a walk goes and finds the next stage of his NBA career and the Warriors could benefit by having Financial Freedom and flexibility moving forward moving in one way off of the past towards whatever the next iteration we’re not talking about Steph we’re talking about one piece of yester year and I just feel like for both sides the more I think about it I think it could be mutually beneficial if the Warriors and Klay thomps in parted ways you know what Evan I’m not mad at you but I will say this and and good God if I had a for every time I had I’d be a rich man Evan I mean the guy is not putting up goose eggs he still is a 39% shooter from three year before last he made the most he took the most but good God Evan how do you replace that it can’t just be like Moses Moody we hope you can do it you’re going to get a chance it can’t just be pods you’re going to get more shots at it like he he does he is bringing something to the table that every team needs and if he walks and he decides to leave Evan I am scared I can’t say the word of how they’re going to replace his ability to shoot from deep I don’t know if you can replace it you know in just one player and he’s he’s a volume three-point shooter goo like I’m not saying that they can’t coexist and if Clay’s on the team next year I think they’ll find a way to make it work but what Ramona Shelor was talking about of ESPN yesterday with Willard and dibs just kind of got me thinking as far as what he can be what his role needs to be and how that is essentially I don’t know what’s going on with Klay Thompson I think he should listen I think he should because I think if he stays with the Warriors it’s going to be for a bit of a discount he’s not going to make as much as he would in Orlando or Philly or whatever team comes after him I mean I think he’s his Market is going to they could they can pay him more and they would probably offer him more and then he’s you know he obviously needs to see what the Warriors are going to discuss with him and what their plans are I think the Warriors anything and everything has to be on the table for them but the way the season ended with the length of time left on you know in Steph’s career I think it’s something they’ve really gota you know look long and hard on and I you know I’m sure clay will wait until they figure things out we’ll probably have a better idea around the draft where they’re going and what they’re doing but he’s got to listen right if you’re him like what if the magic throw you know $30 million at him a year like gotta listen to that I think he has to listen I think the Warriors have to listen to everything but what about what she said prior though Evan do you agree and I don’t want to to speak for the great Ramona shellborne but she said the Warriors have to be open and listen to everything and wouldn’t that mean the possibility of the future of kaminga if he can net you something that you that you seek in regard to you know getting next to Steph Curry that’s how I took what she said Evan like I agree everything outside of 30 should be on the table and she kind of mentioned that as the Warriors as a whole should be their mindset now that’s not specifically kaminga but said the Warriors should be open to listening to everything and to me I include kaminga in that not saying that’s what she meant but that’s what I took from it so that applies to Klay Thompson is there a number though that you feel like it has there has to be met because I I don’t know if it’s just dollars goo I think it might be respect I think it might be role oh no doubt it might be the love that he does or doesn’t feel I think all of those are just as important to Klay Thompson as getting paid because I think wherever he goes or stays he’s going to get money I mean he’s going to get close to $25 million because I think shooting shooting is still a premium in the NBA I think that gets it done here man 25 with everything that you know him wan to keep this thing going but now when you go I thought of sushi rolls when you said his role Evan that’s where I think it gets more if they were like hey we can’t guarantee you a starting position then Evan he doesn’t need to come back because that that’s probably you know why he might have resentment to begin with possibly let’s get out to the phone lines 888 957 9570 is the number let’s go to Thomas and San Ramon wants to bring up something in regards to emotion what’s going on Thomas you’re on with Evan anduru 957 the game how are you T good how you boys all right so uh uh I think everybody’s I’m not from the Bay Area originally so I don’t have a lot of dogs in the fight but I think everybody being Mo a little overly attached to the previous regime I think the best thing you can do for Steph is to let him pick his next spot let him go with a thank you and a hug and you know have him come back and retire as a warrior and then get rid of clay get rid of Draymond and just start a new or if you keep step you just have to everybody has to accept that they’re just going to be bad and probably not win a chip and just sort of be you know a 10 seed for the next WoW three to five years and then it’s just going to be wor after that I think well that I don’t necessarily subscribe to I don’t either I don’t think they’re just sitting in the 10 seat and just letting this happen and he he’s saying it like they’re just going to rot like if you keep Steph you know you’re signing up for you know non-playoff Seasons to continue I I don’t subscri I’m with you Evan I I don’t agree with that I don’t think that’s even a conversation until this year though next summer well that’s when his contract extension eligible and you’ll figure out how much you want to get I I don’t think it’s a question of whether you want him back it’s just a question of how long you wants to sign for I’m it might keep the franchise in a particular place but again you brought it up I think it’s a great point you cannot move off of what has gotten you to this point in regards to Steph Curry until you feel confident that there’s something that’s coming after him all day and that’s the transition word because otherwise there’s an either way oh my goodness and I to be honest I think if we saw Steph get old and gray and and we knew it was the end we’d all feel better about the next phase but to tell me you can do both Evan I don’t think you can and that’s why I just think a readymade already proven Bonafide star over one of your young players future Steph’s earned that and I don’t think there’s any scenario I could be totally wrong where Steph saying you know what Joe we won four I get it you got the young I’m watching all these new guys I still I’m scoring 26 a game I’m okay not making the playoffs just hey year three you think two two or three more that’s fine we’ll just we’ll just play show up no way this dude’s a killer well I think that’s that’s the most important part of this is he’s still a very good basketball player the reason why we’re talking about Klay Thompson potentially leaving this summer is because he’s not as good of a player as he used to be and is he still worth the kind of money that he’s going to command that’s that’s why we’re talking about him we’re not talk if Curry was in the same place that clay was it’d be a no-brainer well no but we would have a discussion about when or how to move off of him that’s not the case Curry’s going to be an all NBA player this year he’s still in the words of Sam AMC Elite 26 a game and while he might not ever get to the point where he was 5 years ago it’s not as if he still isn’t a great great NBA player James right not what he was five years ago but still phenomenal I mean it is about nostalgia in a sense but it’s more so about business which is how competitive can you be he’s still your best player you can’t move off your best player and I don’t even want to talk about that and the operation to me then it with everything you’re saying and I got my fist bald de like preach okay what’s the what what’s the goal here let’s get better around them now there are restraints it’s not that easy we might have to make some UNC comtable decisions we might have to part with things we don’t really want to part with but if it’s that clear across the board that the chef it can still bake Evan we got to go get them more groceries or pots and pans the one thing about Klay Thompson I do think is interesting because we’re starting to see more of a trend I think from younger players in regards to a certain member of the NBA fraternity that’s passed in Kobe Bryant is do you want one player multiple players how many can Shel in regards tolay Thompson a lot of people around the league have have said I think he would benefit from a change of scenery right like a lot of people when you talk and think and watch Klay Thompson I also though I think that he really is a fighter and I think he’s really proud of the Legacy he has with the Warriors and so I think deep down he’s a Kobe guy Kobe stayed you know Kobe stayed with the Lakers like he yeah he still ate first and those teams were really bad at the end but he stayed and so I think if they approach him with respect with an admiration for what he’s done with the organization if they approach him like ownership level let’s go to lunch you know make him feel really good about you know we appreciate everything you’ve done and your sacrifice we understand you know you’d be taking less here like it’s got to be on th wow courtship a courtship I mean they got to show them they love him no doubt about it and Lori Matthews uh the great Lori Matthews was like but does clay want to be here I get that I think he does though um I don’t know and I’ll tell you this Evan when he sat and we saw some not bringing up the negative I’m bringing up what we saw cuz it’s part of this story him throwing a hissy fit mad that he wasn’t in the game you know those feelings may never go away you kind of you know what I’mma Be I’mma go to work and I’m have a better attitude but I’ll never forget when they told me the great number 11 to come off the bench and then you had to put me back in there I’m just saying if he didn’t Evan I would understand if somebody looked in the mic or told us you know what that cut me I couldn’t get over that I deserve better and who knows if he’s thinking that but let’s not act like there it was all and I’m not saying you are but all the fans out there that it was just smooth okay I’ll go to the bench I’m fine no he was a he’s a competitor he’s a champ and he was showing his frustration I think he’s he’s all of those things yeah but I also think that Klay Thompson had the choice and maybe I’ll just pose this to listeners 888 957 9570 Evan INF forstein with Daryl theer Johnson I think if Klay Thompson had the choice between ending his career in Golden State but coming off the bench or going to another team for roughly the same amount of money and being a starter I think his loyalty would keep him in Golden State wow I hope you’re right man but it sounds like you think he’s that much of an alpha still no doubt that he is only going to go to a place or remain with the Warriors if he can start no doubt and how did the season end he he was your starter right or wrong he got back to that place and I think when you’re you got Pride rightfully so like Klay Thompson and you’ve been through the noise of the fans saying you know a couple years ago you should come off the bench I think that’s a deal breaker e you could meet my number but you’re telling me after I ended last season starting after going to the bench and being a good soldier per se I got to come off the bench I’ll go to Orlando if they can give me I’ll go wherever if they can give me a starting gig but if Klay Thompson’s smart enough I think he also can look at how good he was as a bench player versus as a starter he was not as efficient he was not as good of as a of a player this year when he was starting AKA playing into the mid-30s in terms of minutes when he was kept around 28 or 29 he shot the hell out of the basketball and I think that’s also part of this too is I don’t know if if the Warriors bring back Klay Thompson I don’t believe long term it can be as a starter wow cuz that means you’re not good enough and Sab on the YouTube chat Guru uh Daryl he went 0 for 10 in an elimination game come on man I’m like okay that you’re I get that we all saw that but what about the right on the table I believe and I’m coming from ego ego so you’re telling clay you got to come off the bench on a team that didn’t make the playoffs I’m I’m just throwing that out I mean I would ask him why he thinks they didn’t make the playoffs and I’ll ask you do you think I want to hear your answer but it can’t I’m thinking EV and I’m assuming it can’t be 100% Klay Thompson not 100% but the beginning of the year when he was shooting 35% from three that didn’t really help I mean his inconsistency the first half of the year we talked about where as big of a problem as Andrew wiggin being a no show or Draymond Green getting suspended I mean he might not have been the number one reason the warriors were in the hole that they were but again this was this was a team last year Guru that was a 12 seed for more days of the calendar year than they were a top eight seed man and Clay wasn’t a part of the solution enough for me to look at him and say all of a sudden you are going back into the starting lineup and you are going to be a different player I think if the Warriors can find someone to be a new starting shooting guard they should absolutely explore that whether Clay is on or off the team now that I okay I I feel that and that helps you for the immediate and the future I feel that he is just I also don’t want to look at Klay Thompson I I don’t think he’s and I’m not saying you’re you’re saying he’s selfish but I he’s prideful he is prideful but I think he want but if if you can convince him that coming off the bench and being a six-man Gunner is going to help this team win more than him as a starter I think he’d be open to that okay I like that but I guess Evan and this is unfair question what portfolio or what picture or what canvas can you paint that picture on right now if you don’t go get a Durant or something how can you tell him hey we think of PODS and Moses and no Shady if these youngsters you know we like how do you paint that picture without making a Monumental move with a player to where he might be like okay okay all right now I get okay you got him coming in okay I you know what I got you I see you I’mma go hey he oh ev’s coming hey I’ll go to the [ __ ] gladly and come off firing if you got him coming but it’s currently constructed E I think that would be a bitter pill to swallow for clay that’s just me a guy hoping he stays in town I think it’s going to be a bitter pill to swallow no matter what because either he’s going to be on this team and his role is going to be relegated I believe or he’s going to go somewhere else and he’s going to have to swallow the B swallow the bitter pill of no longer being a Golden State Warrior so Klay Thompson’s got some hard decisions to make this summer I think the Warriors do too the other thing about getting a big boy in here let’s say for example it’s Kevin or well you’re probably sending Wiggins and kaminga right and whatever else they want so that means clayon is going to have to start he’s going to have to start if you mortgage pieces on your team for even if it’s a Paul George or I don’t know someone else I’m not against that Klay staren is not all bad a numbers game Klay Thompson is gonna have to start and that’s a that’s I don’t think that’s best for the long-term future of the Warriors and I I also don’t think it’s best for the long-term future of clay I think if Klay wants to continue to play 77 games a year which he’s been apparently the most proud of this season you know not necessarily a shooting percentage it was the the game that he played well if he wants to elongate his career I think again it’s a mutually beneficial decision for him to come off the bench if he does not want to do that then I look at it as mutually beneficial for Klay Thompson to go be a starter somewhere else yeah and sometimes relationships uh end Evan on a good note you know my track record doesn’t show that but there are no seriously you know you end on a good note you know right now it’s been a great run blah but I yeah Evan I just don’t see him coming off the bench staying here well the other guy that’s attached to all of this is is Jonathan kaminga and I don’t know where people necessarily fall on him but that that’s kind of the again to to bring it back to the theme of the day which is a transition in these franchises where the war is transitioning to I don’t know if it’s necessarily transitioning to Jonathan kaminga but is transitioning to the idea of him which is a young player who has the archetype of what we’ve seen be successful in the playoffs he’s athletic he’s long even though he hasn’t been as productive as people would have hoped by this point I’m more inclined to empower him than to trade him for something that I don’t believe is going to net enough return right so if they go out and I don’t know AMC brought up Paul George for example does that get the Warriors to the playoffs perhaps does it get them deeper into the playoffs I just saw Paul George get eliminated in the first round by a Dallas team that’s having trouble with OKC couple meltdowns and I’m a big PG-13 fan he had some great games but I also look at that Clippers team as being where the Warriors don’t want to be which is Cash strapped financially committed I mean I guess they got a new Arena coming but a team that has nowhere to go but getting older and the Warriors I think have a chance this summer to move move in the opposite direction and it’s not necessarily just to get younger it’s to get more of what the league is telling you that is successful man I I I love how you say it but Evan I guess I’m just from the show me state show me how you’re going to because we they can go young yeah but how it’s going to equate to being better on the court that’s fair and we can move into that on our final hour coming up on the other side exactly we’ve been moving three out of four down one to go we’re in the midst of a transition in Bay Area sports what is that transition making you feel is it making you feel scared is it making you feel nervous is it making you feel how I feel which is excited about what’s to come even though it is unknown 8957 9570 is the number Evan gettings in for Matt time Dar the GBU Johnson we’re back after this that segment by the way was brought to you by Pacific Coast termite you’re ready to unload on me [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to steiny and Guru on 957 the game was not a Drake beat kendri don’t get too excited are we going to what the world stopped KTVU tweeted out Kendrick drops another one I go what incredible man talking about the giant Drake still my favorite rapper all time yeah you can you can have that opinion nothing wrong with it who you like is who you like family matters that it does shout out urle Evan gettings in for Matt Simons with Daryl the guru Johnson here on 957 game talking about the transition period that all I think all Bay Area sports teams are in in their own ways but specifically the Warriors right now are the poster boys for that 888 957 9570 in the number is the number we’re talking about Klay Thompson and uh one of my guys Doc and Antioch wants to talk about that very subject you call games with a guy named is this him I believe this is him let’s see if the doctor let’s talk to the doctor what’s going on what’s up what’s up what’s up Evan how you doing man oh good to hear from you doc hey Doc I got to introduce I got to introduce myself I’mma tell you what up Evan posts these pictures and I’m a pretty good judging character and a picture can tell you a lot and I said Evan that dude seems like a cool cat that you’re with who is that he go it’s my guy doc so it’s a pleasure to talk to you man I appreciate it man I’ve been telling Evan all along I said I hit I hit Guru on the Tweet he never he never tweets me back so I guess I’m not at his level yet oh no never what what’s the handle doc I’ll send it to him doc all right there we go I’ll get back make sure you get it to him man I appreciate that but um you know you know I I I just wanted to kind of chime in on this conversation um I do believe that I like what you said Guru the fact that if clay respected the guy that’s coming in man he would be more able to acquest and say okay you know what I’m cool with that I can come off the bench I can get you buckets that’s all I need to do but I do believe it’s going to be a conversation that they have half to half and speaking of the brass of the warriors on how they’re going to handle this because as fans we know we want them to play Forever yeah but you know but father time is undefeated I mean we know that and and and if you take a look at the western conference right now there’s a particular theme that we see they’re young they’re long they’re athletic that’s the Western Conference and so I think the Warriors do have to consider we may have to move over on to be able to compete at that level because if you’re not at the top one through four I think it’s going to be a challenge and you also have to remember you got San Antonio coming up behind you got the Rockets coming up behind yes you got the uh you got the pals there I mean we don’t we the king’s GNA do whatever they’re going to do as well you got Ant-Man who’s going nowhere you got OKC Denver um the these teams are extremely young they’re athletic and as fans we want to keep we want to hold on to the Nostalgia of hey this is how I once was but at the same time I think they’re gonna have to figure out how to make it work and if it was a person I do believe that clay like okay yeah I respect this game this is all good I can come off and get you 20 yeah or 18 or 20 I think he’s cool with that but if it’s someone that is not to that level I don’t know if he gonna be able to roll with that that’s my opinion M that’s a good point doc yeah give me his handle Evan good point I got you doc but Evan I believe that’s and I don’t want to say or I talked about Pride you know these guys are competitors and Clay we know is a competitor um ego but it has to be a guy to where I’d be like you know what okay you want Stephen A in here I kind of get you telling me you know what I could come off the [ __ ] true but I my my question is how long do you want to let these guys prove it to themselves that they can’t perform at the level that they used to so the last two years you’ve you know you were six seed got to the second round maybe a game or a play or two away from getting the Conference Finals okay understandable you bring them back you lean into them I think we learned throughout the course of this season the direction they need to move which is not necessarily and I know we’ made a lot about getting younger but more of the the fusion right so I think the most successful team right now as it appears in the playoffs is the Timberwolves we’ve broke down how they have a combination of Youth as well as experience even Boston who’s got Horford in their starting lineup has a lot of experience Drew holiday’s 33 years old I like him so there’s a combination that you can find that I think is still there my issue is that if the Warriors run it back next year and you’re starting five give it to me is Steph clay I guess Wiggins there we go Dre and TJ D which was their starting five in the playin you’re cool with that yeah if that was the I’m not wow and the biggest reason is Clay it’s not clay so much as you’re not yeah I hear you it it just doesn’t feel like you learned what from from your mistakes it it doesn’t feel like you learned anything from last season then and again the theme of the show has been transitioning not necessarily jumping wh sale into the future but trying to figure out how they can blend both young with old because they still have a great core of older players they just don’t perform as consistently as you want them to and I think there needs to be more empowerment of the younger players at the very least because we saw what happened when kaminga was inserted into the starting lineup is he a perfect player no but he gave you double digits in 48 of the last 50 games that he played or something like that so if you can Empower some of these players and then find a a mesh of the two I think that’s best case scenario for the Warriors because you’re not moving completely into the future and you’re also not beholden to the Past yeah not you make some Stellar points but I’ll say this to that Evan when you say mistake and stany kind alludes to it or learn from your past mistakes are you considering the Draymond Green contract a mistake and then two if you really want to do a a you know change a lot and become younger it’s bigger than just Klay Thompson you know what I mean like you can’t run from what and who you are and if clay goes somewhere else you still got Draymond at his age Steph at his age you’re still never going to you know the goal is to get to the playoffs and get a chip it’s not to be the youngest team in the league you know and I’m asking so you’re always going to have Stephen Dre if clay kicks rocks but I’m wondering like when you say mistake is it and steiny said it and this why I keep going to this Joe lakeer thought something differently when he signed Draymond Green now they had this year to kind of comprehend and process they’re not going to let that same thing happen if we give two for 50 for clay a guy that can shoot 38% from Deep Well I think the Draymond contract in addition to being kind of a choice between him or P I think was granted with the understanding or assumption which is off the table at this point I don’t know how much you can assume about the Warriors now after last season but the assumption that you would at least make the playoffs and I not that you would win a playoff series I got you not that you would get to the second round or that you’d get further than he did the year before although you’d love to do it the Assumption when you gave Draymond Green four years is that you are going to be a playoff team no doubt I was one of the people nobody would tell you any differently they were going to make it I mean I thought they’d be a playoff team too and I think it’s ironic that the guy that they gave a large contract to might be the biggest reason why you didn’t make the playoffs so assuming Draymond Green’s on his best behavior this year I don’t think there’s reason to doubt that they couldn’t be better or that they couldn’t get I don’t know 47 or 48 wins that’s good enough to get you into the postseason or at the very least two cracks of the postseason yeah but I just think that the Warriors are right now this season was evidenced to me that the way that they’ve been operating is not the direction that they continue to go in or should go in yeah and I I’ll leave you with this Evan I ain’t going anywhere but I just feel like we keep having this conversation about the young I could make an argument that you need to get better young players as well agreed okay agreed so but well okay that actually has my mind thinking Goose so that’s what the that’s the rat on the table well everyone’s bringing up the star the established veteran stars is I don’t know is like does Brandon fit that mold for you is that a young enough talented player that would be perfect I I would be excited to see and have him play as easiest basketball here with Steph and the rest of the gang and the Steve cerr offense see I actually I God my mind’s racing right now I do think that hearing that I would be more inclined to move or trade Jonathan kaminga for a player that’s in their 20s wow that has potential because I just don’t want move him for a guy that’s George the Paul George Paul George is a good player and I’ll sign off on the George as opposed to like Ingram’s not what I want back because that’s still I don’t know if he’s if he’s Paul George you’re gonna have that success Curry and the rest of the gang need that right now Evan I feel like you’re trading kaminga for kaminga if that makes any sense like egram hasn’t done it long enough for me I like his upside but I’m not willing to give up commit for what I believe is an unknown still or a puppy in Ingram I would do it for the model of Paul George or something of that caliber well and that’s why yeah I mean Ingram is Ingram is a flawed player uh he’s not perfect by any means but but the idea that I’m if I’m going to mortgage my future it’s not going to be for something that has an ex date in a couple years twoe rental attached to it I just wow maners that’s right on the table too how much does Steph have left I mean top tier basketball how much does he have left yeah well and we know the coach has two years on his like maybe maybe that’s what’s not settling for you and a lot of people like the reality is maybe there is just a threeyear window left of this thing and that’s why it’s all system go on what we can get and we’ll deal with the past when we’ll deal with the future when it’s time and look there’s going to be Bleak times no matter what either because Steph Curry doesn’t play here or whatever I guess I just am trying to minimize that Dark Age wow I am I I would liked it to be you know as the least amount of time as possible and so maybe that you know that does mean keeping kaming around to figure out what he is I think psky is a player you can build on I just go to me they have to build more gradually than moving in an extreme Manner and that’s where I think at the beginning of the summer it was there got to be changing I was I was sh from the from the rooftops there’s got to be change and there’s got to be a big move but the more that I see these teams in the playoffs succeeding they’ve all built themselves gradually and I know that sounds like you’re not taking advantage of Curry’s last couple of years but I do think that they can operate maybe more so than ever on a two-time line approach and have some success with that I don’t think that it has to be one or the other okay you know what I hear go ahead I hear you loud and clear I I just wanted to throw something at you because I know where Steiny’s reactions going to be and I kind of know yours but I’mma do it right here so let’s just say Evan uh hypothetical sty hit me with one of those yesterday that you put up on the IG for us social media yeah if they got LeBron and then let’s say ITA kaminga pods or kaminga Moody would you come in here and say you know what goo I disagree I got my popcorn ready or I’m shocked because I I don’t don’t think that’s too far-fetched that the owner gave us a glimpse inside his mental his psyche of what he was trying to accomplish so if if he tried something like that and pulled it off would you be like oh boy or would you be like they might have action LeBron and Steph they might have action the reason why Lebron does not interest me at all is because no matter where he goes he holds a franchise hostage and that’s one thing that I’ve always appreciated about Curry is that doesn’t do that is that he doesn’t demand things that he doesn’t ask for things to be given to him he just plays and he competes and he’s done it at the highest level for a long period of time if LeBron James comes to the Warriors it’s about LeBron it’s about what he wants and what he needs at all times do you think Curry should tap into that and maybe we are embarking on that naturally Happening Here in Golden State when we say operation do what we can for Steph not being a diva but the natural we’ve kind of talked about it without saying it you have to appease your best player and what he’s built like does that come with the territory and Bron is just one of those guys Evan that he no shame in his game he’s doing it it’s work for him but maybe Curry is happening naturally now that it’s imperative that you get him more help ASAP more help but I don’t know if that hostage you had yeah you got me with that one that hit me like you know Steph can kind of do it just by his gravitas and and and him just being where he’s at in this organization and they got to move accordingly to kind of you know hey we’re doing everything we can it might not work chef but we’re doing everything work we can to get you as the most immediate help possible as fast as possible well I think that the reason why we’re asking for immediate help is is because they’ve already tried to give him help and that help hasn’t worked it helped produce a championship and then they double down on it and now they’re position that they are also the idea of LeBron I I just think called I get it it was just a call but I just think mercenary basketball is dead I just don’t think it works wow I mean the the James hardens the Kevin Durant the LeBron James at this point in his career the HED G when LeBron was 28 to age 35 it worked now he’s almost 40 I just I just don’t think playing mercenary ball is the way to get back to where you want to be and I think it could set you back even further wow Ed 8957 9570 is the number EV getting in for Matt Stein Mets alongside Daryl the guru John interesting man wow it is because you know the the Warriors are in a place where I think they also have to look around the rest of the league and say what’s being rewarded what has been on full display in these NBA playoffs AMC brought it up our last caller just brought it up doc I mean it’s it’s younger players but it’s it’s versatility it’s what the Warriors used to be honestly and that is crazy you are right man the League’s caught up to him so and they well yeah you got four trophies out of it that’s a lot it is a lot and you’re still going with the same basically cast to characters I know and that’s why they’re in the position that they’re in let’s get out to Austin who’s out in San Jose Austin what’s going on you’re with Evan and Guru how are you hey guys change it up you got steiny on vacation and my guy Evan and gurus in there what’s Up’s up baby hey just just a couple things to throw in the equation a little bit different um you know I like to do that with you guys enough for nothing else just to you know bring the conversation a little bit along but one thing you know dun leevy was hired not to deal with the present guys I mean Bob Myers left these guys behind this the way I look at it was hired to to to to build the future so we got to stop thinking we got to look at it a little different way if he he didn’t need to hire dun Ley to just manage what we got now and he knew that it was going to be difficult transition dun Le is not tied to these guys the way Bob Myers was so I think that you can expect some changes which should happen Guru sooner than you maybe want to I think that the Warriors got to start they’ve already been reset I mean the league has reset the Warriors so don’t don’t keep saying hey you know you know they gotta talk to Clay and make sure he’s okay no the natural order of things is that as athlete you get outplayed over time time eventually somebody’s going to take your spot doubt can we all agree on that no doubt so Klay Thompson is no different than anybody else once somebody gets to a point where they’re out playing him he’s gonna be he’s gonna get moved aside and that’s the way it should be guys that’s the way it should be stop we don’t need to create all this artificial stuff for these guys because they won titles that’s not what it’s Sur B it’s about the future the last thing I wanted to say was the young guys are we so sure I be will on the bat right now look at the young guys on the roster I bet in 3 years most of them won’t even be here Austin that was my whole point that’s what’s concerning me cuz I’ve switched to that part of the portfolio do we really know how good these youngsters are to empower them and say okay night night to the veterans thinking they’re good enough and that’s no shade at it it at where they’re at but that’s a concern when you guys tell me every day look around and I’m looking at the young players in Minnesota and and in Denver I’m like I don’t know if we have that sorry I think Austin dropped but but but those young players also took time it it didn’t just happen overnight and I think the experience that they got being empowered immediately has fast-tracked them to where they are now and there needs to be a little more of an emphasis of that in Golden State I’m not saying it’s just leaning wholly into these guys you know is is kaminga on the team in four years i’ I’d hope so because it means he’s probably popped is paj I think psky is a good rotational piece you know these aren’t necessarily Cornerstone Superstars but we also didn’t know that Klay Thompson was going to turn in the shooter that he did we didn’t know that Draymond Green was going to be the generational Defender that he was I’m not trying to say these guys are going to just all of a sudden take the mantle from three you know statue worthy Hall of Famers but to act like we knew Curry as the seventh pick was going to be what he was going to be to act like clay as the 11th pick was going to be what he was going to be Draymond a second round pick all these guys were given time and empowered to eventually become what they became I don’t think the Warriors have dynastic players on their roster that are beneath the age of 25 but they might have players that could help you next season the years Beyond right and I’m not saying you’re wrong and I’m reading a lot of this Evan when you look at wimy he’s 8 feet tall and we know he’s nowhere near a finished product when you look at McDaniels and stany astutely pointed out that they were just throwi Inns and in trades and nobody even you know they didn’t even register on the RoR scale my point is pods who I love is not 69 Moody who I love is not the MC so those are the type of wings that I’m looking for that I think are going to take this team into the next phase or chapter so for the people telling me and I’m reading it okay see in Minnesota Guru weree a joke two years ago but their DNA was still there you knew you know what I’m saying Evan a part of this is size and that is is what I think Jonathan kaminga has going and form the specimen that he is if if if he reaches that potential watch out but it’s the others that I just scratched my head how long can we go being smaller Evan being smaller that I don’t know about but I think that they can get bigger and longer without having to just all of a sudden switch to all right it’s all about the young it’s again the the fusion is how get it done it’s not an easy task but tal it’s got to be gradual it can’t be immediate them getting back to where they want to be which is competing for a championship I think the only choice is to do it gradually to try and do it immediately is not going to get you to where you want to be and in fact I think it could set you back even further from that eventual goal cuz tjd meets all my criteri or it it’s early size like check check check you’re not going anywhere that’s just me obviously you can get sh you know Shack out there but tjd is what like that the metrics are like I get excited just the size Evan before we even talk about his play and his presence and his maturity it’s the size yeah he’s got size but I think there’s also some some issues in his game I mean he doesn’t have does have a post game he got kind of got played off the floor against Sacramento young early hook but I he I’m not saying he’s he’s a rookie size Evan size matters and he knows how to play and I think he fits the system he’s a nice player so you know it’s not about what the Warriors don’t have at this point I think it’s what they’re trying to find that’s what we’re going to figure out this summer how close can they get to where the teams are that they want to beat which are right now competing in the Western Conference semifinals all right one more segment coming up on the other side the short segment before the crossover Evan gettings in for Matt Steins with darl the guru Johnson on 957 the game and that’s what’s coming up presented by Freemont Bank full service banking no compromises [Music] [Applause] n w [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you’re listening to steiny and Guru on 95.7 The Game thanks Tim Evan INF for steiny Guru as always you know what goo Big Pun I said it earlier uh oh I’m out on Mercenaries you know what else I’m out on Coach Killers Frank vogle just got fired in Phoenix no you’re talking to Durant I am talking to KD I’m out that is the fifth head coach in less than two years that has been fired when Kevin Durant’s on the team I knew he was fire Vogal when Katie not even hours after they lost was like all I do was sit in the corner you’re out and he ain’t coming now he won’t be a warrior that’s what I hate we can also kiss that pipe cuz Booker Ain’t Going Nowhere probably not for the worst I know I I made the case for him over the weekend I think you know contractually things align and then you put in ground but no I’m I’m out on Coach killers that includes LeBron James I mean if talk about that I’m out his list is good Lord a body count yeah I’ll tell you this like Kendrick Lamar right now who I think it’s a tie my now I’m playing Evan where do you go and if you’re this why I’m mad at Durant you’re just now telling the world all those plane trips bus rides dinners at the hotel you talking to vogle you’re just now voicing out that you didn’t like the offense that’s what I don’t like like and I don’t know did you not tell hey coach can I talk to you I don’t like you got me stashed off in the corner cuz Evan I was getting mad at Durant but to come to find out that was the offense Frankie what are you doing Durant can do multiple things you didn’t have a point guard well Kevin Durant’s a a great alltime hall of fame basketball player but he doesn’t really seem to know what he wants damn Evan I me he wanted Steve Nash how’d that work out not very well uh what he he wanted I don’t know if he wanted Frank vogle but he wanted someone different um who’s my guy in Detroit right now got paid Monty oh yeah Williams I tried to fight you he didn’t play for him played eight games for him oh St young got to the second round with him and then he was out wow he doesn’t seem to know apparently he didn’t want Steve Kerr you know because he wasn’t happy with how Kerr handled him I just had something come to me I wish steiny was here too I got a dust off the Hope Mark Jackson oh boy dude you think there you’re saying there’s a chance no no well you don’t know why you laughing seriously he built the Warriors I’m so sick of this world man we like you’re laughing at coaching 10 years oh look say basketball no no no Mark Jackson is an instrumental part of what the Warriors became by his ability to empower C says that that’s why players he empowered younger players what we’re asking for right now from Steve Kerr so maybe he can put on his Mark Jackson hat I don’t know but JJ reck’s got a better chance getting that job than Mark Jackson I’ll give you that I think and what why would is it because Mark’s been off and untouched for so long no it’s just because he’s not in the head coaching site apparently JJ reic is I’m not exactly sure why KD got what if you’re Vogal I want a chip and I got fired by that team he’s probably doing okay give me the Joe flacko ion deal buys me four more years regardless of how good I am that is funny though he does have a chip I don’t feel like anybody really remembers or cares that that’s messed up maybe it was the bubble I don’t know I think it’s also anybody that’s attached to LeBron James right and what about uh Ty’s got a chip and they were talking about tyo might be the Lakers look like he’s coming back to what about uh Atkinson on the warrior staff he was L KD want him wasn’t he linked to the Lakers like like they might they had charl I thought he he turned it down a couple years ago yeah that that’s what I remember I don’t know maybe he’s waiting in the wings for the Warriors Man fogy 8 8 957 9570 still got a lot of couple minutes here before we get to the crossover let’s get out to Madera if we can talk to our guy rich rich what’s happening you’re on with Evan and goo how are you hey hey yeah so we got to stop this two timeline thing because we didn’t get lucky in 21 we had some Ballers around the core and uh we don’t have that right now and uh I think you know you could give Steph that they’re talking maybe they’ll do a farewell tour next year last year the contract but I mean Curry built this thing from nothing to the biggest franchise in the league I think you need to he’s still playing great if you had more help you know just just having some better role players like we had in 21 I mean he’s going to play way better and the team is going to play way better I think you ought to give it to him and then after you guys we go for it then don’t worry about the future once we get either Trey Dre and the core or we their contracts are up we’re going to have money for new players um we’re going to be you know the core is not going to be there so there’ll be space for young players who want to make a name for themselves still in a great franchise and uh yeah I think we need to kaminga is not going to be a star he’s a waste of time and money um I think you know Wiggins all these guys I’d be open to trading um yeah that’s that’s all I really got to say I mean you can you can maybe get a chip or or blow it up and go for it the other way but don’t stay stuck here because it’s just wasting everyone’s time wow so what love about our job and just the society everybody has a mind a pair of eyes a nose a pair of ear set of ear it’s your opinion and that but the two timeline according to who you talked to Evan was never how do I say it on purpose it was never you know it kind of just happened all depending on who you talk to so when I hear him say blow it up the two it’s not something they were striving for they kind of just ran into it Evan that you know the the stars and the everything aligned and and that’s what it was and if you if you take Lake up at his word he was like I don’t even know where that two timeline I was like steiny that’s where it came from but it’s just interesting man well it’s strange because it sounded like the color was almost advocating for something kind of like a two which is he wanted an answer blow it up or go with the young but I don’t think you can really do either completely you so if you wanted to blow it up right you could trade Wiggins you could trade Draymond you want to trade Steph I think that’s blow it up yes that is well number one I I just don’t agree with it but you would get a whole oh forget you hul you’d get a whole Hall but I don’t think you would actually outside of Curry I don’t know what else people are giving up like you’re not just all of a sudden going to get a Donovan Mitchell for first round four pick swap deal if you include like just because you put multiple Med pieces together doesn’t mean you combine them and get a gold nugget like that’s not really how it works so unless you’re involving Curry and maybe that’s what that’s his plan is to just trade Steph which I we’ve discussed is off the table in my opinion you can’t just it’s not combining pieces to get something back and I it sounded like he he likes some of the young guys he likes some of the old guys but kaminga wasn’t a star no not yet but well he sounded like he he ain’t gonna be he’ll be a good player that’s different than a star and that’s okay I just think a player that jumped what nine points per game about from the sophom*ore to to Junior season at age 21 is someone I personally don’t want to give up on I mean I I I think that Jonathan kaminga has the highest ceiling of anybody on the team that is Young and whether you like it or not that’s all you got and and that’s why I think they can’t move the reality of a lot of and they’re not going to be able to bring in someone else to quote unquote take the mantle from him as that young promising player because they don’t have a first round pick by the way Brennon p is going to be representing uh the Warriors at the draft lottery now that’s tight and when do we find out uh or is that already out I know we got MVP him making the uh him and uh tjd the all rookie team I’m not sure if the all rookie teams have been announced yet I do know that I do know that psky came in fifth in of well wimy got that yeah yeah yeah SPS are coming yeah they get Chris Paul they play hard they’re young they won like 30 games this year but they’re young yeah but that’s also part of just cuz you’re young doesn’t mean you’re necessarily good no doubt they and Minnesota were like that a couple years ago but now look I mean I think it’s why SGA in the one MV I got to be careful game tomorrow Evan I really think they’re winning at all Minnesota who the yeah and your boy is going to be final afraid Boston’s going to take it you think so they got more pressure on them good God they do have a lot of pressure on thema’s in the first quarter of their thing Boston this the four it is they need a buzzer beater as do we because we got to hit the crossover coming up next on 957 the game hey by the way did you know it’s tick season Lyme disease is transmitted through the bite of infected ticks visit at copes controls website today to learn more and take control at atop markk Willer Dan Dibley on the other side EV in for mat time Mets with Daryl the guru Johnson on 957 the game that segment was brought to you by Safeway [Music] [Music] [Applause] n n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] a e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a 75 since heed gu over totally medev now back to steiny Guru on 957 the game this is the crossover having getting in for Matt Ste with Daryl the guru Johnson Mark Willard Dan DIY what’s gentlemen Big E dog we call me dog yeah actually two of you because U my partner gets it early too I do yeah I do I don’t I don’t know why like it will show up at some point during the show I I don’t know why I’d like if you want to like do like a buzzer or something like you want some alarms to go off when it posts I’ll let you know it’s I don’t think it’s in there yet but it’s going to be there before we get out of there is a 212 I don’t I don’t know what it just started doing that wow I never it kind of ruined payday Friday for me yeah I like like half of it’s gone already by the time you all are celebrating I like the delayed gratification that I get uh it’s Fremont Bank full service banking compromis you’ll get it Friday no promises either you hit me last Friday we had an early usually were there I said differ the bat signal well because I mean you owe us you owe us a pop and so Mark and I we both we both uh passed by the cafeteria on our way back to the car it about 610 and I was hot stepping and I was thinking you know what I’m I’m a duck in yeah get it I’mma duck in and see if I can get one but he was long gone well four hours or three and a half of we’re being generous it’s a long time at the ship yeah no doubt about it yes and no me seen I’ve seen your normal partner I’ve seen your normal partner put in a shift so to speak but when people come up to you they’re like are you Guru and steiny then it’s like you’re working again and we love the people it’s like no we just want to silence but it’s a compliment can I share something that’s uh bothering me and I told that’s right coming up at 2 that’s tomorrow down I can do mine yeah it feels like Friday I’m not participation trophy guy but if the NBA is about growing your sport and showing all the new and upcoming Talent why would you give and this is nothing on yic I love him why would you give Mark Willard his third MVP when he already has two and you got this young Phenom in OKC who by the way got the number one seed average 36 and six let’s break the youngster office first MVP and show the world it’s the super friend did you not listen to Sam AMC today on your very pram I mean he shut he shut the goo down on four different fronts like they backed into the number one seed first of all they were the one seed based on a tiebreaker they had the same record true but there’s still number one number two uh joic and shots created he created a lot more points based on his assist versus guildas Alexander give the last one which bothered me the fact that he voted in third no he said if you remove him off his said Team oh yeah well if we’re doing that’s the one that I’m like that’s the stupidest thing half the stupidest thing in this is why this is why Russell Westbrook won he won for two reasons a few years ago um because nerds are into stats hey average a triple double good for you and also everyone used that stupid point if you took him off of that team crap I’m like then you’re voting and saying we we’ll vote for the person who has the crappiest teammates foret season I and and the other argument that you’re saying is like why you got to give a guy a third well they did that last year to joic they gave it to embiid so joic could have his fourth this year CU last year was I thought joic deserved it more last year than they did can I answer it in a different way though feel free you’re you’re presenting it as if this is something the NBA is just like there’s like Mr God NBA comes out with white smoke and says Nicole yic wins the MVP this is voting by like 99 99 different people yeah so how can you collectively be like come on NBA you got to do this I got pts from the hist of the trophy when 99 opinions and yours ain’t W that’s a four when Nash stole the two from Kobe Jordan could have got 8,000 more I get it but that’s the one that bothered me Evan and dibs and Willard thank you for having my back and I didn’t even know if you took him off the team well guess what he’s on the team and it was about this year and I thought Shay bald out 36 and six on a young an upcoming team who delivered I and and you’re right there is no committee they’re voters I just thought it was break the kid off his first well they’re human beings and I actually asked to voter yesterday uh Ramona Shel we she goes by Momo and I said I think it was a partying question it wasn’t even really a question it was more like a hey so Momo what if you would have voted today you think that would have gone a little bit differently and she kind of laughed and said oh yeah boy and so I do think going forward if the Joker does go out like a me like a lamb in this playoff there’s going to be some voter fatigue about voting for yeah because the lasting image from this year will be you got bottled up by Minnesota you lost in four or five that’s going to be imprinted so if it’s close again you’ve already got three I think now going forward you’re going to look for somebody else our fan base knows better than anybody what that can feel like like Dirk nitzki uh catch the wor that was the most embarrassing MVP presentation press conference in the history of sports the German Moses absolutely like walking out there being like dude like you got knocked out of the playoffs like three weeks ago here’s your trophy man you know what I mean so I don’t know I like get that it’s a separate award I go I go a little back and forth there’s a piece to me that would love to see them just do it after the whole thing is over well to your point the same thing happened to Giannis I mean it’s it’s why now I think a lot of people don’t look at him as a automatic top three MVP guy is because he’s already won his trophies both regular and postseason and now he’s been a first- round exit the last two years so people are wondering all right he’s been injured though he has he still hasn’t made the second round of the playoffs the last two years so I mean that could happen to joic but it’s interesting you brought up the analytics part because you know someone like Russell Westbrook did compile stats but analytics Darlings love someone like Nicole yic and I do wonder that if he does get bounced and loses in the second round and The Taste Less in our mouth is this guy is not good enough to beat a Minnesota team do those analytics still apply next year when he is probably going to be the most efficient player in basketball or do we not get our laptops out and go back to the traditional which is you’re the one seed you’re the best player you’re probably the MVP well I I’m a big believer in in what is the team doing like that’s what the word value means to me value is based on value toward what so this is why like when we used to have the debates in in baseball uh even about like sh Otani does enough to where you’re like all right all right fine we get it you’re the MVP but normally if you’re like I’ve been a Believer this for a long time if you’re if your team in baseball is in fourth place you’re not even eligible like I don’t I don’t think the MVP should ever come from a team that’s not a top four seed and Denver to go to the point you’re making e few weeks ago I I think we all felt like nicoa was not just the best player but he was on the most important team they Denver and Boston in the final they they had that look they had the look down the stretch of just such a well-oiled machine and so now I do think if we’re frustrated about joic it’s a little prisoner of the moment because of how they’ve looked the last six nights I also think the other piece that hurts him going forward is the fact that only five players have ever won four or more MVPs so if he gets another one he’s ahead of magic Larry and Moses Malone with 100 years left in his career yeah now you’re alongside LeBron Wilt Michael Bill Russell and Kareem and I don’t know if that’s necessarily a fair way to look at it but as a human voter you think about the Legacy part of it and I I think if it’s close going forward you’re more likely to do what you think they would have done this year or should have done this year and give it to Shay well and especially if they do get knocked out in the second round if they get swept I don’t know why I stopped I didn’t take that in consideration like the regular season ended and I just stopped like I’m not joke is not I wouldn’t have said this is a stain to him cuz I in my mind I feel like the books were closed were you expecting Shay just Alexander to win this award I I thought it was yeah I thought Evan that’s why I watching lot of those postgame on court interviews where Chad hren is telling you he’s the MVP what what what are J Williams is what have you seen this where the whole team is doing the postgame interview now on OKC is like you know TNT we talk to Mark Willard and the whole team over and they’re all and she can’t even get her question in it’s so whack you not that’s College I haven’t seen it no it’s the pro no that’s a college thing yeah it’s so whack I’m like apparently it’s what a pro wants now thank you sorry I’m out like good God St sh Gil Alexander grow up Let the guy let the gal ask to qu that’s but that’s who they are yeah that’s that’s who the Thunder AR bunch of bunch of that’s a four maybe a five fromard is impressed on that one that came out before he was born Ramona didn’t even V she didn’t vote for shade number two we and Sam said it too he had she voted for Brunson yeah wow I thought she had Brunson third I thought she had Brunson second that what she said I’ll have to check I thought Brunson got uh three third place votes but I’ll check the voting breakdown I might have had that why I told she’s like I’m one of three people who gave him that vote okay I’m the biggest Brunson fan but Philly and and Van gundies backed me up on this and the and the Pacers are not trapped to get the ball out of his hands they got a lot of three-point shooting though on the floor so I’d rather die that way than this dude just killing me second place second place okay I apologize Jay Brunson yeah Momo was one think Dallas regressed that trade or n they got Kyrie yeah they got Kyrie they went to the Western Conference Finals last of the warriors with uh Brunson and he wasn’t even Brunson Brunson right or maybe you can’t be with Luca yeah he’s a breakout though man he’s he’s something else it is nice watching the guard my bad oh you’re good you’re listening to 957 the game kgmz FM in HD1 San Francisco and odyssey sports station always live in the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first NorCal first class money market today I I think you’re right I mean well what Brunson did last night was impressive I was we were talking about this earlier kind of what you took away from the game I just was appalled by the fact that there wasn’t a starter over the age of 30 on the floor last night and when I’m looking at the Warriors oh boy it just feels like that’s more and more the direction that I I would like to see them go um but a lot of people might also feel cuz AMC brought that this name up Paul George who’s still a productive All-Star caliber player doesn’t necessarily do it for me but I also don’t necessarily don’t want I mean I don’t want LeBron James here next year so wow well I like I that’s why I keep thinking part of this almost needs to be a little bit of an experiment that you’re willing to take without totally crushing your future it was interesting that Ramona said yesterday she thinks that Jonathan kaminga is like you haven’t played it I could believe it off the table okay well maybe that’ll calm some people down with regard to uh them going all in on now and just totally mortgaging the future but yeah like would you rather these two things um let’s say that you look at Steph and you’re like we’re kind of out of options and so we’re going to bring clay back and we’re going to tighten the screws a little bit but it’s it’s pretty much going to be the same core team and we’ll go try again or I is your big change hey we can bring you somebody but but this person’s also going to be 35 or 39 I I like the L I like that right there let’s play old guy basketball against the young guys and I’ll sleep better at night guys knowing I told Evan this all day we went that route to and if it doesn’t work dibs we tried and maybe it’ll work out like the movie Uncle Drew yeah but waiting for these eggs to hatch and they don’t hatch or they’re just okay then it’s like you think about my life what could have been yeah well you know shockingly entertaining I mean you know what I mean I’m like Kevin Durant the one thing that he and I have in common is uh we don’t believe in regret so I hadn’t heard him say that for head coaching well he said I former head coach myself I believe in head coaching so for about two decades but you would know that for born just a couple weeks ago you know NCS championships uh in multiple spots but I think when you look at how you I actually I don’t love the young people go and play that young people yeah thank you it’s much more appropriate where was I talking about the approach I think that you would love to get younger but can you get younger by bringing in two rotational pieces if clay goes the key for me is can you find somebody to take Chris Paul if you can find somebody to eat and dismiss that 30 million now you’ve got action if nobody’s interested in that and Ramon actually said to us yesterday that the Chris Paul contract is more attractive than we think for a team that might just want to shed 30 so they give the Warriors 30 million worth of player they take the 30 from Chris and they say Chris don’t even bother coming out here you’re gone what about the Spurs the Spurs might be a team well they need a point guard too I no matter what you do with Chris you’d have to attach at least a pick to sweeten the pot for a team but that might be a way to get a couple of 27 25y old guys who might be ready to improve yeah I mean I I think it’s just it’s going to be a gradual thing whether there’s a big move that happens this summer or not I think their path to contention is not one that is flipped on its head in the summer and if it is it’s because Draymond Green played a full season was a really good player Steph Curry’s back to you know top 10 type of production and I think it’s going to be because of their older players playing better than they did last year I or perhaps some of the young guys catching up as well I I just don’t know if I don’t know if if it’s a Deonte Murray or a Brandon Ingram these are players that are in their 20s that are projects so to speak they’re flawed but they have things you could use and use to retool maybe that’s something that you consider but I wouldn’t want to mortgage even more of my future than I already have I just think that they’re uh and I’ve said this before I I don’t know that they’re sitting there right now grinding over the X’s and O’s of how this team can be a championship Contender again next year I I think they think and and Joe lob thinks this way how how are they uh creating excitement yeah how do you how do you get this fan base excited by October what if I said Steph Curry still playing that’s already a given new new new excitement needs to be generated you got to go get something and who what is that what like I’m not saying it needs to be one thing but instead of like okay like they need a three and d and they needed like okay how do you get this fan base excited about October how do you do that I think Paul George would get fans excited and I love PG just don’t think he’d be a fit but that to me would create Buzz I believe probably to put him with Steph and play the best basketball or most easiest with him and Dre to me that’s just my first is that is that in place of clay now that’s interesting because we talked about it and I want to run this by YouTube real quick there if I were Klay Thompson and you told me it’s not just the money it’s my role and if you told me PG-13 or Kevin Durant was coming and Clay we need you to come off the bench I might be like you know what Willard OH I get that but if you’re telling clay that it’s going to be moody or or or pods that’s where I’m like Clay is like Deuces so I am interested to see like I really believe that’s a deal breaker is for clay is the role of if you want me to come off the bench you better have a stud that I can say you know what I get that I’ll come firing for but if you’re going to tell me these guys are who what you did I’m out there’s a little bit of a it sounds like there’s a little bit of a sales job that needs to happen there and he needs to like we we we get I don’t want to say we know Clay but we know how clay operates like he needs to feel the respect he needs to feel okay yeah but he needs to feel loved he needs to feel we all do he needs to feel acknowledged like what he needs to be seen he needs to feel seen seen and heard yes right no and and and that history what he’s achieved needs to all be baked into how the Warriors present to him whatever it is they’re trying to do and and is that wrapped up in money some but I agree with you I think it’s wrapped up more in role how do how do you see the remainder of this contract going or this new contract going and how does he see his career cuz I from the wor it could present a sample size that says clay if you know if you want to be a 40 2% three-point shooter and you want to score just as many points as you did before maybe we keep you at 27 or 28 minutes and we can do that more feasibly by you coming off the bench so you can be a better version of yourself you can still have the best version of your life here in the Bay Area but it’s not as a starter I mean that’s how I see him moving forward helping the Warriors and if he is a starter next year at the two I think it’s because there’s no other option that’s better and if there’s no other that’s better I think we’re going to be probably sitting here next year in the same place wondering well how are we going to get an upgrade wi are the playing games next year so I can make sure I don’t take those day days off as vacation and to me the interesting thing with Clay is what does he prioritize number one on his list is it location roll money winning which one of those is the most important because your answer be if I were clay yeah if I were Clay is mine would be location and understand quality of life Mark and I talked about this yesterday I now live in a different Community than I did for more than 20 years and I’m I’m happy it’s quieter it’s safer and it’s really kind of what I’ve wanted for a long time so even though my commute is longer and my expenses are higher and there are certain things about my life that are more difficult I have a 2-year-old baby I’m not going to be able to retire at 56 for example there are sacrifices that I made for certain things that I benefited from so if I’m clay and I live in tiberon and I boat to work and I’ve made a quar billion dollars already on the floor and probably another 50 plus million off the court MoneyWise I’m good I’ve won championships I’m good on my legacy can I still win probably so if I’m clay I might be open to taking $18 million a year to stay in order for them to bring in a midlevel piece to help us win I still boat to work I’m still rich we might have a chance to win I get to play with my buddies that to me would be the way I would prioritize it if I were clay H but you’re watching the guys that you built this with still start and you got to come bench that would eat me that would eat me a lot 25 is everybody is 23 everybody’s got you know what would what would make them tick and the beauty of clay is um I don’t know that we I don’t know sometimes that he no knows what makes him tick even his own father doesn’t know cuz they don’t talk about it I think he knows he just he came on our show we talk in the car like sarcasm noted Saras noted but anyway point point being is like I think that that was his answer at the end of the year he’s like I have to go figure out I got to prioritize this what what is it what is it that’s going to make me feel good the rest of the way I and you know yeah I I I don’t know but but I I feel like money is not fully driving that bus mine is roll I think it’s roll man especially here yeah I think I think it’s rolled too but well we know that money’s apparently driving your guys Thursdays because it’s a Payday for you we’re going to have to wait 24 hours let me check no I get it with them too yeah that’s what I’m saying it’s it’s half and half why do you get it excluded well ask me that’s just the bank said two days early that is that just is that a bank thing is that what works of America did you say 212 or you were joking cuz that’s when you’re leaving no he got a DAT why do you keep doing my bad I’m proud open book I know he is I’m proud I’m proud I’m proud that someone near me I almost seen two hoes fight they’ll go nameless at this station because one was on Tinder R and he had a girl and then the other guy was doing the show they were ending the show and he was like Willard’s on Tinder and he gave him a warning and then it happened again the next day and do the Cor it was I could write a book but it was great yeah don’t look at me I’ve been married for 47 years you said two host yeah I don’t work rolls yeah prean yeah yeah I mean yeah you just never know lot good luck this was all right all right J you don’t have to go well I got to go enjoy this 80° weather that’s actually what I’m I’m about to get into it is a perfect day in the C I’m trying to figure out why Rick is so mad we’ll get into it 78 calls coming up from 2 to 6 W dibs on 957 the gate they’re longtime friends let me tell you something real quick about dibs that I’m sure not everybody knows and first time Partners hang in there big guy there’ll be Bright Days Ahead now these two homegrown Bay Area boys finally come together to take over Sports Talk get the hell off of my doorstep Major League baseball you stetin it’s Willard and dibs on 957 the [Music] game well hello everybody how we doing today Willard and dibs I um I’m I’m in a um I’m in a reflective mood today oh boy one of these days grany get the tissue ready no not like that okay you’re not going to make me cry but I want to get out ahead of something that that could make you cry it might make a lot of us cry I don’t even know how many people um know that this is all going on cuz it’s one of those stories that I feel like most sports fans if you’re really dialed in to the NBA maybe you know what’s going on maybe you’ve sort of loosely heard something about it but a lot of you this is one of those stories it’s going to drop one of these days and and 75% of the Public’s going to go what I didn’t even know that that was a being discussed the NBA contracts are up for Renewal across broadcast networks right now and there is a battle going on there’s a battle going on between NBC and TNT and right now NBC is winning and TNT has got to decide if they would like to come up with north of two and a half billion to keep the NBA and if they don’t and Industry insiders are suggesting that they won’t if they don’t bye-bye Inside the NBA bye-bye Ernie and Chuck and Kenny and Shaq would you agree that right now in American Sports content where does that sit in terms of the most popular the most recognizable the most loved the um the most most iconic of all things that go on right now in sports media it’s probably the most iconic and the most popular the most beloved and I would add the most unique of of just content out there um the Manning cast has become unique and popular but it’s not nearly Inside the NBA now I guess outside of games you have things like Around the Horn PTI whatever that Stephen A Smith stuff is I don’t watch it first take I guess is what they call it sure uh first yell first shriek is what I actually refer to it occasionally but that to me is a different thing because that’s not in and around a game as far as pre poost or ingame it is the most unique it’s the most well-renowned it’s the absolute best that fourman cast of characters Ernie Shaq Kenny and Charles you just know and you know you know that Kenny’s going to trot up to the board Shaq’s going to do crazy things Charles is going to have wild opinions and Ernie is simply the greatest point guard maybe in the history of Studio television might be the greatest human being too he just might be I mean I mean I saw a story I was reading a story on Twitter the other day about a guy who had his bar mitzvah about 30 years ago and his dad called Ernie and just said hey Ernie my kids having his bar mitzvah would you send him a message Ernie not only sent him a message but they did a mock like hey you know we got a great Prospect here this 13-year-old Ezra gold or whatever his name is and I’m making that up but Peter vessie jumped in and it was a whole like Studio thing right that Ernie went out of his way to create for this kid he does stuff like that all the time I not only that and that that has been really cool to follow on social media this week I I want to and I think it’s okay to do so I want to share with our audience what happened less than an hour ago we knew we wanted to have a discussion about this and uh I said to Lucas and and Matt and I were sitting there talking about it fire off a text to Ernie Johnson TNT is off tonight see if Ernie will come on let me tell you right now that if you in the middle of contract negotiations in the World of Sports media if you fire off a text to somebody that is at the level of Ernie John son on that day when like the whole building in which he lives could be crumbling the percentage of people that would even text you back is less than one Ernie is the less than one y but not just did he respond this is what Ernie said like absolutely normally I would totally come on and I know what you’re waiting for I would come on but huh we’re right in the middle of these contract negotiations and I just don’t want to speak on it no no that’s not what Ernie said I totally come on but it just so happens that my kids stopped by with the grandkids and so we’re going to be doing that this afternoon gez that’s Ernie Johnson right and his tone was almost apologetic completely I’m sorry that I’m gonna have to choose my grandkids over two strange yahoos in San Francisco correct it was close but I’m going to go with the grandkids if Inside the NBA on TNT goes away I will miss it and there isn’t a lot of that out there things you miss things and so we we kind of wanted to throw this out and in fact let’s go ahead and unlock guys would love to hear from a lot of you um inspired by the NBA on TNT which is not gone yet but it’s down by 10 in the fourth quarter 888 9579 9 570 what do you miss in sports what do you miss in sports content like as we sit here today because I will truly like I I can’t think of much else out there where I would feel loss God I had a really dark thought on the way to work today FP is going to join us a little bit later and uh um some of you may have heard the story earlier in this week that the that the Giants plane flight to Colorado was like awful it was awful been a lot of wind this week around the country God right no doubt it was awful and so some of the guys have shared what this felt like and I thought to myself okay take it make it a little less personal what if a plane carrying a sports team and I know it’s happened before right Marshall and whatnot like what if a plane carrying a team crashed my God like I mean it seriously it I mean it it really will send chills down your spine to to think about so um we’re not talking about anything to that level but like what is out there in sports or Sports media right now that if it went away you would really feel lost and I know a lot of you want to line up and say Willard and dibs it’s so nice to you I thank you for all those comments that are flying in right no but but for real the list is short and Inside the NBA for me is very near the top of that list yeah especially from a sports media standpoint and you know it’s easier to talk about things that you won’t miss as opposed to things that you will miss yeah I won’t miss if it went away the in between quarters coaches interview where hey after one we go down and let’s talk to Greg papovich and papovich ices some poor reporter for two questions and then oh back up to you well pop is actually one of the only ones I will watch cuz I’m like is he actually going to pop the medi member like but but the hey well we need to play better on offense and then we need to play better on defense and so we’ll be back and that’s what we’re going to try to do all right thanks coach for the amazing Insight let’s go back to you Bob I mean good God thank you for saying that that can go away now here’s another one by the way a lot of you lined up to say this you were going to miss it you were going to miss it you don’t miss it you don’t miss the DH no get the hell out of here with that you mean pitch is hitting you do not Mi yes thank you you do not miss that conversation about the DH you do not miss Johnny quo at the dish coming up S eight and an automatic out next yeah Bas is loaded two outs oh crap it’s the third inning and you know what I do miss while we’re in this sphere talking about the diamond in baseball I miss managerial arguments because now you have to you know you have the manager you cut to the Dugout and manager puts up the stop sign to the pitcher or the first baseman does the double earphones thing so now we got to go to the headsets and we pick up the phone and thumbs up and now we’re going to challenge I missed the days where the manager could just come out and go hey you know you blew that one and I’m going to give you an air full and if I go too far maybe I kick dirt on you maybe I pull the base out or whatever I’m going to do it’s a real human interaction I miss Humanity in sports because now everything is you know we got to go to the Monitor and I mentioned the Pacer debacle with the 76 or 78 calls that they think have been wrong including a double dribble we got to go to the headsets now and we got to look at the monitor to see if hottenstein actually double dribbled in the back court or not and after further review it’s not a double dribble and so now Carlile gets mad and he gets two texts I miss Humanity in sports it’s good answer it’s a good answer dibs it’s good answer um I threw it out to our group this morning what do you miss in sports um and you sort of just gave a an encapsulation sensation of of what your answer is yeah Grandy wrote I miss Buster posie you missed Buster posie says Giants haven’t made the playoffs without him since like 04 I looked it up it’s actually 03 last time they made the playoff without Buster posie on the roster oh that’s okay without Buster posy I quite get it I’m like didn’t they make the playoffs like a couple years ago but yeah I I was driving I was trying not to he was playing great brige traffic and yeah and then he left so the last time they made the playoffs without Buster was oh 03 correct they lost the world series of course in 02 and then lost the Florida Marlins in 03 a kid born shortly after the Giants last made the playoffs without Buster just bought a be he’s actually going to buy his first beer a week from today he’s my son and his name is Keon he was born in 2003 time to put his lips on a farmer I think he’s going to all right um here’s uh here’s kind of what I I wrote um I miss Tiger Woods and I know he’s not gone but you know what I mean y I miss that presence it’s tiger yeah I miss Tiger Woods I miss the ability to go to 49ers games now that may sound fonky to some let me explain um and I don’t want to go too deep into it a lot of it is just my my current life right like single dad three kids Sundays are on school nights um I’ve got a show on Sunday nights if I want to go to a Monday night or a Thursday night game I essentially have to take the kids out of school part of it is just where I work and where I live but a going to a 49er game takes months of planning and saving sometimes too but months of like I’m not joking they are begging to go and the ease of going to a 49er football game for me for my situation is somewhat up a creek it’s not impossible it’ll happen right maybe once a year maybe once every two years but it’s really an undertaking and um and and so I missed that you know my dad and I had a season ticket pack AG when I was uh the age that my kids are now and we would get in the car and go to Candlestick and so for your 1:00 game we’d get in the car at 10:45 and go to the game and we were home for dinner that was easy yeah just drive there and then we just drive home yeah and now it is just a whole damn thing and even if you do live down in the South Bay you know you and I were doing that show before the Giants ners game the home opener last year and we got the word middle of our show our show starts at 2 we’re probably 45 minutes in and people are calling and they’re like we are we’re on the road outside the stadium and and we haven’t moved right in an hour like good Lord we got off the air early at 5:30 and there were people streaming down the street streaking and the game had kicked and you still had thousands of people clamoring and hustling to try to get in there so you’re not wrong and I I’m just going to tag that little bit with uh I miss Candlestick I miss it more than I thought and I love I love Oracle Park and I love Levis when I’m there I thought of that and I’m like that’s a bad answer I miss I do too I missed the parking lot that’s weird I miss you know being able to park down on Carol Street and walk in I miss the affordability I missed the stick I missed that when a Dodger fan walked by that Dodger fan got screamed at not high-fived by all the other Dodger fans that’s a good point that’s what I remember about Candlestick You’ be walking through there with a blue jacket on you about to get it I was there for fight night were you yeah that double header when uh there was hundreds of fights I got one more but I need to put it in my hip pocket for a second okay and I’ll explain that here in a little bit um but we would love to take your calls is the is the NBA on TNT with Ernie and Chuck and Kenny and sha about about to go away what do you miss in sports or Sports content 888 957 9570 we’re sponsored by the Order of Malta clinic this is Willer and dibs around half a million people in the Bay Area don’t have any health insurance but here’s some [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] back to Willard and dips on 957 the game oh yeah I take my time cleaning the kitchen we were just talking about cleaning and I know a lot of people who um what’s the right word for it I don’t want to say hate clean right but like it is something that you go do when you’re like I’m frustrated you’re getting a little argument around the house whatever something ticks you off I’m scrub this counter right I’m going to go do laundry I’m doing laundry I’m fine I’m fine no got the whites we got the colors we what I’m tow fine sheets I used to pull weeds uh back in my previous life I you know not that you go outside and pull weeds when you were mad mad go put the earbuds in and uh you know get down there with my uh it’s not that far of a previous life if you were putting earbuds in well the headphones you know I’ll do the wireless I put my Walkman on and get out there and pull weeds for a couple hours you know feels good um we’ve all got our things we’ve all got our things I walk the dog I’m taking the dog for a walk pretty good yeah and they’re like don’t walk out on this conversation bye anyway if you want to know how Nick fans deal with that situation uh we might just go ask a Nick fan right now because OG anobi has a left hamstring strain and is officially out for game three versus the Pacers you saw him pull up lame last night and that that win for the Knicks it’s always a war of attrition the NBA Playoffs it happens every single year didn’t get a little nicked up in that one too pun intended he didn’t play I think the majority of the second quarter yeah yeah and then obviously his second half was was brilliant but from embiid being hobbled to Giannis being completely out to Lillard being partially out to now anobi um Kristof porzingis uh you know Jamal Murray is not quite himself look at all of it who’s super healthy oh the Timberwolves super healthy full health Rudy go bear had a baby and outside of that it’s about it you know so um 888 957 9570 uh inspired by the potential loss of Inside the NBA on TNT um it’s not gone yet but it’s looking like things are heading that way contractually where the NBA will move over to and move back to NBC and if so TNT is out and so there’s no more Ernie and Chuck and Shaq and Kenny uh that announcement has not happened yet but it’s trending way and could happen at any minute and so with that we we’re talking about what you miss in sports uh we want to go to the phones but I want to unveil the one other one that I had okay um I miss a Giants team that could hit home runs I I really do and I like we’ve talked about baseball and the difficulty of hitting these 100 mile hour fast balls now and everything that you see out there uh the changes in the game all of that there’s a damn song when the Giants come to town it’s bye-bye baby like this is It’s ground ball baby is how it went no sorry yeah strike out baby oh sorry that that song was actually about what the fans are doing ah jeez yeah it’s bye-bye baby so from from Mae to mccovy to bonds to even a Plucky 2021 season where they were right up there uh tops in the league in home run um I like I can’t stand they just went to Kors field for three days and I know I heard fem this morning he’s not wrong uh by the way if you don’t know the Giants got their butts absolutely whacked today by the Colorado we never heard of you yes they won two out of three I’m thoroughly and still unimpressed more to come on that final pitch with FP right around the corner but they hit a sum total of two home runs in this series both of them were by Michael conforto and one of them was a classic Coors Field home run Oppo Taco earlier today tuck it inside the left field foul pole kind of a never would be a home run anywhere else type of a ball one of those two home runs and and and I’d have egg on my face right now if it weren’t for some quirky ground balls that found space they got to 12 runs Yesterday by the fourth inning yeah and then scored two more the remainder of the series final tally ended up being 14oo it wasn’t it was an ottoman it was close yeah it ended up being close it just happened a while ago so it feels like an ottoman and the way they scored their first four was Giants s with God two bleeders a chopper and then a line drive yeah one hit right one real hit one real hit and got four runs out of it exactly thoroughly unimpressed these hitters are going to waste what I think is going to eventually be a a fantastic pitching staff a starting rotation that’s already doing okay and and stands to potentially acquire three Allstar level starters between now and and and the All-Star break and and and if they cannot figure out how to hit the damn ball they’re going to waste the season they’re going to waste the season I missed the hell out of and it’s why I said what I said the other day second you fall down by runs we’re right back to well ball game what else do you want to do with your evening and that’s because they can’t H the damn ball over the fence yeah they can’t do it 107 win season second in all of baseball in home runs this year you are sub 500 and you’re 21st in the league entering play today in home runs and you’re averaging 93 home runs per game and yeah you play at Coors against the worst pitching staff in baseball and you manage two home runs that’s unacceptable yeah it’s brutal man but anyway what so what do you miss in sports how about uh oh referee Eric in Redwood City hey ref Eric what are you doing hey guys of course I’m driving home I want to go with you and say I do miss Candlestick before I get to my real I miss it there nothing can beat sitting in a cold Tuesday night watching the Giants and watching all the hot dog rappers blown around the field that was special shout out to chain leing fences you know what I’m saying yeah yeah what I really miss is when Monday Night Football was special when it was the football game of the week there wasn’t any competition you had the best broadcasting crew you always look forward to that matchup and now it’s just kind of a me don’t care about the crew doesn’t seem to be as competitive anymore I don’t know I I miss the specialness of Monday Night footb I get ref Eric that was actually going to be my next one I swear to God because as a kid it was coell and gford and dandy Dawn and it was the only time I was ever allowed to leave the dinner table was to watch halftime highlights on Monday night in the fall that was it my parents were strict about dinner we always ate together now get in your lap and all the rest of that they drilled it into us but Monday nights at about 7:30 I could step down and run in for coell doing halftime so I’m totally with you refer has Sunday night not replaced that though like that’s special yes it’s special and it’s better it’s not special like Monday Night Football used to be special I hear you I hear you there’s not the um I don’t know even you know the iconic music we know no we know the Sunday night theme and the Monday but like that right that that song uh those broadcasters well that’s Sunday right that’s Sunday yeah no the thing for me that always like got the hair on the back of the neck that was when like like oh my God oh my God everybody everybody everybody everybody stop stop what you’re doing totally let’s go watch the football game but I I still you know I got all these young football fans in my house with me they’re they’re all into it now and uh and they do they gather they gather at 5 :30 on Sunday night The Gather yes you know it’s like who is it what’s going on in my fantasy game let’s let’s eat something unhealthy together and and so it it’s still an event we still get that it’s just a different night right but it’s not the specialness of Monday Night Football where it used to be you’d have the morning game you’d have the afternoon game there was no Sunday night game and then you had the Monday night game now it’s know 7 hours of uninterrupted fantasy football update starts now and I love Scott Hansen and I love the red zone but by the time you get to Sunday I’m a little I’m a little burnt out after seven hours of watching The Zone it is cool to have another game on and there’s no Red Zone and it’s the game but then you get to Monday and it used to be the Monday Night Football matchup was the matchup but now the best game of the week is usually Sunday night yeah Monday Monday and Thursday sometimes feel a little bit like afterthoughts little bit you know what I mean it’s like all right here we go Thursday night in the Panthers are playing the Bucks yeah all right and also I think it’s the rotating cast on Monday night that’s taken away a lot of the specialness you know just over the last six years you’ve had four different play-by-play announcers Shan MCD Joe tessore Steve Levy and now Mr economy of words Joe Buck yeah so it it used to be like that was the Pinnacle of broadcasting you got that seat and you were the dude well but I’m glad ESPN you know look there’s nothing against some of those other guys I think some of them are really good tesor McDon these guys are really good broadcasters doubt but Joe and Troy that that has no it’s got a presence it’s got a presence because it it even if it isn’t that it sounds to our ear like the game of the week that for years was the fox 1:00 game of the week and so it was different it was usually just a Cowboy game but it was different right it would be like okay clear the decks here so getting those voices on Monday night I do think has given it a little bit of an uptick I do yeah I mean the fact that they’re together and I get what you’re saying they’re no Madden and Summerall no no and I don’t think the Troy Aman is necessarily that good at it anymore which has given rise to the Manning cast he’s solid I mean no but remember we did this last week when the Bob Fitzgerald and Kena thing came out what is sometimes I wonder what that means in broadcasting what does that mean he’s good well it means that he’s teaching me something that I don’t know or he’s going to be wildly entertaining but it’s just not your cup of tea Troy Aman is neither entertaining nor informative to you I I find him to be very very listenable and and I didn’t mention listenable I said entertaining and educational yeah like I but but I it’s so subjective is my point of right like of all of us all of us who have done this now for a living if we are if we are supporting other human beings in broadcasting to me you’re good period you’re good someone thinks you’re good yeah and then after that it becomes subjectivity and it’s just like what triggers Us in life what voices do we like you don’t like that voice I have people all the time tell me they’re like oh my God your voice it’s very recognizable I get that too some people some people think it’s great some people think I’ve got marbles in my throat some people think I’m 78 years old so some people think you’re a chain smoker correct yeah so does that float your boat or not do you know what I mean like all of you people who hate my voice Christy thinks it’s awesome so how about that scoreboard scoreboard I think it’s Nails in the chalkboard 20 hours a week yours too that’s why I talk so much I actually don’t even like talking I’m an introvert uh Jim and sanleandro score that one for will all right hi Jim what are you doing hey guys how you doing um first thing is this you guys are talking about broadcasters and missing things in sports I miss Bill King and I miss Greg Papa I’m a Raider A’s not so much an ace fan anymore dump that dump I’m kidding go ahead Jim Jim Jim Jim go ahead go ahead I miss I miss not being able to go to the games here in the town but the one thing I really this had Raider season tickets for 10 years prior to them leaving going to the games a special however the tailgates for me in Oak California were were indisputable the best tailgates in the nation um getting there at 6:30 in the morning waiting for the lot to open up at 88 um being upset at the police department and the parking crew because they’ screw it up y but eventually we’d find spot we would get there we’d get our tailgate going and the entire parking lot was an encampment of of Raiders fans that were just having the best time very welcoming to fans of other teams I know not everybody believes that but it’s true and just people just just having the best best times I’ve been to Vegas Vegas is okay it’s fine whatever but but but the tailgating and the oak Coliseum parking lot is something that I just passionately Miss and it’s just a shame that it’s gone it’s a great take yep Jim thanks thank you Jim shout out to Bart lot and uh Derek Petra and Dawn and we started heavy duty in the BART lot and you know there were times marked that I would just go to the tailgate and then go home and watch the game on TV really yeah I lived about uh four miles away from the colag what if what if I sort of like and maybe this furthers you bringing up Candlestick let me just use that word what do you miss tailgating yeah like there’s so many Stadium environments where you can’t do that anymore tailgating at a Giants game now Warrior game dude we used to my gosh we used to go to Candlestick and we had one of those stupid do you remember those little those little portable barbecue deals where you just stuck the newspaper down below the Habachi yeah like well right but this was this one was really janky but anyway you go cook something and you know get like the Sporting Green would actually be in the hot dog oh yeah I mean and you’d eat that and you’d grab hopefully a tennis ball if you had a baseball hopefully you didn’t hit a car but like whether it’s frisbee whether it’s lining up and acting like you’re 60 feet 6 Ines away and and being catcher for your buddy and then you switch and you’re the pitcher and could you strike anyone out like we used to sit there and do that get to that game 3 hours before it would happen and just hang and and part of what I’m talking about is just the pace of life now but man going to a game now any game and I know you go to a Niner game if you’re if you’re able to do this and get out there five hours ahead of time it’s a hell of a tailgate the hell of a tailgate still happens down there at Levis yes but for baseball um lesser deegree basketball that’s not really basketball’s thing but the ability to not have to fight so damn hard to go to a game yeah it doesn’t have to cost a billion you don’t have to fight all kinds of traffic you could just go and just go early and hang out and eat bad stuff and be friends with people um yeah that’s that doesn’t happen as much anymore no and I I’ll play off that and just make this uh both General also incredibly micro personal okay I miss the Oakland A’s I miss the Oakland A’s and what they used to be with uh dollar Tuesdays and free parking Wednesdays and I may have the days wrong but you get the bit before John fiser put his imprint on the product when the A’s were the East Bay’s affordable night out and we would do exactly what you’re talking about tailgate bring our kids and the crawfords the quintell the Burrows and whoever else was free and it was an hour and a half a whiffle ball and the kids are running rough shot in the lot and we’re playing ball and we’re throwing Frisbees and couple of the kids are on roller skates or skateboards and yeah you went to the game and you enjoyed baseball but at the same time it was the beauty of the experience it was affordable it was you know an underdog team that you could root for it was an experience I miss Mark the Oakland A’s and what it used to represent yeah I I I like I’m totally that one I get I mean for crying out loud I miss the Oakland A’s I’m not an ace fan right I became an ace fan because I lived in Oakland and those families I all mentioned we all lived within 10 or 15 minutes and it was like Hey you know it’d be 3 in the afternoon who’s up for the A’s game tonight and then let’s go and an hour and a half later you’re stopping at the liquor store and off you go and you know sandwiches or barbecue it was it was a great thing to be able to do and I know that a fans like true a fans don’t want to hear this from a Giants fan but like I I I I will miss it on multiple levels even all the way down to just the energy that was in the park when those inter league matchups would happen and I know they’re not over but they’re over they’re over they’re totally over like I I loved to hate the Oakland A’s that was actually a team that I really like they were not the Dodgers but like that was a thing remember when Will Clark and Jose cono used to hate each other yeah that was a thing I used to dig that and now it’s just like I mean right what are you gonna do kick people when they’re down like I got you won’t it’s nothing there’s nothing left yeah there’s nothing left is FP ready is that you final pitch with FP is that you what’s up gentlemen how we doing FP I was doing better before that stupid game that was a rough one dude I’m not impressed I know they won two out of three but that that and I know you can speak to this tell us what Colorado was like because I know Dave Fleming was talking about how the ball’s not jumping the way that it normally does at K’s field but three days there two home runs both by the same guy a rally two days ago that was based on dribblers down the left field line like I I don’t know man this offense did not uh did not Rally me back the these three days yeah I mean they had the rally yesterday but other than that it’s it’s been kind of quiet and and when you talk about what the Rockies did today I don’t know that I’ve ever seen balls fly all over the place that quickly and with Keaton win today I feel like they knew what was coming and even as a hitter when you know what is coming it’s hard to do what they did here today so it was a seven-run inning and maybe the quickest I’ve ever seen an avalanche I guess if you will in Colorado like that it it was violent you know usually a seven run ending is a blooper couple of walks the guy makes an error guy shoots one out of the yard all of a sudden it’s a five or six or seven run inning but there was not a cheapy in the bunch today off a Keaton win and and even in in Kors field you’re thinking all right it’s seven to one conforto went deep he’s really the only hot hitter right now um that Co field against a team that’s won eight games all year there’s a chance they’re going to come back but it was just it was pretty lifeless today and I don’t know if it’s because they were on the road for 10 days and they’re just ready to get home but um yeah the bats were no bueno today here and this is you know I got frustrated a couple times on the broadcast today because guys were squaring around to bunt I sat on the air like man this is Kors field bunt when you get home take advantage of this ballpark let it rip um and it just wasn’t to be today and you know I think there’s a lot of searching going on right now for a lineup that work and if you’re Bob Melvin maybe you start tinkering with a lineup if Jung hul Le’s foot’s okay maybe maybe you think about baton him’s second and Lamont Way Jr first and put conforto third and you start tinkering with the lineup a little bit just to shake it up because right now it’s just it’s it’s not happening I know 3 and seven road trip versus 4- six is just a one game difference but psychologically does today’s loss make it feel like a complete disaster of a road trip as opposed to what a sweep might have felt like yeah I don’t know about a complete disaster but yeah you’re right you’re right dibs four- six would have been a tremendous Salvage from the way it started one in six the four and six I don’t care who you’re playing obviously it’s all the big leagues and yeah the Rockies won now nine games this year but I just felt today was big and I said it last night after the game on air I was just like you know you’ve won two but tomorrow might be the most important game of the year because if you win tomorrow I always think there’s momentum in travel days like if you win on a travel day and you get on the bus of the plane and everybody’s relaxed and it’s fun that that momentum can carry into the next game and when you have the Reds coming into town tomorrow night who have lost eight in a row they’re hitting 209 as a team it’s last in baseball you got a chance to beat this team who you’re supposed to beat beat the Reds who you’re supposed to beat and all of a sudden you’re starting to think good thoughts you’re starting to have positive vibes and I’ve seen really good teams that are playing poorly get jump started by beating bad teams so like the negative fan will go oh they just beat the Rockies who cares or they beat the Marlins who cares the Reds of law state in row who cares but as a player you got to get that feeling that vibe in the in the locker room in the clubhouse in The Dugout that hey we’re winning and we can win and we can win some games so I I don’t know that today’s loss is is that big dibs where you’re like this is the worst road trip ever but it would have it would have been on the other side of that coin had they won for sure final pitch with FP Giants get blown out in Colorado 9 to1 FP can you help our listeners with the Austin Slater thing uh like he starts in center field today I know the injuries right Jung hul Lee but he starts in center field the Rockies are thrown a right-hander you’ve just called Elliot Ramos up what why why not go that direction well I don’t know I didn’t make out the lineup today so I can’t answer that but I mean if I’m guessing you’re trying to get Austin’s Slater go in any way you can uh and you know he he hasn’t had many starts this year he hasn’t any continuity or Rhythm and it shows um but nobody cares about that really when you’re a player and get your opportunities you got to find a way you got to hit today um but there’s been some times when there’s some hitable pitches that he’s swinging through or falling off right now and and I I I really you’d have to ask him I I can’t get inside his head and S you know what he’s thinking but you know as as a player that that plays sporadically you can sit there go well I’m not playing and this sucks or you can wrap your head around it and say when I get my chance I’m going to go out there and do one thing to help the team win it doesn’t mean I’m going to go four for three or you know a lot of times if you’re struggling and try to get four hits some three at bats meaning you’re trying too hard but just do something to help your team win um and I you know Ramos is Ramos is here I I watched his at bats the last couple of days and he’s a guy that was hot in Triple A that was hitting over 300 with eight home runs and 115 at bats but I I don’t know that he’s the Savior either I mean it’s not like his at bats were so impressive the other night that you throw him back in there um so yeah I just think I think Bob Melvin’s looking for offense anywhere he can get it and Blake Sable caught last night got three hits and he put him in there at DH today and how often do you see a manager put both catchers in the lineup man he’s looking for offense anywhere he can get it yeah and didn’t get a ton of it today seven hits and uh just the the one run and a tough loss 91 to Colorado Katon win gives up seven doesn’t make it out of the fourth I know it’s Colorado so you definitely color your thoughts about the outing that way but it’s too bad outings in a row for win what’s your Takeaway on where he is right now well he was really really sick in Philadelphia that’s not an excuse apparently he was just on his deathbed and he said I’ll take the ball and go out there and it just didn’t work for him so give a mulligan on that one today I think the Rockies knew it was coming I mean you you just don’t get that many hits in a row and hit the ball in the barrel meaning he might have been tipping his pitches where you got the glove and you see something at the plate word spreads like wildfire in The Dugout he’s doing this doing that and the Giants will look at the tape and they’ll try to figure something out but also and I don’t know if you guys had a chance to watch real closely because you’re doing a show all those pitches are right down the middle and I I said on the broadcast like if it was if it was tic tac toe and the strike zone was Tic Tac Toe they were all Center squares I mean Bel high right down the middle so there wasn’t a lot of location there and you know it’s back to the drawing board with this guy and he’s been given a wonderful opportunity in all of my years of baseball I never have have seen something like what happened today where a guy is just cruising along and you’re thinking hey it’s one to nothing and that might be enough the way he’s pitching and then it’s just seven runs out of nowhere double triple double triple Homer single single all the exra velocities are triple digits there wasn’t a cheap one in the whole bunch and just like that it’s seven to one out of nowhere and like I said it wasn’t bloopers and errors and walks it was it was barrels and going to the wall and in a stand so I think you know you go back to the drawing board with this kid because he pitched so well early in the season and the last two starts have been tough especially today I mean yeah nobody wants to hear an excuse right you were sick yeah crimey River but he was really really sick like they didn’t he just talked him into going out there and today there’s no excuses man he was just throwing the ball right down the middle hey FP before you go wh what happened on this flight on the way there well I’m about to get on a plane again so yeah let let me go back down the horrible Memory Lane yeah let’s do that you would if you yeah if you would let’s freak out it I think this thing’s taken on life of itself but like if you guys there was like this line of thunderstorms that went from Canada all the way down to Texas and there was really no way to go around it so we flew from Philadelphia and then we went the southern route by Dallas and they told us it was going to get rough and we were bouncing all over and I looked to my right and there was some people like levitating over their seats and we had these big drops and then and the but the bumps in the in the boom boom boom and the plane was getting sideways and we were dipping and I was not worried about dying the thing that really really scared me is that I spilled my wine I kept spilling my wine I’m like I’m spilling my wine and I get in the postgame WAP the other day I gave the the pilot the player of the game because literally it was one of those where for five minutes you guys I mean you’re thinking about like you know get the rosary out right now this is this is nuts uh FP who handled all of that the worst um I’m I I I really couldn’t say but I heard a lot of screams like people were screaming there was a lot of Screams and yelling and like did any of them go like this whoop no no we were we were turning pale uh yeah it was tough DC was the worst one he’s not a good flyer anyways and Darren Chan our engineer on the broadcast he he was white knuckling he at at dinner before we got on the plane he showing me this app he had a turbulence app and he’s like oh this is going to be a bad one today this is tough look at the I’ve never seen red like this and then my son as we’re getting on the plane FP Jr sends me a text he like this this this uh weather system over Denver Colorado is literally sucking the ozone layer out and it happens like once every whatever many years I’m like wait are are we going time travel on this trip are we going to land in Denver it’s G to be 1972 like like what’s going on so yeah it was gnarly but hey I’m just thankful to be on the charter and be with these guys and I don’t know it was it was gnarly so yeah whatever we’re here we’re live yeah no this is the best way to wrap this conversation hey FP uh have a nice flight I will I’ll see you guys hopefully I’ll see you guys at the yard this weekend absolutely all right buddy there he goes yep see you bud FP uh by the way you’re listening to 957 the game kgmz FM and hc1 San Francisco and Odyssey sports station always live on the free Odyssey app twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union upgrade your savings dividend open a first noral first class money market today um I didn’t think I’d feel like this today ruined the series for me it completely ruined the whole thing I walked in in the middle of that fourth inning and you were like no he’s right and I’m looking at it now it’s uh triple on the line drive single on a sharp Line Drive double on a sharp Line Drive double on a sharp ground ball Homer on a Fly ball triples they usually go yeah but I mean that’s that’s the description a lot of sharp they were seven Barrel balls yeah I mean things are flying all over the yard Tovar McMahon Diaz buard exactly who who dard he’s a female Canadian tennis player I mean I know the pitcher is a who also I mean I I get that but dude this is the worst team in baseball I don’t want to hear the whole course field thing and uh I didn’t look they won two out of three I don’t have egg on my face that’s wonderful they scored a 14 runs in three days at at Kors field and they were very injured today so their their their lineup look you could tell I tweeted it before the game I’m like look at this lineup I get that this is injuries but you know I wish the lineup didn’t look like this your other backup catcher is your DH and then we’re back to somebody named Jackson batting ninth REITs you you got slates out in center field got a knock I wish the lineup didn’t look like this but they do and I I wasn’t demanding a sweep but but here’s why this ruined the last two days for me you came out there with an opportunity to sweep fp’s right there’s something to be said for winning before you get on the plane that is where camaraderie and Good Vibes are built you win going away and you get on the plane together and you turn the music up and you order a beer and and then you hope it doesn’t spill well you probably order a Xanax on this flight after what you’ve been going through like and then you come out there and the only run you get was an accidental course field home run Oppo taco from Michael conforto and your pitchers cruising along with a one- nothing lead in the fourth inning and you give up seven straight barrels and the game is over over and it’s like how am I supposed to you’re going into the series thinking all right it’s time to get the bats right it’s a perfect time for a trip to co Mile High and a horrible opponent you score five runs the first night kind of on dribble Crystal yeah last night that was actually a performance had to hold on though for dear life as you always do y as you always do there and then you come out there today and do this and I’m like look I have to call this what it is I’m not impressed and that’s all we want we just want to be impressed faran zidi said it to slust the other day this is hugely disappointing Fleming said it to the guys this morning this has the makings of being a really not good really good pitching staff yeah and you are going to bleep it up if none of you can hit well today it wasn’t really even about that it was about like you said seven straight barrels and Keaton wi since he came on this program don’t know if there’s a correlation or causation but he had a 3.18 ER when he came on the program two starts later he’s at a 563 he’s gone four and a third and he’s given up 12 earned and uh 12 hits along the way yeah I know he was sick in Philadelphia which okay didn’t even make it out of the first today he was dealing into and he cruising I wonder if maybe he was tipping pitches like FP says you don’t often see a guy go from cruising to hitting that much turbulence so much turbulence that it sucked the ozone out of the building in the fourth inning I mean I’m looking at NBC Sports Bay Area Matt Chapman didn’t even play today they got his 23 and 24 numbers like his analytics up on the board his Barrel percentage last year when he only hit like 217 was 177% this year it’s 88.5% that’s half hard hit percentage last year 56.4 this year 45.3 expected slugged last year 457 this year walk rate cut in half yeah it’s a struggle dude and we had Tim kirkin come on too and say well be patient well not only that but he did talk wasn’t he called him a collision hitter yeah a collision hitter who you know the words out on Chapman there are places where you throw it and he’s going to hit a home run but other than that you’re going to get him out and that’s where we are with Chapman you know can we hear from some of you on this 888 957 9570 and this is a little bit of a take your temperature thing because I’m even I’m turning the tables on myself I don’t know why I feel the way I do right now after this road trip you know you’ve said it a couple of times this is out of character for me yeah it’s May 9th and I’m like really annoyed with what I’m looking at I’m really annoyed can we take all of your temperature on Giants baseball how are you feeling about this team and and and really try this is my coaching try to take the last two years out of that answer so like if I if you know you’re bothered by the whole just Farhan and kapler and this that the other okay I’m not going to tell you what to say but this year this is a different group this was supposed to be different they went Hog Wild and Free Agency they put together a lineup That looked on paper like like it had a middle of the order wow there are people in there who can hit the ball over the fence and Jung Huli is exciting and interesting and their starting rotation you can match up with anyone in baseball this was supposed to look different it looks worse they look worse than the last two years and I am finding that to be very unsettling right I mean if you look at their 345 Chapman 601 Ops Solair 655 Ops conto 784 the only guy in your 345 holding up his end to the bargain Lamont Wade Jr is playing at a near All-Star level and you know jungu Lee has been pretty good yeah and that’s pretty much it Patrick Bailey’s been fine at the plate but you know he’s unable to play now and with that second concussion yeah back soon but that’s a scary one because especially this early in with concussions you know it can go south in a hurry uh we’re sponsored by Lucky California 888 957 9570 we’d really like to take some calls am I the only am I out on an island here a little bit am I am I the only one that is this frustrated this early overall with Giants baseball can we take your temperature on this how are you feeling about the entire product let’s take your calls 8889 57 9570 on Willard and dibs it’s cheap 4×4 season which means exciting Adventures lasting memories and finding out what true freedom feels like with great deals on your favorite cheap brand Vehicles the Grand Cherokee is the most awarded SUV ever providing adventurers with luxury and comfort on the go while the trail rated rangler [Music] a [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it’s gone up over the left center field wall well this is just remarkable what’s happened here six hitters six runs in what 10 pitches damn it Farhan now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game can I tell you about a couple things I like I can tell you how much I like the rejoiner with Billy Squire’s stroke as they stroke the ball into the Gap repeatedly stroke Rockies yeah ch ch what that six hits and 10 pitches I mean I love frustrated Fleming it’s actually very very endearing and it cuz he won’t come out and just be like well this is awful but he’ll just be like well this is just rather amazing yeah balls are flying everywhere you want to hear more frustrated I so that was the last batter or one of the last batters that win fac that was a three-run Homer made it 6 to1 then they brought in a reliever and the very first pitch he threw here’s f after a shocking bottom of the fourth inning Randy Rodriguez the rookie right-hander takes over against Tovar and he pulls that one down the left field alive that’s a fair ball my goodness that’ll be another Rocky’s extra base hit Tovar started the inning with a triple and now he’s got a double he’s a homer away from the cycle three for three for Tovar all right that’s uh this is all on NBC Sports Bay Area there’s Hunter Pence jumping in Hunter Hunter is so he’s such a positive person that when the other team is racking the ball all over the place he just starts to get into that he’s like how about this kid he might hit for the cycle right uh wrong team Hunter but he he loves ball he sure does here are the counts uh Tovar on an 01 pitch McMahon first pitch Diaz 0 and one buard first pitch 0 And1 to Brenton Doyle e homers back Blackman triples on the first pitch bibs I’m telling you maybe they hacked into the pitchcombe started tot by the time you got to the 10th floor and walked in it was 6 to1 it was crazy that that whole thing happened in about a minute and a half yeah all right look we really want to hear from you let’s go straight to the phones I do have a quirky let me say it this way something that Giants fans really like is about to happen I’m going to predict slates no and his gone but I’m gonna like let’s take the calls okay and then I’m I’m I’m going to unveil this but I really I don’t want to lose everybody here because we really asked for like I’m I’m you struck a nerve well I’m annoyed if you’re annoyed then they’re annoyed well let’s find out you don’t get annoyed let’s find out I I think they did some good things today you know that’s my Willard but I’m not hearing that from you you’re fiery well this stinks three and seven on the trip bad they look awful the worst team in baseball cuffed you around I don’t want to hear that they won two out of three got a little Series win watch the games it’s not good baseball not funny that’s a four for your faran drop all right Ben in Fairfield hey Ben what’s up what are you doing hey guys just uh just driving over work I Mark I hear you I know how it feels I’m a positive guy though I know that Chapman and Solair been uh have been pretty much non-existent and that uh that hurts the watch but I can’t help but think about Lamont Wade who’s hting like 350 and and Jung hul Le who’s lighting it up and Keaton win and some of these young arms who look so good I think it’s May and and we got to keep keep ourselves above water until you know can get some of these guys back some of these guys firing on all cylinders I don’t know I I just got to look at the bright side no and Ben listen that 98.6% of my days that’s that’s how I spend them but I I know you were at work today because if you’re talking about how good Keaton win his pitching you missed the game brother you missed the game he’s had two outings in a row where he has gotten absolutely rocked rocked loud yeah violent awful Rock just two innings worth the first inning in Philly and the fourth inning today well he’s only pitched five innings and in two of them he got absolutely shelled shelled he’s gotten 13 batters out and he’s given up 12 runs in his last two outings so like that doesn’t seem to be very good and if you’re so if you want to do the whole like Lamont Wade looks good yes yes he does Jung juli looks good yes he does that’s not enough you can’t build Sports based off well I a couple guys looking good that’s not enough that’s not enough I I I know no one wants to hear from him but take farhan’s word for it this is hugely disappointing and a and maybe the reason I’m sitting here sounding like this on May 9th is because I do have higher expectations for this team and the urgency is now I don’t want to see this team figure it out in August and make a Plucky run to fall three games short don’t do that this has got to change now now I said this last year and you remember my point you’re not going to get show you’re not even going to get him interested if you don’t show him that you’re a playoff team and they just well you know well we’ll be better next week no no he so stubborn now now well especially now when you’ve got ciny and the Dodgers coming up back to back and the Dodgers are going to be difficult no matter when you fa him but you don’t want to go into the next Colorado series which is after Cincy and the Dodgers coming off a two and four home stand hoping that you can you know get three against Colorado and salvage a little bit of a stand uh Adrien in Danville hey Adrien what’s up oh hey how you doing like you guys I’m very frustrated and you know early on I think you know like web wasn’t pishing that good but you know the starting pishing has been okay the the relieving to me is not good and um you know they just don’t hit uh you know I I wouldn’t have brought in all these big name people I know that that’s what the fans want to see but I would rather go with homegrown Talent remember that’s how they won the three uh championships you know they were mostly just homegrown well they need they need both they need both Adrien uh completely thank you very much like you can of all the statements Adrien just made Spotlight one because okay the bullpen I don’t love well portions of the bullpen we do love Yeah Camilo Deval is fine Ryan Walker is amazing I’m not terribly bothered by the Rogers twins through a season they always put up numbers I do think that their middle relief is too like young it’s too like well look we got we got this guy who who what like get get something that’s a little bit more firm there and their starting rotation is is a good and be injured like like you’re about to acquire Blake Snell Alex Cobb and Robbie Ray that’s not your problem but the problem is is that rotation which should be able to win you half your games is going to get wasted if you can’t as Adrien said they don’t hit I I you got to figure it out I don’t know if you got to sell the farm for Pete Alonzo right now or what but you got to do something to get some life into this lineup right and you know you it would be great to have life in the form of your catcher who’s having a good year but he’s out with the concussion and your Slugger that you just acquired he’s got a bit of a shoulder and now he’s on the ilil as well and the majority of your other hitters are underperforming this year um we’ll take some more calls for sure 888 957 9570 but I do have something that you’re G to like that I think is about to happen for the Giants and I’ll share exactly what that is coming up next this is with and dibs lucky knows that moms have a special kind of magic they just make everything better so this Mother’s Day they’ll help [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game I can’t score runs in Colorado scored enough their staff sucks bad but our bats do too and we tried and we tried we can’t score runs done striking out I went to Safeway yesterday uhoh I did not see you in the aisles no that’s cuz we don’t live near each other I was at my Safeway I went to Safeway and I bought eggs I went to Safeway just to uh give me something to do with baby my myi I remember those days put her in the shop shopping cart cart in if I could count the number of miles driven just trying to make people go to sleep oh yeah you know what I mean I mean good Lord now it’s much easier we have a podcast you could just put on an episode of Willard and dibs out G out like a light totally man I remember those days I do not envy you brother but I went to Safeway to buy eggs because I had to be ready I had to be ready to fry that sucker I was going to do uh over hard I was not going to do overy uh no I was Grandy I would listen we never we never had a stipulation for how the eggs needed to be cooked I’m cooking the eggs so they were going to be cooked how I wanted them I would have brought one of my own and just you know slapped it on your forehead slap it on my head yeah so for those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about I had promised that if the Giants could not score 12 runs in Colorado and that was there was a reason behind the number 12 four runs a game because that’s the number they’ve not been able to achieve uh it was one time in 11 games leading up to the series so if they could not score 12 runs in Colorado I would do Today’s Show with on my face um they did they scored 14 I mean yesterday yeah I’m walking home from the show I had even got into the car yet and the Giants have a seven spot on the board and the 12 has been achieved and they’re blowing the Rockies off the field from that moment they had to hang on for dear life come out today they get one more run if you had told me cuz I was strutting through the streets of the I was strutting through the fight eyee I’m like let’s go oh that’s that’s that’s 12 runs in in 12 Innings 1 Innings yeah yeah yeah they scored two more that and got blown off the field the rest of the way I just and the fact that they had to hold on yesterday was a little bit unsettling in and of itself it feels at Kors field you get at least one of those every series right where you’re like oh good they’re up nine to one I’m going to go run errands you come back a half hour later like why is it 9 to7 and the closer warming up yeah why because course whatever they did it I don’t have egg on my face but I also don’t feel very good and the guys pulled this this is good and then we’re going back to the phones check this oh I’m sorry I promised yeah I promised I promised deliver I think Luciano is about to get called up okay for whom Nick Ahmed so Nick Nick Ahmed left the game today with wrist soreness he got hit in the wrist uh a while back a number of games ago and if you watch the game today you saw there was a swing that looked real awkward and uncomfortable next thing you know Tyler Fitzgerald has to pinch hit form and play shortstop the rest of the way so Nick Ahmed I think it feels when you see something like that like oh I’ve been battling wrist soreness and then it gets worse that feels like an injured list situation to me and if the giant short stop goes on the injured list what are you going to do who are you calling up Casey Schmidt maybe maybe I mean Luciano’s on base percentage is almost 420 down there I know he does he’s not hit a bunch of home runs which is what everyone wants but I saw Jim Bow Jim Bowden did a thing recently where he said here’s 10 Prospects who should be called up soon and Luciano was on the list and he pointed to his on base average as why because as you know this organization really values plate command don’t swing at balls problem is is this Giants team doesn’t swing at anything but he should be called up if Ahmed goes on the injured list that’s what I would do they better do that and and that I would think would give the fan base a little bit of a life of like hey you got a home stand coming right you start Luciano against Ellie de Cruz for three games this weekend let’s check it out let’s check it out what the hell you got to lose no is uh at 407 OBP OBP and you down with OBP I am you know me third on the team and runs batted in behind uh Elliot Ramos now a giant with the big club and the aformentioned Casey Schmidt Casey Schmidt five homers 31 driven in he’s hitting the ball and an Ops of 768 the question is though do they still see him as a short stop because he’s been playing it third because Luciano’s been playing it short sure they can both play over there he can go play short right but I like I don’t know I would call up Luciano well he was supposed to be your opening day shortstop anyways wwfd what would Farhan do because you know Casey Schmidt is playing as well if not better with the stick than Luciano it’s the number one answer on the board right now it’s all over my Twitter feed it was on my phone when we talked to Tim kirkin the other day when Joe shasy texted us I see all of you it’s not all of you but it’s a lot of you it’s all over my Twitter feed it’s at least one other host at this station Farhan has got to go this performance means it’s Farhan time now you have said nonstarter he’s not going anywhere no I don’t believe he is the seat is not hot uh we actually not even in a seat he’s in a hammock he’s probably on the plane right now did he make the trip I would imagine he made the trip maybe he’s driving back after that flight on the way there seriously we asked him kir in ESPN just a couple of days ago how hot’s the seat if you’re asking me is it is it really hot I would say no Farhan has been an excellent executive for a long time but this is a frustrated fan base and I understand why and you can’t look in this division without being exceptionally worried that the Padres just picked up a 333 hitter over the last three seasons the Dodgers are really really good and they’re only going to get better Walker bu comes back tonight so when you look at the job the front office has done with the Giants obviously the job has not been done since the 107 win season and this is where Farhan and his group has got to figure this out and um but but I don’t think he’s on a hot seat at this point but we’ll see about that yeah I agree but listen to that answer again like he not in a hammock bud I really don’t think sorry to call you bud it just kind of came out you let it f anyway anyway anyway Captain yeah here’s what I’m thinking um maybe it’s not hot but it’s warm whether any of us think it should be or not some people think it should be very hot some people think it should be gone right but like it’s definitely warm and and here’s why it’s not I keep stressing this it’s not the standings I don’t think ownership is freaking out on May 9th about the standings ownership is freaking out because the brand of baseball has driven their fan base away and what they did this off season was supposed to completely change the whole tone of the organization kapler out Mel in someone who’s not touchy fely out someone who is touchy fely in former giant who we putting at third base former giant who we putting as hitting coach former giant do you guys not see what was going on here this wasn’t just let’s get wins right this was let’s reconnect with our fan base and expectations whether you all bought it or not were high listen to Dave FN in on the roast this is right after Blake Snell got signed forget this talk about the wild card only like forget that go go take a shot at the big boys like I I I I don’t want to hear this yeah they can sneak in or that’s BS man the the attitude of this franchise should always be to take down that team and that’s what the Rivalry means I don’t care who they signed I don’t care how much money they paid you line up those two teams on the field next to one another and I dare you to tell me that they’re a whole lot better than the Giants are I don’t believe that the Giants can go toe-to-toe with that team they can Dave said that on March 19th I nodded my head the starting rotation was I thought better than what the Dodgers starting rotation was no one’s going to argue lineup like hello we’re not stupid but it’s also baseball uh it’s quirky it’s different um I absolutely thought the Giants could be a good team and I sat there and listened to that I clapped my hands and I said let’s do this I can’t wait for the season to start it is May 9th there are already nine games out right and in fact you can’t go toe-to-toe with the Dodgers and you tried to go toe-to-toe with them and you got cuffed around you got swept and now LA’s coming to town for three games starting on Monday and lots of luck for a team that right now your rotation is not as good as it should be or will be when you get everyone back and you know I don’t think that farhan’s going to be the Fall Guy you look at a guy who just got an extension and he’s align but he’s aligned with Bob melin it’s three years it’s this year and two more so you made the big change last year if you thought you were going to make the big change I think Farhan would have been out last year but instead you extended him so you gave him two years on top of this year which align with the manager I just don’t think that this ownership group would look at what Farhan has done or not done and say yep you’re to blame and one piece attendance is up people are showing up more than they did last year I know it’s still a small sample we I mean about, 1400 fans three 4% increase how many games have there been been about uh what 10 at home yeah roughly maybe a little bit more I would just look attendance up sincerely Farhan don’t be taking our taglines for other things there’s one time one time I I’ll remind you go ahead and remind me that right as our show started Frank vogle of the Phoenix Suns was fired you know how long his contract went for like going forward M I don’t know four more years are we talking about the Phoenix Suns again four more years rank the five worst franchises in professional sports and Phoenix is among candidates that is the point no my point is not that my point you’re not that GI nobody’s saying that my point is is you can say Farhan has signed for two more years all you want and that does not mean that they have to keep him of course they don’t have to do anything but and and believe you me if we get to August and this fan base is turned off think about what’s going on now you know this you are super smart think about this from a business perspective forget all of our opinions about who’s baton third okay look at this from a business perspective Mission Rock about to roll the A’s leaving maybe the Giants cannot afford to continue to push their fans away every move they made from the moment that last season ended was about reconnecting with fans let’s get a bunch of former Giants and make them the coaching staff let’s spend a truckload of money let’s get some people they’ve heard of middle of the order starting picture some of this stuff didn’t feel like Farhan type stuff did it it didn’t the analytics might tell you that a Chapman in a Solair might be the smartest thing but they’re like dude we got to fill this Ballpark and here you are it’s May 9th you are 17 and 22 y you are nine games out you can’t hit you don’t hit home runs you’re just you’re not exciting and Farhan is in the chronicle going this is hugely disappointing he not saying that publicly unless he’s got a reason to say it well he knows it’s hugely disappointing because the guys that have been brought in aren’t getting it done and the guys who were here before for the most part aren’t getting it done and you’re 17 and 22 and your record against teams that are above 500 is atrocious so you’re getting fat against the bad teams and in comes not a very good team in Cincinnati that should be two out of three but then you’ve got the Dodgers for three and then the aention rocky so you’re going to be in a spot here over the next 20 games where you’ve got some good teams that you’re going to have to start to compete with or else you’re going to find yourself still six games Below in the middle of June no doubt Jesse and San Jose next up Willard and dibs hey Jesse what’s up hey how you guys doing thanks for taking my call um you know I think I think the the dangerous part for this organization is you know when your fan base becomes apathetic right like being upset is one thing if the fan base starts not to care that’s when you’ve reached serious serious uh levels of trouble right and like so I’m just speaking from experience right like my issue is I don’t know what the identity is with this team or or the organization like what’s their philosophy right they don’t play small ball they’re dead last in stolen bases but they don’t hit the long ball either now it looks like they tried addressing that during the offseason with signing Solair and Chapman it just hasn’t come to fruition yet but the the lack of activity is what really makes it hard to sit down and watch this team play for nine innings even though games are are ending sooner than than usual because of the rule changes you know like I can get up in the second inning go make dinner Come Back 40 minutes later and nothing happened right like that’s what kills you and and the fact that you know there’s just no identity you know that people are bringing up the World Series teams you knew what their identity was yes they were more talented we know that but you knew the identity was Elite pitching great defense and they had guys that were just going to grind out at bats and come postseason they were clutch you had the scooter Ros you had the ishik was like none of these guys are Hall of Famers I’m not even bringing up the Posies and the sandals right this team just lacks an approach like I don’t know what to expect you get a base runner on he’s not going anywhere you know like there’s just no excitement to sit down and watch this like losing is losing they’re not very talented to begin with well I know there’s nothing going on Jesse I think this is a really good call and here’s where I would take it thank you so much for calling uh those of you who want to uh uh really just kind of like we’re taking the temperature of Giants fans cuz I am very early annoyed I’m very early annoyed I want to know is like is this am I just in a bad mood or is this hitting you all the same way 888 957 9570 you Giants fans trying to take your temperature where you’re at here on on May 9th this is what I see Farhan goes out there and says I want to see more aggressive at bats gry what was that stat the other day about like the Giants watch more fast balls in the strike zone than maybe any team in baseball um something to that that effect something like that I kind of offand said they swing at balls and they take strikes but I don’t have a stat to back that I think they take uh more strikes like Fast balls in the strike zone they’re right up there they do that more than than any team in baseball and so Farhan goes out and goes I really want to see the the at bats be more aggressive he goes we have a we have a bunch of players have a reputation for working the count right and the book gets out on you so they know you want to take a few pitches so you Huck a fast ball right down the middle to start the aat you’re down 0 and one and immediately look at the metrics of when you’re down 0 and one your batting average is going to go down below 200 like 100 points yeah right away yep and it’s funny that Farhan is saying that God we got a bunch of guys who work the count I wonder why that is that’s who you’ve been prioritizing for four years that’s right and that feels like the old regime but it’s got to come from somewhere you’ve been telling your hitters work the Zone don’t SW don’t swing at balls that’s right take a walk keep the line moving and so these guys are conditioned to do so and now your fan base is wavering and you’ve decided you want beer league softball you want the ball off the co*ke bottle out there in left field so let’s sign Jorge Solair and let’s get aggressive everybody well these guys are who they are Lamar Wade who by the way I mean been the best player on the team but like dude works the count yes what did he walk three times last night or something or was that the night before whatever it was he works the count and and so you can’t get mad at your guys for doing exactly what you’ve been coaching them to do for all these years that farhan’s been there and yet when you try to do that and the caller was close they’re second to last in stolen bases ahead of only in Colorado you’re 21st in baseball in walks drawn you’re 30th or rather 29th in stolen bases and you’re below average in extra base hits and slugging so yeah even if you get on base at a higher rate and you’re not you’re not stealing bases to get that extra 90 ft that maybe a single can drive you in you have very little Team Speed you don’t have a lot of pop and you don’t hit a lot of doubles and triples so now you’re a team that needs needs a walk and a couple of hits to Just Produce one run and the other night I guess that was what Tuesday’s game is a perfect example where it was a dribbler a dribbler a chopper and then a line drive which led to your big breakout inning of four runs in the frame it wasn’t like Colorado today where they scored seven runs on 11 pitches dude which was lasers they hit more seeds in the fourth inning than the Giants have hit in two weeks I was going to say on this whole trip but yeah I’m like I’m not exaggerating right seeds lasers um Spencer and Lafayette hey Spencer what’s up yeah I uh you know just kind of looking from across the bay I I very much feel what the previous caller was talking about about a lack of identity and I I feel like the rotation for the Giants is definitely going to come around uh you know I mean there’s just far too much talent there especially at the stop in for that rotation not to come around and that that can take a little time I feel like the team is very much like you’ve got people from all over the place that have been kind of put together uh and I think it’s just going to take a little time for them to congeal but I I get this sense it’s just talking about like how Giants fans feel like as a as a you know devastated A’s fan uh they’re gonna obviously trying to leave us I I hear my friends that are Giants fans they’re just like I mean we have your manager that that used to be amazing uh and and you know your franchise basically hates you speaking of Giants fans to me your franchise basically hates you can’t F the stands is sending guys to the miners who are doing well for wearing bracelets and and and you know hitting the ball all over the place totally scoring runs all over the place like it’s almost accidental uh so I think that’s part of the frustration is you know looking across the bay and looking at a just a half Hazard organization that you know basically is just kind of doing it without trying uh and I give all the credit to to those kids that are out there doing it am missst all this you know Ridiculousness but yeah I feel like just give it time with the Giants your rotation is too good uh you know not to come around and I feel like there’s a lot of lot of parts and pieces that kind of have to congeal but if they can focus on doing the little things you know you get somebody on base you move them over like just focus on doing the little play team baseball you know the rest of it’ll come around uh Spencer thanks yeah listen none of my frustration has anything to do with a give up it has to do with urgency and unfortunately hitting a baseball is not something where you can give them an old one for gier speech and it’s like oh all right now we’ll start hitting the ball the harder you try sometimes the more you struggle they’re trying their butts off but we’re like you’re running out of time already The Season’s a quart you’re at the quarter Pole it’s getting late early is what you’re saying and and and like I think that this roster at least from it you’re right pitching in defense is what Hunter Pence always stresses that that’s what it’s how they won championships in this town and they’ve got that they do have enough defense they do have enough pitching but the hitting is so woeful that it’s it’s all going to be wasted and his point about the A’s is a fun one they’re third in baseball in home runs what in God’s name is happening to life right right I think I have some stats that may back up this Giants batting lack of urgency maybe we do that on the other side I like that Giants fourth in the league and errors committed by the way as far as your pitching in defense goes how many games have they played the all of baseball where we at we’re at about 40 40ish yeah yeah the A’s have 18 more home runs than the Giants they’re basically every two games they’re they’re they’re out homering them by a full Homer um what is happening we’re presented by Fremont Bank full service banking no compromises we’ll keep going on your phone calls League Pass Luke has something interesting oh and there have been a few requests for a patri my my Patrick Beverly rant I think maybe we should do that yeah uh so that’s coming up too on Willard and dibs The Big Three have provided us some incredible memories and we will bring them to you [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah Odyssey at twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal credit union now back to Willard and dibs on 57 the game okay people um glad you’re here gosh it’s the best day of the week well it is for you it is no it always is is today better than tomorrow is going to be next day of the week exactly I rest my case just pull the plug on this now what cuz your tomorrow is going to be better than your today listen you know if I am about anything I am about authenticity there’s no there’s no plug you can we can be real can tell people what’s going on you are abandoning me and I’m stuck with a guy who uh I don’t love but I deeply respect yeah I I I don’t love Mark Randy but I respect him I won’t uh thank you I won’t be here tomorrow um I’ll be back on Monday we have some uh family mental health efforts that are going to take place it’s good and I don’t mean that we’re going to have therapy sessions we’re going to go do some things and just let her all hang out and let some stress out and be with wonderful people and we’re going to have a day so it’s great so this week Friday is better than Thursday thank you but not usually wait till we get to football season and here comes Friday what the hell are you going to do when you get home there’s no game on there’s some Podunk second tier college game that’s usually on no game on yeah Grandy’s like well pack 12 might but and it doesn’t even exist anymore talk about pulling the plug no Thursday Thursday brings you football Thursday brings you optimism Thursday if you start thinking this is a trick life hack dibs if you start thinking of Thursday afternoon and evening as the start of your weekend the weekend will feel longer for me every day is the weekend because I love my life and I live in the moment God I don’t even know what day it is most of the time cuz I’m just so immersed in the most disgusting thing You’ ever SE grossest dibl moment we’ve had in 3 years seriously take a moment to step back and think about how much different of a person I am now as opposed to this time last year the three of you jabronies you have to admit your boy changed his tune God he’s dropping pounds bouncing the step I’m a different person than I was a year ago yep he’s dropping pounds he’s dropping uh honesty verbal deuces removed that from the uh repertoire every day is such a blessing that every moment of my life it feels like happy hour I’m angry Jeff that’s awesome you DN right that was last year swear to God that was like that was like dib’s impression of Joel Olstein right there um from the YouTube feed not buying it REM 6 dibs anytime away from the baby is a vacay that’s true you’re not wrong if I’m loving being at work these days if I offered you if I offered you because we joked about this like when you when you’re in it with kids uh if you put me on a plane flight to I don’t know where and told me there was a hotel I’m great I don’t care Siberia let’s go like you mean to tell me I’m the master of my own time and it’s quiet and relaxing are you kidding me I’m in but if I offered you that plane flight and it was like the Giants one to Denver would you take it yeah yeah it turbulence is uh I mean I don’t want to be a name dropper here but I spent about five years working for KCBS our sister station in a Cessna single engine up there you know reporting on traffic yep it’s bumpy it’s not always a smooth ride I spent a year in the helicopter working for K Channel 4 Chopper Dan I couldn’t do it there were times where the helicopter would drop about 100 oh God and uh you know you’re flying and it’s a little choppy and all of a sudden and it’s like yeah it’s a little unsettling but that stuff doesn’t bother me little unsettling oh my god let’s just one quick aside and then we’ll get back to whatever is you’re going to roll out if if I look at my phone and I’m in the passenger seat in a car on the way to Stinson Beach I I I I’m I’m a puke yeah I’m not going on a helicopter and dropping 100 feet we’re not doing it pretty smooth ride one of my Pilots was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam in the 70s and so occasionally he would get into a nom mode and he would lean that thing forward and we’d be at about 300 feet and we would just be like pitched they call it we’d be at like a 30° angle nose down is it weird when you rolled your eyes that I thought you were about to say rain dance you probably rain Dan that’s what it sounded like thank you thank you doing my high speed Chopper noise but all right we’re going to go to League Pass Luke here in just was your thing Giants related or what was it Luke okay let’s hear it what do you got okay and we’ll go back to the phones here in a sec you guys were peppering Grandy on all the fast balls the Giants were taking and he didn’t have the stats in front of them it’s okay I got his back I got some good ones and you’re talking about the lack of urgency from this team in all all aspects but it looks from the numbers it looks like it’s infiltrated their philosophy and their strategy when they’re at their plate so let me when they’re at the plate let me throw some things at you all right okay when it comes to the percentage of time that they the percentage of strikes that are thrown to them that they swing at they swing at 63% of the strikes they see okay that is second worst second lowest in the majors okay that word has gotten out in the league they see the most percentage of strikes per pitches that they see so they’re they lead the league in zone percentage which according to baseball Savant means the over 50% of the pitches that they see are strikes thrown at them they are I mean when they get pitches in the zone they they get the bat to the ball I mean they’re top 10 in in contact percentage on strike so it’s just that they’re not swinging at strikes and and and I’m not impressed by quote contact because a lot of when you roll a ball to second base that doesn’t do anything for anybody it doesn’t do anything for anybody ask any analytics Guru they’d rather you strike out then roll the ball to second base because if there’s a man at first that’s two outs not one right so yeah that’s not good so they’re lacking aggression and um and then when they do swing uh because what’s their Barrel percentage well you look up what that ranks Luke yeah League Pass look their hard hit percentage that’s okay pretty on baseball reference and they’re 17th in baseball in hard hit percentage I got their Barrel percentage right here 6% that is fourth worst in Majors the worst in the National League exit vo their dead average 88 but listen to the combo what what you guys just brought up okay they don’t swing at pitches in the zone They but their contact rate is high and their Barrel percentage is low what does that tell you tells me that they scored four runs on two bleeders in a chopper the other day it’s also that opposing pitchers aren’t scared to put the ball in the zone because you don’t swing that often and when you do you’re not making hard contact so they’re just going to keep throwing you strikes there you have it but keep working that count guys might get a you might get a two out walk right not gonna work philosophical change feels necessary um but you have to have the hitters to be able to make that philosophical change work right I mean look they’re Major League hitters I know every every fan loves to Jo we don’t have any good players they’re all major league hitters they’re all they are they all have a track record so’s hit over 30 home runs Matt Chapman is Matt Chapman you know Michael conforto we talked when he came on the show we’re like come on this a good hitter you know I I was so I said right at the beginning of the year that been that was my guy I’m like that guy that’s a good player Michael conforto and he is holding up his end of the bargain you know Tyro Estrada that’s a major leager Patrick Bailey Wilmer Flores Wade these guys can do it but they are collectively asleep they’re asleep um let’s go to Jano in Mountain View hey Jano what are you doing hey guys um I mean you know more than me about this I don’t have baseball reference in front of me but the thing where I tuned out and I’m one of those people that no longer go to the game I’m out I’m out is that two things that just never that just make me crazy they don’t want to overpay for talent well how many times are we going to not overpay and then lose somebody in this market I don’t think we ever had a chance at judge I think judge knew exactly what he wanted to do agreed but I think we did have a shot at Bryce Harper and would we have to overpay I guess we would well then you do it I mean just I mean that’s part of doing business and the other thing is we never sign a guy coming off a great year well he was great the year before coming off injury well he had a great 2020 he had a well he was great in 2020 but he had he hurt his ankle and now we’re hoping he rebounds we never sign anybody while you’re like damn we just signed an allar right now this is a really interesting point Jano thank you very much because what has happened and I I believe that this has become a disease in in a lot of sports which is everybody’s looking for the bargain and by the way you want to know who I really blame for this it’s not the executives around Sports it’s the owners it’s the owners I don’t even really understand it to be honest with you like I I I don’t get it I don’t get the idea of these multi-billion doll sports franchises worrying about every every year I don’t understand it now I’m no executive I’m no billionaire and I know that when you hear the word billionaire you think ah it’s money who cares and I know that’s not the way they think but like when Joe lob is like look I’ve got shareholders that I need to answer to really is that really how it works or does it have to do you guys get on a zoom and worry if you’re spending 350 a year versus 400 does that really freak everyone out I’m sure it does when your organization is worth 7 billion and keeps going up and you know damn well that if you’re good or exciting you’re going to get it at the gate like I you don’t just rubber stamp that when you got to ask a guy to chip in another 40 million I’m not saying the answer is yes every time what I’m saying is why did the world suddenly become obsessed with you know who we need to sign we need to sign the guy that you don’t see coming cuz we can get him at 10 million we can get him cuz he’s coming off arm surgery so we could get him at 10 million cuz that sure thing over there he’s 20 million I don’t want to spend 20 million on a sh thing I want to spend 10 million on the one that makes me look super smart and you boss will love me for doing it well you’re super smart 10 million coming off of a bad year like you do have a track record of nailing some of those from a Kevin gsman to uh Ron a Drew Smiley Carlos rodon but now you’re in a slump you’re in a Ross strippling Shawn manah slump as far as finding that guy um the sure thing is competitive I get it Freddy Freeman signed as a free agent with the Dodgers could the Giants have gotten them probably not but it’s because all of this has become a Snowball Effect it’s all built on one on itself and now the Dodgers are just this huming machine because they can walk up to any player and be like want to go to the World Series this year and they’re like yeah want to live in LA where it’s hot all the time yeah want to hit in a ballpark where when you hit a home run it actually goes over the fence yeah all right cool and we got four more of you to surround you in the lineup too right allar you’re hitting seven the hell are you do like what do you do you go the other way and you double down on pitching and defense and you bring in as many of the Great arms as you can and Robbie Ray darn it he’s going to be ready in July maybe after the All-Star break when you are 50 and 65 okay Robbie come in here and get your nine starts and see if you can’t get us up to the 75 win plateau and Blake Snell you know what we got one of the Boris 4 it was a great get here’s a one-year deal with a one-year option well he’s too hurt to pitch so that one didn’t work out too great and your defense as I mentioned before you’re fourth in baseball in errors committed including your prized defensive third baseman Matt Chapman who is second in baseball in errors on his own yep so you tried to go the way that you have to go Hunter Pence pitching in defense and your pitching hasn’t been great you know Webb has been really good Harrison’s been been as advertised Keaton wi now wow couple of bad ones in a row and your Blake Snell spot you can’t win out of and your Bullpen been shaky so shaky staff shaky defense and now you’re five games below 500 I like was there what what was the sure thing in this off season I mean obviously sh Otani um that’s such a Yamoto felt like a sure thing uh I guess I guess yeah and that to me if you really want to look back at the the way the Giants have played the last handful of off Seasons That’s the the whiff that’s the Miss that’s the one um it’s not sh Otani and it’s not Aaron judge like I Otani is such a different negotiation he’s going to walk in there and and he is like this is this is the contract that we would like to sign do you say yes yes we do okay we’ll we’ll call you back and obviously they didn’t they couldn’t compete with the Dodgers in terms of what Shi wanted now could they have countered his own proposal I I guess they could have I don’t know I don’t know how that whole thing was going to play out shohi was driven by winning to the point where I don’t know if he wanted more money agreed because he was like no you got to have something left to spend on everyone else but the yoshinobu Yamamoto situation the Giants have been working this for three years they have been working and obsess with him for three years and what what was the deal he ended up signing what did he get he got uh he get two 250 mil 300 the Dodgers SP 325 325 12 and three in a quarter okay and I don’t want to steal from Grandy I’m going to I I don’t know if he was about to jump in and say this but the other guy who felt like a sure thing is uh imanaga who has come on and been absolutely filthy pointed it out in our thread earlier and I mean he’s got a 108 ER I don’t know if it felt like a sure thing I guess you know what I mean but but yeah and I think they were quote in on him too the Giants are in on imanaga but Yamamoto was the one they were obsessed with right soir not a sure thing he’s been up he’s had up and down years even Blake snow coming off of sa young years he’s had down years yep Chapman the thought was well first half chap you’re loving it second half from last year Chapman uh and that’s kind of been more the player he’s been even jungle Lee was not even Jung that’s not a sure thing at all um it felt like Otani and Yamamoto right were the two where you could be like go mark it down these guys are going to play at a very high level your freaking rival got both of them got both of them spent a billion dollars spread out over the next Thousand Years um okay I what would the question I always have is what would have what would have gotten it done you know what I mean how many times have we got well the giants made a competitive offer okay right competitive offer I don’t know man maybe they did offer Yamamoto more and he said no I have no CL Yamamoto signed after Otani right correct so I mean I maybe it’s a case where he was more comfortable going to play with Otani then he would have been coming here I just you look at it like I was really optimistic on Yamamoto because he’s a pitcher you don’t have like sh you got to convince him that he’s got to hit the ball over triples alley Yamamoto that’s a strength that’s a strength so with the obsession that they had with him you know think about this this happens a lot of times it’s your local Charity Auction you get somebody to put that little paddle board in their hand if they decide and they are of resource I’m not losing this item well then that’s it you’re not losing and you will go wherever the hell you need to go in order to walk out of there with that item I would have liked to see the Giants do that with Yamamoto I’m not in on their negotiations I can’t tell you what happened but could you walk up to Yamamoto and his representatives and go look and this remember this was the story remember the headline the Giants will not be outbid for yoshinobu Yamamoto and dibs maybe they weren’t but was this sentence uttered was this question asked hey what’s it going to take to take all of the other teams off the table what’s it going to take to take all of these other conversations and get them off of the table so that you will only look at us what’s it going to take answer that question then say yes before they’re even done answering it well maybe the the answer to that question is there’s nothing you can do to take the other teams off the table maybe because showy Otani is a Dodger and boy I I sure would like to play with another Japanese player and otani’s a Dodger and the Dodgers are good so we’re not doing take the other teams off the table make your best offer and I’ll make my decision maybe that’s how it went probably or even if you do that you know 400 million okay fine we’ll do it then do you call the Dodgers hey the Giants are going to do 400 million well you and the Dodgers May well have been like sure I mean for all we know that’s exactly how it happened like how do we know that the Giants didn’t be like dude whatever he goes h fine 325 mil deal you got it would you rather finish second or third to a pitcher you found out is really good in in this Yamamoto situation or would you rather not even have much interest in a pitcher who turns out to be really good this from Alex pavlovich January 10th um here’s here’s a our Giants one of our Giants insiders Alex pavlovich in a tweet I’ve seen a lot of confusion about the Giants in imaga they were never a front runner here people say people just went wild with rumors here’s the quote they view him as more of a backend starter in prefer other guys oh what’s his ra gry just over one he’s 5 and0 and the ra jumped up because he gave up two earned runs his last outing it was like s before that yeah 1.08 yeah and you pointed this out gry a few days ago about uh you know guys who are just unreal and you know what what a Topline St the Cubs are paying him four years $53 million okay that’s 13 and a quarter per possibly less than the Giant are going to play Snell between now and next October oh for sure yeah for sure well no not for sure cuz he could opt out he could come back and have a good season I don’t know right but we’re a quarter of the way in and he doesn’t have a win yet and his deal is what 32 million a year is that right 31 right so so what hurts more just not having the foresight in your scouting Department to miss or come up second or third I still think the Yamamoto thing hurts more cuz that’s the guy you wanted the Giants if they were wrong about imanaga then they were wrong like the other thing on imanaga is he could just be on a heater I mean it’s five stars yeah right he could just be on a heater this does not mean his career is going to be amazing seven starts five okay seven starts and eventually there will be a book on imada and he will normalize back to you know probably about a 1.70 all but the other thing is is they got a pitcher for four years you know the Giants can counter and say well look we went with who we thought was an awesome Lefty his name is Blake Snell and it’s like right and if that goes well he’s gone in one year gone and if it doesn’t go well then it’s a bad contract and then you’re going to pay $62 million over two years for a guy who disappoints you so not good but I still when I look back on this off season and I think what disappointed you as far as who you didn’t get it’s not Otani cuz that didn’t surprise me it’s Yamamoto cuz I thought I thought they could get him getting Blake Snell definitely tamped down that disappointment but now the disappointment kind of goes back up with Snell missing so many starts uh we’re sponsored by Safeway the number is 888 957 9570 uh but from the files of wait till you hear this wait till you hear what Chris Sims said about Kyle Shanahan within the last 24 hours this is really interesting we’ll get to that coming up on Willard and dibs head to SA [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] best day of the week now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game I like your attitude well that was the old mean spirited me yeah oh right I forgot about the new you that love I’m so SM I’m running the show you know what the new me says bro if you think that Thursday is the best day of the week then good for you man God bless you I love that you can be so happy and you could so Embrace a day of the week for me the days of the week are like children all right tul I got another idea for you now you’re portraying me in a way that I I’m not trying to be portrayed anymore gry is accurate is is only the tip of the iceberg and all the drops that are in there I don’t love the young people there’s so many more John why don’t you try Uranus there is that that was aimed at John fiser that was well pointed and that was well played yeah Mark God the days of the week for me are like children I love them all equally this is actually going to be an alphabetical order oh might have lost my cool there for no real reason you got to be running out of material back there don’t you gry it’s still still my favorite thing that you can play I’m angry Jeff I’m angry Jeff that’s awesome I’m angry Jeff that’s awesome it’s so good the pause is perfect oh my gosh that gets me every single time um all right glad you’re with us hey um this is different this is different check this out Chris Sims um who again if you’re not sort of familiar with all the connectivity here Chris Sims does a lot of stuff with pro football talk and NBC and Florio and all of that right former quarterback um BigTime Texas Longhorn Kyle Shanahan’s roommate just teammate go Kyle Shanahan’s very very close friend when they played at Texas and then on Chris goes into the NFL doesn’t do much now as an analyst but when you hear him talk about Kyle Shanahan it’s always a little bit different it’s not like any sports media person talking about Kyle Shanahan you run it through the filter of dude these guys are tight these guys are tight okay so that’s one thing when Chris says oh I think they’re gonna draft M Jones they’re like o Kyle told him no Kyle doesn’t tell Chris who they want to draft that would be stupid but there are other things like this one that I think you do look at differently because of the source um listen to this the way the 49ers acquire players who’s in charge this is much respect for John Lynch right big part of the organization now this is thing where I I’ve tell people this sometimes and I still think they’re shocked about this or they don’t understand this right Kyle Shanahan’s picking the players Kyle Shanahan is the GM of the 49ers he has Absolute Total power right so it’s not to way take away anything from you know a John Lynch or just like a Brett V of Kansas City Andy Reid gets final power call right there’s a few of those in the NFL right so it it ain’t Peters or Lynch it’s it’s it’s Shanahan then it’s Lynch and then it was Peters when he was there okay Kyle Shanahan is the general manager of the 49ers you know how I know that what Chris Sims is saying is true how do you think John Lynch got the general manager job with the 49ers well I thought that he’d be a good fit and stuff and I got the job first and and stuff and so I told Jed York that you I think that John Lynch would would be a good guy and stuff and um I think I can get him out of the booth and stuff and I think John and I can work well together and stuff and so um Jed I think we should hire him and stuff possibly Kyle Shanahan picked John Lynch to be the general manager of the team and stuff and stuff because he’s like I think that guy might be a nice assistant and stuff so and somebody who he can bounce things off of somebody who knows football and a guy that he’s a Hall of Famer yes and super smart out of Stanford it was a great fit and it’s a great parent right and so I’m not I’m not taking anything away from John I’m not saying he doesn’t have a voice in the room or a lot of power or that he’s a figurehead or any of those things but I think this is interesting and and this conversation will go somewhere too there’s there’s also a dot dot dot and and check this out but Kyle Shanahan runs the show runs the show and so I know how a lot of people think when we’re talking about this stuff and so some of you I bet right now are like see and that’s why it’s on Kyle if they don’t win it all okay not wrong couldn’t I also argue that roster which every single person who watches football would say that thing is stacked sexy that thing is a delicious roster okay who gets the nod for that why is the roster so good especially when he walked into the room to get interviewed famously the story goes well Kyle what do you think what would you do he well your roster is terrible yeah you have no Talent here so let’s start there and what are we is this year seven is it seven years for you just finished year seven okay so in seven years and by the way it didn’t take this long cuz he was in a Super Bowl you know four years ago also like this roster Kyle did this Kyle did this and there have been major mistakes starting with Trey Lance and we could go on and on and Ruben Foster and Solomon and we could go on and on and on there have been major mistakes but I would argue there have been a lot more interesting finds my God you know has crushed the late rounds from Dre green law to George KD to Brock pie and then you go into the free agency and all of that charvarius Ward and the Trent Williams trade and Kyle yusek and everything else that they’ve done the drafting of those two receivers Debo Samuel Brandon iuk who we love so much K Shanahan it’s on K Shanahan’s watch he’s the one who is running the show right and you can see it in the draft and you know you get to 31 and everyone’s thinking about what they should do or might do and he takes a receiver because he thinks that they probably need to bolster the receiver room and he likes the player and so that’s the direction they go and he even mentioned it about last year he looked at the roster and he realized that you know the one need they had was kicker so he took a kicker in the third round and he doesn’t give a crap what you think about that that’s right and what what’s funny about that is it’s it’s a little bit ruined the NFL draft for me because I get the whole fun and you know this we joked about it I’m not a huge draft guy like I don’t want your draft grades the day after I don’t care you don’t know you think you know it’s just content and and because people are interested but the whole game of the draft is right as as your team approaches you’re like I hope they get this guy I hope this guy and the other thing we do is we need an off offensive tackle so I hope they take a tackle and we’ll say that without knowing a damn thing about who the fat guys are who are available at that pick we just we need an offensive tackle they should take a oh crap they took a receiver and I that’s the fun of the draft I don’t ever look at it that way I literally just wait until it’s their pick and then it’s like that gift of the guy eating popcorn just get your popcorn like I just want to see what happens I’m not like I don’t I go in with no expectation whatsoever and I’m like like just a dumb person like well let’s see what Kyle does oh okay Ricky peera well I trust Kyle right he’s going to be right more often than not so let’s go with that well you can do that when you’re picking 31 and when you trade up to number two and you end up taking Trey Lance then that’s all the excitement’s going to be swirling in a different way because you made that trade to move up and now you know they’re going to take a quarterback in which one is it going to be Ma Jo they can’t possibly take ma Jones can they they can’t possibly trade all the way up there and take ma Jones Mack would be available later why would you trade up to trade ma Jones so to the Chris Sims point about the M Jones rumor and that whole pick was swirling around you know which quarterback would they take when you’re sitting at 31 yeah they could they need a tackle and they need a linebacker and they need a tight end and whatever you want to think you get to 31 and you’re going to take the best available when you’re a team that’s already stacked so the peer Soul thing right so they take him yeah and and then I I saw this earlier this week and um this is kind this is my thing now this blurb that I’m about to read to you this is what media will be like in hell if I ever end up there wow I hate this stuff this is so stupid to me I understand the game people want the content nobody wants a draft analyst like how lame would it be if they’re like all right the Niners take peol let’s go to m Kyper Mel what do you think well guys we’ll see back to you back to you Bob we’re going to have to find out in three years if he’s actually good right no one’s paying anybody for that so I get it however I find this to sound equally stupid okay ESPN’s Jeremy Fowler recently singled out the 49ers and the selection of Ricky peol as the quote biggest head scratcher of the 2024 NFL draft quote most teams I spoke to pegged him as a day two pick considering the 49ers still have Debo Samuel and Brandon auk on the roster bolstering the offensive or defensive line seemed like a sensible play end quote the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life well it’s only stupid in terms of you know what he thinks they need ultimately it comes down to just one thing is he any good if Ricky piol turns out to be the next Tyreek Hill then Jeremy Fowler is going to have egg on his face because at 31 it’ll be wow yeah man what a fine they had Ricky peol this guy’s a top five receiver in this league and the Niners got him at 31 what a steel well here’s the okay we got to pull this apart it’s so funny to be on so many levels most teams called him a day two pick he was two picks away from being a day two pick correct they took him two picks before a day two pick that’s always my favorite so the 49ers kind of agree with you Jeremy right okay so that’s number one and every other team kind of agrees with you because 30 teams actually not quite 30 teams because Chicago passed on him twice Minnesota passed on him twice I believe wow next one considering you’ve already got Debo or Brandon on the roster which they literally were in the midst of the weekend where you didn’t even know if they were still going to be on the roster number one and number two it seems highly likely that at least one of them won’t won’t be on the roster Beyond this year and then the third part the sensible thing bolster your offensive or defensive line by picking someone we don’t like right we we don’t like any of the people who are available at this pick right now that play offensive or defensive line so you want us to you want us to pick someone we have not evaluated as high because they play a position that you think we need to be better at right right and forget the fact that they they did bolster their offensive line they used 25% of their draft capital I believe on offensive linemen they drafted two of the eight that is accurate so are you expecting them to reach for somebody at 31 who they think that they can get at 90 or wherever as opposed to hey we really like this receiver and he’s here at 31 um dibs good players never come out of the draft past the second round you’re right I should know better like like half their team hang on here’s more from Fowler okay cuz he spoke to NFL personnel and he said there’s another quote an unnamed NFC Personnel evaluator oh boy said quote sounds serious he could be a nice number two or number three receiver good player but that was a bit of a reach in my opinion all right let’s unpack that for for a minute um does anybody who watches NFL football do you like Jameson Williams Detroit Lions wide receiver Jameson Williams yeah you like him right good player had good very fast players I recall when did they pick him what was that pick what was his draft uh spot Jameson Williams that was last year right um well no two years ago okay right two years ago Jameson Williams when was he picked somebody grabbed that draft status I’ll find it right here yeah pretty sure was a top 10 he was 12 he was the fourth receiver taken number 12 overall and largely NFL fans will sit here today and be like dude I like that guy I like Jameson Williams it’s been two years what’s the tail of the tape we’ve got a gambling suspension okay we’ve got a major injury um and what is he what is he on the Lions he’s their third receiver fourth if you count the tight end at best he has 25 catches in two years at best is their number two receiver they just broke off the bank for their number one receiver but here’s the evaluator talking about pick number 31 saying I mean he could be a nice number two good player but kind of a reach I I would argue if you get a really good number two receiver at number 31 hey uh Bravo Bob that’s a pretty important position right you’re number two receiver look around the league look around the league Justin Jefferson’s team was like we’ll take Jordan Addison please uh let’s do that um the Miami Dolphins they’re like uh Jaylen WD that that sounds good to us right the Cincinnati Bengals are uh are cruising around with t Higgins they’re like M Jamar chase sounds good to us like number if Ricky peel a year and a half from now is a quality number two receiver in the 49er offense home run pick home run right Total Home Run and I’m looking at that same draft where that you were just referencing the uh 2022 draft George Pickins second rounder that’s a home run pick for Pittsburgh he’s been fantastic FC as a second round receiver yes yes it’s pain in the rear but yes but he’s been productive he’s very good player he’s a very good player Rashad white Tampa Bay in the third round they’re probably very pleased with that pick as well and it goes on and on and you look all the way down the draft like you said you can find Value later in the draft Romeo dos was a fourth rounder they got Christian Watson and Romeo dos in the same draft neither of them in the first round right uh they a day two and a day three pick respectively I think Green Bay is pretty pleased with their group right now totally and I’d argue if you’ve got a good offensive system and a good quarterback then a lot of receivers can produce a lot of them right like we have to admit that with receivers as well they they they can be sort of reliant on what’s going on around them I know we say that about quarterbacks sometimes where we’re like well who’s his weapons right the Bears for years they never have any weapons well a very good quarterback in a good system can also produce weapons like those weapons right Tom Brady’s receivers were like good and then they would go to another team and then they weren’t good anymore Isaiah Pacho was uh pick number 251 in Kansas City yeah I believe he was the starting running back for the Super Bowl winning Chiefs I think he’s got two rings that’s accurate two rings in two years and they also took Sky Moore in that same draft which but you know Super Bowl champ a guy who’s in a system and he you know didn’t have to be dominant to play and get a ring so couple rings for Sky Moore as well one one another one more quote and this one will excite you you’re piling on Fowler pretty good here well he does say one unnamed AFC executive okay acknowledge the appeal of picking Ricky peol ready for this quote this one is going to both anger and excite you at the same time I’ll tell you how I feel don’t tell tell me how to feel this is going to excite you and anger you I don’t do anger anymore Mark you’re angry dibs that’s awesome I’m angry Jeff that’s awesome thank you Mark really can’t survive that when you play it I have no chance when you play it I have no chance okay all right um the unnamed AFC executive says about peol quote they wanted a Runner like the Rams have in pukah woo probably see him in the exact same role okay let’s go that doesn’t anger me at all yeah it does cuz I won the Fantasy League cuz puka AA cuz I got him on waivers the first week because I automatically got first waivers because of where I drafted what do you think about that I’m angry Mark I’m angry je angry was awesome all thousand was awesome it really was it just I’m I’d like to say I’m over it but I think the three of us the four of us I can’t see Lucas but he knows I’m not I’ll never be over it but so you’re excited and angry I was right I am excited because puka AA had not only a good year but an historic year unbelievable player best rookie year in history fourth rounder fifth rounder that sounds right I wonder who was scratching their head right it’s a reach when that I hate that phrase what does that even mean it’s a reach like yeah you had a reach for the phone to call the kid that you really really like and you picked him you know what I mean like here here’s here’s another way of saying this what if the Niners had picked Pierce sa in round two because he’s a day two pick I’d like to pick what if they picked him in round two and he sucked out loud then what would you say BST of course you’d still be upset you’d still be upset no matter when you get him we’re all still upset about the third round running backs that they’ve been taking the last handful of years puka was a fifth rounder Fifth and the 20th receiver taken dude in the NFL draft 20th he’s a star he’s so good taken after jayen hayatt Josh DS and Michael Wilson so like not to mention Tyler Scott and Charlie Jones would you argue when he says it like that they wanted a route Runner like the Rams have in puka so in other words somebody who is very very defined and talented with the way they run the routes I would argue that that means to me like if peaw was a panther maybe you’re right he might stink because what does that do for you you have a quarterback who can’t even function you have an offensive line that cannot create an offensive play but if you put piol in with the 49ers and we got running backs and a quarterback and other receivers and a tight end and an offensive line and Trent Williams blah blah blah and you’re a fine route runner dude you’re going to crush it so in many ways like teams are not drafting the same player so when another team goes well that was a reach yeah maybe because your team sucks right but on this squad that dude’s going to produce because we got a coach and a quarterback and an offensive system that does really well in this league and two receivers who are both really really good so you don’t have the same expectation that even the Rams had with puka nakua because you had cuper CP Cooper cup he was hurt for a lot of the year and so you needed n to come in and do what he did it was out of desperation a little bit like the way TJ D emerged and P jimsky with the Warriors it was a need that got filled the Niners likely hopefully knock on wood won’t have that need so maybe it’s a little bit of a red shirt year for Ricky Pearson maybe maybe I expect Ricky piol to be a part of this whole thing this year of course I really do but I don’t think that he’ll play if if Debo and iuk are both mostly healthy I don’t think he plays more than Jawan Jennings did last year which is 33% of the snaps I wonder if they’ve got new wrinkles this year like I I’d say this if I’m Kyle Shanahan in the 49ers I come out of this l last year this experience you lose to Patrick Mahomes again and and now um Brock pie is turning into an experienced quarterback still very young but now we’ve got a season and a half under our belt and two playoff runs I am looking at this year and thinking I think Christian mcaffrey needs fewer touches and Brock py needs more throws that’s what I’m doing this year we’re not worried about you ucl’s anymore Christian mcaffrey is approaching 30 we probably need to be more dynamic in the past game we need to scratch that itch a little bit you need to bolster that if you want to be able to get to a Super Bowl and and and a momes or an allen or a burrow or whoever are waiting for you we got to be able to go toe-to-toe with that and be a little bit more dynamic in the passing game and maybe piol helps out with that maybe you’re going three wides a lot more I don’t know yeah I don’t I don’t think so I don’t know we can talk about this as we get closer but I think when push comes to shove it’ll just be more running maybe it’s gendo and maybe you get more Eli Mitchell I think you’re still going to run it more than you pass it because that’s the Shanahan way um wasn’t it like almost 5050 I mean they ran it more than they passed one of only three teams to run it more than they threw it but like barely barely one of three teams Mark I hear you um all right we still haven’t gotten our Patrick Beverly rant and uh so that’s coming up 888 957 9570 is the number we’d love to hear from you it’s Willard and dips I’ve got a rant to to deliver but it’s a positive rant because I’m a positive guy these days Mark and it’s about [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] y [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] aahah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] twitch and YouTube powered by first NorCal Credit Union fire Kyle right now possibly now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game okay let’s have some fun 5:00 hour on the best day of the week right come on man no no no for real it’s Thursday night y’all college campuses are about to go off it’s Thursday night you know that I’m feeling it okay and also you know I love golf and we’ve got two events this week so I’ll get home and throw on the Golf Channel and there’ll be a replay of one of the two events you are a wild man well you know put that baby down about 8:15 and I throw on the Golf Channel bro woohoo what you doing tonight oh it’s a big night big night fruit salad on the Golf Channel I’m going to spoon food into another human being and turn on the Golf Channel she’s feeding herself these days totally exactly keep it down she’s sleeping come on man all right check this out this will be fun this will be fun I promise especially if y all engage and participate you know what that’ll make it okay participation sensation okay oh gosh someone just grabbed my attention on YouTube loom Moco says Bull’s Tavern Willard that’s a good listener or someone who went to calp gotcha cuz Bull’s Tavern that’s where it all went down for the 21st birthday great let’s drink thank you Thursday nights as well Thursday nights Farmers Market San Louis abiso higera Street let’s go TR tip beer Bulls Tavern pass out okay no classes Friday that was the way you did it man that’s the way you do it now I’m a damn teacher at that school that is so weird anyway here’s where we could really have some fun okay 888 957 95 70 how do you currently feel about officiating in sports why I mean what why you doing this Mark and that’s a great question I have a reason I have multiple reasons I mean no I do multiple reasons for asking this question of course you do I do I think before I speak do you want my answer sure the the answer how do I feel about it I feel as if it is broken okay we have a system now where everything is so scrutinized to where officials I think are hesitant to to make the right call additionally you’ve got some officials in some sports and I won’t name check them but in Major League Baseball you could name the three or four umps who are not good enough and you could look at the NBA playoffs and there are three or four officials in the playoffs who I think are having a really really tough time including one of them last night and you look at a system where the the calls that are being made are either flat wrong or open to critique and when they are open to critique you’ve got coaches players broadcasters fans bloggers tweeters podcasters everybody is weighing in and they all have an opinion Y and you’re not wrong but it doesn’t help the situation when you have video review and then every call is now suddenly spread throughout the world and the criticism gets louder officiating is broken and I don’t know what the Cure is well and you answer this in a way that I I really understand I know I know who you are I know what you do in your free time and I I think a lot of our listeners know you officiate at the at the Youth Level you’ve been involved in it for billion years and all of that stuff and so um I get like I always hear this when you’re talking about anything officiating related is I can almost I mean I don’t want to R like like Roy Firestone I’m not going to try to make you cry here but I can hear the abuse that you’ve suffered when I hear you talk about officiating and sometimes it’s funny because we’re sitting here talking about a Warrior game and what’s coming out of you is is like those parents that that are acting out at a at a at a youth game in uh in Fairfax on a Saturday and and so it’s like shading your opinion of what Steve Javy did and it makes a lot of us chuckle but I’ve also like we we’ve watched it we’ve all been there like the Youth Sports Experience I watched some video last night where someone got attacked like a brawl yeah in in front of 8-year-olds what are we doing right so that filters up to the pro level and the review thing is a very interesting point so here’s what I’d say there’s a whole discussion to have here and we would really love to hear from you so 888 957 9570 you all line up on like how do you currently feel about officiating in sports this could be any sport how do you currently feel about officiating in sports but before we do that and before we tell you exactly why we’re doing that we have promised the rant so let’s rant okay Adam Silver acted in an incredibly cowardly way yesterday cowardly and I’m a huge Adam Silver fan but Patrick Beverly was suspended for four games not for throwing a ball at a fan but for throwing a ball at a fan twice hitting two fans and they looped in what they called inappropriate behavior toward a media member so the whole evening for Patrick Beverly the entire evening amounted to a 4 game suspension which will happen at the beginning of next year and therefore be lost into the Vortex of nothingness and poof that’s it so in 2024 where we are trying like hell especially in sports to see and hear all people in a different way to make sure that the WNBA is seen and heard female reporters seen and heard female talk show host seen and heard like everybody open this damn thing up a little bit and you can like what you like and not like what you don’t like but like let’s open this up and just see it from multiple angles in 2024 we have a player in the span of an hour Huck a basketball at two fans heads one of them a woman who had nothing to do with anything then he heads to the locker room and acts like a complete buffoon to a very highly respected female media member with the whole comment about if you missed it he would not let her speak to him or even put a microphone in front of his face unless she quote subscribes to his podcast all of these things happen within the span of an hour and you come up with four games four games why don’t you just send a memo to the players union and say if you don’t like what fans are doing in the stands go after them go after them it’s fine if you don’t like what the reporters are asking in the locker room turn your back on them make sure that only you speak to people who are financially helping you even though you’re a millionaire why don’t you send that memo to the Players Association cuz that’s the message you just sent right and it’s always been ridiculous it’s a joke it’s be it’s beyond ridiculous it’s an embarrassment and I’m glad you called out Adam Silver because it’s his organization that hands down the punishment and you waited about four or five days and I know his season was over anyway and he’s a free agent and I’m assuming that some team will pick him up and maybe that’s part of the reason why the suspension was so little is because they don’t want to deter another team from not picking up Patrick Beverly if he got 10 or 20 games his ability to get a new job with a new team it goes down significantly but the thing about it is this is Patrick Beverly this is a guy who’s gotten more than 80 technical fouls in his career this is a guy who’s been suspended before I’m looking just a year and a half ago two years ago rather he got suspended for forcefully shoving DeAndre Aon in a game when the man wasn’t looking he got three games for that and so now you rifle the ball not once but twice into the crowd and you hit two different fans and then you act like a complete donkey in the locker room those things combined along with your history your track record should have amounted to much much more and we saw this with Draymond Green Draymond Green got suspended indefinitely for his flail punch I lost my balance to Yousef nurkic which was on the heels of the choking of Rudy go and the league felt like they had to send a message to Draymond and so he got suspended indefinitely yet Patrick Beverly who broke the fourth wall and involved the fans which this is normally something that is punished much more severely yet Adam Silver does nothing and this is at the same time and we talked about officiating think about Michael Malone charging at Mark Davis at the end of game two during the game two rather doesn’t even get a technical foul and Jamal Murray throws a heting throws a heating pad on the court and does not get suspended and doesn’t get suspended he gets 100 Grand yeah which you know a lot of money but like whatever you know how much he makes a game he makes about 400 Grand a game more than 100 Grand so he got he got fined about a quarter that would be like you know whoever’s out there listening you got docked two hours of your pay over the course of a 40-hour work week which is annoying but it’s not a real punishment so at Adam Silver what happened to you bro you are toothless you are benign you are flaccid you are Rob Manfred oo well I wouldn’t have gone that far I did I’ve called Rob Manfred flaccid for a long time flid Rob I mean um Adam Silver let the Warriors move from Oakland to San Francisco not from Oakland to Shaban so um a little bit different than Rob Manfred in my mind but I hear where you’re coming from I do I do so um very disappointing it’s it’s it’s like to me there’s a lot when it comes to the whole discipline idea with Patrick Beverly or any player for that matter um I get it it’s it’s hard to comp it to other things or whatnot but when you get to a point where you are openly sending an attack toward the fans then you’re given a second to think about and you do it again I like that alone forget the fact that you acted like a buffoon in the locker room with a respected member of the media that alone to me is like I mean the conversation starts at 20 games that’s where it starts I think it starts at 10 but I’m not going to you know quibble with you over how severe it should be it definitely should be more than four and I think about the Dennis Rodman incident when he kicked a cameraman in the family and he got he got an easy 10 right there he got a clean 10 and that was a long time ago and that for me is about where it should have started but you know this topic is more than just punishment from the league I do think that and I don’t want to get too societal on you but the relationship between athletes and coaches and officials it’s beyond broken and I don’t know if it can be repaired uh um I don’t know that it was ever you know what I mean like it’s built to be that way it’s built it’s built we have a structure where because there’s so much more press and there’s so much more more scrutiny and one thing that really bugs me about basketball in particular before you had instant replay review the officials could handle things on the floor in a way that was not always based on 100% % accuracy in other words if there’s a rebound that goes up and the defender goes up and fouls the guy on offense and the ball goes off the offense they would just give the ball to the offense right like I mean right right but now because we have review you can’t do that because if you if you call it that way then we’re going to twirl our finger in the air we’re going to run over and put the headset on and we’re going to realize well gez the defense actually should get the ball but in actuality the defender fouled him so now we got to call the foul which leads to more boredom and more free throws because we can’t adjudicate things ourselves on the floor no doubt and there’s like there’s always going to be loopholes it’s like the slide at second base where you’re like he beat the throw there but the human body bounces a little bit when it hits the base and if the infielder holds the glove on the player the whole time well technically he was off the bag for a second and it’s like all right he’s out it’s like well that’s not what we’re doing that’s like that that’s a that’s not what we’re doing that’s not what we’re trying to fix here so there’s always going to be holes so it led to this question this question got posed earlier this is kind of a social media poll thing but um the reason this came up in part was because the Indiana Pacers have filed a complaint to the NBA over 78 different calls and non calls from just the first two games in New York and you can see what Rick carlile’s doing I mean he literally used the phrase in his press conference the other day like well for a small Market team like us right he is all that now he’s planting a seed there and he’s saying I know League I know you like Lakers and Knicks and Warriors and heat um I get it and Dallas Mavericks I know that’s what you like but we’re a small Market team and so it’s built to be against us that does feel a little hot 78 instances of incorrect or non calls they submitted to the NBA that they feel put them at a disadvantage in games one or two okay so it leads to this question how would you answer this given the amount of poor officiating across Sports which is already a bit of a pokey premise is this our poll uh it’s not our poll okay it’s a poll okay given the amount of poor officiating across Sports is it still considered a loser mentality to blame refs or officials for losses yes or no I to me it’s an easy one 888 957 9570 given the state of officiating in sports is it still a loser mentality to blame the refs following a loss that that is what the Indiana Pacers are currently doing right they are blaming the refs they’re down 02 and they are blaming the refs according to the Yahoo sports article I’m reading they identified 29 calls in game one and 49 in game two and uh these plays have been submitted to the league office and I feel bad for the video guy when Carlile comes in after the game and says hey I got 49 clips for you to pull you better get yourself a cup of coffee you’re going to be here for a little while and I’m looking at the last two-minute report from that uh that opening game in the series and there are 6 7 8 9 10 there are about 23 calls in the last two minutes that were reviewed in the last two-minute report a lot of them are correct calls correct non calls and there are four or five incorrect calls which I wonder if you did the whole game how many incorrect calls there would be over the course of an NBA game well first of all a you have to open up for the fact that this is somewhat subjective so you can like this is not just black and white like it’s correct or incorrect um we know this two people can look at the same thing and see something different uh plus like if you just want to legislate anytime there’s contact well then hell there’s a foul 14 times per play there’s a foul all over the place like everybody’s bumping into each other and everything what’s a foul what’s not a foul so that that’s sort of my my first response to it is we don’t even necessarily know what is correct and incorrect right the other thing I’d add though and I’ve made this point before with regard to that box at a baseball game now when we’re watching on TV I think that we we’ve reached a time where the amount of Technology we have is threatening our enjoyment of the game because we know too much within the process of watching the game that box will only serve to upset you when you watch a baseball game because we’ve decided that there’ll be a human being 60 ft away throwing the ball at 100 miles an hour and it will miss that box by a centimeter and the Umpire goes check one and we’re like idiot how the hell how the hell was that guy supposed to know that it missed the Box by a centimeter right it’s coming in at 100 miles an hour but we know we can see the little dot go Boop it was right above the Box yeah stupid idiot umpire we need to review well I don’t know man I don’t know how you ever getting the same football right his foot touched one blade of of white grass it was off the green he was out of idiot well we can see that now and we’re given this content constantly sometimes I watch a game and feel like the producers of the game are trying to anger me you’re trying to make me mad you’re trying to make me feel like my team is getting jobbed cuz make no mistake no fan ever has ever walked away from any game and not feel like they got jobbed we’re sitting here talking about small Market big market and we’re I’m watching comments fly up right in front of my face about how don’t put the Warriors in that group don’t put them in the big Market group they never get called right Steph Curry never gets calls you want to know why we feel that way cuz that’s our team exactly I mean Steph gets the worst whistle of any superstar in the history of the except for probably not really do you follow the account ump scorecards on Twitter um scorecards I know it fantastic account I I think I follow ump auditor okay same thing last night Giants uh beat the Rockies 8 to six Nester seha behind home plate oh never heard of him he had an overall accuracy of 95% oh that’s balls and Strikes 3.4% above the expected oh you’re only expected to get 92% correct 91 is the the approximate oh I didn’t even know what the expectation was that’s I’m looking at this and uh the Giants got an overall favor of .17 runs which is a pretty low number sometimes you’ll see this like man that team got helped by they got a run and a half yeah one of the big and then they also break down the impactful Miss calls like top of the third two two count to Elliot Ramos uh strike three was called the ball that’s an impactful missed call the guy was at 95% and yet you know fans will look at that 5% and say well you know if we had a robot up you wouldn’t miss that 5% so maybe we should just get to the point where AI not Alan Iverson or Andre Gala but let’s just let the machines officiate the game and we’ll see what that does for your enjoyment and your flow yep we’ll just take the hum element out of it and let the machines do it so what’s your you said easy answer what’s your answer to the question is that still a loser mentality it’s a loser mentality I mean for the majority of calls and we can go back to that Saints playoff game where it was clear-cut pi and they didn’t call it as a a pivotal play I would say it’s one in about maybe 500 games are decided by the officials it has to be an absolutely pivotal play in a pivotal moment for you to I think have an actual beef I I I I think I agree with that like the one that always comes to my mind and again how do you feel about the state of officiating in Sports 888 9957 9570 the one that always stands out and maybe it’s just cuz it’s somewhat recent was the year the Rams won the Super Bowl when uh when they played the New Orleans Saints yeah and the Absurd that’s the one I was just mentioning the Absurd pass interference with Alvin Kamar like and even that is not a perfect answer but that’s at the end of a game and it’s the style of call based on on where you are on the field and the score of the game that’s the kind of call that I look at and I go that changed the outcome of the game or very highly likely sure the Saints could have gotten the call and they could have fumbled the very next play but very very high likelihood that you changed the outcome of the game with that call but that it is very rare I mean walking out of a game and saying we got hosed by something that happened in the second quarter that’s not possible that’s not possible there’s never a game where there’s not going to be a bad call in every quarter um but you have to look at at like sort of what you know what’s the opportunity to Rally back from it isn’t that there’s a driving rule about this um and I think it’s like called Last Chance rule or something like that and I forget because it’s been so long since I’ve done driver’s ed or any of these tests my daughter’s going to be doing the permit thing here pretty soon so I I got to I got to brush up on this and so that I can help her out a little bit but it’s kind of that idea of if you’ve got two cars like which one is the last chance to sort of avoid the accident and and if you don’t avoid the accident it is more that person’s fault so it’s like you had an opportunity to overcome of course what is an what what is obvious which is that there are going to be frustrating calls made throughout a game so for me yeah it’s got to be at the very end basically it’s got to be an absolutely Ultra pivotal game like the the Fail Mary game which was uh was that Seattle Green Bay and they throw the Hail Mary and they one guy said it was caught and the other guy said it wasn’t caught and they squared off like the Spider-Man Meme and then they got together and they decided that it was a touchdown and they put the arms up right next to Pete Caroll and he put his arms up with him like it was almost like he called it with the ref touchdown and that sh replacement refs right fair enough fair enough and that’s you know again that’s an excuse but I think when you you look at the system that we have right now with the social media and the constant scrutiny and Rick Carlile coming out and saying yeah there’s 78 calls that they’re going to send in and dispute okay I’m not saying that he’s wrong but how many other calls went your way how many calls would the Knicks then submit well the Knicks come out and say you know we’ve got 64 calls so the Pacers got a net screw job of 14 calls is that what we’re looking at I’m going go all the way back to 1983 for a second okay I remember this Don deninger no Don Cardinal and Royals you remember uh he famously I think it was game six he blew will call it first base I do not remember I was eight all right I’ll look it up but I do remember this that might have been 85 and I was eight so Grandy let me let me let me help you with what would have been like a better answer on a quote Hail Mary before your time though but this is how scar this is how scarring an official can be dibs I was eight eight you should not be stressed out about professional sports when you’re eight your kid is when he was eight chip off the old block really stressed now and he’s 10 I had to go shoot hoops at whale park down the street from my house because that’s where I went that was my meditation when I was upset like when Roger Craig fumbled against the New York Giants and the Giants went to the Super Bowl to play the bills I had to go shoot hoops for like an hour and I had to go shoot hoops at age eight because of Billy White Shoes Johnson you’ll remember the name most of our listeners may not well event but this was with the Atlanta Falcons in 83 the 49ers are playing the Atlanta Falcons in 1983 the ners I don’t remember the final score of the game it doesn’t matter the ners are up by less than a touchdown the Falcons have the ball just inside the 50 yard line or so they throw the ball up hay Mary the ball is caught by Billy White Shoes Johnson at about the four yard line he makes one move he Dives and into the end zone he goes here’s the problem the knee was down at the four the elbow was down at the two the ball was down at the one and then the body just kind of slithered into the end zone well after all parts of the body were clearly down was he touched oh yes oh yes oh yes and that official got really caught up in an exciting play and that official put two arms up that’s a touchdown big problem in 1983 guess what it was no review yep touchdown you know what we did have we had instant replay y just not for the Reps but I could see on TV as could my dad who had a little pulsating thing happen in his neck when the 49ers lost his neck would start pulsating like you could see it with your eyes we’re always worried there was going to be something that goes wrong for my dad in a 49er game cuz his body would literally have a reaction when the 49ers lost a tough game and I sat there and W he was down not dibs not at the one he down at the two it was not even close I’ll show you the Highlight in a sec those of you listening go look at it Billy White Shoes Johnson 1983 not close down down way before the end zone 1986 is when instant replay started and one of the big reasons well the biggest reason was uh the Mike Renfro catch Houston Oilers 1980 they were going to beat the Pittsburgh Steelers Renfro goes up in the back of the end zone and catches it and they ruled him out I mentioned the Don daninger yes it was actually 1985 mark it would have been the final out of the World Series and he blew the call at first the Royals would go on to rally and win 2 to one and then the next day they beat St Louis 11 nothing in game seven to win the World Series so as far as blown calls go and can you blame the the UMP for a loss yeah Cardinal fan would blame Don daninger and I’m sure they still do nearly 40 years later um I’m watching The Highlight again right now buddy it still makes me mad oh my God he’s so down the whole body is on the ground tackled by two people before the one yard line and the ref is like yeah oh my gosh and he did that little Crazy Legs dance in the end Z and there’s just bedum and celebration and I could I’m I’m not over it I’m not over it it’s only been 41 years right I mean well and now it would be it would be reviewed and it would be most likely it’s not even close it’s not even close what’s funny is even with instant replay review now there are plays that we think aren’t even close and yet they don’t get overturned or they get upheld depending on which way it was initially called the call on the field and some things can’t actually be reviewed which is you know for some reason kind of a laughable thing I’m showing dibs right now the freeze frame it looks short he looks a wee bit short I mean his elbows on the ground his shoulders on the ground his butts on the ground and not a piece of him has reached the end zone yet and he’s been tackled by three people and the ball’s in his Trail hand too so he doesn’t look like he didn’t look like he got in Mark oh my God it was brutal brother it was brutal well all of this has led us to where we are today which is we’re going to review it and I wouldn’t necessarily say that we get that many more calls right and you see it in Major League Baseball all the time where you review stuff it’s like oh my God how how are they how are they not overturning that it looks as plain as day and yet you know you know where we’re going by the way in baseball they have it in the minor leagues in a lot of different spots and I don’t know if any of you have done the dive to look at what it looks like they you will like this part of it they have perfected how quickly they can do it the good news of that box being there is that it’s incredibly obvious immediately whether it’s a strike or not so an Umpire can call the strike and the player immediately Taps the helmet tap the helmet they turn around and look up and I’m telling you this takes less than five seconds they turn around they look up oh actually it wasn’t a strike okay all three right back to the mound so the good news is I do think they can do this quickly but it is coming like a freight train you’re not going to be able to stop it and I’m kind of with you something you said earlier uh about like what you miss in baseball right which is like I mean some of the most fun moments not that you’re looking for this but dude managers going crazy and turning their hats sideways and kicking dirt on the umps when’s the last time it happened I like I don’t even know I can’t even remember well Aaron Boone got thrown out for what a fan said so if we want to talk about like where’s the state of officiating today Major League Baseball the relationship between umpires players and managers they need to all sit down and do some iasa and talk about how they can get this thing right and talk about their feelings because you’ve got umpires now just throwing people out over nothing there’s a pitcher the other day who just made a gesture like yeah that pitch was outside the um rips up off his mask and does the fstep walk around and you’re gone we’re just throwing people out for nothing meanwhile in the NBA you can barge on the floor and get in Mark Davis’s face you can attack the fans and that’s fine I just in the NFL you never see the ref throw a 15 y on the coach I’m not saying we need to get to that point but you know you’ve got coaches who will peel off the headset and just give it to the side Jud you have to bump you have to bump a ref to get a to get a 15 yard flag unless it’s college and we got a sideline warning I mean can you imagine can you imagine in the the emotion of football the physicality of football what we know that that those players are like in that moment can you imagine what gets said to the ref and you never see a damn like in the NBA technical fouls for what people say all the time in baseball you get thrown out for looking at somebody wrong like you showed me up you can’t act like you thought that was a strike when it wasn’t you’re out Anthony Edwards got teed up for staring at someone after he dunked on go taunting in football I those refs must get mother B I mean all the time and you could NE like what could you even do imagine a ref doing throw the flag up I mean yeah you can call unsportsman likee conduct you imagine throwing a coach out Kyle Shanahan’s been ejected from the ball game we’re talking seriously like NFL coaches you almost never get a flag let alone get ejected like occasionally we’ll see it in the English Premier League where a manager will get a red on the touchline it’s like whoa yeah he lost is cool but it’s not like he’s calling plays there’s a sensitivity that I do wish w wasn’t there like it it has gotten that you know you talk about the relationship it has gotten so sensitive that uh and the best example is what happened to Aaron Boone last week when when people are getting thrown out and and like by the way that should have been reviewed you throw a guy out for not doing anything and it was a misunderstanding why can’t we go to the video on that by the way that did not get changed Aaron Boon literally said nothing he said nothing and he got thrown out of a game right and it’s I don’t know it does definitely hit me in a different way because I do youth officiating one thing I will say is because the pros act the way they act it has filtered down to Youth Sports and the more acrimony there is in Youth Sports the fewer people that want to do the job and the fewer people that want to do the job the more people without experience and ability are doing the job which only makes things worse um we’re sponsored by Lucky California and not done yet on Willer and dibs lucky knows that moms have a special kind n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now back to Willard and dibs on 957 the game well I tell you what um it’s hard to make a ref or an up lovable um but I don’t know man it it it’s almost that way like I I do think nobody comes out of a game thinking about um oh let’s give the let’s give the refs a break I just look at it now and go this environment and sort of the technology that’s been created you know you can only ask a human being to do what a human being can do it’s kind of like my theory on baseball right now and how the mound might need to be lowered because human beings can’t hit 102 mph cheese on the black they can’t do that um same way that an Umpire can’t tell you that that 102 mph cheese was a centimeter outside exactly so I don’t know I mean having done some lowlevel High School and Little League home plate umpiring to track the ball and figure out high low inside and outside at even 75 mil an hour with movement it’s not easy takes practice and these are the best in the business to do it Angel Hernandez notwithstanding but the fact that they’re able to hit on 95% of the calls to me really impressive it’s amazing it it it really is uh League Pass Luke has something for us but we do want to go to the calls really quick uh Tony in San Diego you’re on with Willard and dibs what’s up yeah hey guys Tony so a handful of years back when I came down to San Diego I was in college and I decided to ref uh high school basketball just to make some extra money I played basketball growing up but I never refed uh I thought it’d be a good idea so I start going and you know they’re giving me the Freshman girls games you know because that’s what you give the new refs and I lasted about half a season uh I you know Not only was there a foul or a travel on every single play I had the coaches and I had you know moms mostly dads just scaming at me half of these players it was their first year playing basketball you know and I had these people just you know like belittling me screaming at me just saying God knows what uh over this you know freshman girls basketball game uh it wouldn’t matter if it was boys but I just I my question is then why would people want to sub subject themselves to that like why do refs why why would you ref you know why do these NBA refs I know they get paid they get paid well but when you look at every time down the floor and I’m a Warriors fan but Draymond and all these guys I mean they’re just yelling they’re ripping into these refs like all the time they’re allow rep players are allowed to get in their face and and give him the third degree I just I it’s no wonder that refs now are becoming you know more sensitive and just wanting to just nip it in the bud and I just think that the NBA is the most visible sport you know you see everyone’s faces you see the ref’s faces it’s all just right out there for you I think what we see going on in the NBA really is the main thing that’s trickling down to you know Youth Sports and and things like that where we just feel like we can just treat the refs however we want I’m not saying I have a different sort of take on NBA refs and their skill level and how they ref how they officiate that’s separate but they’re humans like what do we expect from them well I mean Tony I I I’d say this you know you say why would anyone do that I mean why does anyone do any job there are a lot of people who have unpleasant jobs I would never argue that being an NBA ref and I had a cousin who who had this job and he loved this job he he thank you he loved this job and um and did it very very well um and actually had an interesting path to get there he was an Umpire and an NBA or a basketball ref at the collegiate level and then opportunity knocked and he ended up in the pack 10 and then he ended up in the NBA and at that time was the youngest NBA ref in the history of the league when they expanded from two refs to three that’s what gave him his opportunity he was good at it and it paid him well that’s why most people

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